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  1. updated generated file;
  2. clarified imports;
  3. tuned timeout;
  4. tuned timeout;
  5. clarified imports;
Changeset 8003:5143aeae7843 by wenzelm:
updated generated file;
The file was modified thys/LTL_to_DRA/Code/LTL_to_DRA_Translator.sml (diff)
Changeset 8002:f43d8a08c7f9 by wenzelm:
clarified imports;
The file was modified thys/Algebraic_VCs/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Automatic_Refinement/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Berlekamp_Zassenhaus/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Certification_Monads/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Coinductive/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Coinductive_Languages/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Completeness/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Concurrent_Ref_Alg/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Consensus_Refined/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/CryptHOL/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Datatype_Order_Generator/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Decreasing-Diagrams-II/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Deep_Learning/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Deriving/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Dict_Construction/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Encodability_Process_Calculi/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Euler_Partition/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/FOL_Harrison/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/FinFun/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Finite_Automata_HF/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Free-Groups/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Heard_Of/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/HotelKeyCards/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Jordan_Normal_Form/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Lambda_Free_KBOs/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Lambda_Free_RPOs/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Matrix/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Modal_Logics_for_NTS/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Nested_Multisets_Ordinals/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Network_Security_Policy_Verification/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Nominal2/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Ordinary_Differential_Equations/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Parity_Game/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Partial_Function_MR/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Perron_Frobenius/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Probabilistic_System_Zoo/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/ROBDD/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Ramsey-Infinite/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Real_Impl/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Refine_Imperative_HOL/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Refine_Monadic/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Resolution_FOL/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/SIFUM_Type_Systems/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Separation_Algebra/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Show/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Simpl/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Tarskis_Geometry/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Transitive-Closure-II/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/UpDown_Scheme/ROOT (diff)
Changeset 8001:e311f884e24f by wenzelm:
tuned timeout;
The file was modified thys/AODV/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/ConcurrentGC/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Formula_Derivatives/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/JinjaThreads/ROOT (diff)
Changeset 8000:462ae897420c by wenzelm:
tuned timeout;
The file was modified thys/Ordinary_Differential_Equations/ROOT (diff)
Changeset 7999:df94a614b527 by wenzelm:
clarified imports;
The file was modified thys/Algebraic_VCs/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Allen_Calculus/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Bell_Numbers_Spivey/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Case_Labeling/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/CryptHOL/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Dependent_SIFUM_Type_Systems/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Incredible_Proof_Machine/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Perron_Frobenius/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Planarity_Certificates/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Probabilistic_System_Zoo/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Proof_Strategy_Language/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Refine_Imperative_HOL/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Rewriting_Z/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/SPARCv8/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Separata/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Twelvefold_Way/ROOT (diff)