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Console Output

Started by upstream project "isabelle-repo" build number 135

originally caused by:

Started by an SCM change

[EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables.

Building remotely on worker2 (lrz-cloud) in workspace /media/data/jenkins/workspace/isabelle-repo-afp

[isabelle-repo-afp] $ hg showconfig paths.default

[isabelle-repo-afp] $ hg pull --rev default

pulling from

searching for changes

adding changesets

adding manifests

adding file changes

added 3 changesets with 16 changes to 11 files

(run 'hg update' to get a working copy)

[isabelle-repo-afp] $ hg update --clean --rev default

11 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved

[isabelle-repo-afp] $ hg log --rev . --template {node}

[isabelle-repo-afp] $ hg log --rev . --template {rev}

[afp] $ hg showconfig paths.default

[afp] $ hg pull --rev default

pulling from

no changes found

[afp] $ hg update --clean --rev default

0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved

[afp] $ hg --config extensions.purge= clean --all

[afp] $ hg log --rev . --template {node}

[afp] $ hg log --rev . --template {rev}

[isabelle-repo-afp] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/

+ bin/isabelle components -a

+ bin/isabelle ci_build afp

+ uname -a

Linux vm-10-155-208-87 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt20-1+deb8u3 (2016-01-17) x86_64 GNU/Linux

+ hg id

9ad0bac25a84 tip

+ date

Thu 7 Apr 20:38:24 CEST 2016

+ show_settings

+ set +x




ML_OPTIONS="-H 8000"

+ export ISABELLE_CI_TYPE=afp


+ /media/data/jenkins/workspace/isabelle-repo-afp/bin/isabelle jedit -bf

### Building Isabelle/Scala ...

### Building Isabelle/jEdit ...

+ /media/data/jenkins/workspace/isabelle-repo-afp/bin/isabelle scala -J-Xmx4G -howtorun:script -nocompdaemon /media/data/jenkins/.isabelle/ci/ci_build.scala

Session Pure/Pure

Session HOL/HOL (main)

Session AFP/AVL-Trees (AFP)

Session AFP/AWN (AFP)

Session AFP/Abortable_Linearizable_Modules (AFP)

Session AFP/Abstract-Hoare-Logics (AFP)

Session AFP/Abstract-Rewriting (AFP)

Session AFP/Decreasing-Diagrams (AFP)

Session AFP/Decreasing-Diagrams-II (AFP)

Session AFP/Matrix (AFP)

Session AFP/Matrix_Tensor (AFP)

Session AFP/Knot_Theory (AFP)

Session AFP/Polynomials (AFP)

Session AFP/Abstract_Completeness (AFP)

Session AFP/Automatic_Refinement (AFP)

Session AFP/Refine_Monadic (AFP)

Session AFP/Collections (AFP)

Session AFP/CAVA_Base (AFP)

Session AFP/CAVA_Automata (AFP)

Session AFP/Gabow_SCC (AFP)

Session AFP/LTL_to_GBA (AFP)

Session AFP/CAVA_buildchain1

Session AFP/CAVA_buildchain3

Session AFP/CAVA_LTL_Modelchecker (AFP)

Session AFP/Promela (AFP)

Session AFP/Collections_Examples (AFP)

Session AFP/Dijkstra_Shortest_Path (AFP)

Session AFP/Formal_SSA (AFP)

Session AFP/Network_Security_Policy_Verification (AFP)

Session AFP/Transitive-Closure (AFP)

Session AFP/Tree-Automata (AFP)

Session AFP/BinarySearchTree (AFP)

Session AFP/Binomial-Queues (AFP)

Session AFP/Bondy (AFP)

Session AFP/Bounded_Deducibility_Security (AFP)

Session AFP/BytecodeLogicJmlTypes (AFP)

Session AFP/CISC-Kernel (AFP)

Session AFP/Card_Number_Partitions (AFP)

Session AFP/Case_Labeling (AFP)

Session AFP/Cauchy (AFP)

Session AFP/Sqrt_Babylonian (AFP)

Session AFP/Real_Impl (AFP)

Session AFP/Certification_Monads (AFP)

Session AFP/ClockSynchInst (AFP)

Session AFP/Coinductive_Languages (AFP)

Session AFP/Compiling-Exceptions-Correctly (AFP)

Session AFP/Completeness (AFP)

Session AFP/ComponentDependencies (AFP)

Session AFP/Consensus_Refined (AFP)

Session AFP/CryptoBasedCompositionalProperties (AFP)

Session AFP/DPT-SAT-Solver (AFP)

Session AFP/DataRefinementIBP (AFP)

Session AFP/Depth-First-Search (AFP)

Session AFP/Derangements (AFP)

Session AFP/Discrete_Summation (AFP)

Session AFP/Card_Partitions (AFP)

Session AFP/DiskPaxos (AFP)

Session AFP/Dynamic_Tables (AFP)

Session AFP/Encodability_Process_Calculi (AFP)

Session AFP/Euler_Partition (AFP)

Session AFP/Example-Submission (AFP)

Session AFP/FFT (AFP)

Session AFP/FeatherweightJava (AFP)

Session AFP/Featherweight_OCL (AFP)

Session AFP/FileRefinement (AFP)

Session AFP/FinFun (AFP)

Session AFP/Finite_Automata_HF (AFP)

Session AFP/FocusStreamsCaseStudies (AFP)

Session AFP/Free-Groups (AFP)

Session AFP/FunWithFunctions (AFP)

Session AFP/FunWithTilings (AFP)

Session AFP/GPU_Kernel_PL (AFP)

Session AFP/Gauss-Jordan-Elim-Fun (AFP)

Session AFP/GenClock (AFP)

Session AFP/General-Triangle (AFP)

Session AFP/GoedelGod (AFP)

Session AFP/GraphMarkingIBP (AFP)

Session AFP/Graph_Theory (AFP)

Session AFP/ShortestPath (AFP)

Session HOL/HOL-Algebra (main)

Session AFP/JNF-HOL-Lib (AFP)

Session AFP/JNF-AFP-Lib (AFP)

Session AFP/Jordan_Normal_Form (AFP)

Session AFP/Pre_Polynomial_Factorization (AFP)

Session AFP/Polynomial_Factorization (AFP)

Session AFP/Pre_Algebraic_Numbers (AFP)

Session AFP/Algebraic_Numbers (AFP)

Session AFP/Jordan_Hoelder (AFP)

Session AFP/Secondary_Sylow (AFP)

Session AFP/VectorSpace (AFP)

Session HOL/HOL-Cardinals

Session AFP/Ordinals_and_Cardinals (AFP)

Session AFP/Sort_Encodings (AFP)

Session HOL/HOL-Imperative_HOL

Session AFP/Imperative_Insertion_Sort (AFP)

Session HOL/HOL-Library (main)

Session AFP/ArrowImpossibilityGS (AFP)

Session AFP/Binomial-Heaps (AFP)

Session AFP/Boolean_Expression_Checkers (AFP)

Session AFP/Category (AFP)

Session AFP/Category2 (AFP)

Session AFP/CofGroups (AFP)

Session AFP/Coinductive (AFP)

Session AFP/Lazy-Lists-II (AFP)

Session AFP/Topology (AFP)

Session AFP/Parity_Game (AFP)

Session AFP/Stream_Fusion_Code (AFP)

Session AFP/ConcurrentIMP (AFP)

Session AFP/CoreC++ (AFP)

Session AFP/Datatype_Order_Generator (AFP)

Session AFP/Old_Datatype_Show (AFP)

Session AFP/Deriving (AFP)

Session AFP/Containers (AFP)

Session AFP/Containers-Benchmarks (AFP)

Session AFP/Show (AFP)

Session AFP/Descartes_Sign_Rule (AFP)

Session AFP/Efficient-Mergesort (AFP)

Session AFP/FOL-Fitting (AFP)

Session AFP/Finger-Trees (AFP)

Session AFP/Flyspeck-Tame (AFP)

Session AFP/Formula_Derivatives (AFP)

Session AFP/Formula_Derivatives-Examples (AFP)

Session AFP/Free-Boolean-Algebra (AFP)

Session AFP/Functional-Automata (AFP)

Session AFP/Group-Ring-Module (AFP)

Session AFP/Valuation (AFP)

Session AFP/Isabelle_Meta_Model (AFP)

Session AFP/KBPs (AFP)

Session AFP/LTL (AFP)

Session AFP/LTL_to_DRA (AFP)

Session AFP/Stuttering_Equivalence (AFP)

Session AFP/Landau_Symbols (AFP)

Session AFP/LinearQuantifierElim (AFP)

Session AFP/List-Infinite (AFP)

Session AFP/Nat-Interval-Logic (AFP)

Session AFP/AutoFocus-Stream (AFP)

Session AFP/MSO_Regex_Equivalence (AFP)

Session AFP/MSO_Examples (AFP)

Session AFP/MuchAdoAboutTwo (AFP)

Session AFP/Myhill-Nerode (AFP)

Session AFP/POPLmark-deBruijn (AFP)

Session AFP/Presburger-Automata (AFP)

Session AFP/Program-Conflict-Analysis (AFP)

Session AFP/Regex_Equivalence (AFP)

Session AFP/Regex_Equivalence_Examples (AFP)

Session AFP/Regular-Sets (AFP)

Session AFP/Ribbon_Proofs (AFP)

Session AFP/SATSolverVerification (AFP)

Session AFP/Selection_Heap_Sort (AFP)

Session AFP/Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL (AFP)

Session AFP/Sturm_Sequences (AFP)

Session AFP/Special_Function_Bounds (AFP)

Session AFP/Tail_Recursive_Functions (AFP)

Session AFP/Vickrey_Clarke_Groves (AFP)

Session AFP/Well_Quasi_Orders (AFP)

Session HOL/HOL-Multivariate_Analysis (main)

Session AFP/Affine_Arithmetic (AFP)

Session AFP/Akra_Bazzi (AFP)

Session AFP/Cartan_FP (AFP)

Session AFP/Cayley_Hamilton (AFP)

Session AFP/Echelon_Form (AFP)

Session AFP/Hermite (AFP)

Session AFP/Gauss_Jordan (AFP)

Session HOL/HOL-Probability

Session AFP/Amortized_Complexity (AFP)

Session AFP/Applicative_Lifting (AFP)

Session AFP/Stern_Brocot (AFP)

Session AFP/Density_Compiler (AFP)

Session AFP/Ergodic_Theory (AFP)

Session AFP/Girth_Chromatic (AFP)

Session AFP/List_Update (AFP)

Session AFP/Markov_Models (AFP)

Session AFP/Probabilistic_Noninterference (AFP)

Session AFP/Probabilistic_System_Zoo (AFP)

Session AFP/Probabilistic_System_Zoo-Non_BNFs (AFP)

Session AFP/Random_Graph_Subgraph_Threshold (AFP)

Session AFP/UpDown_Scheme (AFP)

Session AFP/Lower_Semicontinuous (AFP)

Session AFP/Ordinary_Differential_Equations (AFP)

Session AFP/Prime_Harmonic_Series (AFP)

Session AFP/Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs (AFP)

Session AFP/QR_Decomposition (AFP)

Session AFP/Rank_Nullity_Theorem (AFP)

Session AFP/Tarskis_Geometry (AFP)

Session AFP/Triangle (AFP)

Session AFP/pGCL (AFP)

Session HOL/HOL-Nominal

Session AFP/CCS (AFP)

Session AFP/Lam-ml-Normalization (AFP)

Session AFP/Pi_Calculus (AFP)

Session AFP/Psi_Calculi (AFP)

Session AFP/SequentInvertibility (AFP)

Session HOL/HOL-Number_Theory

Session AFP/Lehmer (AFP)

Session AFP/Pratt_Certificate (AFP)

Session HOL/HOL-Old_Number_Theory

Session AFP/Fermat3_4 (AFP)

Session HOL/HOL-Word (main)

Session HOL/HOL-SPARK (main)

Session HOL/HOL-SPARK-Examples


Session AFP/Kleene_Algebra (AFP)

Session AFP/KAT_and_DRA (AFP)

Session AFP/Multirelations (AFP)

Session AFP/Regular_Algebras (AFP)

Session AFP/Relation_Algebra (AFP)

Session AFP/Residuated_Lattices (AFP)

Session AFP/Native_Word (AFP)

Session AFP/Separation_Algebra (AFP)

Session HOL/HOLCF (main)

Session AFP/Circus (AFP)

Session AFP/HOLCF-HOL-Library

Session AFP/HOLCF-Nominal2

Session AFP/Launchbury (AFP)

Session AFP/Call_Arity (AFP)

Session AFP/PCF (AFP)

Session AFP/Shivers-CFA (AFP)

Session AFP/Stream-Fusion (AFP)

Session AFP/Tycon (AFP)

Session AFP/WorkerWrapper (AFP)

Session AFP/Heard_Of (AFP)

Session AFP/HereditarilyFinite (AFP)

Session AFP/HotelKeyCards (AFP)

Session AFP/Huffman (AFP)

Session AFP/HyperCTL (AFP)

Session AFP/IEEE_Floating_Point (AFP)

Session AFP/Impossible_Geometry (AFP)

Session AFP/Incompleteness (AFP)

Session AFP/Inductive_Confidentiality (AFP)

Session AFP/Integration (AFP)

Session AFP/Jinja (AFP)

Session AFP/HRB-Slicing (AFP)

Session AFP/InformationFlowSlicing_Inter (AFP)

Session AFP/InformationFlowSlicing (AFP)

Session AFP/Slicing (AFP)

Session AFP/InformationFlowSlicing_Intra (AFP)

Session AFP/JiveDataStoreModel (AFP)

Session AFP/Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base

Session AFP/Koenigsberg_Friendship (AFP)

Session AFP/LatticeProperties (AFP)

Session AFP/MonoBoolTranAlgebra (AFP)

Session AFP/PseudoHoops (AFP)

Session AFP/Lifting_Definition_Option (AFP)

Session AFP/LightweightJava (AFP)

Session AFP/Liouville_Numbers (AFP)

Session AFP/List-Index (AFP)

Session AFP/List_Interleaving (AFP)

Session AFP/Locally-Nameless-Sigma (AFP)

Session AFP/Marriage (AFP)

Session AFP/Latin_Square (AFP)

Session AFP/Max-Card-Matching (AFP)

Session AFP/MiniML (AFP)

Session AFP/Nominal2 (AFP)

Session AFP/Noninterference_CSP (AFP)

Session AFP/Noninterference_Ipurge_Unwinding (AFP)

Session AFP/Noninterference_Generic_Unwinding (AFP)

Session AFP/Noninterference_Inductive_Unwinding (AFP)

Session AFP/NormByEval (AFP)

Session AFP/Open_Induction (AFP)

Session AFP/Ordinal (AFP)

Session AFP/Partial_Function_MR (AFP)

Session AFP/Perfect-Number-Thm (AFP)

Session AFP/Polynomial_Interpolation (AFP)

Session AFP/Pop_Refinement (AFP)

Session AFP/Possibilistic_Noninterference (AFP)

Session AFP/Priority_Queue_Braun (AFP)

Session AFP/PropResPI (AFP)


Session AFP/Ramsey-Infinite (AFP)

Session AFP/Recursion-Theory-I (AFP)

Session AFP/RefinementReactive (AFP)

Session AFP/Rep_Fin_Groups (AFP)

Session AFP/Robbins-Conjecture (AFP)

Session AFP/Roy_Floyd_Warshall (AFP)


Session AFP/SIFUM_Type_Systems (AFP)

Session AFP/SenSocialChoice (AFP)

Session AFP/Simpl (AFP)

Session AFP/BDD (AFP)

Session AFP/Planarity_Certificates (AFP)

Session AFP/Skew_Heap (AFP)

Session AFP/Splay_Tree (AFP)

Session AFP/Statecharts (AFP)

Session AFP/Strong_Security (AFP)

Session AFP/Sturm_Tarski (AFP)

Session AFP/SumSquares (AFP)

Session AFP/TLA (AFP)

Session AFP/Timed_Automata (AFP)

Session AFP/TortoiseHare (AFP)

Session AFP/Transitive-Closure-II (AFP)

Session AFP/Trie (AFP)

Session AFP/UPF (AFP)

Session AFP/Verified-Prover (AFP)

Session AFP/VolpanoSmith (AFP)

Session AFP/WHATandWHERE_Security (AFP)

Session AFP/XML (AFP)

Cleaning pGCL ...

Cleaning Vickrey_Clarke_Groves ...

Cleaning VectorSpace ...

Cleaning UpDown_Scheme ...

Cleaning Timed_Automata ...

Cleaning Tarskis_Geometry ...

Cleaning SumSquares ...

Cleaning Sturm_Sequences ...

Cleaning Statecharts ...

Cleaning Splay_Tree ...

Cleaning Sort_Encodings ...

Cleaning Simpl ...

Cleaning SequentInvertibility ...

Cleaning Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL ...

Cleaning SIFUM_Type_Systems ...

Cleaning SIFPL ...

Cleaning SATSolverVerification ...

Cleaning Rep_Fin_Groups ...

Cleaning Regular-Sets ...

Cleaning Regex_Equivalence ...

Cleaning Random_Graph_Subgraph_Threshold ...

Cleaning RSAPSS ...

Cleaning QR_Decomposition ...

Cleaning Psi_Calculi ...

Cleaning Probabilistic_System_Zoo-Non_BNFs ...

Cleaning Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs ...

Cleaning Probabilistic_System_Zoo ...

Cleaning Probabilistic_Noninterference ...

Cleaning Prime_Harmonic_Series ...

Cleaning Planarity_Certificates ...

Cleaning Pi_Calculus ...

Cleaning PCF ...

Cleaning Ordinary_Differential_Equations ...

Cleaning Noninterference_CSP ...

Cleaning Noninterference_Ipurge_Unwinding ...

Cleaning Native_Word ...

Cleaning Marriage ...

Cleaning Markov_Models ...

Cleaning MSO_Regex_Equivalence ...

Cleaning MSO_Examples ...

Cleaning List_Update ...

Cleaning List-Infinite ...

Cleaning Nat-Interval-Logic ...

Cleaning LinearQuantifierElim ...

Cleaning LightweightJava ...

Cleaning Lehmer ...

Cleaning Launchbury ...

Cleaning LatticeProperties ...

Cleaning PseudoHoops ...

Cleaning LTL ...

Cleaning LTL_to_DRA ...

Cleaning Koenigsberg_Friendship ...

Cleaning Kleene_Algebra ...

Cleaning Multirelations ...

Cleaning Regular_Algebras ...

Cleaning Relation_Algebra ...

Cleaning KBPs ...

Cleaning Jinja ...

Cleaning Slicing ...

Cleaning JNF-HOL-Lib ...

Cleaning JNF-AFP-Lib ...

Cleaning Jordan_Normal_Form ...

Cleaning Pre_Polynomial_Factorization ...

Cleaning Polynomial_Factorization ...

Cleaning Pre_Algebraic_Numbers ...

Cleaning Incompleteness ...

Cleaning Heard_Of ...

Cleaning HRB-Slicing ...

Cleaning InformationFlowSlicing_Inter ...

Cleaning Group-Ring-Module ...

Cleaning Valuation ...

Cleaning Graph_Theory ...

Cleaning Girth_Chromatic ...

Cleaning Gauss_Jordan ...

Cleaning Free-Groups ...

Cleaning Formula_Derivatives ...

Cleaning Formula_Derivatives-Examples ...

Cleaning Flyspeck-Tame ...

Cleaning Featherweight_OCL ...

Cleaning Ergodic_Theory ...

Cleaning Encodability_Process_Calculi ...

Cleaning Echelon_Form ...

Cleaning Discrete_Summation ...

Cleaning Deriving ...

Cleaning Derangements ...

Cleaning Density_Compiler ...

Cleaning Datatype_Order_Generator ...

Cleaning CoreC++ ...

Cleaning Containers ...

Cleaning Containers-Benchmarks ...

Cleaning Consensus_Refined ...

Cleaning ComponentDependencies ...

Cleaning Coinductive ...

Cleaning Lazy-Lists-II ...

Cleaning Circus ...

Cleaning Cauchy ...

Cleaning Sqrt_Babylonian ...

Cleaning Call_Arity ...

Cleaning BytecodeLogicJmlTypes ...

Cleaning BDD ...

Cleaning Automatic_Refinement ...

Cleaning Refine_Monadic ...

Cleaning Collections ...

Cleaning CAVA_Base ...

Cleaning CAVA_Automata ...

Cleaning Gabow_SCC ...

Cleaning LTL_to_GBA ...

Cleaning CAVA_buildchain1 ...

Cleaning CAVA_buildchain3 ...

Cleaning CAVA_LTL_Modelchecker ...

Cleaning Promela ...

Cleaning Collections_Examples ...

Cleaning Dijkstra_Shortest_Path ...

Cleaning Formal_SSA ...

Cleaning Network_Security_Policy_Verification ...

Cleaning Tree-Automata ...

Cleaning AutoFocus-Stream ...

Cleaning Applicative_Lifting ...

Cleaning Amortized_Complexity ...

Cleaning Algebraic_Numbers ...

Cleaning Akra_Bazzi ...

Cleaning Affine_Arithmetic ...

Cleaning Abstract-Rewriting ...

Cleaning Matrix ...

Cleaning Matrix_Tensor ...

Cleaning Knot_Theory ...

Cleaning Abortable_Linearizable_Modules ...

Cleaning AWN ...

Building HOL ...

HOL: theory Code_Generator

HOL: theory HOL

HOL: theory Ctr_Sugar

HOL: theory Orderings

HOL: theory SAT

HOL: theory Coinduction

HOL: theory Groups

HOL: theory Lattices

HOL: theory Set

HOL: theory Typedef

HOL: theory Rings

HOL: theory Fun

HOL: theory Complete_Lattices

HOL: theory Inductive

HOL: theory Product_Type

HOL: theory Sum_Type

HOL: theory Complete_Partial_Order

HOL: theory Nat

HOL: theory Fields

HOL: theory Meson

HOL: theory ATP

HOL: theory Metis

HOL: theory Finite_Set

HOL: theory Relation

HOL: theory Transitive_Closure

HOL: theory Wellfounded

HOL: theory Fun_Def_Base

HOL: theory Hilbert_Choice

HOL: theory Wfrec

HOL: theory Order_Relation

HOL: theory BNF_Wellorder_Relation

HOL: theory Zorn

HOL: theory BNF_Wellorder_Embedding

HOL: theory BNF_Wellorder_Constructions

HOL: theory BNF_Cardinal_Order_Relation

HOL: theory BNF_Cardinal_Arithmetic

HOL: theory BNF_Def

HOL: theory BNF_Composition

HOL: theory Basic_BNFs

HOL: theory BNF_Fixpoint_Base

HOL: theory BNF_Least_Fixpoint

HOL: theory Basic_BNF_LFPs

HOL: theory Num

HOL: theory Transfer

HOL: theory Power

HOL: theory Groups_Big

HOL: theory Equiv_Relations

HOL: theory Lifting

HOL: theory Lifting_Set

HOL: theory Option

HOL: theory Quotient

HOL: theory Extraction

HOL: theory Lattices_Big

HOL: theory Partial_Function

HOL: theory Fun_Def

HOL: theory Int

HOL: theory Nat_Transfer

HOL: theory Parity

HOL: theory Set_Interval

HOL: theory Divides

HOL: theory Filter

HOL: theory Code_Numeral

HOL: theory Numeral_Simprocs

HOL: theory SMT

HOL: theory Semiring_Normalization

HOL: theory Groebner_Basis

HOL: theory Presburger

HOL: theory Sledgehammer

HOL: theory List

HOL: theory Groups_List

HOL: theory Map

HOL: theory Enum

HOL: theory Random

HOL: theory String

HOL: theory BNF_Greatest_Fixpoint

HOL: theory Predicate

HOL: theory Typerep

HOL: theory Lazy_Sequence

HOL: theory Limited_Sequence

HOL: theory Code_Evaluation

HOL: theory Quickcheck_Random

HOL: theory Quickcheck_Exhaustive

HOL: theory Quickcheck_Narrowing

HOL: theory Random_Pred

HOL: theory Record

HOL: theory Random_Sequence

HOL: theory Predicate_Compile

HOL: theory Nitpick

HOL: theory Main

HOL: theory Archimedean_Field

HOL: theory Binomial

HOL: theory Conditionally_Complete_Lattices

HOL: theory GCD

HOL: theory Topological_Spaces

HOL: theory Rat

HOL: theory Real

HOL: theory Real_Vector_Spaces

HOL: theory Inequalities

HOL: theory Limits

HOL: theory Deriv

HOL: theory Series

HOL: theory NthRoot

HOL: theory Transcendental

HOL: theory Complex

HOL: theory MacLaurin

HOL: theory Taylor

HOL: theory Complex_Main

Timing HOL (4 threads, 241.699s elapsed time, 726.924s cpu time, 27.756s GC time, factor 3.01)

Finished HOL (0:05:55 elapsed time, 0:14:00 cpu time, factor 2.37)

Building HOL-Library ...

