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  1. merge
  2. finishing off TS
  3. work on pairwise TS proof finished
  4. worked off some proofs in pairwise TS
  5. worked off 2 cases for pairwise TS
Changeset 6354:4ac92b8338a0 by max haslbeck _haslbema@in.tum.de_:
finishing off TS
The file was modified thys/List_Update/TS.thy (diff)
Changeset 6353:ed2b95380c8c by max haslbeck _haslbema@in.tum.de_:
work on pairwise TS proof finished
The file was modified thys/List_Update/TS.thy (diff)
Changeset 6352:ef963a4f478e by max haslbeck _haslbema@in.tum.de_:
worked off some proofs in pairwise TS
The file was modified thys/List_Update/TS.thy (diff)
Changeset 6351:e0b88157a99d by max haslbeck _haslbema@in.tum.de_:
worked off 2 cases for pairwise TS
The file was modified thys/List_Update/TS.thy (diff)