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  1. Weakened conditions to integral in Akra-Bazzi
  2. More facts about Stirling numbers of the 1st kind
  3. add monoid instance for applicative functors
Changeset 6377:f56ac887344f by manuel eberl _eberlm@in.tum.de_:
Weakened conditions to integral in Akra-Bazzi
The file was modified thys/Akra_Bazzi/Akra_Bazzi_Real.thy (diff)
Changeset 6376:73f5921820d4 by manuel eberl _eberlm@in.tum.de_:
More facts about Stirling numbers of the 1st kind
The file was modified thys/Discrete_Summation/Stirling.thy (diff)
Changeset 6375:41f5112ecd5e by Andreas Lochbihler:
add monoid instance for applicative functors
The file was addedthys/Applicative_Lifting/Applicative_Monoid.thy
The file was modified thys/Applicative_Lifting/Applicative_Functor.thy (diff)