Building HOL-Multivariate_Analysis ...

HOL-Library: theory Lattice_Syntax

HOL-Library: theory Adhoc_Overloading

HOL-Library: theory Preorder

HOL-Library: theory AList

HOL-Library: theory BNF_Axiomatization

HOL-Library: theory BNF_Corec

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Permutations

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory FuncSet

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Nat_Bijection

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Infinite_Set

HOL-Library: theory Permutations

HOL-Library: theory Bit

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Old_Datatype

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Phantom_Type

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Product_plus

HOL-Library: theory Bits

HOL-Library: theory Boolean_Algebra

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Set_Algebras

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Product_Order

HOL-Library: theory Bits_Bit

HOL-Library: theory Bourbaki_Witt_Fixpoint

HOL-Library: theory Cardinal_Notations

HOL-Library: theory Char_ord

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory L2_Norm

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Indicator_Function

HOL-Library: theory Code_Abstract_Nat

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Cardinality

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Inner_Product

HOL-Library: theory Code_Char

HOL-Library: theory Code_Binary_Nat

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Liminf_Limsup

HOL-Library: theory Code_Target_Nat

HOL-Library: theory Code_Prolog

HOL-Library: theory Code_Test

HOL-Library: theory DAList

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Countable

HOL-Library: theory Complete_Partial_Order2

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Nonpos_Ints

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Numeral_Type

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Product_Vector

HOL-Library: theory FSet

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Operator_Norm

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Periodic_Fun

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Convex

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Euclidean_Space

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Countable_Set

HOL-Library: theory Debug

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory PolyRoots

HOL-Library: theory Discrete

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Sum_of_Squares

HOL-Library: theory Disjoint_Sets

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Countable_Complete_Lattices

HOL-Library: theory Dlist

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Finite_Cartesian_Product

HOL-Library: theory Fraction_Field

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Linear_Algebra

HOL-Library: theory Fun_Lexorder

HOL-Library: theory FuncSet

HOL-Library: theory Function_Algebras

HOL-Library: theory Function_Growth

HOL-Library: theory Function_Division

HOL-Library: theory Code_Target_Int

HOL-Library: theory Groups_Big_Fun

HOL-Library: theory IArray

HOL-Library: theory Code_Target_Numeral

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Norm_Arith

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Order_Continuity

HOL-Library: theory Infinite_Set

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Extended_Nat

HOL-Library: theory LaTeXsugar

HOL-Library: theory Lattice_Constructions

HOL-Library: theory ListVector

HOL-Library: theory Omega_Words_Fun

HOL-Library: theory List_lexord

HOL-Library: theory Mapping

HOL-Library: theory Misc_Numeric

HOL-Library: theory Misc_Typedef

HOL-Library: theory Bit_Representation

HOL-Library: theory Monad_Syntax

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Topology_Euclidean_Space

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Extended_Real

HOL-Library: theory More_List

HOL-Library: theory AList_Mapping

HOL-Library: theory Multiset

HOL-Library: theory Bits_Int

HOL-Library: theory Nat_Bijection

HOL-Library: theory Stream

HOL-Library: theory Old_Datatype

HOL-Library: theory Bool_List_Representation

HOL-Library: theory Old_Recdef

HOL-Library: theory Option_ord

HOL-Library: theory Countable

HOL-Library: theory Parallel

HOL-Library: theory Phantom_Type

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Extended_Nonnegative_Real

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Summation

HOL-Library: theory Product_Lexorder

HOL-Library: theory Product_plus

HOL-Library: theory Cardinality

HOL-Library: theory Product_Order

HOL-Library: theory DAList_Multiset

HOL-Library: theory Multiset_Order

HOL-Library: theory Permutation

HOL-Library: theory Countable_Set

HOL-Library: theory Finite_Lattice

HOL-Library: theory Quotient_Syntax

HOL-Library: theory Quotient_Option

HOL-Library: theory FinFun

HOL-Library: theory Numeral_Type

HOL-Library: theory Countable_Complete_Lattices

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Bounded_Linear_Function

HOL-Library: theory Countable_Set_Type

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Convex_Euclidean_Space

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Extended_Real_Limits

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Uniform_Limit

HOL-Library: theory Type_Length

HOL-Library: theory Saturated

HOL-Library: theory Quotient_Product

HOL-Library: theory Quotient_Set

HOL-Library: theory Quotient_List

HOL-Library: theory Quotient_Sum

HOL-Library: theory Quotient_Type

HOL-Library: theory RBT_Impl

HOL-Library: theory Ramsey

HOL-Library: theory Reflection

HOL-Library: theory Refute

HOL-Library: theory Rewrite

HOL-Library: theory Set_Algebras

HOL-Library: theory Simps_Case_Conv

HOL-Library: theory Extended

HOL-Library: theory State_Monad

HOL-Library: theory Sublist

HOL-Library: theory Polynomial

HOL-Library: theory Sublist_Order

HOL-Library: theory BigO

HOL-Library: theory Code_Real_Approx_By_Float

HOL-Library: theory ContNotDenum

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Brouwer_Fixpoint

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Path_Connected

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Derivative

HOL-Library: theory Diagonal_Subsequence

HOL-Library: theory Indicator_Function

HOL-Library: theory Inner_Product

HOL-Library: theory Lattice_Algebras

HOL-Library: theory Euclidean_Algorithm

HOL-Library: theory Polynomial_GCD_euclidean

HOL-Library: theory Fundamental_Theorem_Algebra

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Weierstrass

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Integration

HOL-Library: theory Product_Vector

HOL-Library: theory Convex

HOL-Library: theory Liminf_Limsup

HOL-Library: theory Lub_Glb

HOL-Library: theory OptionalSugar

HOL-Library: theory Order_Continuity

HOL-Library: theory Float

HOL-Library: theory Extended_Nat

HOL-Library: theory Extended_Real

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Bounded_Continuous_Function

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Cartesian_Euclidean_Space

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Integral_Test

HOL-Library: theory Linear_Temporal_Logic_on_Streams

HOL-Library: theory Formal_Power_Series

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Complex_Analysis_Basics

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Determinants

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Fashoda

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Ordered_Euclidean_Space

HOL-Library: theory Quadratic_Discriminant

HOL-Library: theory Sum_of_Squares

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Complex_Transcendental

HOL-Library: theory Extended_Nonnegative_Real

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Generalised_Binomial_Theorem

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Harmonic_Numbers

HOL-Library: theory Transitive_Closure_Table

HOL-Library: theory Tree

HOL-Library: theory While_Combinator

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Gamma

HOL-Library: theory Word_Miscellaneous

HOL-Library: theory Word

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Cauchy_Integral_Thm

HOL-Library: theory Tree_Multiset

HOL-Library: theory Library

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Conformal_Mappings

HOL-Library: theory Old_SMT

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Multivariate_Analysis

HOL-Library: theory RBT

HOL-Library: theory RBT_Mapping

HOL-Library: theory RBT_Set

Timing HOL-Library (4 threads, 211.617s elapsed time, 754.840s cpu time, 24.228s GC time, factor 3.57)

Finished HOL-Library (0:05:59 elapsed time, 0:15:02 cpu time, factor 2.51)

Building HOLCF ...

HOLCF: theory Nat_Bijection

HOLCF: theory Old_Datatype

HOLCF: theory Countable

HOLCF: theory Porder

HOLCF: theory Pcpo

HOLCF: theory Cont

HOLCF: theory Adm

HOLCF: theory Discrete

HOLCF: theory Fun_Cpo

HOLCF: theory Product_Cpo

HOLCF: theory Cpodef

HOLCF: theory Cfun

HOLCF: theory Cprod

HOLCF: theory Sprod

HOLCF: theory Sfun

HOLCF: theory Fix

HOLCF: theory Up

HOLCF: theory Lift

HOLCF: theory One

HOLCF: theory Tr

HOLCF: theory Ssum

HOLCF: theory Plain_HOLCF

HOLCF: theory Completion

HOLCF: theory Fixrec

HOLCF: theory Deflation

HOLCF: theory Map_Functions

HOLCF: theory Bifinite

HOLCF: theory Domain_Aux

HOLCF: theory Universal

HOLCF: theory Algebraic

HOLCF: theory Compact_Basis

HOLCF: theory LowerPD

HOLCF: theory UpperPD

HOLCF: theory Representable

HOLCF: theory ConvexPD

HOLCF: theory Domain

HOLCF: theory Powerdomains


Timing HOL-Multivariate_Analysis (4 threads, 328.434s elapsed time, 1232.252s cpu time, 21.448s GC time, factor 3.75)

Finished HOL-Multivariate_Analysis (0:06:48 elapsed time, 0:21:52 cpu time, factor 3.21)

Building HOL-Probability ...

HOL-Probability: theory Multiset

HOL-Probability: theory Diagonal_Subsequence

Timing HOLCF (4 threads, 25.175s elapsed time, 59.772s cpu time, 2.184s GC time, factor 2.37)

Finished HOLCF (0:00:54 elapsed time, 0:01:29 cpu time, factor 1.63)

Building HOL-Nominal ...

HOL-Nominal: theory Old_Datatype

HOL-Nominal: theory Infinite_Set

HOL-Probability: theory Permutation

HOL-Nominal: theory Nominal

HOL-Probability: theory Adhoc_Overloading

HOL-Probability: theory Disjoint_Sets

HOL-Probability: theory Stream

HOL-Probability: theory Sublist

HOL-Probability: theory Monad_Syntax

HOL-Probability: theory ContNotDenum

HOL-Probability: theory Sigma_Algebra

HOL-Probability: theory Discrete_Topology

HOL-Probability: theory Linear_Temporal_Logic_on_Streams

HOL-Probability: theory Measurable

HOL-Probability: theory Borel_Space

HOL-Probability: theory Measure_Space

HOL-Probability: theory Caratheodory

HOL-Probability: theory Nonnegative_Lebesgue_Integration

HOL-Probability: theory Regularity

HOL-Probability: theory Binary_Product_Measure

HOL-Probability: theory Embed_Measure

HOL-Probability: theory Finite_Product_Measure

HOL-Probability: theory Bochner_Integration

HOL-Probability: theory Fin_Map

HOL-Probability: theory Radon_Nikodym

HOL-Probability: theory Lebesgue_Measure

HOL-Probability: theory Probability_Measure

HOL-Probability: theory Set_Integral

HOL-Probability: theory Interval_Integral

HOL-Probability: theory Lebesgue_Integral_Substitution

HOL-Probability: theory Complete_Measure

HOL-Probability: theory Distribution_Functions

HOL-Probability: theory Giry_Monad

HOL-Probability: theory Weak_Convergence

HOL-Probability: theory Helly_Selection

HOL-Probability: theory Probability_Mass_Function

HOL-Probability: theory Projective_Family

Timing HOL-Nominal (4 threads, 13.745s elapsed time, 33.968s cpu time, 1.020s GC time, factor 2.47)

Finished HOL-Nominal (0:00:37 elapsed time, 0:00:57 cpu time, factor 1.53)

HOL-Probability: theory Infinite_Product_Measure

Building HOL-Algebra ...

HOL-Probability: theory Independent_Family

HOL-Probability: theory Stream_Space

HOL-Probability: theory Projective_Limit

HOL-Algebra: theory FuncSet

HOL-Algebra: theory Primes

HOL-Algebra: theory Multiset

HOL-Probability: theory Convolution

HOL-Probability: theory Information

HOL-Probability: theory Distributions

HOL-Algebra: theory Permutation

HOL-Probability: theory Characteristic_Functions

HOL-Probability: theory Sinc_Integral

HOL-Probability: theory Levy

HOL-Probability: theory Central_Limit_Theorem

HOL-Probability: theory Probability

HOL-Algebra: theory Congruence

HOL-Algebra: theory Exponent

HOL-Algebra: theory Lattice

HOL-Algebra: theory Group

HOL-Algebra: theory Bij

HOL-Algebra: theory Coset

HOL-Algebra: theory FiniteProduct

HOL-Algebra: theory Ring

HOL-Algebra: theory Sylow

HOL-Algebra: theory Divisibility

HOL-Algebra: theory AbelCoset

HOL-Algebra: theory Module

HOL-Algebra: theory Ideal

HOL-Algebra: theory RingHom

HOL-Algebra: theory QuotRing

HOL-Algebra: theory UnivPoly

HOL-Algebra: theory IntRing

Timing HOL-Algebra (4 threads, 75.551s elapsed time, 253.312s cpu time, 9.740s GC time, factor 3.35)

Finished HOL-Algebra (0:02:08 elapsed time, 0:05:05 cpu time, factor 2.39)

Building Abstract-Rewriting ...

Abstract-Rewriting: theory Regular_Set

Abstract-Rewriting: theory While_Combinator

Abstract-Rewriting: theory Regular_Exp

Abstract-Rewriting: theory NDerivative

Abstract-Rewriting: theory Relation_Interpretation

Abstract-Rewriting: theory Equivalence_Checking

Abstract-Rewriting: theory Regexp_Method

Abstract-Rewriting: theory Infinite_Set

Abstract-Rewriting: theory Seq

Abstract-Rewriting: theory Abstract_Rewriting

Abstract-Rewriting: theory Relative_Rewriting

Abstract-Rewriting: theory SN_Orders

Abstract-Rewriting: theory SN_Order_Carrier

Timing Abstract-Rewriting (4 threads, 46.122s elapsed time, 136.208s cpu time, 3.844s GC time, factor 2.95)

Finished Abstract-Rewriting (0:01:28 elapsed time, 0:03:03 cpu time, factor 2.07)

Building HOL-Word ...

HOL-Word: theory Bit

HOL-Word: theory Bits

HOL-Word: theory Boolean_Algebra

HOL-Word: theory Misc_Numeric

HOL-Word: theory Bit_Representation

HOL-Word: theory Misc_Typedef

HOL-Word: theory Phantom_Type

HOL-Word: theory Bits_Bit

HOL-Word: theory Word_Miscellaneous

HOL-Word: theory Bits_Int

HOL-Word: theory Cardinality

HOL-Word: theory Numeral_Type

HOL-Word: theory Bool_List_Representation

HOL-Word: theory Type_Length

HOL-Word: theory Word

Timing HOL-Word (4 threads, 17.623s elapsed time, 61.508s cpu time, 1.912s GC time, factor 3.49)

Finished HOL-Word (0:00:43 elapsed time, 0:01:27 cpu time, factor 2.00)

Building Kleene_Algebra ...

Kleene_Algebra: theory Signatures

Kleene_Algebra: theory Dioid

Kleene_Algebra: theory Conway

Kleene_Algebra: theory Finite_Suprema

Kleene_Algebra: theory Matrix

Kleene_Algebra: theory Dioid_Models

Kleene_Algebra: theory Inf_Matrix

Timing HOL-Probability (4 threads, 263.371s elapsed time, 980.852s cpu time, 15.276s GC time, factor 3.72)

Finished HOL-Probability (0:05:34 elapsed time, 0:17:31 cpu time, factor 3.15)

Building Coinductive ...

Kleene_Algebra: theory Kleene_Algebra

Coinductive: theory Prefix_Order

Coinductive: theory L2_Norm

Coinductive: theory Primes

Coinductive: theory Norm_Arith

Coinductive: theory Euclidean_Space

Coinductive: theory Linear_Algebra

Kleene_Algebra: theory DRA

Kleene_Algebra: theory Omega_Algebra

Kleene_Algebra: theory PHL_KA

Kleene_Algebra: theory Kleene_Algebra_Models

Coinductive: theory Topology_Euclidean_Space

Kleene_Algebra: theory Formal_Power_Series

Kleene_Algebra: theory PHL_DRA

Kleene_Algebra: theory Omega_Algebra_Models

Coinductive: theory Extended_Real_Limits

Coinductive: theory Coinductive_Nat

Coinductive: theory Resumption

Coinductive: theory Coinductive_List

Coinductive: theory CCPO_Topology

Coinductive: theory Coinductive_List_Prefix

Coinductive: theory Hamming_Stream

Coinductive: theory Koenigslemma

Coinductive: theory LMirror

Coinductive: theory Lazy_LList

Coinductive: theory Quotient_Coinductive_List

Coinductive: theory TLList

Coinductive: theory Coinductive_Stream

Coinductive: theory LList_CCPO_Topology

Coinductive: theory Lazy_TLList

Coinductive: theory Quotient_TLList

Coinductive: theory TLList_CCPO

Coinductive: theory TLList_CCPO_Examples

Coinductive: theory Coinductive

Coinductive: theory Coinductive_Examples

Timing Kleene_Algebra (4 threads, 53.301s elapsed time, 125.364s cpu time, 4.096s GC time, factor 2.35)

Finished Kleene_Algebra (0:01:40 elapsed time, 0:02:52 cpu time, factor 1.72)

Building Jinja ...

Jinja: theory Code_Abstract_Nat

Jinja: theory Code_Target_Int

Jinja: theory Sublist

Jinja: theory While_Combinator

Jinja: theory Code_Target_Nat

Jinja: theory Code_Target_Numeral

Jinja: theory Auxiliary

Jinja: theory List_Index

Jinja: theory Transitive_Closure_Table

Jinja: theory Semilat

Jinja: theory Type

Jinja: theory Hidden

Jinja: theory Err

Jinja: theory Decl

Jinja: theory TypeRel

Jinja: theory Listn

Jinja: theory Opt

Jinja: theory Product

Jinja: theory Semilattices

Jinja: theory Typing_Framework

Jinja: theory SemilatAlg

Jinja: theory Kildall

Jinja: theory LBVSpec

Jinja: theory Value

Jinja: theory Typing_Framework_err

Jinja: theory LBVComplete

Jinja: theory LBVCorrect

Jinja: theory Objects

Jinja: theory Abstract_BV

Jinja: theory Exceptions

Jinja: theory JVMState

Jinja: theory JVMInstructions

Jinja: theory Conform

Jinja: theory Expr

Jinja: theory State

Jinja: theory SystemClasses

Jinja: theory WellForm

Jinja: theory PCompiler

Jinja: theory SemiType

Jinja: theory JVM_SemiType

Jinja: theory JVMExceptions

Jinja: theory JVMExecInstr

Jinja: theory Effect

Jinja: theory JVMExec

Jinja: theory JVMDefensive

Jinja: theory JVMListExample

Jinja: theory Examples

Jinja: theory BigStep

Jinja: theory SmallStep

Jinja: theory WellType

Jinja: theory Annotate

Jinja: theory WellTypeRT

Jinja: theory DefAss

Jinja: theory J1

Jinja: theory execute_Bigstep

Jinja: theory execute_WellType

Jinja: theory Compiler1

Jinja: theory Compiler2

Jinja: theory WWellForm

Jinja: theory Correctness2

Jinja: theory Equivalence

Jinja: theory Progress

Jinja: theory JWellForm

Jinja: theory J1WellForm

Jinja: theory BVSpec

Jinja: theory BVConform

Jinja: theory TypeSafe

Jinja: theory BVSpecTypeSafe

Jinja: theory Correctness1

Jinja: theory Compiler

Jinja: theory EffectMono

Jinja: theory TF_JVM

Jinja: theory TypeComp

Jinja: theory BVExec

Jinja: theory BVNoTypeError

Jinja: theory BVExample

Jinja: theory LBVJVM

Jinja: theory Jinja

Timing Coinductive (4 threads, 96.098s elapsed time, 315.456s cpu time, 6.736s GC time, factor 3.28)

Finished Coinductive (0:02:43 elapsed time, 0:06:44 cpu time, factor 2.47)

Building Simpl ...

Simpl: theory DistinctTreeProver

Simpl: theory LaTeXsugar

Simpl: theory Multiset

Simpl: theory Old_Recdef

Simpl: theory Simpl_Heap

Simpl: theory HeapList

Simpl: theory Language

Simpl: theory Generalise

Simpl: theory StateFun

Simpl: theory StateSpaceLocale

Simpl: theory StateSpaceSyntax

Simpl: theory Permutation

Simpl: theory Semantic

Simpl: theory HoarePartialDef

Simpl: theory Termination

Simpl: theory HoarePartialProps

Simpl: theory HoareTotalDef

Simpl: theory SmallStep

Simpl: theory AlternativeSmallStep

Simpl: theory HoarePartial

Simpl: theory HoareTotalProps

Simpl: theory Compose

Simpl: theory HoareTotal

Simpl: theory Hoare

Simpl: theory Closure

Simpl: theory StateSpace

Simpl: theory Vcg

Simpl: theory ProcParEx

Simpl: theory ProcParExSP

Simpl: theory XVcg

Simpl: theory ClosureEx

Simpl: theory XVcgEx

Simpl: theory ComposeEx

Simpl: theory Quicksort

Simpl: theory SyntaxTest

Simpl: theory UserGuide

Simpl: theory VcgEx

Simpl: theory VcgExSP

Simpl: theory VcgExTotal

Simpl: theory Simpl


(see also /media/data/jenkins/.isabelle/heaps/polyml-5.6_x86_64-linux/log/Jinja)

val fs4 = fn:

Isabelle1268989.Generated_Code.char list *

Isabelle1268989.Generated_Code.char list

-> Isabelle1268989.Generated_Code.vala option

val F = [Char (Bit0 (Bit1 (Bit1 (Bit0 (Bit0 (Bit0 One))))))]:

Isabelle1268989.Generated_Code.char list

val L = [Char (Bit0 (Bit0 (Bit1 (Bit1 (Bit0 (Bit0 One))))))]:

Isabelle1268989.Generated_Code.char list

val N = [Char (Bit0 (Bit1 (Bit1 (Bit1 (Bit0 (Bit0 One))))))]:

Isabelle1268989.Generated_Code.char list

val it = (): unit

val l = fn:

Isabelle1268827.Generated_Code.char list ->

Isabelle1268827.Generated_Code.vala option

val h = fn:

Isabelle1268827.Generated_Code.nat ->

(Isabelle1268827.Generated_Code.char list *

(Isabelle1268827.Generated_Code.char list *

Isabelle1268827.Generated_Code.char list

-> Isabelle1268827.Generated_Code.vala option)



val c = [Char (Bit1 (Bit1 (Bit0 (Bit0 (Bit0 (Bit0 One))))))]:

Isabelle1268827.Generated_Code.char list

val fs = fn:

Isabelle1268827.Generated_Code.char list *

Isabelle1268827.Generated_Code.char list

-> Isabelle1268827.Generated_Code.vala option

val obj =

[Char (Bit1 (Bit1 (Bit1 (Bit1 (Bit0 (Bit0 One)))))),

Char (Bit0 (Bit1 (Bit0 (Bit0 (Bit0 (Bit1 One)))))),

Char (Bit0 (Bit1 (Bit0 (Bit1 (Bit0 (Bit1 One)))))),

Char (Bit1 (Bit0 (Bit1 (Bit0 (Bit0 (Bit1 One)))))),

Char (Bit1 (Bit1 (Bit0 (Bit0 (Bit0 (Bit1 One)))))),

Char (Bit0 (Bit0 (Bit1 (Bit0 (Bit1 (Bit1 One))))))]:

Isabelle1268827.Generated_Code.char list

val i = Int_of_integer 42: Isabelle1268827.Generated_Code.inta

val it = (): unit

*** Undefined fact: "bij_betw_imageE" (line 241 of "~~/afp/thys/List-Index/List_Index.thy")

*** At command "by" (line 241 of "~~/afp/thys/List-Index/List_Index.thy")

Building Deriving ...

