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  1. merge
  2. improved mignotte bound
  3. tuning
  4. simplified proof
  5. removed deadcode
  6. tuned proof
Changeset 7350:14555b0f8c14 by rene thiemann
improved mignotte bound
The file was modified thys/Berlekamp_Zassenhaus/Factor_Bound.thy (diff)
Changeset 7349:18b532dd121f by blanchet:
The file was modified thys/Lambda_Free_KBOs/Lambda_Free_KBO_Std.thy (diff)
The file was modified thys/Lambda_Free_KBOs/Lambda_Free_TKBO_Coefs.thy (diff)
Changeset 7348:b013fc43a50f by blanchet:
simplified proof
The file was modified thys/Lambda_Free_KBOs/Lambda_Free_KBO_Std.thy (diff)
Changeset 7347:cd0f3f3b8a94 by blanchet:
removed deadcode
The file was modified thys/Lambda_Free_KBOs/Lambda_Free_KBO_Std.thy (diff)
The file was modified thys/Lambda_Free_KBOs/Lambda_Free_TKBO_Coefs.thy (diff)
The file was modified thys/Lambda_Free_RPOs/Lambda_Free_RPO_Std.thy (diff)
Changeset 7346:47f20a2f81c2 by blanchet:
tuned proof
The file was modified thys/Lambda_Free_KBOs/Lambda_Free_TKBO_Coefs.thy (diff)