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  1. Minor improvement in Laplace expansion for determinant computation.
  2. A minor improvement in the Laplace expansion for determinant computation.
  3. general phase partitioning theorem
Changeset 6312:721580792603 by akihisa yamada
Minor improvement in Laplace expansion for determinant computation.
Changeset 6311:67d70c955f0a by akihisa yamada
A minor improvement in the Laplace expansion for determinant computation.
The file was modified thys/Jordan_Normal_Form/Determinant.thy (diff)
Changeset 6310:410b48731381 by max haslbeck _haslbema@in.tum.de_:
general phase partitioning theorem
The file was modified thys/Amortized_Complexity/Phase_Partitioning.thy (diff)