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  1. base Groebner_Bases on split-off entry Multivariate_Polynomials
  2. merged
  3. tuned build scripts
Changeset 6861:09e67947dff6 by immler:
base Groebner_Bases on split-off entry Multivariate_Polynomials
The file was addedthys/Groebner_Bases/Computations.thy
The file was modified thys/Groebner_Bases/Groebner_Bases.thy (diff)
The file was modified thys/Groebner_Bases/ROOT (diff)
The file was removedthys/Groebner_Bases/Abstract_Poly.thy
The file was removedthys/Groebner_Bases/Poly_Lists.thy
The file was removedthys/Groebner_Bases/Power_Products.thy
Changeset 6859:b2c981f658d0 by lars hupel _lars.hupel@mytum.de_:
tuned build scripts
The file was modified admin/jenkins/ci_build_afp.scala (diff)
The file was modified admin/jenkins/ci_build_slow.scala (diff)