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  1. a few new theorems and a renaming
Changeset 63945:444eafb6e864 by paulson
a few new theorems and a renaming
The file was modified src/HOL/Analysis/Cartesian_Euclidean_Space.thy (diff)
The file was modified src/HOL/Analysis/Convex_Euclidean_Space.thy (diff)
The file was modified src/HOL/Analysis/Equivalence_Lebesgue_Henstock_Integration.thy (diff)
The file was modified src/HOL/Analysis/Henstock_Kurzweil_Integration.thy (diff)
The file was modified src/HOL/Analysis/Homeomorphism.thy (diff)
The file was modified src/HOL/Analysis/Topology_Euclidean_Space.thy (diff)
The file was modified src/HOL/Archimedean_Field.thy (diff)