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  1. remove outdated scripts
  2. display build metadata on status page
  3. build script stores build metadata in status.json
Changeset 6915:418edce0b22e by lars hupel _lars.hupel@mytum.de_:
remove outdated scripts
The file was modified admin/main-config (diff)
The file was removedadmin/mail-attach
The file was removedadmin/make-web-devel
The file was removedadmin/migrate-config
The file was removedadmin/
The file was removedadmin/regression
The file was removedadmin/
Changeset 6914:2acb7b7c21e6 by lars hupel _lars.hupel@mytum.de_:
display build metadata on status page
The file was modified admin/sitegen-lib/ (diff)
The file was modified admin/sitegen-lib/ (diff)
The file was modified admin/sitegen-lib/ (diff)
The file was modified metadata/status.tpl (diff)
Changeset 6913:6206f0fdcf49 by lars hupel _lars.hupel@mytum.de_:
build script stores build metadata in status.json
The file was modified admin/jenkins/ci_build_afp.scala (diff)