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  1. merged from afp-2016-1
  2. metadata for entry Elliptic_Curves_Group_Law
  3. Elliptic_Curves_Group_Law by Stefan Berghofer
  4. typo + update example to 2016-1
  5. New entry: Menger
  6. Create all sites (except download.shtml) with Jinja2 * add Example-Submission to metadata * use extra key no-index in metadata for entries like Example-Submission
Changeset 7669:a4b1738dbc44 by rene thiemann
merged from afp-2016-1
Changeset 7668:a67bff119bf4 by rene thiemann
metadata for entry Elliptic_Curves_Group_Law
The file was addedweb/entries/Elliptic_Curves_Group_Law.shtml
The file was modified metadata/metadata (diff)
The file was modified web/index.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/rss.xml (diff)
The file was modified web/statistics.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/topics.shtml (diff)
Changeset 7667:5c64d115f05c by rene thiemann
Elliptic_Curves_Group_Law by Stefan Berghofer
The file was addedthys/Elliptic_Curves_Group_Law/Algebra_Aux.thy
The file was addedthys/Elliptic_Curves_Group_Law/Commutative_Ring.thy
The file was addedthys/Elliptic_Curves_Group_Law/Conversions.thy
The file was addedthys/Elliptic_Curves_Group_Law/Elliptic_Axclass.thy
The file was addedthys/Elliptic_Curves_Group_Law/Elliptic_Locale.thy
The file was addedthys/Elliptic_Curves_Group_Law/Elliptic_Test.thy
The file was addedthys/Elliptic_Curves_Group_Law/ROOT
The file was addedthys/Elliptic_Curves_Group_Law/Reflective_Field.thy
The file was addedthys/Elliptic_Curves_Group_Law/document/root.bib
The file was addedthys/Elliptic_Curves_Group_Law/document/root.tex
The file was modified thys/ROOTS (diff)
Changeset 7666:441b7711f8b5 by kleing:
typo + update example to 2016-1
The file was modified admin/sitegen-lib/templates/about.tpl (diff)
The file was modified admin/sitegen-lib/templates/using.tpl (diff)
The file was modified web/about.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/using.shtml (diff)
Changeset 7665:cccf4e1e3ba2 by nipkow:
New entry: Menger
The file was addedthys/Menger/DisjointPaths.thy
The file was addedthys/Menger/Graph.thy
The file was addedthys/Menger/Helpers.thy
The file was addedthys/Menger/Menger.thy
The file was addedthys/Menger/MengerInduction.thy
The file was addedthys/Menger/ROOT
The file was addedthys/Menger/Separations.thy
The file was addedthys/Menger/Y_eq_new_last.thy
The file was addedthys/Menger/Y_neq_new_last.thy
The file was addedthys/Menger/document/root.bib
The file was addedthys/Menger/document/root.tex
The file was addedweb/entries/Menger.shtml
The file was modified metadata/metadata (diff)
The file was modified thys/ROOTS (diff)
The file was modified web/index.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/rss.xml (diff)
The file was modified web/statistics.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/topics.shtml (diff)
Changeset 7664:8130b2c4a4cc by max "ammerbauer" haslbeck _max.haslbeck@gmx.de_:
Create all sites (except download.shtml) with Jinja2<br><br>* add Example-Submission to metadata<br>* use extra key no-index in metadata for entries like Example-Submission
The file was addedadmin/sitegen-lib/templates/about.tpl
The file was addedadmin/sitegen-lib/templates/citing.tpl
The file was addedadmin/sitegen-lib/templates/search.tpl
The file was addedadmin/sitegen-lib/templates/submitting.tpl
The file was addedadmin/sitegen-lib/templates/updating.tpl
The file was addedadmin/sitegen-lib/templates/using.tpl
The file was modified admin/sitegen-lib/ (diff)
The file was modified admin/sitegen-lib/ (diff)
The file was modified admin/sitegen-lib/ (diff)
The file was modified metadata/metadata (diff)
The file was modified web/about.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/citing.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/entries/Example-Submission.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/search.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/submitting.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/updating.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/using.shtml (diff)