Deriving: theory More_Bits_Int

Deriving: theory Bits_Integer

Deriving: theory Word_Misc

Timing Simpl (4 threads, 121.553s elapsed time, 421.328s cpu time, 17.064s GC time, factor 3.47)

Finished Simpl (0:03:39 elapsed time, 0:08:39 cpu time, factor 2.36)

Building LTL ...

LTL: theory LTL

Deriving: theory Code_Target_Bits_Int

Deriving: theory Code_Target_ICF

Deriving: theory Uint32

Deriving: theory HashCode

Deriving: theory Comparator

Deriving: theory Derive_Manager

Deriving: theory Generator_Aux

Deriving: theory Countable_Generator

Deriving: theory Equality_Generator

Deriving: theory Hash_Generator

Deriving: theory Equality_Instances

Deriving: theory Compare

Deriving: theory Comparator_Generator

Deriving: theory RBT_Comparator_Impl

Deriving: theory Hash_Instances

LTL: theory LTL_Rewrite

Deriving: theory RBT_Compare_Order_Impl

Deriving: theory Compare_Generator

Deriving: theory Compare_Instances

Deriving: theory Compare_Rat

Deriving: theory Compare_Real

Deriving: theory Compare_Order_Instances

Deriving: theory Derive

Deriving: theory Derive_Examples

LTL: theory LTL_Example

Timing LTL (4 threads, 31.936s elapsed time, 80.180s cpu time, 2.488s GC time, factor 2.51)

Finished LTL (0:01:26 elapsed time, 0:02:14 cpu time, factor 1.55)

Building HOL-Cardinals ...

HOL-Cardinals: theory Order_Union

HOL-Cardinals: theory Cardinal_Notations

HOL-Cardinals: theory Fun_More

HOL-Cardinals: theory Order_Relation_More

HOL-Cardinals: theory Wellorder_Extension

HOL-Cardinals: theory Wellfounded_More

HOL-Cardinals: theory Wellorder_Relation

HOL-Cardinals: theory Wellorder_Embedding

HOL-Cardinals: theory Wellorder_Constructions

HOL-Cardinals: theory Cardinal_Order_Relation

HOL-Cardinals: theory Ordinal_Arithmetic

HOL-Cardinals: theory Cardinal_Arithmetic

HOL-Cardinals: theory Cardinals

HOL-Cardinals: theory Bounded_Set

Timing Deriving (4 threads, 48.220s elapsed time, 91.024s cpu time, 3.884s GC time, factor 1.89)

Finished Deriving (0:01:59 elapsed time, 0:03:20 cpu time, factor 1.69)

Building LatticeProperties ...

LatticeProperties: theory Conj_Disj

LatticeProperties: theory Lattice_Prop

LatticeProperties: theory WellFoundedTransitive

LatticeProperties: theory Modular_Distrib_Lattice

LatticeProperties: theory Complete_Lattice_Prop

LatticeProperties: theory Lattice_Ordered_Group

Timing LatticeProperties (4 threads, 5.447s elapsed time, 13.584s cpu time, 0.224s GC time, factor 2.49)

Finished LatticeProperties (0:00:24 elapsed time, 0:00:32 cpu time, factor 1.33)

Building MSO_Regex_Equivalence ...

Timing HOL-Cardinals (4 threads, 23.127s elapsed time, 84.584s cpu time, 1.960s GC time, factor 3.66)

Finished HOL-Cardinals (0:00:47 elapsed time, 0:01:49 cpu time, factor 2.28)



Building Formula_Derivatives ...

MSO_Regex_Equivalence: theory Derive_Manager

MSO_Regex_Equivalence: theory Comparator

MSO_Regex_Equivalence: theory Generator_Aux

MSO_Regex_Equivalence: theory List_Index

MSO_Regex_Equivalence: theory List_More

Formula_Derivatives: theory Coinductive_Language

Formula_Derivatives: theory Comparator

Formula_Derivatives: theory FSet_More

Formula_Derivatives: theory Derive_Manager

Formula_Derivatives: theory Generator_Aux

Formula_Derivatives: theory List_Index

Formula_Derivatives: theory While_Default

MSO_Regex_Equivalence: theory Compare

MSO_Regex_Equivalence: theory Comparator_Generator

MSO_Regex_Equivalence: theory Compare_Generator

Formula_Derivatives: theory Compare

Formula_Derivatives: theory Comparator_Generator

MSO_Regex_Equivalence: theory Compare_Instances

Formula_Derivatives: theory Compare_Generator

Formula_Derivatives: theory Compare_Instances

MSO_Regex_Equivalence FAILED

(see also /media/data/jenkins/.isabelle/heaps/polyml-5.6_x86_64-linux/log/MSO_Regex_Equivalence)

### theory "Compare_Instances"

### 0.777s elapsed time, 3.108s cpu time, 0.000s GC time

(if ?x \<le> ?y then if ?x = ?y then ?P else ?Q else ?R) =

(case compare ?x ?y of Eq \<Rightarrow> ?P | Lt \<Rightarrow> ?Q

| Gt \<Rightarrow> ?R)

(if ?x \<le> ?y then if ?y = ?x then ?P else ?Q else ?R) =

(case compare ?x ?y of Eq \<Rightarrow> ?P | Lt \<Rightarrow> ?Q

| Gt \<Rightarrow> ?R)

(if ?x \<le> ?y then if ?y \<le> ?x then ?P else ?Q else ?R) =

(case compare ?x ?y of Eq \<Rightarrow> ?P | Lt \<Rightarrow> ?Q

| Gt \<Rightarrow> ?R)

(if ?x \<le> ?y then if ?x < ?y then ?Q else ?P else ?R) =

(case compare ?x ?y of Eq \<Rightarrow> ?P | Lt \<Rightarrow> ?Q

| Gt \<Rightarrow> ?R)

(if ?x < ?y then ?Q else if ?x \<le> ?y then ?P else ?R) =

(case compare ?x ?y of Eq \<Rightarrow> ?P | Lt \<Rightarrow> ?Q

| Gt \<Rightarrow> ?R)

(if ?x < ?y then ?Q else if ?y < ?x then ?R else ?P) =

(case compare ?x ?y of Eq \<Rightarrow> ?P | Lt \<Rightarrow> ?Q

| Gt \<Rightarrow> ?R)

(if ?x < ?y then ?Q else if ?x = ?y then ?P else ?R) =

(case compare ?x ?y of Eq \<Rightarrow> ?P | Lt \<Rightarrow> ?Q

| Gt \<Rightarrow> ?R)

(if ?x < ?y then ?Q else if ?y = ?x then ?P else ?R) =

(case compare ?x ?y of Eq \<Rightarrow> ?P | Lt \<Rightarrow> ?Q

| Gt \<Rightarrow> ?R)

(if ?x = ?y then ?P else if ?y < ?x then ?R else ?Q) =

(case compare ?x ?y of Eq \<Rightarrow> ?P | Lt \<Rightarrow> ?Q

| Gt \<Rightarrow> ?R)

(if ?x = ?y then ?P else if ?x < ?y then ?Q else ?R) =

(case compare ?x ?y of Eq \<Rightarrow> ?P | Lt \<Rightarrow> ?Q

| Gt \<Rightarrow> ?R)

(if ?x = ?y then ?P else if ?y \<le> ?x then ?R else ?Q) =

(case compare ?x ?y of Eq \<Rightarrow> ?P | Lt \<Rightarrow> ?Q

| Gt \<Rightarrow> ?R)

(if ?x = ?y then ?P else if ?x \<le> ?y then ?Q else ?R) =

(case compare ?x ?y of Eq \<Rightarrow> ?P | Lt \<Rightarrow> ?Q

| Gt \<Rightarrow> ?R)

*** Undefined fact: "bij_betw_imageE" (line 241 of "~~/afp/thys/List-Index/List_Index.thy")

*** At command "by" (line 241 of "~~/afp/thys/List-Index/List_Index.thy")

Building Echelon_Form ...

Echelon_Form: theory Bit

Echelon_Form: theory Code_Abstract_Nat

Echelon_Form: theory Dual_Order

Echelon_Form: theory Code_Target_Int

Echelon_Form: theory Code_Target_Nat

Formula_Derivatives FAILED

(see also /media/data/jenkins/.isabelle/heaps/polyml-5.6_x86_64-linux/log/Formula_Derivatives)

### theory "Compare_Instances"

### 0.828s elapsed time, 3.216s cpu time, 0.000s GC time

(if ?x \<le> ?y then if ?x = ?y then ?P else ?Q else ?R) =

(case compare ?x ?y of Eq \<Rightarrow> ?P | Lt \<Rightarrow> ?Q

| Gt \<Rightarrow> ?R)

(if ?x \<le> ?y then if ?y = ?x then ?P else ?Q else ?R) =

(case compare ?x ?y of Eq \<Rightarrow> ?P | Lt \<Rightarrow> ?Q

| Gt \<Rightarrow> ?R)

(if ?x \<le> ?y then if ?y \<le> ?x then ?P else ?Q else ?R) =

(case compare ?x ?y of Eq \<Rightarrow> ?P | Lt \<Rightarrow> ?Q

| Gt \<Rightarrow> ?R)

(if ?x \<le> ?y then if ?x < ?y then ?Q else ?P else ?R) =

(case compare ?x ?y of Eq \<Rightarrow> ?P | Lt \<Rightarrow> ?Q

| Gt \<Rightarrow> ?R)

(if ?x < ?y then ?Q else if ?x \<le> ?y then ?P else ?R) =

(case compare ?x ?y of Eq \<Rightarrow> ?P | Lt \<Rightarrow> ?Q

| Gt \<Rightarrow> ?R)

(if ?x < ?y then ?Q else if ?y < ?x then ?R else ?P) =

(case compare ?x ?y of Eq \<Rightarrow> ?P | Lt \<Rightarrow> ?Q

| Gt \<Rightarrow> ?R)

(if ?x < ?y then ?Q else if ?x = ?y then ?P else ?R) =

(case compare ?x ?y of Eq \<Rightarrow> ?P | Lt \<Rightarrow> ?Q

| Gt \<Rightarrow> ?R)

(if ?x < ?y then ?Q else if ?y = ?x then ?P else ?R) =

(case compare ?x ?y of Eq \<Rightarrow> ?P | Lt \<Rightarrow> ?Q

| Gt \<Rightarrow> ?R)

(if ?x = ?y then ?P else if ?y < ?x then ?R else ?Q) =

(case compare ?x ?y of Eq \<Rightarrow> ?P | Lt \<Rightarrow> ?Q

| Gt \<Rightarrow> ?R)

(if ?x = ?y then ?P else if ?x < ?y then ?Q else ?R) =

(case compare ?x ?y of Eq \<Rightarrow> ?P | Lt \<Rightarrow> ?Q

| Gt \<Rightarrow> ?R)

(if ?x = ?y then ?P else if ?y \<le> ?x then ?R else ?Q) =

(case compare ?x ?y of Eq \<Rightarrow> ?P | Lt \<Rightarrow> ?Q

| Gt \<Rightarrow> ?R)

(if ?x = ?y then ?P else if ?x \<le> ?y then ?Q else ?R) =

(case compare ?x ?y of Eq \<Rightarrow> ?P | Lt \<Rightarrow> ?Q

| Gt \<Rightarrow> ?R)

*** Undefined fact: "bij_betw_imageE" (line 241 of "~~/afp/thys/List-Index/List_Index.thy")

*** At command "by" (line 241 of "~~/afp/thys/List-Index/List_Index.thy")

Building Datatype_Order_Generator ...

Echelon_Form: theory IArray

Echelon_Form: theory More_List

Echelon_Form: theory Code_Target_Numeral

Echelon_Form: theory Code_Set

Echelon_Form: theory Mod_Type

Echelon_Form: theory Polynomial

Echelon_Form: theory Code_Bit

Echelon_Form: theory Generalizations

Echelon_Form: theory IArray_Addenda

Echelon_Form: theory Square_Matrix

Datatype_Order_Generator: theory More_Bits_Int

Echelon_Form: theory Miscellaneous

Echelon_Form: theory Cayley_Hamilton

Datatype_Order_Generator: theory Bits_Integer

Datatype_Order_Generator: theory Word_Misc

Echelon_Form: theory Code_Matrix

Echelon_Form: theory Fundamental_Subspaces

Echelon_Form: theory Rref

Echelon_Form: theory Dim_Formula

Echelon_Form: theory Elementary_Operations

Echelon_Form: theory Rank

Echelon_Form: theory Matrix_To_IArray

Echelon_Form: theory Gauss_Jordan

Echelon_Form: theory Gauss_Jordan_IArrays

Echelon_Form: theory Linear_Maps

Echelon_Form: theory Gauss_Jordan_PA

Echelon_Form: theory Bases_Of_Fundamental_Subspaces

Echelon_Form: theory Determinants2

Echelon_Form: theory Gauss_Jordan_PA_IArrays

Echelon_Form: theory Inverse

Echelon_Form: theory System_Of_Equations

Echelon_Form: theory Inverse_IArrays

Echelon_Form: theory Examples_Gauss_Jordan_Abstract

Datatype_Order_Generator: theory Code_Target_Bits_Int

Datatype_Order_Generator: theory Code_Target_ICF

Datatype_Order_Generator: theory Uint32

Datatype_Order_Generator: theory HashCode

Datatype_Order_Generator: theory Derive_Manager

Datatype_Order_Generator: theory Derive_Aux

Datatype_Order_Generator: theory Countable_Generator

Datatype_Order_Generator: theory Order_Generator

Datatype_Order_Generator: theory Hash_Generator

Datatype_Order_Generator: theory Derive

Datatype_Order_Generator: theory Derive_Examples

Echelon_Form: theory Euclidean_Algorithm

Echelon_Form: theory Rings2

Echelon_Form: theory Cayley_Hamilton_Compatible

Echelon_Form: theory Code_Cayley_Hamilton

Echelon_Form: theory Echelon_Form

Echelon_Form: theory Echelon_Form_Det

Echelon_Form: theory Echelon_Form_IArrays

Echelon_Form: theory Echelon_Form_Inverse

Echelon_Form: theory Examples_Echelon_Form_Abstract

Echelon_Form: theory Echelon_Form_Det_IArrays

Echelon_Form: theory Code_Cayley_Hamilton_IArrays

Echelon_Form: theory Echelon_Form_Inverse_IArrays

Echelon_Form: theory Examples_Echelon_Form_IArrays

Timing Echelon_Form (4 threads, 247.480s elapsed time, 825.204s cpu time, 14.984s GC time, factor 3.33)

Finished Echelon_Form (0:05:11 elapsed time, 0:14:49 cpu time, factor 2.85)

Building Group-Ring-Module ...

Group-Ring-Module: theory Algebra1

Group-Ring-Module: theory Algebra2

Group-Ring-Module: theory Algebra3

Group-Ring-Module: theory Algebra4

Group-Ring-Module: theory Algebra5

Group-Ring-Module: theory Algebra6

Timing Datatype_Order_Generator (4 threads, 176.668s elapsed time, 332.564s cpu time, 21.416s GC time, factor 1.88)

Finished Datatype_Order_Generator (0:05:59 elapsed time, 0:09:13 cpu time, factor 1.54)

Building HOL-Imperative_HOL ...

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory LaTeXsugar

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Adhoc_Overloading

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Nat_Bijection

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Old_Datatype

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Monad_Syntax

Group-Ring-Module: theory Algebra7

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Countable

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Code_Target_Int

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Multiset

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Heap

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Code_Abstract_Nat

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Code_Target_Nat

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory RBT_Impl

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Code_Target_Numeral

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Sorted_List

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Heap_Monad

Group-Ring-Module: theory Algebra8

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Array

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory List_Sublist

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Ref

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Subarray

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Imperative_HOL

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Linked_Lists

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Overview

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Imperative_Quicksort

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Imperative_Reverse

Group-Ring-Module: theory Algebra9

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory SatChecker

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Imperative_HOL_ex

Timing Group-Ring-Module (4 threads, 189.362s elapsed time, 607.416s cpu time, 15.324s GC time, factor 3.21)

Finished Group-Ring-Module (0:04:05 elapsed time, 0:11:03 cpu time, factor 2.70)

Building Containers ...

Containers: theory Regular_Set

Timing HOL-Imperative_HOL (4 threads, 128.502s elapsed time, 298.936s cpu time, 8.324s GC time, factor 2.33)

Finished HOL-Imperative_HOL (0:03:23 elapsed time, 0:10:46 cpu time, factor 3.18)

Building Graph_Theory ...

Containers: theory Regular_Exp

Graph_Theory: theory Nat_Bijection

Graph_Theory: theory Infinite_Set

Graph_Theory: theory Old_Datatype

Graph_Theory: theory Liminf_Limsup

Containers: theory NDerivative

Containers: theory Relation_Interpretation

Graph_Theory: theory Countable

Graph_Theory: theory Countable_Set

Graph_Theory: theory Countable_Complete_Lattices

Containers: theory Equivalence_Checking

Graph_Theory: theory Order_Continuity

Containers: theory Regexp_Method

Graph_Theory: theory Extended_Nat

Graph_Theory: theory Extended_Real

Containers: theory Equal

Containers: theory AssocList

Containers: theory Extend_Partial_Order

Containers: theory List_Fusion

Containers: theory Closure_Set

Containers: theory Containers_Auxiliary

Containers: theory Card_Datatype

Containers: theory Containers_Generator

Containers: theory Collection_Enum

Containers: theory Collection_Eq

Containers: theory Lexicographic_Order

Containers: theory RBT_ext

Containers: theory DList_Set

Containers: theory Set_Linorder

Graph_Theory: theory FuncSet

Graph_Theory: theory Permutations

Graph_Theory: theory Rewrite

Graph_Theory: theory Rtrancl_On

Graph_Theory: theory Stuff

Graph_Theory: theory Digraph

Graph_Theory: theory Funpow

Graph_Theory: theory Arc_Walk

Graph_Theory: theory Bidirected_Digraph

Containers: theory Collection_Order

Graph_Theory: theory Vertex_Walk

Graph_Theory: theory Pair_Digraph

Graph_Theory: theory Weighted_Graph

Graph_Theory: theory Shortest_Path

Containers: theory List_Proper_Interval

Containers: theory RBT_Mapping2

Containers: theory RBT_Set2

Containers: theory Set_Impl

Graph_Theory: theory Digraph_Component

Graph_Theory: theory Digraph_Component_Vwalk

Graph_Theory: theory Digraph_Isomorphism

Graph_Theory: theory Subdivision

Graph_Theory: theory Kuratowski

Graph_Theory: theory Euler

Graph_Theory: theory Graph_Theory

Containers: theory Mapping_Impl

Containers: theory Map_To_Mapping

Containers: theory Containers

Containers: theory Containers_Userguide

Containers: theory Compatibility_Containers_Regular_Sets

Containers: theory Map_To_Mapping_Ex

Containers: theory Card_Datatype_Ex

Timing Graph_Theory (4 threads, 81.382s elapsed time, 280.672s cpu time, 8.816s GC time, factor 3.45)

Finished Graph_Theory (0:02:04 elapsed time, 0:05:23 cpu time, factor 2.60)

Building JNF-HOL-Lib ...

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Adhoc_Overloading

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Lattice_Syntax

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Order_Union

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory AList

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Permutations

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Char_ord

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Code_Abstract_Nat

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Code_Char

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Code_Binary_Nat

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Code_Target_Nat

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Fraction_Field

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Code_Target_Int

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Cong

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Code_Target_Numeral

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory IArray

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Infinite_Set

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory List_lexord

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory DAList

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Mapping

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Monad_Syntax

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory More_List

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory UniqueFactorization

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Phantom_Type

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory RBT_Impl

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Ramsey

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Cardinality

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Simps_Case_Conv

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory DAList_Multiset

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Polynomial

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Wellorder_Extension

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory While_Combinator

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Fundamental_Theorem_Algebra

Timing Containers (4 threads, 111.320s elapsed time, 310.204s cpu time, 10.720s GC time, factor 2.79)

Finished Containers (0:03:55 elapsed time, 0:07:18 cpu time, factor 1.87)

Building HOL-Number_Theory ...

HOL-Number_Theory: theory FuncSet

HOL-Number_Theory: theory Congruence

HOL-Number_Theory: theory Multiset

HOL-Number_Theory: theory Lattice

HOL-Number_Theory: theory Group

HOL-Number_Theory: theory FiniteProduct

HOL-Number_Theory: theory Ring

HOL-Number_Theory: theory MiscAlgebra

HOL-Number_Theory: theory Fib

HOL-Number_Theory: theory Infinite_Set

HOL-Number_Theory: theory Primes

HOL-Number_Theory: theory More_List

HOL-Number_Theory: theory Cong

HOL-Number_Theory: theory Eratosthenes

HOL-Number_Theory: theory Factorial_Ring

HOL-Number_Theory: theory Polynomial

HOL-Number_Theory: theory UniqueFactorization

HOL-Number_Theory: theory Residues

HOL-Number_Theory: theory Gauss

HOL-Number_Theory: theory Number_Theory

HOL-Number_Theory: theory Pocklington

HOL-Number_Theory: theory Euclidean_Algorithm

Timing JNF-HOL-Lib (4 threads, 68.828s elapsed time, 247.452s cpu time, 7.328s GC time, factor 3.60)

Finished JNF-HOL-Lib (0:02:20 elapsed time, 0:05:19 cpu time, factor 2.27)

Building JNF-AFP-Lib ...

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Comparator

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Derive_Manager

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Equal

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Extend_Partial_Order

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Closure_Set

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory FunctionLemmas

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Generator_Aux

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory IArray_Addenda

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory List_Fusion

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Equality_Generator

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory IArray_Haskell

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Containers_Auxiliary

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Containers_Generator

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Equality_Instances

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Compare

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Comparator_Generator

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Collection_Enum

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Lexicographic_Order

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Collection_Eq

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Compare_Generator

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Set_Linorder

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Compare_Instances

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory RBT_Comparator_Impl

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory DList_Set

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory RBT_ext

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Regular_Set

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory RingModuleFacts

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Regular_Exp

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory MonoidSums

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory LinearCombinations

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Seq

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Show

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory NDerivative

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Relation_Interpretation

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Show_Instances

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Euclidean_Algorithm

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Missing_Unsorted

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Collection_Order

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Utility

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Equivalence_Checking

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Regexp_Method

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory RBT_Mapping2

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Abstract_Rewriting

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory RBT_Set2

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory SumSpaces

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Relative_Rewriting

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Set_Impl

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory VectorSpace

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Missing_Polynomial

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory SN_Orders

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Ring_Hom

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Ordered_Semiring

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory SN_Order_Carrier

Timing HOL-Number_Theory (4 threads, 64.192s elapsed time, 222.364s cpu time, 5.184s GC time, factor 3.46)

Finished HOL-Number_Theory (0:01:47 elapsed time, 0:04:25 cpu time, factor 2.47)

Building Lehmer ...

Lehmer: theory Coset

Lehmer: theory Module

Lehmer: theory AbelCoset

Lehmer: theory Ideal

Lehmer: theory RingHom

Lehmer: theory UnivPoly

Lehmer: theory Multiplicative_Group

Lehmer: theory Lehmer

Timing Lehmer (4 threads, 59.426s elapsed time, 138.752s cpu time, 5.156s GC time, factor 2.33)

Finished Lehmer (0:01:37 elapsed time, 0:02:56 cpu time, factor 1.82)

Building Regex_Equivalence ...

Regex_Equivalence: theory Efficient_Sort

Regex_Equivalence: theory Regular_Set

Regex_Equivalence: theory Regular_Exp

Regex_Equivalence: theory Derivatives

Regex_Equivalence: theory NDerivative

Regex_Equivalence: theory Derivatives_Finite

Regex_Equivalence: theory Automaton

Regex_Equivalence: theory Position_Autos

Regex_Equivalence: theory After2

Regex_Equivalence: theory Before2

Regex_Equivalence: theory Deriv_PDeriv

Regex_Equivalence: theory Deriv_Autos

Regex_Equivalence: theory Regex_Equivalence

Timing JNF-AFP-Lib (4 threads, 141.860s elapsed time, 501.020s cpu time, 16.060s GC time, factor 3.53)

Finished JNF-AFP-Lib (0:04:16 elapsed time, 0:10:20 cpu time, factor 2.42)

Building Pre_Polynomial_Factorization ...

