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  1. merge from afp-2016-1
  2. new entry Subresultants
  3. New entry: Random_BSTs
Changeset 7777:470287b3d1a3 by kleing:
merge from afp-2016-1
Changeset 7776:f11f8d285945 by kleing:
new entry Subresultants
The file was addedthys/Subresultants/Missing_Determinant.thy
The file was addedthys/Subresultants/Missing_Polynomial_Factorial.thy
The file was addedthys/Subresultants/ROOT
The file was addedthys/Subresultants/Subresultant.thy
The file was addedthys/Subresultants/Subresultant_Gcd.thy
The file was addedthys/Subresultants/document/root.bib
The file was addedthys/Subresultants/document/root.tex
The file was addedweb/entries/Subresultants.shtml
The file was modified metadata/metadata (diff)
The file was modified thys/ROOTS (diff)
The file was modified web/entries/Berlekamp_Zassenhaus.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/entries/Jordan_Normal_Form.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/index.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/rss.xml (diff)
The file was modified web/statistics.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/topics.shtml (diff)
Changeset 7775:542ebbd52d65 by nipkow:
New entry: Random_BSTs
The file was addedthys/Random_BSTs/ROOT
The file was addedthys/Random_BSTs/Random_BSTs.thy
The file was addedthys/Random_BSTs/document/root.bib
The file was addedthys/Random_BSTs/document/root.tex
The file was addedweb/entries/Random_BSTs.shtml
The file was modified metadata/metadata (diff)
The file was modified thys/ROOTS (diff)
The file was modified web/entries/Quick_Sort_Cost.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/index.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/rss.xml (diff)
The file was modified web/statistics.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/topics.shtml (diff)