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  1. merge from afp-2016
  2. Merged in larsrh/afp-2016/config (pull request #2) config → metadata
  3. run config migration script
  4. script to move 'NOTIFY' field from config to metadata
  5. tuned configs
  6. update README
  7. web page for MFMC_Countable
  8. new entry MFMC_Countable by Andreas Lochbihler
  9. SDS_Impossibility webpage
  10. new entry SDS_Impossibility
  11. fixed metadata
  12. Randomised_Social_Choice webpage
  13. new entry Randomised_Social_Choice
  14. New entry Bell_Numbers_Spivey
  15. forgot config file
  16. New entry Groebner_Bases
  17. New entry No_FTL_observers
  18. fixing the CYK conflict, bah!
  19. Merge (generating index again)
  20. ROBDD webpage
  21. new entry ROBDD
  22. new entry CYK
  23. Noninterference_Sequential_Composition website
  24. new entry: Noninterference_Sequential_Composition
Changeset 6582:4c9e0799675d by kleing:
merge from afp-2016
Changeset 6581:74bb7cc004b6 by gerwin klein
Merged in larsrh/afp-2016/config (pull request #2)<br><br>config → metadata
Changeset 6580:6f404e293362 by lars hupel _lars.hupel@mytum.de_:
run config migration script
The file was modified metadata/metadata (diff)
Changeset 6579:30627ffa0575 by lars hupel _lars.hupel@mytum.de_:
script to move &#039;NOTIFY&#039; field from config to metadata
The file was addedadmin/migrate-config
The file was modified admin/ (diff)
The file was modified thys/DiskPaxos/config (diff)
The file was modified thys/GPU_Kernel_PL/config (diff)
The file was modified metadata/README (diff)
Changeset 6576:cf827a98d585 by
web page for MFMC_Countable
The file was addedweb/entries/MFMC_Countable.shtml
The file was modified web/index.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/topics.shtml (diff)
Changeset 6575:c41c17f19693 by
new entry MFMC_Countable by Andreas Lochbihler
The file was addedthys/MFMC_Countable/MFMC_Misc.thy
The file was addedthys/MFMC_Countable/Max_Flow_Min_Cut_Countable.thy
The file was addedthys/MFMC_Countable/ROOT
The file was addedthys/MFMC_Countable/Rel_PMF_Characterisation.thy
The file was addedthys/MFMC_Countable/config
The file was addedthys/MFMC_Countable/document/root.bib
The file was addedthys/MFMC_Countable/document/root.tex
The file was modified metadata/metadata (diff)
The file was modified thys/ROOTS (diff)
Changeset 6574:402c9a28eaeb by paulson
SDS_Impossibility webpage
The file was addedweb/entries/SDS_Impossibility.shtml
The file was modified metadata/metadata (diff)
The file was modified web/index.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/topics.shtml (diff)
Changeset 6573:cd64918ae06b by paulson
new entry SDS_Impossibility
The file was addedthys/SDS_Impossibility/ROOT
The file was addedthys/SDS_Impossibility/SDS_Impossibility.thy
The file was addedthys/SDS_Impossibility/config
The file was addedthys/SDS_Impossibility/document/root.bib
The file was addedthys/SDS_Impossibility/document/root.tex
The file was modified thys/ROOTS (diff)
Changeset 6572:007fb04238f4 by paulson
fixed metadata
The file was modified metadata/metadata (diff)
The file was modified web/entries/Randomised_Social_Choice.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/index.shtml (diff)
Changeset 6571:90b4323e4eba by paulson
Randomised_Social_Choice webpage
The file was addedweb/entries/Randomised_Social_Choice.shtml
The file was modified metadata/metadata (diff)
The file was modified web/index.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/topics.shtml (diff)
Changeset 6570:c8258bf12a6f by paulson
new entry Randomised_Social_Choice
The file was addedthys/Randomised_Social_Choice/Automation/Preference_Profile_Cmd.thy
The file was addedthys/Randomised_Social_Choice/Automation/QSOpt_Exact.thy
The file was addedthys/Randomised_Social_Choice/Automation/SDS_Automation.thy
The file was addedthys/Randomised_Social_Choice/Automation/preference_profiles.ML
The file was addedthys/Randomised_Social_Choice/Automation/sds_automation.ML
The file was addedthys/Randomised_Social_Choice/Missing_Multiset.thy
The file was addedthys/Randomised_Social_Choice/Missing_PMF.thy
The file was addedthys/Randomised_Social_Choice/Missing_Permutations.thy
The file was addedthys/Randomised_Social_Choice/Order_Predicates.thy
The file was addedthys/Randomised_Social_Choice/PMF_Of_List.thy
The file was addedthys/Randomised_Social_Choice/Preference_Profiles.thy
The file was addedthys/Randomised_Social_Choice/ROOT
The file was addedthys/Randomised_Social_Choice/Random_Dictatorship.thy
The file was addedthys/Randomised_Social_Choice/Random_Permutations.thy
The file was addedthys/Randomised_Social_Choice/Random_Serial_Dictatorship.thy
The file was addedthys/Randomised_Social_Choice/Randomised_Social_Choice.thy
The file was addedthys/Randomised_Social_Choice/SDS_Lowering.thy
The file was addedthys/Randomised_Social_Choice/SD_Efficiency.thy
The file was addedthys/Randomised_Social_Choice/Set_Permutations.thy
The file was addedthys/Randomised_Social_Choice/Social_Decision_Schemes.thy
The file was addedthys/Randomised_Social_Choice/Stochastic_Dominance.thy
The file was addedthys/Randomised_Social_Choice/Utility_Functions.thy