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory Divmod_Int

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory Missing_Ring

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory Partial_Function_MR

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory RBT

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory Improved_Code_Equations

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory Neville_Aitken_Interpolation

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory Show_Poly

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory RBT_Mapping

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory Lagrange_Interpolation

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory CauchysMeanTheorem

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory Sqrt_Babylonian_Auxiliary

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory Missing_Fraction_Field

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory Ring_Hom_Poly

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory Is_Rat_To_Rat

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory NthRoot_Impl

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory Sqrt_Babylonian

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory Newton_Interpolation

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory Matrix

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory Polynomial_Interpolation

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory Gauss_Jordan

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory Matrix_IArray_Impl

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory Gauss_Jordan_IArray_Impl

Timing Regex_Equivalence (4 threads, 47.275s elapsed time, 159.308s cpu time, 5.376s GC time, factor 3.37)

Finished Regex_Equivalence (0:02:04 elapsed time, 0:04:01 cpu time, factor 1.94)

Building Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base ...

Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base: theory AList

Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base: theory FuncSet

Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base: theory Congruence

Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base: theory Fib

Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base: theory Primes

Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base: theory Graph

Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base: theory Cong

Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base: theory Lattice

Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base: theory Eratosthenes

Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base: theory DAList

Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base: theory Multiset

Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base: theory Group

Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base: theory FiniteProduct

Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base: theory Ring

Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base: theory UniqueFactorization

Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base: theory MiscAlgebra

Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base: theory Residues

Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base: theory Number_Theory

Timing Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base (4 threads, 42.713s elapsed time, 152.796s cpu time, 4.896s GC time, factor 3.58)

Finished Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base (0:01:18 elapsed time, 0:03:08 cpu time, factor 2.39)

Building Automatic_Refinement ...

Automatic_Refinement: theory Foldi

Automatic_Refinement: theory Infinite_Set

Automatic_Refinement: theory Multiset

Automatic_Refinement: theory Option_ord

Automatic_Refinement: theory Prio_List

Automatic_Refinement: theory Product_Lexorder

Timing Pre_Polynomial_Factorization (4 threads, 55.022s elapsed time, 192.580s cpu time, 4.600s GC time, factor 3.50)

Finished Pre_Polynomial_Factorization (0:01:54 elapsed time, 0:04:11 cpu time, factor 2.20)

Automatic_Refinement: theory Refine_Util

Automatic_Refinement: theory Omega_Words_Fun

Building Polynomial_Factorization ...

Automatic_Refinement: theory Anti_Unification

Automatic_Refinement: theory Attr_Comb

Automatic_Refinement: theory Mk_Term_Antiquot

Automatic_Refinement: theory Named_Sorted_Thms

Automatic_Refinement: theory Mpat_Antiquot

Automatic_Refinement: theory Tagged_Solver

Automatic_Refinement: theory Select_Solve

Automatic_Refinement: theory Indep_Vars

Automatic_Refinement: theory Mk_Record_Simp

Automatic_Refinement: theory List_More

Automatic_Refinement: theory Quicksort

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Missing_Multiset

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Precomputation

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Order_Polynomial

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Missing_List

Automatic_Refinement: theory Misc

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Explicit_Roots

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Dvd_Int_Poly

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Prime_Factorization

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Gauss_Lemma

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Rational_Root_Test

Automatic_Refinement: theory Digraph_Basic

Automatic_Refinement: theory Refine_Lib

Automatic_Refinement: theory Param_Chapter

Automatic_Refinement: theory Relators

Automatic_Refinement: theory Param_Tool

Automatic_Refinement: theory Param_HOL

Automatic_Refinement: theory Parametricity

Automatic_Refinement: theory Autoref_Data

Automatic_Refinement: theory Autoref_Phases

Automatic_Refinement: theory Autoref_Tagging

Automatic_Refinement: theory Autoref_Id_Ops

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Kronecker_Factorization

Automatic_Refinement: theory Autoref_Fix_Rel

Automatic_Refinement: theory Autoref_Translate

Automatic_Refinement: theory Autoref_Relator_Interface

Automatic_Refinement: theory Autoref_Gen_Algo

Automatic_Refinement: theory Autoref_Tool

Automatic_Refinement: theory Autoref_Chapter

Automatic_Refinement: theory Autoref_Bindings_HOL

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Unique_Factorization_Domain

Automatic_Refinement: theory Automatic_Refinement

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Polynomial_Divisibility

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Square_Free_Factorization

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Prime_Field

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Polynomial_Division

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Polynomial_Field

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Gauss_Jordan_Field

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Berlekamp_Hensel_Factorization

Polynomial_Factorization: theory External_Factorization

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Factorization_Oracle

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Hybrid_Factorization

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Select_Berlekamp_Hensel_Factorization

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Select_Hybrid_Factorization

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Select_External_Factorization

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Rational_Factorization

Timing Automatic_Refinement (4 threads, 42.771s elapsed time, 134.384s cpu time, 3.612s GC time, factor 3.14)

Finished Automatic_Refinement (0:01:17 elapsed time, 0:02:50 cpu time, factor 2.19)

Building Refine_Monadic ...

Refine_Monadic: theory Lattice_Syntax

Refine_Monadic: theory Adhoc_Overloading

Refine_Monadic: theory Bit

Refine_Monadic: theory Bits

Refine_Monadic: theory Boolean_Algebra

Refine_Monadic: theory Misc_Numeric

Refine_Monadic: theory Bit_Representation

Refine_Monadic: theory Misc_Typedef

Refine_Monadic: theory Monad_Syntax

Refine_Monadic: theory Phantom_Type

Refine_Monadic: theory While_Combinator

Refine_Monadic: theory Bits_Bit

Refine_Monadic: theory Bits_Int

Refine_Monadic: theory Word_Miscellaneous

Refine_Monadic: theory Cardinality

Refine_Monadic: theory Numeral_Type

Refine_Monadic: theory Bool_List_Representation

Refine_Monadic: theory Type_Length

Refine_Monadic: theory Word

Refine_Monadic: theory Refine_Chapter

Refine_Monadic: theory Example_Chapter

Refine_Monadic: theory Refine_Mono_Prover

Refine_Monadic: theory Refine_Misc

Refine_Monadic: theory RefineG_Domain

Refine_Monadic: theory RefineG_Transfer

Refine_Monadic: theory RefineG_Assert

Refine_Monadic: theory RefineG_Recursion

Refine_Monadic: theory Refine_Basic

Refine_Monadic: theory RefineG_While

Refine_Monadic: theory Refine_Det

Refine_Monadic: theory Refine_Heuristics

Refine_Monadic: theory Refine_Leof

Refine_Monadic: theory Refine_Pfun

Refine_Monadic: theory Refine_While

Refine_Monadic: theory Refine_Transfer

Refine_Monadic: theory Autoref_Monadic

Refine_Monadic: theory Refine_Automation

Refine_Monadic: theory Refine_Foreach

Refine_Monadic: theory Refine_Monadic

Refine_Monadic: theory Breadth_First_Search

Refine_Monadic: theory WordRefine

Refine_Monadic: theory Examples

Timing Polynomial_Factorization (4 threads, 73.369s elapsed time, 196.400s cpu time, 3.684s GC time, factor 2.68)

Finished Polynomial_Factorization (0:02:23 elapsed time, 0:04:26 cpu time, factor 1.85)

Building Pre_Algebraic_Numbers ...

Pre_Algebraic_Numbers: theory Missing_Permutations

Pre_Algebraic_Numbers: theory Compare_Rat

Pre_Algebraic_Numbers: theory Compare_Real

Pre_Algebraic_Numbers: theory Show_Real

Pre_Algebraic_Numbers: theory Misc_Polynomial

Pre_Algebraic_Numbers: theory Show_Complex

Pre_Algebraic_Numbers: theory Column_Operations

Pre_Algebraic_Numbers: theory Show_Matrix

Pre_Algebraic_Numbers: theory Sturm_Library

Pre_Algebraic_Numbers: theory Sturm_Theorem

Pre_Algebraic_Numbers: theory Determinant

Pre_Algebraic_Numbers: theory Char_Poly

Pre_Algebraic_Numbers: theory Determinant_Impl

Timing Refine_Monadic (4 threads, 44.438s elapsed time, 152.460s cpu time, 4.620s GC time, factor 3.43)

Finished Refine_Monadic (0:01:28 elapsed time, 0:03:16 cpu time, factor 2.23)

Building Collections ...

Collections: theory Code_Abstract_Nat

Collections: theory Code_Target_Int

Collections: theory FingerTree

Collections: theory BinomialHeap

Collections: theory Code_Target_Nat

Collections: theory SkewBinomialHeap

Collections: theory Code_Target_Numeral

Collections: theory Dlist

Collections: theory ICF_Tools

Collections: theory More_Bits_Int

Collections: theory AList

Collections: theory Ord_Code_Preproc

Collections: theory Locale_Code

Collections: theory Partial_Equivalence_Relation

Collections: theory SetIterator

Collections: theory RBT_Impl

Collections: theory Record_Intf

Collections: theory Sorted_List_Operations

Collections: theory Bits_Integer

Collections: theory Idx_Iterator

Collections: theory SetIteratorOperations

Collections: theory Word_Misc

Collections: theory Assoc_List

Collections: theory Diff_Array

Collections: theory Dlist_add

Collections: theory Proper_Iterator

Collections: theory It_to_It

Collections: theory SetIteratorGA

Collections: theory Gen_Iterator

Collections: theory Iterator

Collections: theory ICF_Spec_Base

Collections: theory MapSpec

Collections: theory Robdd

Collections: theory Code_Target_Bits_Int

Collections: theory Uint32

Collections: theory Code_Target_ICF

Collections: theory Locale_Code_Ex

Collections: theory HashCode

Timing Pre_Algebraic_Numbers (4 threads, 41.532s elapsed time, 154.996s cpu time, 2.124s GC time, factor 3.73)

Finished Pre_Algebraic_Numbers (0:01:38 elapsed time, 0:03:31 cpu time, factor 2.15)

Building HOL-Old_Number_Theory ...

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory Multiset

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory Infinite_Set

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory Permutation

Collections: theory RBT_add

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory BijectionRel

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory Legacy_GCD

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory Primes

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory Factorization

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory Fib

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory IntPrimes

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory Pocklington

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory Chinese

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory IntFact

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory EulerFermat

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory Finite2

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory WilsonBij

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory WilsonRuss

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory Int2

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory EvenOdd

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory Residues

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory Euler

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory Gauss

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory Quadratic_Reciprocity

Collections: theory DatRef

Collections: theory SetAbstractionIterator

Collections: theory GenCF_Chapter

Collections: theory GenCF_Intf_Chapter

Collections: theory GenCF_Gen_Chapter

Collections: theory GenCF_Impl_Chapter

Collections: theory Intf_Comp

Collections: theory Impl_Array_Stack

Collections: theory Array_Iterator

Collections: theory Intf_Map

Collections: theory Intf_Set

Collections: theory Gen_Map

Collections: theory Intf_Hash

Collections: theory Gen_Set

Collections: theory Impl_Cfun_Set

Collections: theory Impl_List_Set

Collections: theory Gen_Comp

Collections: theory Impl_Array_Map

Collections: theory Impl_List_Map

Collections: theory Impl_RBT_Map

Collections: theory Gen_Map2Set

Collections: theory Impl_Array_Hash_Map

Timing HOL-Old_Number_Theory (4 threads, 41.202s elapsed time, 146.016s cpu time, 2.728s GC time, factor 3.54)

Finished HOL-Old_Number_Theory (0:01:10 elapsed time, 0:02:55 cpu time, factor 2.49)

Building Matrix ...

Matrix: theory Congruence

Matrix: theory FuncSet

Matrix: theory Lattice

Collections: theory Impl_Bit_Set

Collections: theory Uint

Collections: theory Gen_Hash

Matrix: theory Group

Collections: theory Impl_Uv_Set

Matrix: theory FiniteProduct

Matrix: theory Ring

Matrix: theory Utility

Matrix: theory Ordered_Semiring

Matrix: theory Matrix_Arith

Matrix: theory Matrix_Comparison

Collections: theory GenCF

Matrix: theory Matrix

Collections: theory Trie

Collections: theory ICF_Gen_Algo_Chapter

Collections: theory ICF_Chapter

Collections: theory ICF_Impl_Chapter

Collections: theory ICF_Spec_Chapter

Collections: theory RBT

Collections: theory AnnotatedListSpec

Collections: theory ListSpec

Collections: theory PrioSpec

Collections: theory ListGA

Collections: theory Trie_Impl

Collections: theory BinoPrioImpl

Collections: theory FTAnnotatedListImpl

Collections: theory Trie2

Collections: theory Fifo

Collections: theory PrioByAnnotatedList

Collections: theory SkewPrioImpl

Collections: theory PrioUniqueSpec

Collections: theory SetSpec

Collections: theory PrioUniqueByAnnotatedList

Collections: theory FTPrioImpl

Collections: theory FTPrioUniqueImpl

Collections: theory Algos

Collections: theory SetIndex

Collections: theory SetIteratorCollectionsGA

Collections: theory MapGA

Collections: theory SetGA

Collections: theory ArrayMapImpl

Collections: theory ListMapImpl

Collections: theory ListMapImpl_Invar

Collections: theory TrieMapImpl

Collections: theory RBTMapImpl

Collections: theory ListSetImpl

Collections: theory ListSetImpl_Invar

Collections: theory ListSetImpl_NotDist

Collections: theory ListSetImpl_Sorted

Collections: theory SetByMap

Collections: theory ArrayHashMap_Impl

Collections: theory HashMap_Impl

Collections: theory ArraySetImpl

Collections: theory TrieSetImpl

Collections: theory RBTSetImpl

Collections: theory ArrayHashMap

Collections: theory HashMap

Collections: theory ArrayHashSet

Collections: theory HashSet

Collections: theory MapStdImpl

Collections: theory SetStdImpl

Timing Matrix (4 threads, 39.281s elapsed time, 133.468s cpu time, 3.460s GC time, factor 3.40)

Finished Matrix (0:01:16 elapsed time, 0:02:50 cpu time, factor 2.22)

Building Matrix_Tensor ...

Matrix_Tensor: theory Matrix_Tensor

Collections: theory ICF_Impl

Collections: theory ICF_Refine_Monadic

Collections: theory ICF_Autoref

Collections: theory ICF_Entrypoints_Chapter

Collections: theory Collections

Collections: theory CollectionsV1

Collections: theory Collections_Entrypoints_Chapter

Collections: theory Refine_Dflt_Only_ICF

Collections: theory Refine_Dflt_ICF

Collections: theory Refine_Dflt

Collections: theory Userguides_Chapter

Collections: theory ICF_Userguide

Collections: theory Refine_Monadic_Userguide

Timing Matrix_Tensor (4 threads, 42.846s elapsed time, 98.620s cpu time, 2.428s GC time, factor 2.30)

Finished Matrix_Tensor (0:01:07 elapsed time, 0:02:02 cpu time, factor 1.83)

Building Applicative_Lifting ...

Applicative_Lifting: theory Function_Algebras

Applicative_Lifting: theory Commutation

Applicative_Lifting: theory Free_Ultrafilter

Applicative_Lifting: theory Lambda

Applicative_Lifting: theory StarDef

Applicative_Lifting: theory Function_Division

Applicative_Lifting: theory ParRed

Applicative_Lifting: theory Eta

Applicative_Lifting: theory Applicative

Applicative_Lifting: theory Dlist

Applicative_Lifting: theory Joinable

Applicative_Lifting: theory Beta_Eta

Applicative_Lifting: theory Combinators

Applicative_Lifting: theory Applicative_Environment

Applicative_Lifting: theory Applicative_List

Applicative_Lifting: theory Applicative_Monoid

Applicative_Lifting: theory Applicative_Option

Applicative_Lifting: theory Applicative_Set

Applicative_Lifting: theory Applicative_State

Applicative_Lifting: theory Applicative_Sum

Applicative_Lifting: theory Applicative_Environment_Algebra

Applicative_Lifting: theory Applicative_DNEList

Applicative_Lifting: theory Applicative_Star

Applicative_Lifting: theory Idiomatic_Terms

Applicative_Lifting: theory Applicative_Stream

Applicative_Lifting: theory Tree_Relabelling

Applicative_Lifting: theory Applicative_PMF

Applicative_Lifting: theory Stream_Algebra

Applicative_Lifting: theory Applicative_Examples

Applicative_Lifting: theory Applicative_Functor

Applicative_Lifting: theory Abstract_AF

Applicative_Lifting: theory Applicative_Test

Timing Applicative_Lifting (4 threads, 34.382s elapsed time, 79.988s cpu time, 2.680s GC time, factor 2.33)

Finished Applicative_Lifting (0:01:23 elapsed time, 0:02:09 cpu time, factor 1.55)

InformationFlowSlicing_Inter CANCELLED

Building Sturm_Sequences ...

Sturm_Sequences: theory Sturm_Library_Document

Sturm_Sequences: theory Misc_Polynomial

Sturm_Sequences: theory Sturm_Library

Sturm_Sequences: theory Sturm_Theorem

Sturm_Sequences: theory Sturm_Method

Sturm_Sequences: theory Sturm

Sturm_Sequences: theory Sturm_Ex

Timing Sturm_Sequences (4 threads, 29.486s elapsed time, 105.084s cpu time, 1.232s GC time, factor 3.56)

Finished Sturm_Sequences (0:01:07 elapsed time, 0:02:23 cpu time, factor 2.11)

Building Relation_Algebra ...

Relation_Algebra: theory More_Boolean_Algebra

Relation_Algebra: theory Relation_Algebra

Relation_Algebra: theory Relation_Algebra_RTC

Relation_Algebra: theory Relation_Algebra_Tests

Relation_Algebra: theory Relation_Algebra_Vectors

Relation_Algebra: theory Relation_Algebra_Models

Relation_Algebra: theory Relation_Algebra_Functions

Relation_Algebra: theory Relation_Algebra_Direct_Products

Timing Relation_Algebra (4 threads, 19.234s elapsed time, 64.480s cpu time, 2.256s GC time, factor 3.35)

Finished Relation_Algebra (0:00:52 elapsed time, 0:01:37 cpu time, factor 1.85)

Building List-Infinite ...

List-Infinite: theory Util_NatInf

List-Infinite: theory Util_MinMax

List-Infinite: theory Util_Nat

List-Infinite: theory Util_Set

List-Infinite: theory Util_Div

List-Infinite: theory SetInterval2

List-Infinite: theory InfiniteSet2

List-Infinite: theory SetIntervalCut

List-Infinite: theory List2

List-Infinite: theory SetIntervalStep

List-Infinite: theory ListInf

List-Infinite: theory ListInf_Prefix

List-Infinite: theory ListInfinite

Timing List-Infinite (4 threads, 18.204s elapsed time, 66.480s cpu time, 2.096s GC time, factor 3.65)

Finished List-Infinite (0:00:59 elapsed time, 0:01:47 cpu time, factor 1.80)

Building Nat-Interval-Logic ...

Nat-Interval-Logic: theory IL_Interval

Nat-Interval-Logic: theory IL_IntervalOperators

Nat-Interval-Logic: theory IL_TemporalOperators

Timing Collections (4 threads, 278.691s elapsed time, 795.208s cpu time, 35.488s GC time, factor 2.85)

Finished Collections (0:09:43 elapsed time, 0:19:34 cpu time, factor 2.01)

Building HOLCF-HOL-Library ...

HOLCF-HOL-Library: theory AList

HOLCF-HOL-Library: theory FuncSet

HOLCF-HOL-Library: theory Infinite_Set

HOLCF-HOL-Library: theory LaTeXsugar

HOLCF-HOL-Library: theory Multiset

HOLCF-HOL-Library: theory Quotient_Syntax

HOLCF-HOL-Library: theory Quotient_Option

HOLCF-HOL-Library: theory Permutation

Timing HOLCF-HOL-Library (4 threads, 14.108s elapsed time, 49.880s cpu time, 1.332s GC time, factor 3.54)

Finished HOLCF-HOL-Library (0:00:40 elapsed time, 0:01:15 cpu time, factor 1.89)

Building HOLCF-Nominal2 ...

HOLCF-Nominal2: theory Phantom_Type

HOLCF-Nominal2: theory Quotient_Product

HOLCF-Nominal2: theory Quotient_Set

HOLCF-Nominal2: theory Quotient_List

Timing Nat-Interval-Logic (4 threads, 31.692s elapsed time, 87.580s cpu time, 1.132s GC time, factor 2.76)

Finished Nat-Interval-Logic (0:01:10 elapsed time, 0:02:06 cpu time, factor 1.79)

Building CAVA_Base ...

HOLCF-Nominal2: theory FSet

HOLCF-Nominal2: theory Cardinality

HOLCF-Nominal2: theory FinFun

HOLCF-Nominal2: theory Nominal2_Base

CAVA_Base: theory Char_ord

CAVA_Base: theory Derive_Manager

CAVA_Base: theory Comparator

CAVA_Base: theory Generator_Aux

CAVA_Base: theory Nat_Bijection

CAVA_Base: theory Code_Char

CAVA_Base: theory Old_Datatype

CAVA_Base: theory Equality_Generator

CAVA_Base: theory Statistics

CAVA_Base: theory Equality_Instances

CAVA_Base: theory Hash_Generator

CAVA_Base: theory Code_String

HOLCF-Nominal2: theory Atoms

HOLCF-Nominal2: theory Eqvt

HOLCF-Nominal2: theory Nominal2_Abs

CAVA_Base: theory Compare

CAVA_Base: theory Comparator_Generator

CAVA_Base: theory Countable

CAVA_Base: theory Hash_Instances

CAVA_Base: theory CAVA_Code_Target

CAVA_Base: theory CAVA_Base

CAVA_Base: theory Compare_Generator

CAVA_Base: theory Compare_Instances

CAVA_Base: theory Countable_Generator

HOLCF-Nominal2: theory Nominal2_FCB

CAVA_Base: theory All_Of_CAVA_Base

CAVA_Base: theory Derive

HOLCF-Nominal2: theory Nominal2

Timing HOLCF-Nominal2 (4 threads, 21.883s elapsed time, 78.624s cpu time, 2.288s GC time, factor 3.59)

Finished HOLCF-Nominal2 (0:00:54 elapsed time, 0:01:51 cpu time, factor 2.03)

Building Launchbury ...

Launchbury: theory AList-Utils

Launchbury: theory Pointwise

Launchbury: theory Mono-Nat-Fun

Launchbury: theory HOLCF-Join

Launchbury: theory HOLCF-Meet

Launchbury: theory C

Launchbury: theory HOLCF-Join-Classes

Launchbury: theory HOLCF-Utils

Launchbury: theory Value

Launchbury: theory CValue

Launchbury: theory C-Meet

Launchbury: theory C-restr

Launchbury: theory Env

Launchbury: theory Nominal-Utils

Launchbury: theory ValueSimilarity

Launchbury: theory Vars

Launchbury: theory Env-HOLCF

Launchbury: theory EvalHeap

Launchbury: theory AList-Utils-Nominal

Launchbury: theory Iterative

Launchbury: theory Nominal-HOLCF

Launchbury: theory Terms

Launchbury: theory CValue-Nominal

Launchbury: theory Env-Nominal

Launchbury: theory HasESem

Launchbury: theory Value-Nominal

Launchbury: theory HeapSemantics

Launchbury: theory AbstractDenotational

Launchbury: theory Substitution

Launchbury: theory Abstract-Denotational-Props

Launchbury: theory Launchbury

Launchbury: theory Denotational

Launchbury: theory ResourcedDenotational

Timing CAVA_Base (4 threads, 13.410s elapsed time, 35.400s cpu time, 1.184s GC time, factor 2.64)

Finished CAVA_Base (0:01:15 elapsed time, 0:01:37 cpu time, factor 1.29)

Building CAVA_Automata ...

