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Started 2 yr 9 mo ago
Took 28 min

Build #67 (Aug 29, 2021, 12:14:00 AM)

  1. more Isabelle/Haskell; (detail)
  2. made sure lambda-lifting works well with native let binders in Sledgehammer (detail)
  3. handle Zipperposition's ResourceOut gracefully (detail)
  4. disabled 'ite' in Zipperposition until we upgrade to a version of Zip that supports it and we generate the proper syntax (detail)
  5. proper test for type constructor; (detail)
  6. more Isabelle/Haskell operations; (detail)
  7. more Isabelle/Haskell operations; (detail)
  8. merged (detail)
  9. tuned; (detail)
  10. more scalable data structure (but: rarely used with > 5 arguments); (detail)
  11. Backed out changeset d4af818e0880 (detail)
  12. merged (detail)
  13. more Isabelle/Haskell operations; (detail)
  14. more Isabelle/Haskell operations; (detail)
  15. tuned; (detail)
  16. more Isabelle/Haskell operations; (detail)
  17. reflect moved theories (detail)
  18. unhide canonical function def examples (detail)
  19. merged (detail)
  20. merged (detail)
  21. Backed out changeset fe8d0f4da0e6 (detail)
  22. more Isabelle/Haskell operations; (detail)
  23. more Isabelle/Haskell operations; (detail)
  24. more Isabelle/Haskell operations; (detail)
  25. more Isabelle/Haskell operations; (detail)
  26. clarified signature; (detail)
  27. clarified signature; (detail)
  28. minor performance tuning; (detail)
  29. tuned; (detail)
  30. tuned; (detail)
  31. tuned signature; (detail)
  32. tuned comments; (detail)
  33. treat Symbol.eof as in ML (but: presently unused); (detail)
  34. tuned; (detail)
  35. minor performance tuning; (detail)
  36. clarified signature; (detail)
  37. proper Isabelle symbol positions; (detail)
  38. more Haskell operations; (detail)
  39. clarified signature; (detail)
  40. tuned; (detail)
  41. tuned; (detail)
  42. tuned signature: prefer existing Haskell operations; (detail)
  43. more Haskell operations; (detail)
  44. tuned signature; (detail)
  45. tuned comments; (detail)
  46. tuned; (detail)
  47. consolidation of rules for bit operations (detail)
  1. Graphic rendering of Relational_Method PDF files refined. (detail)
  2. Entry Relational_Method updated. (detail)
  3. more realistic timeout; (detail)
  4. clarified signature; (detail)
  5. follow Isabelle/53e28c438f96; (detail)
  6. clarified signature, following Isabelle/a3b0fc510705; (detail)
  7. merged (detail)
  8. tuned (detail)
  9. consolidation of rules for bit operations (detail)

Started by timer

This run spent:

  • 14 ms waiting;
  • 28 min build duration;
  • 28 min total from scheduled to completion.
Revision: 24a2a6ced0abb13c6af9966f6281d0af3804240b
Revision: 80d141ead0ab579853892b330ffab29b269c5d22