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  1. avoid circular dependency between "Open Induction" and "Well-Quasi-Orders"
Changeset 6487:704fd11c5f52 by Christian Sternagel:
avoid circular dependency between "Open Induction" and "Well-Quasi-Orders"
The file was addedthys/Open_Induction/Restricted_Predicates.thy
The file was modified thys/Open_Induction/Open_Induction.thy (diff)
The file was modified thys/Open_Induction/ROOT (diff)
The file was modified thys/Well_Quasi_Orders/Almost_Full.thy (diff)
The file was modified thys/Well_Quasi_Orders/Minimal_Elements.thy (diff)
The file was modified thys/Well_Quasi_Orders/Multiset_Extension.thy (diff)
The file was modified thys/Well_Quasi_Orders/ROOT (diff)
The file was removedthys/Well_Quasi_Orders/Restricted_Predicates.thy