Launchbury: theory CorrectnessOriginal

Launchbury: theory Denotational-Related

Launchbury: theory CorrectnessResourced

Launchbury: theory ResourcedAdequacy

Launchbury: theory Adequacy

Launchbury: theory EverythingAdequacy

CAVA_Automata: theory Step_Conv

CAVA_Automata: theory Digraph

CAVA_Automata: theory Automata

CAVA_Automata: theory Digraph_Impl

CAVA_Automata: theory Lasso

CAVA_Automata: theory Simulation

CAVA_Automata: theory Stuttering_Extension

CAVA_Automata: theory Automata_Impl

Timing Launchbury (4 threads, 40.256s elapsed time, 146.484s cpu time, 3.804s GC time, factor 3.64)

Finished Launchbury (0:01:29 elapsed time, 0:03:15 cpu time, factor 2.19)

Building Noninterference_CSP ...

Noninterference_CSP: theory CSPNoninterference

Noninterference_CSP: theory ClassicalNoninterference

Noninterference_CSP: theory GeneralizedNoninterference

Timing Noninterference_CSP (4 threads, 8.990s elapsed time, 31.072s cpu time, 0.360s GC time, factor 3.46)

Finished Noninterference_CSP (0:00:33 elapsed time, 0:00:55 cpu time, factor 1.65)

Building Noninterference_Ipurge_Unwinding ...

Noninterference_Ipurge_Unwinding: theory ListInterleaving

CAVA_Automata: theory All_Of_CAVA_Automata

Noninterference_Ipurge_Unwinding: theory IpurgeUnwinding

Noninterference_Ipurge_Unwinding: theory DeterministicProcesses

Timing Noninterference_Ipurge_Unwinding (4 threads, 14.396s elapsed time, 44.012s cpu time, 0.992s GC time, factor 3.06)

Finished Noninterference_Ipurge_Unwinding (0:00:37 elapsed time, 0:01:07 cpu time, factor 1.79)

Building Marriage ...

Marriage: theory Marriage

Timing Marriage (4 threads, 4.439s elapsed time, 12.168s cpu time, 0.100s GC time, factor 2.74)

Finished Marriage (0:00:22 elapsed time, 0:00:30 cpu time, factor 1.34)

Building HOL-SPARK ...

HOL-SPARK: theory Bit_Comparison

HOL-SPARK: theory SPARK_Setup


Timing CAVA_Automata (4 threads, 102.092s elapsed time, 169.156s cpu time, 5.704s GC time, factor 1.66)

Finished CAVA_Automata (0:02:51 elapsed time, 0:04:03 cpu time, factor 1.42)

Building LTL_to_GBA ...

LTL_to_GBA: theory LTL

LTL_to_GBA: theory Samplers

LTL_to_GBA: theory StutterEquivalence

Timing HOL-SPARK (4 threads, 3.494s elapsed time, 8.528s cpu time, 0.000s GC time, factor 2.44)

Finished HOL-SPARK (0:00:24 elapsed time, 0:00:29 cpu time, factor 1.20)

Building HOL-SPARK-Examples ...

HOL-SPARK-Examples: theory RMD_Lemmas

HOL-SPARK-Examples: theory Greatest_Common_Divisor

HOL-SPARK-Examples: theory Longest_Increasing_Subsequence

HOL-SPARK-Examples: theory RMD

HOL-SPARK-Examples: theory Sqrt

HOL-SPARK-Examples: theory RMD_Specification

HOL-SPARK-Examples: theory F

HOL-SPARK-Examples: theory Hash

HOL-SPARK-Examples: theory K_L

HOL-SPARK-Examples: theory K_R

HOL-SPARK-Examples: theory R_L

HOL-SPARK-Examples: theory R_R

HOL-SPARK-Examples: theory Round

HOL-SPARK-Examples: theory S_L

HOL-SPARK-Examples: theory S_R

LTL_to_GBA: theory PLTL

LTL_to_GBA: theory Countable_Set

LTL_to_GBA: theory LTL_Stutter

LTL_to_GBA: theory Countable_Complete_Lattices

LTL_to_GBA: theory Order_Continuity

LTL_to_GBA: theory Extended_Nat

LTL_to_GBA: theory LTL_Rewrite

LTL_to_GBA: theory LTL_to_GBA

LTL_to_GBA: theory LTL_to_GBA_impl

Timing HOL-SPARK-Examples (4 threads, 21.219s elapsed time, 56.340s cpu time, 1.100s GC time, factor 2.66)

Finished HOL-SPARK-Examples (0:00:52 elapsed time, 0:01:27 cpu time, factor 1.66)

Building Cauchy ...

Cauchy: theory CauchySchwarz

Cauchy: theory CauchysMeanTheorem

Timing Cauchy (4 threads, 5.431s elapsed time, 19.472s cpu time, 0.184s GC time, factor 3.59)

Finished Cauchy (0:00:25 elapsed time, 0:00:39 cpu time, factor 1.55)

Building Sqrt_Babylonian ...

Sqrt_Babylonian: theory Sqrt_Babylonian_Auxiliary

Sqrt_Babylonian: theory NthRoot_Impl

Sqrt_Babylonian: theory Sqrt_Babylonian

Timing Sqrt_Babylonian (4 threads, 17.606s elapsed time, 47.160s cpu time, 0.580s GC time, factor 2.68)

Finished Sqrt_Babylonian (0:00:40 elapsed time, 0:01:10 cpu time, factor 1.72)

Building Discrete_Summation ...

Discrete_Summation: theory Stirling

Discrete_Summation: theory Summation

Discrete_Summation: theory Factorials

Discrete_Summation: theory Summation_Conversion

Discrete_Summation: theory Examples

Timing Discrete_Summation (4 threads, 5.015s elapsed time, 16.284s cpu time, 0.152s GC time, factor 3.25)

Finished Discrete_Summation (0:00:26 elapsed time, 0:00:37 cpu time, factor 1.42)

Building Lazy-Lists-II ...

Lazy-Lists-II: theory LList2

Timing Lazy-Lists-II (4 threads, 4.637s elapsed time, 14.116s cpu time, 0.256s GC time, factor 3.04)

Finished Lazy-Lists-II (0:00:48 elapsed time, 0:00:57 cpu time, factor 1.19)

Running Decreasing-Diagrams ...

Decreasing-Diagrams: theory Multiset

LTL_to_GBA: theory All_Of_LTL_to_GBA

Decreasing-Diagrams: theory Decreasing_Diagrams

Timing Decreasing-Diagrams (4 threads, 24.866s elapsed time, 86.648s cpu time, 1.832s GC time, factor 3.48)

Finished Decreasing-Diagrams (0:00:27 elapsed time, 0:01:29 cpu time, factor 3.22)

Running IEEE_Floating_Point ...

IEEE_Floating_Point: theory IEEE

IEEE_Floating_Point: theory Code_Float

IEEE_Floating_Point: theory FloatProperty

IEEE_Floating_Point: theory RoundError

Timing IEEE_Floating_Point (4 threads, 17.414s elapsed time, 53.512s cpu time, 0.616s GC time, factor 3.07)

Finished IEEE_Floating_Point (0:00:19 elapsed time, 0:00:55 cpu time, factor 2.82)

Running Pratt_Certificate ...

Pratt_Certificate: theory Pratt_Certificate

Timing Pratt_Certificate (4 threads, 4.934s elapsed time, 15.768s cpu time, 0.176s GC time, factor 3.20)

Finished Pratt_Certificate (0:00:08 elapsed time, 0:00:19 cpu time, factor 2.29)

Running ShortestPath ...

ShortestPath: theory ShortestPath

ShortestPath: theory ShortestPathNeg

Timing ShortestPath (4 threads, 6.349s elapsed time, 15.044s cpu time, 0.212s GC time, factor 2.37)

Finished ShortestPath (0:00:09 elapsed time, 0:00:17 cpu time, factor 1.92)

Running Tail_Recursive_Functions ...

Tail_Recursive_Functions: theory CaseStudy1

Tail_Recursive_Functions: theory Method

Tail_Recursive_Functions: theory CaseStudy2

Timing Tail_Recursive_Functions (4 threads, 7.103s elapsed time, 16.964s cpu time, 0.352s GC time, factor 2.39)

Finished Tail_Recursive_Functions (0:00:12 elapsed time, 0:00:22 cpu time, factor 1.78)

Running Algebraic_Numbers ...

Algebraic_Numbers: theory Compare_Complex

Algebraic_Numbers: theory Binary_Exponentiation

Algebraic_Numbers: theory Bivariate_Polynomials

Algebraic_Numbers: theory Complex_Roots_Real_Poly

Algebraic_Numbers: theory Algebraic_Numbers_Prelim

Algebraic_Numbers: theory Unique_Factorization_Poly

Algebraic_Numbers: theory Sturm_Rat

Algebraic_Numbers: theory Resultant

Algebraic_Numbers: theory Algebraic_Numbers

Algebraic_Numbers: theory Real_Algebraic_Numbers

Timing LTL_to_GBA (4 threads, 216.707s elapsed time, 753.680s cpu time, 14.820s GC time, factor 3.48)

Finished LTL_to_GBA (0:05:33 elapsed time, 0:14:35 cpu time, factor 2.63)

Building CAVA_buildchain1 ...

Algebraic_Numbers: theory Real_Roots

Algebraic_Numbers: theory Show_Real_Alg

Algebraic_Numbers: theory Show_Real_Approx

Algebraic_Numbers: theory Complex_Algebraic_Numbers

Algebraic_Numbers: theory Real_Factorization

CAVA_buildchain1: theory Gabow_Skeleton

CAVA_buildchain1: theory Find_Path

CAVA_buildchain1: theory Find_Path_Impl

CAVA_buildchain1: theory Gabow_SCC

CAVA_buildchain1: theory Gabow_GBG

CAVA_buildchain1: theory Gabow_Skeleton_Code

Algebraic_Numbers: theory Show_Real_Precise

Algebraic_Numbers: theory Algebraic_Number_Tests

CAVA_buildchain1: theory Gabow_GBG_Code

CAVA_buildchain1: theory Gabow_SCC_Code

CAVA_buildchain1: theory All_Of_Gabow_SCC

Timing CAVA_buildchain1 (4 threads, 154.444s elapsed time, 401.284s cpu time, 8.772s GC time, factor 2.60)

Finished CAVA_buildchain1 (0:04:20 elapsed time, 0:08:48 cpu time, factor 2.03)

Building CAVA_buildchain3 ...

CAVA_buildchain3: theory Lexord_List

CAVA_buildchain3: theory PromelaAST

CAVA_buildchain3: theory IArray

CAVA_buildchain3: theory PromelaStatistics

CAVA_buildchain3: theory PromelaDatastructures

CAVA_buildchain3: theory PromelaInvariants

CAVA_buildchain3: theory Promela

CAVA_buildchain3: theory PromelaLTL

CAVA_buildchain3: theory PromelaLTLConv

CAVA_buildchain3: theory All_Of_Promela

Timing Algebraic_Numbers (4 threads, 580.537s elapsed time, 1408.560s cpu time, 252.076s GC time, factor 2.43)

Finished Algebraic_Numbers (0:09:49 elapsed time, 0:23:37 cpu time, factor 2.40)

Running Incompleteness ...

Incompleteness: theory Infinite_Set

Incompleteness: theory Nat_Bijection

Incompleteness: theory Multiset

Incompleteness: theory Old_Datatype

Incompleteness: theory Phantom_Type

Incompleteness: theory HF

Incompleteness: theory Cardinality

Incompleteness: theory Quotient_Syntax

Incompleteness: theory Ordinal

Incompleteness: theory Quotient_Option

Incompleteness: theory Quotient_Product

Incompleteness: theory Quotient_Set

Incompleteness: theory Quotient_List

Incompleteness: theory Rank

Incompleteness: theory FinFun

Incompleteness: theory OrdArith

Incompleteness: theory FSet

Incompleteness: theory Nominal2_Base

Incompleteness: theory Nominal2_Abs

Incompleteness: theory Nominal2_FCB

Incompleteness: theory Nominal2

Incompleteness: theory SyntaxN

Incompleteness: theory Coding

Incompleteness: theory Predicates

Incompleteness: theory Sigma

Incompleteness: theory Coding_Predicates

Incompleteness: theory Functions

Incompleteness: theory Pf_Predicates

Incompleteness: theory Goedel_I

Incompleteness: theory II_Prelims

Incompleteness: theory Pseudo_Coding

Incompleteness: theory Quote

Incompleteness: theory Goedel_II

Timing CAVA_buildchain3 (4 threads, 255.098s elapsed time, 432.352s cpu time, 24.020s GC time, factor 1.69)

Finished CAVA_buildchain3 (0:08:24 elapsed time, 0:11:34 cpu time, factor 1.38)

Running Psi_Calculi ...

Psi_Calculi: theory Chain

Psi_Calculi: theory Subst_Term

Psi_Calculi: theory Agent

Psi_Calculi: theory Close_Subst

Psi_Calculi: theory Frame

Psi_Calculi: theory Structural_Congruence

Psi_Calculi: theory Semantics

Psi_Calculi: theory Simulation

Psi_Calculi: theory Bisimulation

Psi_Calculi: theory Sim_Pres

Psi_Calculi: theory Sim_Struct_Cong

Psi_Calculi: theory Sum

Psi_Calculi: theory Bisim_Pres

Psi_Calculi: theory Tau_Chain

Psi_Calculi: theory Bisim_Struct_Cong

Psi_Calculi: theory Weak_Simulation

Psi_Calculi: theory Weak_Stat_Imp

Psi_Calculi: theory Bisim_Subst

Psi_Calculi: theory Weak_Stat_Imp_Pres

Psi_Calculi: theory Weak_Cong_Simulation

Psi_Calculi: theory Weak_Sim_Pres

Psi_Calculi: theory Weak_Bisimulation

Psi_Calculi: theory Weak_Cong_Sim_Pres

Psi_Calculi: theory Weak_Bisim_Pres

Psi_Calculi: theory Weak_Psi_Congruence

Psi_Calculi: theory Weakening

Psi_Calculi: theory Weak_Bisim_Struct_Cong

Psi_Calculi: theory Weak_Cong_Pres

Psi_Calculi: theory Weaken_Transition

Psi_Calculi: theory Weaken_Stat_Imp

Psi_Calculi: theory Weak_Cong_Struct_Cong

Psi_Calculi: theory Weaken_Simulation

Psi_Calculi: theory Weak_Congruence

Psi_Calculi: theory Weaken_Bisimulation

Psi_Calculi: theory Tau

Psi_Calculi: theory Tau_Sim

Psi_Calculi: theory Tau_Stat_Imp

Psi_Calculi: theory Tau_Laws_No_Weak

Psi_Calculi: theory Tau_Laws_Weak

Timing Incompleteness (4 threads, 611.485s elapsed time, 1971.904s cpu time, 14.524s GC time, factor 3.22)

Finished Incompleteness (0:10:19 elapsed time, 0:32:54 cpu time, factor 3.18)

Running CAVA_LTL_Modelchecker ...

CAVA_LTL_Modelchecker: theory NDFS_SI_Statistics

CAVA_LTL_Modelchecker: theory NDFS_SI

Timing Psi_Calculi (4 threads, 490.139s elapsed time, 1787.068s cpu time, 39.180s GC time, factor 3.65)

Finished Psi_Calculi (0:08:14 elapsed time, 0:29:49 cpu time, factor 3.62)

Running CoreC++ ...

CoreC++: theory Auxiliary

CoreC++: theory Type

CoreC++: theory Value

CoreC++: theory Expr

CoreC++: theory Decl

CoreC++: theory ClassRel

CoreC++: theory SubObj

CoreC++: theory Objects

CoreC++: theory TypeRel

CoreC++: theory Exceptions

CoreC++: theory State

CoreC++: theory Syntax

CoreC++: theory SystemClasses

CoreC++: theory BigStep

CoreC++: theory SmallStep

CoreC++: theory WellType

CoreC++: theory Annotate

CoreC++: theory WellForm

CoreC++: theory WellTypeRT

CoreC++: theory WWellForm

CoreC++: theory Conform

CoreC++: theory DefAss

CoreC++: theory Execute

CoreC++: theory CWellForm

CoreC++: theory Equivalence

CoreC++: theory Progress

CoreC++: theory HeapExtension

CoreC++: theory TypeSafe

CoreC++: theory Determinism

CAVA_LTL_Modelchecker: theory CAVA_Abstract

CAVA_LTL_Modelchecker: theory Mapping

CAVA_LTL_Modelchecker: theory AList_Mapping

CAVA_LTL_Modelchecker: theory BoolProgs

CAVA_LTL_Modelchecker: theory BoolProgs_Extras

CAVA_LTL_Modelchecker: theory BoolProgs_LTL_Conv

CAVA_LTL_Modelchecker: theory BoolProgs_Philosophers

CAVA_LTL_Modelchecker: theory BoolProgs_LeaderFilters

CAVA_LTL_Modelchecker: theory BoolProgs_ReaderWriter

CAVA_LTL_Modelchecker: theory BoolProgs_Simple

CAVA_LTL_Modelchecker: theory BoolProgs_Programs

CAVA_LTL_Modelchecker: theory CAVA_Impl

CoreC++: theory CoreC++

Timing CoreC++ (4 threads, 198.004s elapsed time, 654.884s cpu time, 24.600s GC time, factor 3.31)

Finished CoreC++ (0:03:29 elapsed time, 0:11:00 cpu time, factor 3.16)

Running Affine_Arithmetic ...

Affine_Arithmetic: theory Adhoc_Overloading

Affine_Arithmetic: theory Code_Abstract_Nat

Affine_Arithmetic: theory Code_Target_Int

Affine_Arithmetic: theory Multiset

Affine_Arithmetic: theory Monad_Syntax

Affine_Arithmetic: theory Code_Target_Nat

Affine_Arithmetic: theory Lattice_Algebras

Affine_Arithmetic: theory Code_Target_Numeral

Affine_Arithmetic: theory Permutation

Affine_Arithmetic: theory Float

Affine_Arithmetic: theory Float_Real

Affine_Arithmetic: theory Affine_Form

Affine_Arithmetic: theory Counterclockwise

Affine_Arithmetic: theory Euclidean_Space_Explicit

Affine_Arithmetic: theory Executable_Euclidean_Space

Affine_Arithmetic: theory Counterclockwise_Vector

Affine_Arithmetic: theory Counterclockwise_2D_Strict

Affine_Arithmetic: theory Counterclockwise_2D_Arbitrary

Affine_Arithmetic: theory Polygon

Affine_Arithmetic: theory Affine_Approximation

Affine_Arithmetic: theory Affine_Code

Affine_Arithmetic: theory Ex_Affine_Approximation

Affine_Arithmetic: theory Ex_Ineqs

Affine_Arithmetic: theory Intersection

Affine_Arithmetic: theory Ex_Inter

CAVA_LTL_Modelchecker: theory All_Of_Nested_DFS

CAVA_LTL_Modelchecker: theory All_Of_CAVA_LTL_Modelchecker

Timing CAVA_LTL_Modelchecker (4 threads, 366.495s elapsed time, 426.792s cpu time, 8.984s GC time, factor 1.16)

Finished CAVA_LTL_Modelchecker (0:06:33 elapsed time, 0:08:26 cpu time, factor 1.29)

Running Flyspeck-Tame ...

Flyspeck-Tame: theory Trie

Flyspeck-Tame: theory Tries

Affine_Arithmetic: theory Affine_Arithmetic

Flyspeck-Tame: theory Arch

Flyspeck-Tame: theory IArray_Syntax

Flyspeck-Tame: theory Quasi_Order

Flyspeck-Tame: theory ListAux

Flyspeck-Tame: theory RTranCl

Flyspeck-Tame: theory PlaneGraphIso

Flyspeck-Tame: theory Worklist

Flyspeck-Tame: theory Maps

Flyspeck-Tame: theory ListSum

Flyspeck-Tame: theory Rotation

Flyspeck-Tame: theory Graph

Flyspeck-Tame: theory Enumerator

Flyspeck-Tame: theory FaceDivision

Flyspeck-Tame: theory GraphProps

Flyspeck-Tame: theory Tame

Flyspeck-Tame: theory Plane

Flyspeck-Tame: theory EnumeratorProps

Flyspeck-Tame: theory TameProps

Flyspeck-Tame: theory Plane1

Flyspeck-Tame: theory Generator

Flyspeck-Tame: theory FaceDivisionProps

Flyspeck-Tame: theory TameEnum

Flyspeck-Tame: theory Invariants

Flyspeck-Tame: theory PlaneProps

Flyspeck-Tame: theory Plane1Props

Flyspeck-Tame: theory ScoreProps

Flyspeck-Tame: theory LowerBound

Flyspeck-Tame: theory GeneratorProps

Flyspeck-Tame: theory ArchCompAux

Flyspeck-Tame: theory TameEnumProps

Flyspeck-Tame: theory ArchCompProps

Flyspeck-Tame: theory ArchComp

Flyspeck-Tame: theory Completeness

Timing Affine_Arithmetic (4 threads, 186.212s elapsed time, 706.408s cpu time, 11.876s GC time, factor 3.79)

Finished Affine_Arithmetic (0:03:12 elapsed time, 0:11:50 cpu time, factor 3.69)

Running Stream_Fusion_Code ...

Stream_Fusion_Code: theory Stream_Fusion

Stream_Fusion_Code: theory Stream_Fusion_List

Stream_Fusion_Code: theory Stream_Fusion_LList

Stream_Fusion_Code: theory Stream_Fusion_Examples

Timing Stream_Fusion_Code (4 threads, 19.994s elapsed time, 57.932s cpu time, 1.488s GC time, factor 2.90)

Finished Stream_Fusion_Code (0:00:28 elapsed time, 0:01:04 cpu time, factor 2.30)

Running Regular_Algebras ...

Regular_Algebras: theory Dioid_Power_Sum

Regular_Algebras: theory Regular_Algebras

Timing Flyspeck-Tame (4 threads, 177.692s elapsed time, 531.728s cpu time, 25.116s GC time, factor 2.99)

Finished Flyspeck-Tame (0:03:04 elapsed time, 0:08:58 cpu time, factor 2.92)

Running AVL-Trees ...

AVL-Trees: theory AVL2

AVL-Trees: theory AVL

Timing AVL-Trees (4 threads, 16.216s elapsed time, 57.744s cpu time, 0.796s GC time, factor 3.56)

Finished AVL-Trees (0:00:18 elapsed time, 0:01:00 cpu time, factor 3.21)

Running Akra_Bazzi ...

Akra_Bazzi: theory Code_Abstract_Nat

Akra_Bazzi: theory Function_Algebras

Akra_Bazzi: theory Dense_Linear_Order

Akra_Bazzi: theory Code_Target_Int

Akra_Bazzi: theory Code_Target_Nat

Akra_Bazzi: theory Multiset

Akra_Bazzi: theory Landau_Library

Akra_Bazzi: theory Code_Target_Numeral

Akra_Bazzi: theory Lattice_Algebras

Akra_Bazzi: theory Landau_Symbols_Definition

Akra_Bazzi: theory Group_Sort

Akra_Bazzi: theory Landau_Real_Products

Akra_Bazzi: theory Float

Akra_Bazzi: theory Approximation

Akra_Bazzi: theory Landau_Simprocs

Akra_Bazzi: theory Landau_Symbols

Regular_Algebras: theory Pratts_Counterexamples

Regular_Algebras: theory Regular_Algebra_Models

Regular_Algebras: theory Regular_Algebra_Variants

Timing Regular_Algebras (4 threads, 114.441s elapsed time, 185.196s cpu time, 3.456s GC time, factor 1.62)

Finished Regular_Algebras (0:02:00 elapsed time, 0:03:16 cpu time, factor 1.63)

Running AWN ...

