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  1. store full blob source for the sake of markup_to_XML;
  2. PIDE markup for non-theory nodes;
  3. discontinued 'display_drafts' command;
  4. action "isabelle.draft" for plain-text preview;
  5. NEWS;
  6. uniform preview for Isabelle/jEdit and Isabelle/VSCode;
  7. tuned;
  8. clarified URL: unique node name;
  9. clarified signature;
  10. proper title; clarified modules;
  11. HTML rendering of \<^control> as in Isabelle/jEdit;
  12. auto update;
  13. clarified modules;
  14. proper HTML title;
  15. tuned signature;
Changeset 67265:f32287c95432 by wenzelm:
store full blob source for the sake of markup_to_XML;
The file was modified src/Pure/PIDE/document.scala (diff)
The file was modified src/Pure/Thy/present.scala (diff)
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/src/document_model.scala (diff)
The file was modified src/Tools/jEdit/src/document_model.scala (diff)
Changeset 67264:16f74b7c248a by wenzelm:
PIDE markup for non-theory nodes;
The file was modified src/Pure/PIDE/document.scala (diff)
The file was modified src/Pure/Thy/present.scala (diff)
Changeset 67263:449a989f42cd by wenzelm:
discontinued &#039;display_drafts&#039; command;
The file was modified Admin/Release/CHECKLIST (diff)
The file was modified NEWS (diff)
The file was modified lib/Tools/latex (diff)
The file was modified src/Doc/Isar_Ref/Document_Preparation.thy (diff)
The file was modified src/Doc/System/Presentation.thy (diff)
The file was modified src/Pure/Pure.thy (diff)
The file was modified src/Pure/Thy/latex.ML (diff)
The file was modified src/Pure/Thy/present.ML (diff)
The file was removedlib/texinputs/draft.tex
Changeset 67262:46540a2ead4b by wenzelm:
action &quot;isabelle.draft&quot; for plain-text preview;
The file was modified NEWS (diff)
The file was modified src/Doc/JEdit/JEdit.thy (diff)
The file was modified src/Pure/Thy/present.scala (diff)
The file was modified src/Tools/jEdit/src/actions.xml (diff)
The file was modified src/Tools/jEdit/src/document_model.scala (diff)
Changeset 67261:bce56b5a35d5 by wenzelm:
The file was modified NEWS (diff)
Changeset 67260:ecd607631bc7 by wenzelm:
uniform preview for Isabelle/jEdit and Isabelle/VSCode;
The file was modified src/Pure/Thy/present.scala (diff)
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/extension/package.json (diff)
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/src/preview_panel.scala (diff)
The file was modified src/Tools/jEdit/src/document_model.scala (diff)
Changeset 67259:e13e8816cf2a by wenzelm:
The file was modified src/Tools/jEdit/src/document_model.scala (diff)
Changeset 67258:51b30032cf20 by wenzelm:
clarified URL: unique node name;
The file was modified src/Tools/jEdit/src/document_model.scala (diff)
Changeset 67257:5035b6754fca by wenzelm:
clarified signature;
The file was modified src/Pure/Tools/bibtex.scala (diff)
Changeset 67256:ce7d856680d1 by wenzelm:
proper title;<br>clarified modules;
The file was modified src/Pure/Thy/present.scala (diff)
The file was modified src/Pure/Tools/bibtex.scala (diff)
Changeset 67255:f1f983484878 by wenzelm:
HTML rendering of \&lt;^control&gt; as in Isabelle/jEdit;
The file was modified Admin/components/components.sha1 (diff)
The file was modified Admin/components/main (diff)
The file was modified etc/isabelle.css (diff)
The file was modified lib/fonts/Vacuous.sfd (diff)
The file was modified src/Pure/General/symbol.scala (diff)
The file was modified src/Pure/Thy/html.scala (diff)
Changeset 67254:31dd98471e88 by wenzelm:
auto update;
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/extension/package.json (diff)
Changeset 67253:93b4333f33bb by wenzelm:
clarified modules;
The file was modified src/Pure/Thy/present.scala (diff)
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/src/preview_panel.scala (diff)
The file was modified src/Tools/jEdit/src/document_model.scala (diff)
Changeset 67252:c7f859868b7c by wenzelm:
proper HTML title;
The file was modified src/Tools/jEdit/src/document_model.scala (diff)
Changeset 67251:573077aa2826 by wenzelm:
tuned signature;
The file was modified src/Pure/PIDE/document.scala (diff)
The file was modified src/Pure/Thy/present.scala (diff)
The file was modified src/Pure/Tools/bibtex.scala (diff)