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  1. Cleaning
  2. fixed c_sinvar_valid_imp_no_offending_flows
  3. Merged in pull request by prathamesh_t: Reference to the paper added.
  4. Close branch prathamesh_t/roottex-edited-online-with-bitbucket-ref-1454568673402
  5. root.tex edited online with Bitbucket. Reference to the paper added.
The file was modified thys/Algebraic_Numbers/Resultant.thy (diff)
Changeset 6199:c479983d775b by cornelius diekmann
fixed c_sinvar_valid_imp_no_offending_flows
The file was modified thys/Network_Security_Policy_Verification/TopoS_Composition_Theory.thy (diff)
Changeset 6198:4749492cef55 by gerwin klein
Merged in pull request by prathamesh_t: Reference to the paper added.
Changeset 6197:3e80e3a9f771 by gerwin klein
Close branch prathamesh_t/roottex-edited-online-with-bitbucket-ref-1454568673402
Changeset 6196:92f770b52d46 by prathamesh _prathamesh.t@gmail.com_:
root.tex edited online with Bitbucket. Reference to the paper added.
The file was modified thys/Knot_Theory/document/root.tex (diff)