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  1. merge from AFP-2016-1
  2. sitegen for Stewart_Apollonius
  3. new entry: Stewart_Apollonius
  4. new entry DynamicArchitectures
  5. New entry Decl_Sem_Fun_PL
  6. new entry HOLCF-Prelude
  7. change submission guidelines at the right place
  8. mention subgoal command
Changeset 8148:b5175425c5db by rene thiemann
merge from AFP-2016-1
Changeset 8147:76a017c9f777 by rene thiemann
sitegen for Stewart_Apollonius
The file was addedweb/entries/Stewart_Apollonius.shtml
The file was modified metadata/metadata (diff)
The file was modified web/entries/Chord_Segments.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/index.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/rss.xml (diff)
The file was modified web/statistics.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/topics.shtml (diff)
Changeset 8146:8b1a827d1ecc by rene thiemann
new entry: Stewart_Apollonius
The file was addedthys/Stewart_Apollonius/ROOT
The file was addedthys/Stewart_Apollonius/Stewart_Apollonius.thy
The file was addedthys/Stewart_Apollonius/document/root.bib
The file was addedthys/Stewart_Apollonius/document/root.tex
The file was modified thys/ROOTS (diff)
Changeset 8145:7baf9a359f62 by nipkow:
new entry DynamicArchitectures
The file was addedthys/DynamicArchitectures/Configuration_Traces.thy
The file was addedthys/DynamicArchitectures/Dynamic_Architecture_Calculus.thy
The file was addedthys/DynamicArchitectures/ROOT
The file was addedthys/DynamicArchitectures/document/root.bib
The file was addedthys/DynamicArchitectures/document/root.tex
The file was addedweb/entries/DynamicArchitectures.shtml
The file was modified metadata/metadata (diff)
The file was modified thys/ROOTS (diff)
The file was modified web/entries/Coinductive.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/index.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/rss.xml (diff)
The file was modified web/statistics.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/topics.shtml (diff)
Changeset 8144:b75b3712f5b7 by nipkow:
New entry Decl_Sem_Fun_PL
The file was addedthys/Decl_Sem_Fun_PL/BigStepLam.thy
The file was addedthys/Decl_Sem_Fun_PL/ChangeEnv.thy
The file was addedthys/Decl_Sem_Fun_PL/DeclSemAsDenot.thy
The file was addedthys/Decl_Sem_Fun_PL/DeclSemAsDenotFSet.thy
The file was addedthys/Decl_Sem_Fun_PL/DeclSemAsNDInterpFSet.thy
The file was addedthys/Decl_Sem_Fun_PL/DenotCompleteFSet.thy
The file was addedthys/Decl_Sem_Fun_PL/DenotCongruenceFSet.thy
The file was addedthys/Decl_Sem_Fun_PL/DenotEqualitiesFSet.thy
The file was addedthys/Decl_Sem_Fun_PL/DenotLam5.thy
The file was addedthys/Decl_Sem_Fun_PL/DenotSoundFSet.thy
The file was addedthys/Decl_Sem_Fun_PL/EquivDenotInterTypes.thy
The file was addedthys/Decl_Sem_Fun_PL/EquivRelationalDenotFSet.thy
The file was addedthys/Decl_Sem_Fun_PL/InterTypeSystem.thy
The file was addedthys/Decl_Sem_Fun_PL/Lambda.thy
The file was addedthys/Decl_Sem_Fun_PL/MutableRef.thy
The file was addedthys/Decl_Sem_Fun_PL/MutableRefProps.thy
The file was addedthys/Decl_Sem_Fun_PL/Optimizer.thy
The file was addedthys/Decl_Sem_Fun_PL/README
The file was addedthys/Decl_Sem_Fun_PL/ROOT
The file was addedthys/Decl_Sem_Fun_PL/RelationalSemFSet.thy
The file was addedthys/Decl_Sem_Fun_PL/SmallStepLam.thy
The file was addedthys/Decl_Sem_Fun_PL/SystemF.thy
The file was addedthys/Decl_Sem_Fun_PL/ValueProps.thy
The file was addedthys/Decl_Sem_Fun_PL/Values.thy
The file was addedthys/Decl_Sem_Fun_PL/ValuesFSet.thy
The file was addedthys/Decl_Sem_Fun_PL/ValuesFSetProps.thy
The file was addedthys/Decl_Sem_Fun_PL/document/root.tex
The file was addedweb/entries/Decl_Sem_Fun_PL.shtml
The file was modified metadata/metadata (diff)
The file was modified thys/ROOTS (diff)
The file was modified web/index.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/rss.xml (diff)
The file was modified web/statistics.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/topics.shtml (diff)
