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Changes from Mercurial (hg default)


  1. merge
  2. sitegen
  3. updated data of Katherine Kosaian (requested by email)
The file was modified web/authors/binder/index.html
The file was modified web/authors/cordwell/index.html
The file was modified web/authors/mitsch/index.html
The file was modified web/authors/platzer/index.html
The file was modified web/authors/scharager/index.html
The file was modified web/authors/tan/index.html
The file was modified web/entries/BenOr_Kozen_Reif.html
The file was modified web/entries/Labeled_Transition_Systems.html
The file was modified web/entries/Picks_Theorem.html
The file was modified web/entries/Pushdown_Systems.html
The file was modified web/entries/Quantifier_Elimination_Hybrid.html
The file was modified web/entries/Virtual_Substitution.html
The file was modified web/sitemap.xml
Changeset 14376:57d340026ba7 by rene thiemann
updated data of Katherine Kosaian (requested by email)
The file was modified metadata/authors.toml