The file was addedthys/Randomised_Social_Choice/config
The file was addedthys/Randomised_Social_Choice/document/root.bib
The file was addedthys/Randomised_Social_Choice/document/root.tex
The file was modified thys/ROOTS (diff)
Changeset 6569:0e1d971cf938 by nipkow:
New entry Bell_Numbers_Spivey
The file was addedthys/Bell_Numbers_Spivey/Bell_Numbers.thy
The file was addedthys/Bell_Numbers_Spivey/ROOT
The file was addedthys/Bell_Numbers_Spivey/Set_Partition.thy
The file was addedthys/Bell_Numbers_Spivey/config
The file was addedthys/Bell_Numbers_Spivey/document/root.bib
The file was addedthys/Bell_Numbers_Spivey/document/root.tex
The file was addedweb/entries/Bell_Numbers_Spivey.shtml
The file was modified metadata/metadata (diff)
The file was modified thys/ROOTS (diff)
The file was modified web/index.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/topics.shtml (diff)
Changeset 6568:c3804ad645c9 by nipkow:
forgot config file
The file was addedthys/Groebner_Bases/config
Changeset 6567:f59dd8350300 by nipkow:
New entry Groebner_Bases
The file was addedthys/Groebner_Bases/Abstract_Poly.thy
The file was addedthys/Groebner_Bases/Confluence.thy
The file was addedthys/Groebner_Bases/Groebner_Bases.thy
The file was addedthys/Groebner_Bases/Poly_Lists.thy
The file was addedthys/Groebner_Bases/Power_Products.thy
The file was addedthys/Groebner_Bases/ROOT
The file was addedthys/Groebner_Bases/document/root.bib
The file was addedthys/Groebner_Bases/document/root.tex
The file was addedweb/entries/Groebner_Bases.shtml
The file was modified metadata/metadata (diff)
The file was modified thys/ROOTS (diff)
The file was modified web/index.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/topics.shtml (diff)
Changeset 6566:f34e6fe900de by nipkow:
New entry No_FTL_observers
The file was addedthys/No_FTL_observers/Axioms.thy
The file was addedthys/No_FTL_observers/ROOT
The file was addedthys/No_FTL_observers/SomeFunc.thy
The file was addedthys/No_FTL_observers/SpaceTime.thy
The file was addedthys/No_FTL_observers/SpecRel.thy
The file was addedthys/No_FTL_observers/config
The file was addedthys/No_FTL_observers/document/root.bib
The file was addedthys/No_FTL_observers/document/root.tex
The file was addedweb/entries/No_FTL_observers.shtml
The file was modified metadata/metadata (diff)
The file was modified metadata/topics (diff)
The file was modified thys/ROOTS (diff)
The file was modified web/index.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/topics.shtml (diff)
Changeset 6565:1fdda5d6f2be by paulson
fixing the CYK conflict, bah!
The file was modified web/index.shtml (diff)
Changeset 6564:04053533afd4 by paulson
Merge (generating index again)
Changeset 6563:40cbe45b55c4 by paulson
ROBDD webpage
The file was addedweb/entries/ROBDD.shtml
The file was modified metadata/metadata (diff)
The file was modified web/index.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/topics.shtml (diff)
Changeset 6562:e3c5b882c216 by paulson
new entry ROBDD
The file was addedthys/ROBDD/Abstract_Impl.thy
The file was addedthys/ROBDD/Array_List.thy
The file was addedthys/ROBDD/BDD_Code.thy
The file was addedthys/ROBDD/BDD_Examples.thy
The file was addedthys/ROBDD/BDT.thy
The file was addedthys/ROBDD/Bool_Func.thy
The file was addedthys/ROBDD/Conc_Impl.thy
The file was addedthys/ROBDD/Level_Collapse.thy
The file was addedthys/ROBDD/Middle_Impl.thy
The file was addedthys/ROBDD/Option_Helpers.thy
The file was addedthys/ROBDD/Pointer_Map.thy
The file was addedthys/ROBDD/Pointer_Map_Impl.thy
The file was addedthys/ROBDD/ROOT
The file was addedthys/ROBDD/config
The file was addedthys/ROBDD/document/root.bib
The file was addedthys/ROBDD/document/root.tex
The file was modified thys/ROOTS (diff)
Changeset 6561:8d9975de3dbc by nipkow:
new entry CYK
The file was addedthys/CYK/CYK.thy
The file was addedthys/CYK/ROOT
The file was addedthys/CYK/config
The file was addedthys/CYK/document/root.bib
The file was addedthys/CYK/document/root.tex
The file was addedweb/entries/CYK.shtml
The file was modified metadata/metadata (diff)
The file was modified thys/ROOTS (diff)
The file was modified web/index.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/topics.shtml (diff)
Changeset 6560:4e2a27a6d0a7 by paulson
Noninterference_Sequential_Composition website
The file was addedweb/entries/Noninterference_Sequential_Composition.shtml
The file was modified metadata/metadata (diff)
The file was modified web/index.shtml (diff)
The file was modified web/topics.shtml (diff)
Changeset 6559:6c1913293a97 by paulson
new entry: Noninterference_Sequential_Composition
The file was addedthys/Noninterference_Sequential_Composition/Counterexamples.thy
The file was addedthys/Noninterference_Sequential_Composition/Propaedeutics.thy
The file was addedthys/Noninterference_Sequential_Composition/ROOT
The file was addedthys/Noninterference_Sequential_Composition/SequentialComposition.thy
The file was addedthys/Noninterference_Sequential_Composition/config
The file was addedthys/Noninterference_Sequential_Composition/document/root.bib
The file was addedthys/Noninterference_Sequential_Composition/document/root.tex
The file was modified thys/ROOTS (diff)