AWN: theory TransitionSystems

AWN: theory Lib

AWN: theory AWN

AWN: theory Invariants

AWN: theory OInvariants

AWN: theory AWN_Cterms

AWN: theory AWN_SOS

AWN: theory OAWN_SOS

AWN: theory AWN_Labels

AWN: theory Inv_Cterms

AWN: theory AWN_Invariants

AWN: theory Pnet

AWN: theory AWN_SOS_Labels

AWN: theory Closed

Akra_Bazzi: theory Eval_Numeral

Akra_Bazzi: theory Akra_Bazzi_Library

AWN: theory Qmsg

Akra_Bazzi: theory Akra_Bazzi_Asymptotics

Akra_Bazzi: theory Akra_Bazzi_Real

AWN: theory OAWN_Invariants

AWN: theory OAWN_SOS_Labels

AWN: theory ONode_Lifting

AWN: theory OPnet

Akra_Bazzi: theory Akra_Bazzi

AWN: theory OPnet_Lifting

AWN: theory OClosed_Lifting

AWN: theory OClosed_Transfer

AWN: theory OAWN_Convert

AWN: theory Qmsg_Lifting

Akra_Bazzi: theory Master_Theorem

AWN: theory AWN_Main

AWN: theory Toy

Akra_Bazzi: theory Akra_Bazzi_Method

Akra_Bazzi: theory Akra_Bazzi_Approximation

Akra_Bazzi: theory Master_Theorem_Examples

Timing Akra_Bazzi (4 threads, 110.443s elapsed time, 379.572s cpu time, 9.136s GC time, factor 3.44)

Finished Akra_Bazzi (0:01:54 elapsed time, 0:06:23 cpu time, factor 3.35)

Running Collections_Examples ...

Collections_Examples: theory Collection_Autoref_Examples_Chapter

Collections_Examples: theory Examples_Chapter

Collections_Examples: theory ICF_Examples_Chapter

Collections_Examples: theory Refine_Monadic_Examples_Chapter

Collections_Examples: theory Buchi_Graph_Basic

Collections_Examples: theory Exploration

Collections_Examples: theory PerformanceTest

Collections_Examples: theory Bfs_Impl

Collections_Examples: theory Foreach_Refine

Collections_Examples: theory ICF_Only_Test

Collections_Examples: theory Exploration_DFS

Collections_Examples: theory Refine_Fold

Collections_Examples: theory itp_2010

Collections_Examples: theory Refine_Monadic_Examples

Collections_Examples: theory Simple_DFS

Collections_Examples: theory Succ_Graph

Collections_Examples: theory ICF_Test

Collections_Examples: theory Coll_Test

Collections_Examples: theory Nested_DFS

Collections_Examples: theory ICF_Examples

Timing AWN (4 threads, 91.288s elapsed time, 297.232s cpu time, 8.692s GC time, factor 3.26)

Finished AWN (0:01:33 elapsed time, 0:04:59 cpu time, factor 3.19)

Running Pi_Calculus ...

Pi_Calculus: theory Agent

Pi_Calculus: theory Early_Semantics

Pi_Calculus: theory Late_Semantics

Pi_Calculus: theory Rel

Pi_Calculus: theory Early_Tau_Chain

Pi_Calculus: theory Weak_Early_Step_Semantics

Pi_Calculus: theory Strong_Early_Sim

Pi_Calculus: theory Weak_Early_Semantics

Pi_Calculus: theory Strong_Early_Bisim

Pi_Calculus: theory Strong_Early_Sim_Pres

Pi_Calculus: theory Strong_Early_Bisim_Subst

Pi_Calculus: theory Strong_Early_Bisim_Pres

Pi_Calculus: theory Weak_Early_Sim

Pi_Calculus: theory Strong_Early_Bisim_Subst_Pres

Pi_Calculus: theory Late_Semantics1

Pi_Calculus: theory Weak_Early_Bisim

Pi_Calculus: theory Weak_Early_Sim_Pres

Pi_Calculus: theory Late_Tau_Chain

Pi_Calculus: theory Weak_Late_Step_Semantics

Pi_Calculus: theory Weak_Early_Step_Sim

Pi_Calculus: theory Strong_Late_Sim

Pi_Calculus: theory Weak_Early_Bisim_Subst

Pi_Calculus: theory Weak_Early_Cong

Pi_Calculus: theory Weak_Early_Step_Sim_Pres

Pi_Calculus: theory Strong_Late_Bisim

Pi_Calculus: theory Weak_Early_Cong_Subst

Pi_Calculus: theory Weak_Late_Semantics

Pi_Calculus: theory Strong_Late_Sim_Pres

Pi_Calculus: theory Strong_Late_Bisim_Subst

Pi_Calculus: theory Strong_Late_Sim_SC

Pi_Calculus: theory Strong_Late_Bisim_Pres

Pi_Calculus: theory Weak_Late_Sim

Pi_Calculus: theory Strong_Late_Bisim_Subst_Pres

Pi_Calculus: theory Strong_Late_Bisim_SC

Pi_Calculus: theory Strong_Late_Bisim_Subst_SC

Pi_Calculus: theory Strong_Late_Expansion_Law

Pi_Calculus: theory Strong_Early_Late_Comp

Pi_Calculus: theory Weak_Late_Bisim

Pi_Calculus: theory Strong_Late_Axiomatisation

Pi_Calculus: theory Strong_Early_Bisim_SC

Pi_Calculus: theory Weak_Early_Bisim_SC

Pi_Calculus: theory Weak_Late_Bisim_SC

Pi_Calculus: theory Weak_Early_Bisim_Pres

Pi_Calculus: theory Weak_Late_Bisim_Subst

Pi_Calculus: theory Weak_Late_Sim_Pres

Pi_Calculus: theory Weak_Late_Step_Sim

Pi_Calculus: theory Weak_Early_Cong_Pres

Pi_Calculus: theory Weak_Late_Bisim_Pres

Pi_Calculus: theory Weak_Early_Cong_Subst_Pres

Pi_Calculus: theory Weak_Late_Cong

Pi_Calculus: theory Weak_Late_Step_Sim_Pres

Pi_Calculus: theory Weak_Late_Cong_Subst

Pi_Calculus: theory Weak_Late_Cong_Pres

Pi_Calculus: theory Weak_Late_Cong_Subst_SC

Collections_Examples: theory Collection_Autoref_Examples

Collections_Examples: theory Collection_Examples

Timing Collections_Examples (4 threads, 104.925s elapsed time, 276.532s cpu time, 8.428s GC time, factor 2.64)

Finished Collections_Examples (0:01:55 elapsed time, 0:04:52 cpu time, factor 2.54)

Running Abortable_Linearizable_Modules ...

Abortable_Linearizable_Modules: theory Sequences

Abortable_Linearizable_Modules: theory IOA

Abortable_Linearizable_Modules: theory RDR

Abortable_Linearizable_Modules: theory Consensus

Timing Pi_Calculus (4 threads, 102.023s elapsed time, 363.616s cpu time, 7.784s GC time, factor 3.56)

Finished Pi_Calculus (0:01:44 elapsed time, 0:06:06 cpu time, factor 3.50)

Running Sort_Encodings ...

Abortable_Linearizable_Modules: theory Simulations

Abortable_Linearizable_Modules: theory SLin

Sort_Encodings: theory Infinite_Set

Sort_Encodings: theory Nat_Bijection

Sort_Encodings: theory Old_Datatype

Sort_Encodings: theory Countable

Sort_Encodings: theory Countable_Set

Sort_Encodings: theory Countable_Set_Type

Sort_Encodings: theory Preliminaries

Abortable_Linearizable_Modules: theory Idempotence

Sort_Encodings: theory Sig

Sort_Encodings: theory TermsAndClauses

Sort_Encodings: theory M

Sort_Encodings: theory U

Sort_Encodings: theory CU

Sort_Encodings: theory CM

Sort_Encodings: theory Mono

Sort_Encodings: theory Mcalc

Sort_Encodings: theory E

Sort_Encodings: theory Mcalc2

Sort_Encodings: theory Mcalc2C

Sort_Encodings: theory T_G_Prelim

Sort_Encodings: theory T

Sort_Encodings: theory G

Timing Abortable_Linearizable_Modules (4 threads, 78.492s elapsed time, 161.216s cpu time, 4.204s GC time, factor 2.05)

Finished Abortable_Linearizable_Modules (0:01:21 elapsed time, 0:02:43 cpu time, factor 2.02)

Running Abstract-Hoare-Logics ...

Sort_Encodings: theory Encodings

Abstract-Hoare-Logics: theory Lang

Abstract-Hoare-Logics: theory PLang

Abstract-Hoare-Logics: theory PsLang

Timing Sort_Encodings (4 threads, 62.416s elapsed time, 151.720s cpu time, 8.368s GC time, factor 2.43)

Finished Sort_Encodings (0:01:05 elapsed time, 0:02:34 cpu time, factor 2.35)

Running Amortized_Complexity ...

Abstract-Hoare-Logics: theory Hoare

Abstract-Hoare-Logics: theory Termi

Abstract-Hoare-Logics: theory HoareTotal

Abstract-Hoare-Logics: theory PsHoare

Abstract-Hoare-Logics: theory PsTermi

Abstract-Hoare-Logics: theory PHoare

Abstract-Hoare-Logics: theory PTermi

Abstract-Hoare-Logics: theory PsHoareTotal

Abstract-Hoare-Logics: theory PHoareTotal

Amortized_Complexity: theory List_Index

Amortized_Complexity: theory Tree

Timing Abstract-Hoare-Logics (4 threads, 11.785s elapsed time, 37.784s cpu time, 1.748s GC time, factor 3.21)

Finished Abstract-Hoare-Logics (0:00:14 elapsed time, 0:00:40 cpu time, factor 2.80)

Running ArrowImpossibilityGS ...

Amortized_Complexity: theory Tree_Multiset

Amortized_Complexity: theory Splay_Tree

Amortized_Complexity: theory Skew_Heap

ArrowImpossibilityGS: theory Arrow_Order

ArrowImpossibilityGS: theory Arrow_Utility

ArrowImpossibilityGS: theory GS

Timing ArrowImpossibilityGS (4 threads, 5.792s elapsed time, 18.552s cpu time, 0.500s GC time, factor 3.20)

Finished ArrowImpossibilityGS (0:00:11 elapsed time, 0:00:23 cpu time, factor 2.12)

Running BytecodeLogicJmlTypes ...

BytecodeLogicJmlTypes: theory AssocLists

BytecodeLogicJmlTypes: theory Language

BytecodeLogicJmlTypes: theory Logic

BytecodeLogicJmlTypes: theory MultiStep

BytecodeLogicJmlTypes: theory Reachability

BytecodeLogicJmlTypes: theory Cachera

BytecodeLogicJmlTypes: theory Sound

Amortized_Complexity FAILED

(see also /media/data/jenkins/.isabelle/heaps/polyml-5.6_x86_64-linux/log/Amortized_Complexity)

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

### Metis: Unused theorems: "Tree.tree.exhaust", "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear", "Orderings.linorder_class.less_linear"

*** Undefined fact: "bij_betw_imageE" (line 241 of "~~/afp/thys/List-Index/List_Index.thy")

*** At command "by" (line 241 of "~~/afp/thys/List-Index/List_Index.thy")

Running BDD ...

BDD: theory BinDag

BDD: theory General

BDD: theory ProcedureSpecs

BDD: theory EvalProof

BDD: theory RepointProof

BDD: theory LevellistProof

BDD: theory ShareRepProof

BDD: theory ShareReduceRepListProof

BDD: theory NormalizeTotalProof

Timing BytecodeLogicJmlTypes (4 threads, 79.176s elapsed time, 232.140s cpu time, 3.616s GC time, factor 2.93)

Finished BytecodeLogicJmlTypes (0:01:21 elapsed time, 0:03:54 cpu time, factor 2.87)

Running Call_Arity ...

Call_Arity: theory BalancedTraces

Call_Arity: theory ConstOn

Call_Arity: theory List-Interleavings

Call_Arity: theory Arity

Call_Arity: theory AList-Utils-HOLCF

Call_Arity: theory Cardinality-Domain

Call_Arity: theory Set-Cpo

Call_Arity: theory Arity-Nominal

Call_Arity: theory AEnv

Call_Arity: theory AnalBinds

Call_Arity: theory Env-Set-Cpo

Call_Arity: theory Cardinality-Domain-Lists

Call_Arity: theory CoCallGraph

Call_Arity: theory ArityAnalysisSig

Call_Arity: theory EtaExpansion

Call_Arity: theory SestoftConf

Call_Arity: theory ArityAnalysisAbinds

Call_Arity: theory TransformTools

Call_Arity: theory ArityAnalysisSpec

Call_Arity: theory TrivialArityAnal

Call_Arity: theory CoCallGraph-Nominal

Call_Arity: theory CoCallAnalysisSig

Call_Arity: theory ArityAnalysisFix

Call_Arity: theory ArityAnalysisFixProps

Call_Arity: theory AbstractTransform

Call_Arity: theory ArityEtaExpansion

Call_Arity: theory ArityAnalysisStack

Call_Arity: theory CoCallAnalysisBinds

Call_Arity: theory CoCallAritySig

Call_Arity: theory ArityStack

Call_Arity: theory CoCallAnalysisSpec

Call_Arity: theory CardinalityAnalysisSig

Call_Arity: theory Sestoft

Call_Arity: theory CoCallFix

Call_Arity: theory CardinalityAnalysisSpec

Call_Arity: theory ArityConsistent

Call_Arity: theory EtaExpansionSafe

Timing BDD (4 threads, 68.860s elapsed time, 254.620s cpu time, 3.340s GC time, factor 3.70)

Finished BDD (0:01:17 elapsed time, 0:04:18 cpu time, factor 3.35)

Running AutoFocus-Stream ...

Call_Arity: theory SestoftCorrect

Call_Arity: theory NoCardinalityAnalysis

Call_Arity: theory CoCallAnalysisImpl

Call_Arity: theory SestoftGC

Call_Arity: theory ArityEtaExpansionSafe

Call_Arity: theory TTree

Call_Arity: theory ArityTransform

Call_Arity: theory TTree-HOLCF

Call_Arity: theory CoCallImplSafe

Call_Arity: theory ArityAnalysisCorrDenotational

Call_Arity: theory CallArityEnd2End

Call_Arity: theory ArityTransformSafe

Call_Arity: theory CardArityTransformSafe

Call_Arity: theory CoCallGraph-TTree

Call_Arity: theory TTreeAnalysisSig

AutoFocus-Stream: theory ListSlice

Call_Arity: theory CoCallImplTTree

AutoFocus-Stream: theory AF_Stream

Call_Arity: theory TTreeAnalysisSpec

Call_Arity: theory TTreeImplCardinality

Call_Arity: theory CoCallImplTTreeSafe

Call_Arity: theory TTreeImplCardinalitySafe

Call_Arity: theory CallArityEnd2EndSafe

AutoFocus-Stream: theory AF_Stream_Exec

AutoFocus-Stream: theory IL_AF_Stream

AutoFocus-Stream: theory IL_AF_Stream_Exec

Timing AutoFocus-Stream (4 threads, 51.351s elapsed time, 164.084s cpu time, 1.628s GC time, factor 3.20)

Finished AutoFocus-Stream (0:00:58 elapsed time, 0:02:50 cpu time, factor 2.91)

Running BinarySearchTree ...

Timing Call_Arity (4 threads, 71.376s elapsed time, 251.668s cpu time, 6.392s GC time, factor 3.53)

Finished Call_Arity (0:01:22 elapsed time, 0:04:15 cpu time, factor 3.09)

Running Binomial-Heaps ...

BinarySearchTree: theory BinaryTree

BinarySearchTree: theory BinaryTree_TacticStyle

BinarySearchTree: theory BinaryTree_Map

Binomial-Heaps: theory BinomialHeap

Binomial-Heaps: theory SkewBinomialHeap

Timing BinarySearchTree (4 threads, 4.863s elapsed time, 16.892s cpu time, 0.308s GC time, factor 3.47)

Finished BinarySearchTree (0:00:07 elapsed time, 0:00:19 cpu time, factor 2.68)

Running Binomial-Queues ...

Binomial-Queues: theory PQ

Binomial-Queues: theory Binomial_Queue

Binomial-Queues: theory PQ_Implementation

Timing Binomial-Queues (4 threads, 8.478s elapsed time, 22.348s cpu time, 0.420s GC time, factor 2.64)

Finished Binomial-Queues (0:00:10 elapsed time, 0:00:24 cpu time, factor 2.28)

Running Bondy ...

Bondy: theory Bondy

Timing Bondy (4 threads, 1.518s elapsed time, 3.136s cpu time, 0.000s GC time, factor 2.07)

Finished Bondy (0:00:03 elapsed time, 0:00:05 cpu time, factor 1.42)

Running Boolean_Expression_Checkers ...

Binomial-Heaps: theory Test

Timing Binomial-Heaps (4 threads, 20.339s elapsed time, 60.876s cpu time, 3.280s GC time, factor 2.99)

Finished Binomial-Heaps (0:00:26 elapsed time, 0:01:06 cpu time, factor 2.55)

Running Bounded_Deducibility_Security ...

Boolean_Expression_Checkers: theory Boolean_Expression_Checkers

Bounded_Deducibility_Security: theory Trivia

Bounded_Deducibility_Security: theory IO_Automaton

Bounded_Deducibility_Security: theory BD_Security

Bounded_Deducibility_Security: theory Compositional_Reasoning

Bounded_Deducibility_Security: theory Bounded_Deducibility_Security

Boolean_Expression_Checkers: theory Boolean_Expression_Checkers_AList_Mapping

Boolean_Expression_Checkers: theory Boolean_Expression_Example

Timing Bounded_Deducibility_Security (4 threads, 6.970s elapsed time, 18.580s cpu time, 0.312s GC time, factor 2.67)

Finished Bounded_Deducibility_Security (0:00:09 elapsed time, 0:00:20 cpu time, factor 2.23)

Running CCS ...

CCS: theory Agent

CCS: theory Strong_Sim

CCS: theory Struct_Cong

CCS: theory Tau_Chain

CCS: theory Strong_Bisim

CCS: theory Strong_Sim_Pres

CCS: theory Strong_Sim_SC

CCS: theory Weak_Cong_Semantics

CCS: theory Strong_Bisim_Pres

CCS: theory Weak_Semantics

CCS: theory Strong_Bisim_SC

CCS: theory Weak_Sim

CCS: theory Weak_Cong_Sim

CCS: theory Weak_Sim_Pres

CCS: theory Weak_Bisim

CCS: theory Weak_Cong_Sim_Pres

CCS: theory Weak_Cong

CCS: theory Weak_Bisim_Pres

CCS: theory Weak_Cong_Pres

Timing Boolean_Expression_Checkers (4 threads, 24.975s elapsed time, 44.496s cpu time, 1.632s GC time, factor 1.78)

Finished Boolean_Expression_Checkers (0:00:30 elapsed time, 0:00:50 cpu time, factor 1.63)

Running CISC-Kernel ...

CISC-Kernel: theory List_Theorems

CISC-Kernel: theory Option_Binders

CISC-Kernel: theory Step_configuration

CISC-Kernel: theory K

CISC-Kernel: theory Step_policies

CISC-Kernel: theory SK

CISC-Kernel: theory Step

CISC-Kernel: theory ISK

CISC-Kernel: theory CISK

Timing CCS (4 threads, 22.013s elapsed time, 63.732s cpu time, 0.972s GC time, factor 2.90)

Finished CCS (0:00:24 elapsed time, 0:01:06 cpu time, factor 2.70)

Running Card_Number_Partitions ...

CISC-Kernel: theory Step_invariants

Card_Number_Partitions: theory Additions_to_Main

CISC-Kernel: theory Step_vpeq

Card_Number_Partitions: theory Number_Partition

CISC-Kernel: theory Step_vpeq_locally_respects

CISC-Kernel: theory Step_vpeq_weakly_step_consistent

Card_Number_Partitions: theory Card_Number_Partitions

CISC-Kernel: theory Separation_kernel_model

CISC-Kernel: theory Link_separation_kernel_model_to_CISK

Timing Card_Number_Partitions (4 threads, 5.317s elapsed time, 17.892s cpu time, 0.120s GC time, factor 3.37)

Finished Card_Number_Partitions (0:00:07 elapsed time, 0:00:20 cpu time, factor 2.64)

Running Card_Partitions ...

Card_Partitions: theory Card_Partitions

Timing CISC-Kernel (4 threads, 22.421s elapsed time, 75.132s cpu time, 2.396s GC time, factor 3.35)

Finished CISC-Kernel (0:00:25 elapsed time, 0:01:17 cpu time, factor 3.09)

Running Category ...

Timing Card_Partitions (4 threads, 8.164s elapsed time, 25.528s cpu time, 0.068s GC time, factor 3.13)

Finished Card_Partitions (0:00:10 elapsed time, 0:00:27 cpu time, factor 2.58)

Running Category2 ...

Category: theory Cat

Category: theory Functors

Category: theory SetCat

Category: theory NatTrans

Category: theory HomFunctors

Category2: theory LProd

Category2: theory HOLZF

Category: theory Yoneda

Category2: theory Zet

Category2: theory MainZF

Timing Category (4 threads, 5.072s elapsed time, 14.660s cpu time, 0.476s GC time, factor 2.89)

Finished Category (0:00:10 elapsed time, 0:00:20 cpu time, factor 1.90)

Running Cayley_Hamilton ...

Category2: theory Universe

Category2: theory Category

Category2: theory Functors

Category2: theory MonadicEquationalTheory

Category2: theory NatTrans

Category2: theory SetCat

Cayley_Hamilton: theory More_List

Cayley_Hamilton: theory Polynomial

Category2: theory Yoneda

Cayley_Hamilton: theory Square_Matrix

Cayley_Hamilton: theory Cayley_Hamilton

Timing Cayley_Hamilton (4 threads, 15.653s elapsed time, 49.132s cpu time, 0.824s GC time, factor 3.14)

Finished Cayley_Hamilton (0:00:19 elapsed time, 0:00:53 cpu time, factor 2.69)

Running Certification_Monads ...

Timing Category2 (4 threads, 23.527s elapsed time, 79.796s cpu time, 2.996s GC time, factor 3.39)

Finished Category2 (0:00:29 elapsed time, 0:01:25 cpu time, factor 2.92)

Running Circus ...

Certification_Monads: theory Adhoc_Overloading

Certification_Monads: theory Derive_Manager

Certification_Monads: theory Generator_Aux

Certification_Monads: theory Partial_Function_MR

Certification_Monads: theory Monad_Syntax

Certification_Monads: theory Show

Circus: theory Sublist

Certification_Monads: theory Error_Syntax

Certification_Monads: theory Error_Monad

Certification_Monads: theory Strict_Sum

Circus: theory Var

Circus: theory Var_list

Circus: theory Relations

Certification_Monads: theory Check_Monad

Certification_Monads: theory Parser_Monad

Circus: theory Designs

Circus: theory Reactive_Processes

Timing Certification_Monads (4 threads, 6.654s elapsed time, 17.448s cpu time, 0.260s GC time, factor 2.62)

Finished Certification_Monads (0:00:08 elapsed time, 0:00:19 cpu time, factor 2.21)

Running ClockSynchInst ...

ClockSynchInst: theory ICAInstance

ClockSynchInst: theory LynchInstance

Circus: theory CSP_Processes

Circus: theory Circus_Actions

Circus: theory Denotational_Semantics

Timing ClockSynchInst (4 threads, 6.026s elapsed time, 22.076s cpu time, 0.156s GC time, factor 3.66)

Finished ClockSynchInst (0:00:08 elapsed time, 0:00:24 cpu time, factor 2.94)

Running CofGroups ...

CofGroups: theory CofGroups

Timing CofGroups (4 threads, 2.242s elapsed time, 6.852s cpu time, 0.000s GC time, factor 3.06)

Finished CofGroups (0:00:07 elapsed time, 0:00:12 cpu time, factor 1.58)

Running Compiling-Exceptions-Correctly ...

Compiling-Exceptions-Correctly: theory Exceptions

Circus: theory Circus_Syntax

Circus: theory Refinement

Timing Compiling-Exceptions-Correctly (4 threads, 6.081s elapsed time, 10.268s cpu time, 0.404s GC time, factor 1.69)

Finished Compiling-Exceptions-Correctly (0:00:08 elapsed time, 0:00:12 cpu time, factor 1.49)

Running Completeness ...

