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Started 2 yr 3 mo ago
Took 19 hr

Build #96 (Mar 20, 2022, 12:14:00 AM)

Build Artifacts
dump.zip1.06 GiB view
  1. Tidied several ugly proofs in some elderly examples (detail)
  2. tuned message; (detail)
  3. clarified errors; (detail)
  4. tuned messages; (detail)
  5. support Node.js as well, reusing the engine from Electron/VSCodium; (detail)
  6. updated to vscode 1.65.2; (detail)
  7. proper result check; (detail)
  8. merged (detail)
  9. clarified directory layout and settings: more robust on all platforms; (detail)
  10. tuned; (detail)
  11. support Electron application framework;
    clarified vscodium startup; (detail)
  12. generated lemma map_ident_strong for BNFs (detail)
  13. updated SMT certificates (detail)
  14. used more descriptive assert names in SMT-Lib output (detail)

Started by timer

This run spent:

  • 0.12 sec waiting;
  • 19 hr build duration;
  • 19 hr total from scheduled to completion.
Revision: 7add2d5322a7a198447b5524c076bd13bd9ffbc5
Revision: 15c9153d3107d57a74a827448a06615c54622a14