Changeset 8143:7afd755ed98c by
new entry HOLCF-Prelude
The file was addedthys/HOLCF-Prelude/Data_Bool.thy
The file was addedthys/HOLCF-Prelude/Data_Function.thy
The file was addedthys/HOLCF-Prelude/Data_Integer.thy
The file was addedthys/HOLCF-Prelude/Data_List.thy
The file was addedthys/HOLCF-Prelude/Data_Maybe.thy
The file was addedthys/HOLCF-Prelude/Data_Tuple.thy
The file was addedthys/HOLCF-Prelude/Definedness.thy
The file was addedthys/HOLCF-Prelude/HOLCF_Main.thy
The file was addedthys/HOLCF-Prelude/HOLCF_Prelude.thy
The file was addedthys/HOLCF-Prelude/List_Comprehension.thy
The file was addedthys/HOLCF-Prelude/Num_Class.thy
The file was addedthys/HOLCF-Prelude/Numeral_Cpo.thy
The file was addedthys/HOLCF-Prelude/ROOT
The file was addedthys/HOLCF-Prelude/Type_Classes.thy
The file was addedthys/HOLCF-Prelude/document/root.bib
The file was addedthys/HOLCF-Prelude/document/root.tex
The file was addedthys/HOLCF-Prelude/examples/Fibs.thy
The file was addedthys/HOLCF-Prelude/examples/GHC_Rewrite_Rules.thy
The file was addedthys/HOLCF-Prelude/examples/HLint.thy
The file was addedthys/HOLCF-Prelude/examples/Sieve_Primes.thy
The file was addedthys/HOLCF-Prelude/translate/.ghci
The file was addedthys/HOLCF-Prelude/translate/Classify.hs
The file was addedthys/HOLCF-Prelude/translate/HOL.hs
The file was addedthys/HOLCF-Prelude/translate/Main.hs
The file was addedthys/HOLCF-Prelude/translate/Parse.hs
The file was addedthys/HOLCF-Prelude/translate/Translate.hs
The file was addedthys/HOLCF-Prelude/translate/Type.hs
The file was addedweb/entries/HOLCF-Prelude.shtml
The file was modified metadata/metadata (diff)
The file was modified thys/ROOTS (diff)
The file was modified web/entries/Abstract-Rewriting.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/entries/Call_Arity.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/entries/Certification_Monads.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/entries/Deriving.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/entries/Efficient-Mergesort.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/entries/Free-Boolean-Algebra.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/entries/Free-Groups.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/entries/General-Triangle.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/entries/Imperative_Insertion_Sort.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/entries/Incredible_Proof_Machine.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/entries/Launchbury.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/entries/Matrix.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/entries/Open_Induction.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/entries/Ordinal.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/entries/Polynomials.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/entries/Rewriting_Z.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/entries/Shivers-CFA.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/entries/Show.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/entries/Stream-Fusion.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/entries/Surprise_Paradox.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/entries/Transitive-Closure.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/entries/Tycon.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/entries/Well_Quasi_Orders.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/entries/XML.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/index.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/rss.xml (diff)
The file was modified web/statistics.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/topics.shtml (diff)
Changeset 8142:2a590bef2b6b by
change submission guidelines at the right place
The file was modified admin/sitegen-lib/templates/submitting.tpl (diff)
Changeset 8141:0e1a29656b13 by
mention subgoal command
The file was modified web/submitting.shtml (diff)