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  1. prefer inductive predicate over recursive function
  2. modernized syntax
  3. dropped obsolete keyword "recdef"
Changeset 8062:6bb0ef93920d by haftmann:
prefer inductive predicate over recursive function
The file was modified thys/Simpl/Language.thy (diff)
Changeset 8061:b90a9fdd6633 by haftmann:
modernized syntax
The file was modified thys/Simpl/Language.thy (diff)
Changeset 8060:ce0e8aaad4c0 by haftmann:
dropped obsolete keyword "recdef"
The file was modified thys/Circus/document/lstisar-mbt.sty (diff)
The file was modified thys/Featherweight_OCL/document/lstisar.sty (diff)