Circus: theory Refinement_Example

Completeness: theory Multiset

Completeness: theory Permutation

Completeness: theory PermutationLemmas

Completeness: theory Tree

Completeness: theory Base

Completeness: theory Formula

Completeness: theory Sequents

Timing Circus (4 threads, 46.708s elapsed time, 145.016s cpu time, 3.064s GC time, factor 3.10)

Finished Circus (0:00:49 elapsed time, 0:02:27 cpu time, factor 2.97)

Running Formal_SSA ...

Completeness: theory Completeness

Completeness: theory Soundness

Timing Completeness (4 threads, 17.676s elapsed time, 52.112s cpu time, 1.360s GC time, factor 2.95)

Finished Completeness (0:00:20 elapsed time, 0:00:54 cpu time, factor 2.71)

Running Ordinary_Differential_Equations ...

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Code_Abstract_Nat

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Adhoc_Overloading

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Dense_Linear_Order

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Code_Target_Int

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Monad_Syntax

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Code_Target_Nat

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Multiset

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Quotient_Syntax

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Code_Target_Numeral

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Quotient_Set

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Lattice_Algebras

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Counterclockwise

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Counterclockwise_Vector

Formal_SSA: theory AuxLemmas

Formal_SSA: theory Char_ord

Formal_SSA: theory Com

Formal_SSA: theory Graph

Formal_SSA: theory BasicDefs

Formal_SSA: theory List_lexord

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Counterclockwise_2D_Strict

Formal_SSA: theory Mapping

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Euclidean_Space_Explicit

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Counterclockwise_2D_Arbitrary

Formal_SSA: theory RBT_Set

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Polygon

Formal_SSA: theory RBT_Mapping

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory While_Combinator

Formal_SSA: theory CFG

Formal_SSA: theory Sublist

Formal_SSA: theory CFGExit

Formal_SSA: theory Postdomination

Formal_SSA: theory CFG_wf

Formal_SSA: theory Distance

Formal_SSA: theory DynStandardControlDependence

Formal_SSA: theory DynWeakControlDependence

Formal_SSA: theory CFGExit_wf

Formal_SSA: theory StandardControlDependence

Formal_SSA: theory WeakControlDependence

Formal_SSA: theory DynDataDependence

Formal_SSA: theory Observable

Formal_SSA: theory SemanticsCFG

Formal_SSA: theory DataDependence

Formal_SSA: theory GraphSpec

Formal_SSA: theory PDG

Formal_SSA: theory Slice

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Permutation

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Affine_Form

Formal_SSA: theory WeakOrderDependence

Formal_SSA: theory Labels

Formal_SSA: theory WCFG

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Float

Formal_SSA: theory CDepInstantiations

Formal_SSA: theory Interpretation

Formal_SSA: theory WellFormed

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Approximation

Formal_SSA: theory AdditionalLemmas

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Float_Real

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Executable_Euclidean_Space

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Affine_Approximation

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Affine_Code

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Ex_Affine_Approximation

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Ex_Ineqs

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Intersection

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Ex_Inter

Formal_SSA: theory Disjoin_Transform

Formal_SSA: theory FormalSSA_Misc

Formal_SSA: theory Serial_Rel

Formal_SSA: theory While_Combinator_Exts

Formal_SSA: theory Mapping_Exts

Formal_SSA: theory Graph_path

Formal_SSA: theory RBT_Mapping_Exts

Formal_SSA: theory SSA_CFG

Formal_SSA: theory Construct_SSA

Formal_SSA: theory Minimality

Formal_SSA: theory SSA_CFG_code

Formal_SSA: theory Construct_SSA_notriv

Formal_SSA: theory SSA_Semantics

Formal_SSA: theory Construct_SSA_code

Formal_SSA: theory Construct_SSA_notriv_code

Formal_SSA: theory SSA_Transfer_Rules

Formal_SSA: theory Generic_Interpretation

Formal_SSA: theory Generic_Extract

Formal_SSA: theory WhileGraphSSA

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Affine_Arithmetic

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Optimize_Integer

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory ODE_Auxiliarities

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Print

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Higher_Derivative

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Initial_Value_Problem

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory MVT_Ex

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Multivariate_Taylor

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Optimize_Float

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory One_Step_Method

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Picard_Lindeloef_Qualitative

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Runge_Kutta

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Euler_Affine_Code

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Euler_Affine

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Example1

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Example3

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Example_Exp

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Example_Oil

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Example_van_der_Pol

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Examples

Ordinary_Differential_Equations: theory Ordinary_Differential_Equations

Timing Ordinary_Differential_Equations (4 threads, 342.232s elapsed time, 1219.676s cpu time, 27.956s GC time, factor 3.56)

Finished Ordinary_Differential_Equations (0:05:46 elapsed time, 0:20:23 cpu time, factor 3.53)

Running Native_Word ...

Native_Word: theory Code_Test

Native_Word: theory Char_ord

Native_Word: theory Code_Target_Int

Native_Word: theory Code_Char

Native_Word: theory More_Bits_Int

Native_Word: theory Bits_Integer

Native_Word: theory Word_Misc

Native_Word: theory Code_Target_Bits_Int

Native_Word: theory Uint

Native_Word: theory Uint16

Native_Word: theory Uint32

Native_Word: theory Uint8

Native_Word: theory Native_Cast

Native_Word: theory Native_Word_Test

Timing Formal_SSA (4 threads, 404.076s elapsed time, 964.848s cpu time, 15.160s GC time, factor 2.39)

Finished Formal_SSA (0:06:54 elapsed time, 0:16:15 cpu time, factor 2.35)

Running QR_Decomposition ...

QR_Decomposition: theory Bit

QR_Decomposition: theory Char_ord

QR_Decomposition: theory Derive_Manager

QR_Decomposition: theory Code_Abstract_Nat

QR_Decomposition: theory Dual_Order

QR_Decomposition: theory Code_Target_Nat

QR_Decomposition: theory Code_Char

QR_Decomposition: theory Code_Target_Int

QR_Decomposition: theory Primes

QR_Decomposition: theory Generator_Aux

QR_Decomposition: theory Code_Target_Numeral

QR_Decomposition: theory IArray

QR_Decomposition: theory Multiset

QR_Decomposition: theory Code_Bit

QR_Decomposition: theory Cong

QR_Decomposition: theory Code_Set

QR_Decomposition: theory Show

QR_Decomposition: theory CauchysMeanTheorem

QR_Decomposition: theory Code_Real_Approx_By_Float

QR_Decomposition: theory Show_Instances

QR_Decomposition: theory Show_Real

QR_Decomposition: theory Code_Real_Approx_By_Float_Haskell

QR_Decomposition: theory Mod_Type

QR_Decomposition: theory Generalizations

QR_Decomposition: theory Sqrt_Babylonian_Auxiliary

QR_Decomposition: theory NthRoot_Impl

QR_Decomposition: theory Miscellaneous

QR_Decomposition: theory UniqueFactorization

QR_Decomposition: theory Sqrt_Babylonian

QR_Decomposition: theory Real_Impl_Auxiliary

QR_Decomposition: theory Prime_Product

QR_Decomposition: theory Real_Impl

QR_Decomposition: theory Code_Matrix

QR_Decomposition: theory Fundamental_Subspaces

QR_Decomposition: theory Rref

QR_Decomposition: theory Dim_Formula

QR_Decomposition: theory Elementary_Operations

QR_Decomposition: theory Real_Unique_Impl

QR_Decomposition: theory Rank

QR_Decomposition: theory Gauss_Jordan

QR_Decomposition: theory Linear_Maps

QR_Decomposition: theory Gauss_Jordan_PA

QR_Decomposition: theory Bases_Of_Fundamental_Subspaces

QR_Decomposition: theory Determinants2

QR_Decomposition: theory Inverse

QR_Decomposition: theory System_Of_Equations

QR_Decomposition: theory Examples_Gauss_Jordan_Abstract

Native_Word: theory Native_Word_Test_Emu

Native_Word: theory Native_Word_Test_GHC

QR_Decomposition: theory IArray_Addenda_QR

QR_Decomposition: theory Generalizations2

QR_Decomposition: theory Miscellaneous_QR

QR_Decomposition: theory Matrix_To_IArray_QR

QR_Decomposition: theory Projections

QR_Decomposition: theory Gram_Schmidt

QR_Decomposition: theory QR_Decomposition

QR_Decomposition: theory Examples_QR_Abstract_Float

QR_Decomposition: theory Gram_Schmidt_IArrays

QR_Decomposition: theory Least_Squares_Approximation

QR_Decomposition: theory Examples_QR_Abstract_Symbolic

QR_Decomposition: theory QR_Decomposition_IArrays

QR_Decomposition: theory Examples_QR_IArrays_Float

QR_Decomposition: theory QR_Efficient

Native_Word: theory Native_Word_Test_MLton2

Native_Word: theory Native_Word_Test_MLton

QR_Decomposition: theory Examples_QR_IArrays_Symbolic

Native_Word: theory Native_Word_Test_OCaml2

Native_Word: theory Native_Word_Test_OCaml

Native_Word: theory Native_Word_Test_PolyML2

Native_Word: theory Native_Word_Test_PolyML

Native_Word: theory Native_Word_Test_Scala

Native_Word: theory Native_Word_Test_SMLNJ2

Native_Word: theory Native_Word_Test_SMLNJ

Native_Word: theory Uint_Userguide

Timing Native_Word (4 threads, 270.325s elapsed time, 258.260s cpu time, 6.492s GC time, factor 0.96)

Finished Native_Word (0:04:33 elapsed time, 0:11:54 cpu time, factor 2.61)

Running Promela ...

Promela: theory IArray

Promela: theory PromelaStatistics

Promela: theory Lexord_List

Promela: theory PromelaAST

Timing QR_Decomposition (4 threads, 250.690s elapsed time, 915.244s cpu time, 16.760s GC time, factor 3.65)

Finished QR_Decomposition (0:04:14 elapsed time, 0:15:19 cpu time, factor 3.61)

Running Encodability_Process_Calculi ...

Promela: theory PromelaDatastructures

Encodability_Process_Calculi: theory LaTeXsugar

Encodability_Process_Calculi: theory OptionalSugar

Encodability_Process_Calculi: theory Relations

Encodability_Process_Calculi: theory ProcessCalculi

Encodability_Process_Calculi: theory Encodings

Encodability_Process_Calculi: theory SimulationRelations

Encodability_Process_Calculi: theory SourceTargetRelation

Encodability_Process_Calculi: theory DivergenceReflection

Encodability_Process_Calculi: theory FullAbstraction

Encodability_Process_Calculi: theory OperationalCorrespondence

Encodability_Process_Calculi: theory SuccessSensitiveness

Promela: theory PromelaInvariants

Promela: theory Promela

Encodability_Process_Calculi: theory CombinedCriteria

Promela: theory PromelaLTL

Promela: theory PromelaLTLConv

Promela: theory All_Of_Promela

Timing Promela (4 threads, 245.958s elapsed time, 430.968s cpu time, 15.300s GC time, factor 1.75)

Finished Promela (0:04:18 elapsed time, 0:07:35 cpu time, factor 1.76)

Running Jordan_Normal_Form ...

Jordan_Normal_Form: theory Missing_Ring

Jordan_Normal_Form: theory Missing_Permutations

Timing Encodability_Process_Calculi (4 threads, 225.991s elapsed time, 482.824s cpu time, 9.428s GC time, factor 2.14)

Finished Encodability_Process_Calculi (0:03:48 elapsed time, 0:08:05 cpu time, factor 2.12)

Running Network_Security_Policy_Verification ...

Jordan_Normal_Form: theory Conjugate

Jordan_Normal_Form: theory Missing_VectorSpace

Jordan_Normal_Form: theory Show_Arctic

Jordan_Normal_Form: theory Derivation_Bound

Jordan_Normal_Form: theory Matrix

Jordan_Normal_Form: theory Missing_Fraction_Field

Jordan_Normal_Form: theory Gauss_Jordan

Jordan_Normal_Form: theory Matrix_Comparison

Jordan_Normal_Form: theory Matrix_IArray_Impl

Jordan_Normal_Form: theory Show_Matrix

Jordan_Normal_Form: theory Strassen_Algorithm

Jordan_Normal_Form: theory VS_Connect

Jordan_Normal_Form: theory Column_Operations

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory FiniteGraph

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory Char_ord

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory List_lexord

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory ML_GraphViz_Config

Jordan_Normal_Form: theory Gauss_Jordan_IArray_Impl

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory ML_GraphViz

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory ML_GraphViz_Disable

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory Code_Char

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory Orders

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory TopoS_Util

Jordan_Normal_Form: theory Determinant

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory Transitive_Closure_Impl

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory Efficient_Distinct

Jordan_Normal_Form: theory Strassen_Algorithm_Code

Jordan_Normal_Form: theory Ring_Hom_Matrix

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory Transitive_Closure_List_Impl

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory Bounds

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory FiniteListGraph

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory Lattice

Jordan_Normal_Form: theory Char_Poly

Jordan_Normal_Form: theory Determinant_Impl

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory CompleteLattice

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory FiniteListGraph_Impl

Jordan_Normal_Form: theory Complexity_Carrier

Jordan_Normal_Form: theory Jordan_Normal_Form

Jordan_Normal_Form: theory Gram_Schmidt

Jordan_Normal_Form: theory Schur_Decomposition

Jordan_Normal_Form: theory Matrix_Complexity

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory TopoS_Vertices

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory TopoS_Interface

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory vertex_example_simps

Jordan_Normal_Form: theory Jordan_Normal_Form_Existence

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory TopoS_withOffendingFlows

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory TopoS_ENF

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory TopoS_Helper

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory SINVAR_ACLcommunicateWith

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory SINVAR_ACLnotCommunicateWith

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory SINVAR_BLPbasic

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory SINVAR_BLPtrusted

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory SINVAR_CommunicationPartners

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory SINVAR_Dependability

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory SINVAR_Dependability_norefl

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory SINVAR_DomainHierarchyNG

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory SINVAR_NoRefl

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory SINVAR_NonInterference

Jordan_Normal_Form: theory Matrix_Impl

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory SINVAR_SecGwExt

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory SINVAR_Sink

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory SINVAR_Subnets

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory SINVAR_SubnetsInGW

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory TopoS_Composition_Theory

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory TopoS_Interface_impl

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory TopoS_Stateful_Policy

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory SINVAR_ACLcommunicateWith_impl

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory SINVAR_ACLnotCommunicateWith_impl

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory SINVAR_BLPbasic_impl

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory TopoS_Stateful_Policy_Algorithm

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory SINVAR_BLPtrusted_impl

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory SINVAR_CommunicationPartners_impl

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory SINVAR_Dependability_impl

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory SINVAR_Dependability_norefl_impl

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory SINVAR_DomainHierarchyNG_impl

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory SINVAR_NoRefl_impl

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory SINVAR_NonInterference_impl

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory SINVAR_SecGwExt_impl

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory SINVAR_Sink_impl

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory SINVAR_SubnetsInGW_impl

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory SINVAR_Subnets_impl

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory TopoS_Composition_Theory_impl

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory TopoS_Library

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory TopoS_Stateful_Policy_impl

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory Example_BLP

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory TopoS_Impl

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory TopoS_generateCode

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory Network_Security_Policy_Verification

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory Example_NetModel

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory Example

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory Distributed_WebApp

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory Example_Forte14

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory I8_SSH_Landscape

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory Impl_List_Playground

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory Impl_List_Playground_ChairNetwork

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory Impl_List_Playground_ChairNetwork_statefulpolicy_example

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory Impl_List_Playground_statefulpolicycompliance

Network_Security_Policy_Verification: theory attic

Timing Jordan_Normal_Form (4 threads, 213.833s elapsed time, 804.416s cpu time, 9.776s GC time, factor 3.76)

Finished Jordan_Normal_Form (0:03:44 elapsed time, 0:13:31 cpu time, factor 3.62)

Running Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs ...

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Adhoc_Overloading

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Order_Union

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Cardinal_Notations

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Disjoint_Sets

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Fun_More

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Monad_Syntax

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Multiset

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Order_Relation_More

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Sigma_Algebra

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Wellorder_Extension

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Wellfounded_More

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Wellorder_Relation

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Wellorder_Embedding

Timing Network_Security_Policy_Verification (4 threads, 202.265s elapsed time, 724.604s cpu time, 20.208s GC time, factor 3.58)

Finished Network_Security_Policy_Verification (0:03:32 elapsed time, 0:12:14 cpu time, factor 3.46)

Running Containers-Benchmarks ...

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Wellorder_Constructions

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Cardinal_Order_Relation

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Ordinal_Arithmetic

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Cardinal_Arithmetic

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Cardinals

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Measurable

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Borel_Space

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Measure_Space

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Caratheodory

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Nonnegative_Lebesgue_Integration

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Binary_Product_Measure

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Finite_Product_Measure

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Trie

Containers-Benchmarks: theory FingerTree

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Benchmark_Comparison

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Foldi

Containers-Benchmarks: theory ICF_Tools

Containers-Benchmarks: theory BinomialHeap

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Bochner_Integration

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Benchmark_Default

Containers-Benchmarks: theory List_More

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Quicksort

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Ord_Code_Preproc

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Radon_Nikodym

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Lebesgue_Measure

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Locale_Code

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Prio_List

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Benchmark_RBT

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Misc

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Probability_Measure

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Set_Integral

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Interval_Integral

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Lebesgue_Integral_Substitution

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Giry_Monad

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Benchmark_Bool

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Benchmark_LC

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Clauses

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Record_Intf

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Refine_Chapter

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Refine_Util

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Anti_Unification

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Attr_Comb

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Named_Sorted_Thms

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Autoref_Data

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Mk_Term_Antiquot

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Mpat_Antiquot

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Indep_Vars

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Mk_Record_Simp

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Tagged_Solver

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Select_Solve

Containers-Benchmarks: theory SkewBinomialHeap

Containers-Benchmarks: theory DatRef

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Benchmark_Set

Containers-Benchmarks: theory SetIterator

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Digraph_Basic

Containers-Benchmarks: theory SetIteratorOperations

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Refine_Lib

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Sorted_List_Operations

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Autoref_Phases

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Autoref_Tagging

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Refine_Mono_Prover

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Relators

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Benchmark_Set_Default

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Assoc_List

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Param_Tool

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Param_HOL

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Trie_Impl

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Dlist_add

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Trie2

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Proper_Iterator

Containers-Benchmarks: theory SetIteratorGA

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Parametricity

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Autoref_Id_Ops

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Diff_Array

Containers-Benchmarks: theory It_to_It

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Autoref_Fix_Rel

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Benchmark_Set_LC

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Autoref_Translate

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Autoref_Gen_Algo

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Autoref_Relator_Interface

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Autoref_Tool

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Autoref_Bindings_HOL

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Automatic_Refinement

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Idx_Iterator

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Refine_Misc

Containers-Benchmarks: theory RefineG_Domain

Containers-Benchmarks: theory RefineG_Transfer

Containers-Benchmarks: theory RefineG_Assert

Containers-Benchmarks: theory RefineG_Recursion

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Refine_Basic

Containers-Benchmarks: theory RefineG_While

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Refine_Det

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Refine_Heuristics

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Refine_Leof

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Refine_Pfun

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Refine_While

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Refine_Transfer

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Autoref_Monadic

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Refine_Automation

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Refine_Foreach

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Refine_Monadic

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Gen_Iterator

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Intf_Map

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Intf_Set

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Iterator

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Array_Iterator

Containers-Benchmarks: theory ICF_Spec_Base

Containers-Benchmarks: theory RBT_add

Containers-Benchmarks: theory AnnotatedListSpec

Containers-Benchmarks: theory ListSpec

Containers-Benchmarks: theory MapSpec

Containers-Benchmarks: theory ListGA

Containers-Benchmarks: theory FTAnnotatedListImpl

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Fifo

Containers-Benchmarks: theory PrioSpec

Containers-Benchmarks: theory PrioUniqueSpec

Containers-Benchmarks: theory SetSpec

Containers-Benchmarks: theory BinoPrioImpl

Containers-Benchmarks: theory PrioByAnnotatedList

Containers-Benchmarks: theory SkewPrioImpl

Containers-Benchmarks: theory PrioUniqueByAnnotatedList

Containers-Benchmarks: theory FTPrioImpl

Containers-Benchmarks: theory FTPrioUniqueImpl

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Algos

Containers-Benchmarks: theory SetIndex

Containers-Benchmarks: theory SetIteratorCollectionsGA

Containers-Benchmarks: theory MapGA

Containers-Benchmarks: theory SetGA

Containers-Benchmarks: theory ArrayMapImpl

Containers-Benchmarks: theory ListMapImpl

Containers-Benchmarks: theory ListMapImpl_Invar

Containers-Benchmarks: theory TrieMapImpl

Containers-Benchmarks: theory ListSetImpl

Containers-Benchmarks: theory ListSetImpl_Invar

Containers-Benchmarks: theory ListSetImpl_NotDist

Containers-Benchmarks: theory ListSetImpl_Sorted

Containers-Benchmarks: theory SetByMap

Containers-Benchmarks: theory RBTMapImpl

Containers-Benchmarks: theory ArrayHashMap_Impl

Containers-Benchmarks: theory ArraySetImpl

Containers-Benchmarks: theory TrieSetImpl

Containers-Benchmarks: theory RBTSetImpl

Containers-Benchmarks: theory HashMap_Impl

Containers-Benchmarks: theory ArrayHashMap

Containers-Benchmarks: theory HashMap

Containers-Benchmarks: theory ArrayHashSet

Containers-Benchmarks: theory HashSet

Containers-Benchmarks: theory MapStdImpl

Containers-Benchmarks: theory SetStdImpl

Containers-Benchmarks: theory ICF_Impl

Containers-Benchmarks: theory ICF_Refine_Monadic

Containers-Benchmarks: theory ICF_Autoref

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Collections

Containers-Benchmarks: theory CollectionsV1

Containers-Benchmarks: theory Benchmark_ICF

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Probability_Mass_Function

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Bounded_Set

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Bool_Bounded_Set

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs: theory Nonempty_Bounded_Set

Timing Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs (4 threads, 189.957s elapsed time, 709.128s cpu time, 11.444s GC time, factor 3.73)

Finished Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs (0:03:14 elapsed time, 0:11:53 cpu time, factor 3.67)

Running Gabow_SCC ...

Gabow_SCC: theory Gabow_Skeleton

Gabow_SCC: theory Find_Path

Gabow_SCC: theory Find_Path_Impl

Timing Containers-Benchmarks (4 threads, 188.721s elapsed time, 599.760s cpu time, 38.020s GC time, factor 3.18)

Finished Containers-Benchmarks (0:03:25 elapsed time, 0:10:10 cpu time, factor 2.97)

Running List_Update ...

Gabow_SCC: theory Gabow_SCC

Gabow_SCC: theory Gabow_GBG

Gabow_SCC: theory Gabow_Skeleton_Code

List_Update: theory List_Index

List_Update: theory While_Combinator

List_Update: theory Regular_Set

List_Update: theory Regular_Exp

List_Update: theory NDerivative

List_Update: theory Equivalence_Checking

List_Update FAILED

(see also /media/data/jenkins/.isabelle/heaps/polyml-5.6_x86_64-linux/log/List_Update)

*** At command "by" (line 241 of "~~/afp/thys/List-Index/List_Index.thy")

Found termination order:

"(\<lambda>p. length (snd p)) <*mlex*>

(\<lambda>p. length (fst p)) <*mlex*> {}"

### Rule already declared as elimination (elim)

### \<lbrakk>?w \<in> ?A @@ ?B;

### \<And>u v.

### \<lbrakk>u \<in> ?A; v \<in> ?B; ?w = u @ v\<rbrakk>

### \<Longrightarrow> ?thesis\<rbrakk>

### \<Longrightarrow> ?thesis

### theory "Regular_Set"

### 5.477s elapsed time, 10.952s cpu time, 0.312s GC time

Loading theory "Regular_Exp" (required by "Equivalence_Checking" via "NDerivative")


rexp :: (order) order

less_eq_rexp == less_eq ::

'a rexp \<Rightarrow> 'a rexp \<Rightarrow> bool

less_rexp == less :: 'a rexp \<Rightarrow> 'a rexp \<Rightarrow> bool

Found termination order: "(\<lambda>p. size (snd p)) <*mlex*> {}"


rexp :: (linorder) linorder

### theory "Regular_Exp"

### 6.635s elapsed time, 19.960s cpu time, 0.580s GC time

Loading theory "NDerivative" (required by "Equivalence_Checking")

Found termination order:

"(\<lambda>p. size (fst p)) <*mlex*>

(\<lambda>p. size (snd p)) <*mlex*> {}"

Found termination order: "(\<lambda>p. size (fst p)) <*mlex*> {}"

### theory "NDerivative"

### 4.565s elapsed time, 8.288s cpu time, 0.000s GC time

Loading theory "Equivalence_Checking"

Proofs for coinductive predicate(s) "bisimilar"

Proving monotonicity ...

