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  1. Ergodic_Theory: move theorems to Isabelle's repository
  2. Ergodic_Theory: move conditional expectation to the Isabelle repository
Changeset 7217:17705eda1d71 by hoelzl:
Ergodic_Theory: move theorems to Isabelle's repository
The file was modified thys/Ergodic_Theory/Banach_Density.thy (diff)
The file was modified thys/Ergodic_Theory/Ergodicity.thy (diff)
The file was modified thys/Ergodic_Theory/Gouezel_Karlsson.thy (diff)
The file was modified thys/Ergodic_Theory/Invariants.thy (diff)
The file was modified thys/Ergodic_Theory/Kingman.thy (diff)
The file was modified thys/Ergodic_Theory/Product_Topology.thy (diff)
The file was modified thys/Ergodic_Theory/Recurrence.thy (diff)
The file was modified thys/Ergodic_Theory/SG_Library_Complement.thy (diff)
The file was modified thys/Lp/Lp.thy (diff)
Changeset 7216:d7ff20ee9cb3 by hoelzl:
Ergodic_Theory: move conditional expectation to the Isabelle repository
The file was modified thys/Ergodic_Theory/Invariants.thy (diff)
The file was modified thys/Ergodic_Theory/SG_Library_Complement.thy (diff)
The file was removedthys/Ergodic_Theory/Conditional_Expectation.thy