Proving the introduction rules ...

Proving the elimination rules ...

Proving the simplification rules ...

### theory "Equivalence_Checking"

### 0.409s elapsed time, 1.160s cpu time, 0.000s GC time

*** Undefined fact: "bij_betw_imageE" (line 241 of "~~/afp/thys/List-Index/List_Index.thy")

*** At command "by" (line 241 of "~~/afp/thys/List-Index/List_Index.thy")

Running Probabilistic_Noninterference ...

Probabilistic_Noninterference: theory Lattice_Syntax

Probabilistic_Noninterference: theory Rewrite

Probabilistic_Noninterference: theory Simps_Case_Conv

Probabilistic_Noninterference: theory Prefix_Order

Probabilistic_Noninterference: theory Complete_Partial_Order2

Probabilistic_Noninterference: theory Coinductive_Nat

Probabilistic_Noninterference: theory Coinductive_List

Gabow_SCC: theory Gabow_GBG_Code

Gabow_SCC: theory Gabow_SCC_Code

Probabilistic_Noninterference: theory Coinductive_Stream

Probabilistic_Noninterference: theory Discrete_Time_Markov_Chain

Probabilistic_Noninterference: theory Interface

Probabilistic_Noninterference: theory Language_Semantics

Probabilistic_Noninterference: theory Resumption_Based

Probabilistic_Noninterference: theory Compositionality

Probabilistic_Noninterference: theory Trace_Based

Probabilistic_Noninterference: theory Syntactic_Criteria

Probabilistic_Noninterference: theory Concrete

Gabow_SCC: theory All_Of_Gabow_SCC

Timing Gabow_SCC (4 threads, 159.758s elapsed time, 406.064s cpu time, 8.796s GC time, factor 2.54)

Finished Gabow_SCC (0:02:51 elapsed time, 0:07:18 cpu time, factor 2.56)

Running Planarity_Certificates ...

Planarity_Certificates: theory Permutations

Planarity_Certificates: theory Eisbach

Planarity_Certificates: theory Case_Labeling

Planarity_Certificates: theory FuncSet

Planarity_Certificates: theory Infinite_Set

Planarity_Certificates: theory Lib

Planarity_Certificates: theory List_Index

Planarity_Certificates: theory Funpow

Planarity_Certificates: theory NonDetMonad

Planarity_Certificates: theory OptionMonad

Planarity_Certificates: theory Nat_Bijection

Planarity_Certificates: theory Old_Datatype

Planarity_Certificates: theory Rewrite

Planarity_Certificates: theory Rtrancl_On

Planarity_Certificates: theory Simps_Case_Conv

Planarity_Certificates: theory NonDetMonadLemmas

Planarity_Certificates: theory Liminf_Limsup

Planarity_Certificates: theory Transitive_Closure_Impl

Planarity_Certificates: theory OptionMonadND

Planarity_Certificates: theory WP

Planarity_Certificates: theory OptionMonadWP

Planarity_Certificates: theory Countable

Planarity_Certificates: theory Countable_Set

Planarity_Certificates: theory Countable_Complete_Lattices

Planarity_Certificates: theory Order_Continuity

Planarity_Certificates: theory Extended_Nat

Planarity_Certificates: theory Extended_Real

Planarity_Certificates: theory Stuff

Planarity_Certificates: theory Digraph

Planarity_Certificates: theory Arc_Walk

Planarity_Certificates: theory Bidirected_Digraph

Planarity_Certificates: theory Vertex_Walk

Planarity_Certificates: theory Pair_Digraph

Planarity_Certificates: theory Weighted_Graph

Planarity_Certificates: theory Shortest_Path

Timing Probabilistic_Noninterference (4 threads, 157.735s elapsed time, 568.864s cpu time, 8.640s GC time, factor 3.61)

Finished Probabilistic_Noninterference (0:02:43 elapsed time, 0:09:45 cpu time, factor 3.58)

Running Featherweight_OCL ...

Featherweight_OCL: theory UML_Types

Planarity_Certificates: theory Digraph_Component

Featherweight_OCL: theory UML_Logic

Featherweight_OCL: theory UML_PropertyProfiles

Featherweight_OCL: theory UML_Tools

Featherweight_OCL: theory UML_Boolean

Featherweight_OCL: theory UML_Integer

Featherweight_OCL: theory UML_Pair

Planarity_Certificates: theory Digraph_Component_Vwalk

Planarity_Certificates: theory Digraph_Isomorphism

Planarity_Certificates: theory Subdivision

Planarity_Certificates: theory Kuratowski

Planarity_Certificates: theory Euler

Featherweight_OCL: theory UML_Real

Featherweight_OCL: theory UML_String

Planarity_Certificates: theory Graph_Theory

Featherweight_OCL: theory UML_Sequence

Featherweight_OCL: theory UML_Void

Featherweight_OCL: theory UML_Bag

Featherweight_OCL: theory UML_Set

Featherweight_OCL: theory UML_Library

Planarity_Certificates FAILED

(see also /media/data/jenkins/.isabelle/heaps/polyml-5.6_x86_64-linux/log/Planarity_Certificates)

### \<Longrightarrow> closed (\<Union>x\<in>?A. ?B x)

### Rule already declared as introduction (intro)

### \<lbrakk>open ?S; closed ?T\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> open (?S - ?T)

### Rule already declared as introduction (intro)

### \<lbrakk>closed ?S; open ?T\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> closed (?S - ?T)

### Rule already declared as introduction (intro)

### closed ?S \<Longrightarrow> open (- ?S)

### Rule already declared as introduction (intro)

### open ?S \<Longrightarrow> closed (- ?S)

"LEAST x. P x"

:: "'a"

### Rule already declared as elimination (elim)

### \<lbrakk>vwalk ?p ?G;

### \<lbrakk>set ?p \<subseteq> verts ?G;

### set (vwalk_arcs ?p) \<subseteq> arcs_ends ?G \<and>

### ?p \<noteq> []\<rbrakk>

### \<Longrightarrow> ?P\<rbrakk>

### \<Longrightarrow> ?P

### Rule already declared as elimination (elim)

### \<lbrakk>subgraph ?H ?G;

### \<lbrakk>verts ?H \<subseteq> verts ?G; arcs ?H \<subseteq> arcs ?G;

### compatible ?G ?H; wf_digraph ?H; wf_digraph ?G\<rbrakk>

### \<Longrightarrow> ?thesis\<rbrakk>

### \<Longrightarrow> ?thesis

### Rule already declared as elimination (elim)

### \<lbrakk>vpath ?p ?G;

### \<lbrakk>vwalk ?p ?G; distinct ?p\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> ?P\<rbrakk>

### \<Longrightarrow> ?P


:: "bool"

"- \<infinity>"

:: "ereal"


:: "bool"


:: "ereal"

"ereal (13 / 4)"

:: "ereal"

*** Undefined fact: "bij_betw_imageE" (line 241 of "~~/afp/thys/List-Index/List_Index.thy")

*** At command "by" (line 241 of "~~/afp/thys/List-Index/List_Index.thy")

Running Markov_Models ...

Markov_Models: theory Lattice_Syntax

Markov_Models: theory Code_Abstract_Nat

Markov_Models: theory Code_Target_Int

Markov_Models: theory Gauss_Jordan_Elim_Fun

Markov_Models: theory Complete_Partial_Order2

Markov_Models: theory Code_Target_Nat

Markov_Models: theory IArray

Markov_Models: theory Code_Target_Numeral

Markov_Models: theory Quotient_Syntax

Markov_Models: theory Rewrite

Markov_Models: theory Quotient_Option

Markov_Models: theory Quotient_Product

Markov_Models: theory Quotient_Set

Markov_Models: theory Quotient_List

Markov_Models: theory Quotient_Sum

Markov_Models: theory Simps_Case_Conv

Markov_Models: theory Prefix_Order

Markov_Models: theory While_Combinator

Markov_Models: theory Coinductive_Nat

Markov_Models: theory Coinductive_List

Markov_Models: theory Coinductive_List_Prefix

Markov_Models: theory Quotient_Coinductive_List

Markov_Models: theory TLList

Markov_Models: theory Coinductive_Stream

Markov_Models: theory Quotient_TLList

Markov_Models: theory Coinductive

Featherweight_OCL: theory UML_State

Featherweight_OCL: theory UML_Contracts

Featherweight_OCL: theory UML_Main

Featherweight_OCL: theory Analysis_UML

Featherweight_OCL: theory Design_UML

Markov_Models: theory Discrete_Time_Markov_Chain

Markov_Models: theory Classifying_Markov_Chain_States

Markov_Models: theory Crowds_Protocol

Markov_Models: theory Gossip_Broadcast

Markov_Models: theory Markov_Decision_Process

Markov_Models: theory Trace_Space_Equals_Markov_Processes

Featherweight_OCL: theory Analysis_OCL

Markov_Models: theory Zeroconf_Analysis

Markov_Models: theory Example_A

Markov_Models: theory Example_B

Markov_Models: theory MDP_Reachability_Problem

Markov_Models: theory PGCL

Markov_Models: theory PCTL

Markov_Models: theory MDP_RP_Certification

Markov_Models: theory Markov_Models

Featherweight_OCL: theory Design_OCL

Timing Featherweight_OCL (4 threads, 149.730s elapsed time, 474.984s cpu time, 11.572s GC time, factor 3.17)

Finished Featherweight_OCL (0:02:32 elapsed time, 0:07:57 cpu time, factor 3.14)

Running KBPs ...

KBPs: theory Extra

KBPs: theory List_local

Timing Markov_Models (4 threads, 130.168s elapsed time, 435.444s cpu time, 11.172s GC time, factor 3.35)

Finished Markov_Models (0:02:15 elapsed time, 0:07:42 cpu time, factor 3.40)

Running Gauss_Jordan ...

Gauss_Jordan: theory Code_Abstract_Nat

Gauss_Jordan: theory Bit

Gauss_Jordan: theory Dual_Order

Gauss_Jordan: theory Code_Target_Int

Gauss_Jordan: theory Code_Target_Nat

Gauss_Jordan: theory Generalizations

Gauss_Jordan: theory Mod_Type

Gauss_Jordan: theory Code_Target_Numeral

Gauss_Jordan: theory Miscellaneous

KBPs: theory Trie

KBPs: theory DFS

KBPs: theory MapOps

KBPs: theory Kripke

KBPs: theory Traces

KBPs: theory Transitive_Closure_Impl

Gauss_Jordan: theory Fundamental_Subspaces

KBPs: theory Transitive_Closure_List_Impl

KBPs: theory ODList

Gauss_Jordan: theory Dim_Formula

KBPs: theory KBPs

KBPs: theory Eval

KBPs: theory Trie2

KBPs: theory KBPsAuto

KBPs: theory KBPsAlg

KBPs: theory SPRView

KBPs: theory SPRViewNonDet

Gauss_Jordan: theory Code_Bit

Gauss_Jordan: theory Code_Real_Approx_By_Float

Gauss_Jordan: theory Code_Set

Gauss_Jordan: theory IArray

Gauss_Jordan: theory Rank

Gauss_Jordan: theory Code_Matrix

Gauss_Jordan: theory Rref

Gauss_Jordan: theory Code_Real_Approx_By_Float_Haskell

Gauss_Jordan: theory Elementary_Operations

Gauss_Jordan: theory IArray_Addenda

Gauss_Jordan: theory IArray_Haskell

KBPs: theory ClockView

KBPs: theory SPRViewDet

KBPs: theory SPRViewNonDetIndInit

Gauss_Jordan: theory Matrix_To_IArray

Gauss_Jordan: theory Gauss_Jordan

KBPs: theory SPRViewSingle

Gauss_Jordan: theory Gauss_Jordan_IArrays

Gauss_Jordan: theory Linear_Maps

Gauss_Jordan: theory Gauss_Jordan_PA

Gauss_Jordan: theory Bases_Of_Fundamental_Subspaces

Gauss_Jordan: theory Determinants2

Gauss_Jordan: theory Gauss_Jordan_PA_IArrays

Gauss_Jordan: theory Inverse

Gauss_Jordan: theory System_Of_Equations

Gauss_Jordan: theory Determinants_IArrays

Gauss_Jordan: theory Bases_Of_Fundamental_Subspaces_IArrays

Gauss_Jordan: theory Inverse_IArrays

Gauss_Jordan: theory Examples_Gauss_Jordan_Abstract

Gauss_Jordan: theory System_Of_Equations_IArrays

Gauss_Jordan: theory Examples_Gauss_Jordan_IArrays

KBPs: theory Robot

Gauss_Jordan: theory Code_Generation_IArrays

Gauss_Jordan: theory Code_Generation_IArrays_SML

Gauss_Jordan: theory Code_Rational

Gauss_Jordan: theory Code_Generation_IArrays_Haskell

KBPs: theory MuddyChildren

KBPs: theory Views

KBPs: theory Examples

KBPs: theory KBPs_Main

Timing KBPs (4 threads, 132.730s elapsed time, 369.392s cpu time, 11.396s GC time, factor 2.78)

Finished KBPs (0:02:18 elapsed time, 0:06:15 cpu time, factor 2.71)

Running Density_Compiler ...

Density_Compiler: theory Density_Predicates

Density_Compiler: theory PDF_Transformations

Density_Compiler: theory PDF_Values

Density_Compiler: theory PDF_Semantics

Density_Compiler: theory PDF_Density_Contexts

Density_Compiler: theory PDF_Target_Semantics

Density_Compiler: theory PDF_Compiler_Pred

Timing Gauss_Jordan (4 threads, 131.738s elapsed time, 484.784s cpu time, 8.328s GC time, factor 3.68)

Finished Gauss_Jordan (0:02:15 elapsed time, 0:08:08 cpu time, factor 3.60)

Running PseudoHoops ...

Density_Compiler: theory PDF_Target_Density_Contexts

Density_Compiler: theory PDF_Compiler

PseudoHoops: theory Operations

PseudoHoops: theory LeftComplementedMonoid

PseudoHoops: theory PseudoWaisbergAlgebra

PseudoHoops: theory RightComplementedMonoid

PseudoHoops: theory PseudoHoops

PseudoHoops: theory PseudoHoopFilters

PseudoHoops: theory SpecialPseudoHoops

Timing Density_Compiler (4 threads, 127.140s elapsed time, 388.588s cpu time, 5.184s GC time, factor 3.06)

Finished Density_Compiler (0:02:12 elapsed time, 0:06:34 cpu time, factor 2.97)

Running LTL_to_DRA ...

PseudoHoops: theory Examples

LTL_to_DRA: theory List_Index

LTL_to_DRA: theory DFS

LTL_to_DRA: theory Boolean_Expression_Checkers

LTL_to_DRA: theory Boolean_Expression_Checkers_AList_Mapping


(see also /media/data/jenkins/.isabelle/heaps/polyml-5.6_x86_64-linux/log/LTL_to_DRA)

and isNode :: "'a \<Rightarrow> bool"

and invariant :: "'b \<Rightarrow> bool"

and ins :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> 'b"

and memb :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> bool"

and empt :: "'b"

and nodeAbs :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'c"

assumes "DFS succs isNode invariant ins memb empt nodeAbs"

locale DFS =

fixes succs :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a list"

and isNode :: "'a \<Rightarrow> bool"

and invariant :: "'b \<Rightarrow> bool"

and ins :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> 'b"

and memb :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> bool"

and empt :: "'b"

and nodeAbs :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'c"

assumes "DFS succs isNode invariant ins memb empt nodeAbs"

### theory "DFS"

### 0.989s elapsed time, 3.396s cpu time, 0.000s GC time

### theory "List_Index"

### 1.201s elapsed time, 4.120s cpu time, 0.000s GC time

*** Undefined fact: "bij_betw_imageE" (line 241 of "~~/afp/thys/List-Index/List_Index.thy")

*** At command "by" (line 241 of "~~/afp/thys/List-Index/List_Index.thy")

Found termination order: "(\<lambda>p. size (fst p)) <*mlex*> {}"

Found termination order: "(\<lambda>p. size (fst p)) <*mlex*> {}"

Found termination order: "(\<lambda>p. size (snd p)) <*mlex*> {}"

Found termination order: "(\<lambda>p. size (fst p)) <*mlex*> {}"

locale reduced_bdt_checkers =

fixes ifex_of :: "'b \<Rightarrow> 'a ifex"


val :: "'b \<Rightarrow> ('a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> bool"

assumes "reduced_bdt_checkers ifex_of val"

Found termination order: "size <*mlex*> {}"

### theory "Boolean_Expression_Checkers"

### 10.494s elapsed time, 33.736s cpu time, 0.984s GC time

Loading theory "Boolean_Expression_Checkers_AList_Mapping"

Found termination order: "(\<lambda>p. size (snd p)) <*mlex*> {}"

### theory "Boolean_Expression_Checkers_AList_Mapping"

### 0.509s elapsed time, 1.216s cpu time, 0.000s GC time

*** Undefined fact: "bij_betw_imageE" (line 241 of "~~/afp/thys/List-Index/List_Index.thy")

*** At command "by" (line 241 of "~~/afp/thys/List-Index/List_Index.thy")

Running Ergodic_Theory ...

Ergodic_Theory: theory SG_Library_Complement

Timing PseudoHoops (4 threads, 120.641s elapsed time, 178.308s cpu time, 3.568s GC time, factor 1.48)

Finished PseudoHoops (0:02:04 elapsed time, 0:03:00 cpu time, factor 1.45)

Running Random_Graph_Subgraph_Threshold ...

Ergodic_Theory: theory Banach_Density

Ergodic_Theory: theory Conditional_Expectation

Ergodic_Theory: theory Fekete

Ergodic_Theory: theory Measure_Preserving_Transformations

Ergodic_Theory: theory Recurrence

Random_Graph_Subgraph_Threshold: theory Code_Abstract_Nat

Random_Graph_Subgraph_Threshold: theory Dense_Linear_Order

Random_Graph_Subgraph_Threshold: theory Code_Target_Int

Random_Graph_Subgraph_Threshold: theory Lattice_Algebras

Random_Graph_Subgraph_Threshold: theory Code_Target_Nat

Random_Graph_Subgraph_Threshold: theory Girth_Chromatic_Misc

Random_Graph_Subgraph_Threshold: theory Code_Target_Numeral

Ergodic_Theory: theory Invariants

Random_Graph_Subgraph_Threshold: theory Ugraphs

Ergodic_Theory: theory Ergodicity

Ergodic_Theory: theory Kingman

Ergodic_Theory: theory Gouezel_Karlsson

Random_Graph_Subgraph_Threshold: theory Float

Random_Graph_Subgraph_Threshold: theory Approximation

Random_Graph_Subgraph_Threshold: theory Girth_Chromatic

Random_Graph_Subgraph_Threshold: theory Ugraph_Misc

Random_Graph_Subgraph_Threshold: theory Prob_Lemmas

Random_Graph_Subgraph_Threshold: theory Ugraph_Lemmas

Random_Graph_Subgraph_Threshold: theory Ugraph_Properties

Random_Graph_Subgraph_Threshold: theory Subgraph_Threshold

Timing Ergodic_Theory (4 threads, 105.719s elapsed time, 401.240s cpu time, 5.220s GC time, factor 3.80)

Finished Ergodic_Theory (0:01:51 elapsed time, 0:06:46 cpu time, factor 3.66)

Running Consensus_Refined ...

Timing Random_Graph_Subgraph_Threshold (4 threads, 101.198s elapsed time, 287.212s cpu time, 5.968s GC time, factor 2.84)

Finished Random_Graph_Subgraph_Threshold (0:01:46 elapsed time, 0:04:52 cpu time, factor 2.74)

Running Girth_Chromatic ...

Consensus_Refined: theory Infinite_Set

Consensus_Refined: theory HOModel

Consensus_Refined: theory Majorities

Consensus_Refined: theory Omega_Words_Fun

Consensus_Refined: theory Samplers

Consensus_Refined: theory StutterEquivalence

Consensus_Refined: theory Reduction

Girth_Chromatic: theory Code_Target_Int

Girth_Chromatic: theory Dense_Linear_Order

Girth_Chromatic: theory Code_Abstract_Nat

Girth_Chromatic: theory Lattice_Algebras

Girth_Chromatic: theory Code_Target_Nat

Girth_Chromatic: theory Girth_Chromatic_Misc

Girth_Chromatic: theory Code_Target_Numeral

Girth_Chromatic: theory Ugraphs

Consensus_Refined: theory Consensus_Misc

Consensus_Refined: theory Consensus_Types

Consensus_Refined: theory Infra

Consensus_Refined: theory Quorums

Consensus_Refined: theory Ate_Defs

Consensus_Refined: theory OneThirdRule_Defs

Consensus_Refined: theory Uv_Defs

Consensus_Refined: theory Three_Steps

Consensus_Refined: theory Two_Steps

Consensus_Refined: theory BenOr_Defs

Consensus_Refined: theory CT_Defs

Consensus_Refined: theory New_Algorithm_Defs

Consensus_Refined: theory Paxos_Defs

Consensus_Refined: theory Refinement

Girth_Chromatic: theory Float

Consensus_Refined: theory HO_Transition_System

Consensus_Refined: theory Voting

Consensus_Refined: theory Same_Vote

Consensus_Refined: theory Voting_Opt

Consensus_Refined: theory MRU_Vote

Consensus_Refined: theory Observing_Quorums

Consensus_Refined: theory MRU_Vote_Opt

Consensus_Refined: theory Ate_Proofs

Consensus_Refined: theory OneThirdRule_Proofs

Girth_Chromatic: theory Approximation

Consensus_Refined: theory Observing_Quorums_Opt

Consensus_Refined: theory Three_Step_MRU

Consensus_Refined: theory Two_Step_Observing

Consensus_Refined: theory CT_Proofs

Consensus_Refined: theory New_Algorithm_Proofs

Consensus_Refined: theory Paxos_Proofs

Consensus_Refined: theory BenOr_Proofs

Consensus_Refined: theory Uv_Proofs

Girth_Chromatic: theory Girth_Chromatic

Timing Girth_Chromatic (4 threads, 83.152s elapsed time, 226.372s cpu time, 5.140s GC time, factor 2.72)

Finished Girth_Chromatic (0:01:28 elapsed time, 0:03:51 cpu time, factor 2.61)

Running SATSolverVerification ...

SATSolverVerification: theory MoreList

SATSolverVerification: theory CNF

SATSolverVerification: theory Trail

SATSolverVerification: theory SatSolverVerification

Timing Consensus_Refined (4 threads, 96.869s elapsed time, 210.832s cpu time, 5.868s GC time, factor 2.18)

Finished Consensus_Refined (0:01:39 elapsed time, 0:03:33 cpu time, factor 2.15)

Running Multirelations ...

SATSolverVerification: theory BasicDPLL

SATSolverVerification: theory KrsticGoel

SATSolverVerification: theory NieuwenhuisOliverasTinelli

SATSolverVerification: theory SatSolverCode

Multirelations: theory C_Algebras

SATSolverVerification: theory AssertLiteral

SATSolverVerification: theory ConflictAnalysis

SATSolverVerification: theory Decide

SATSolverVerification: theory UnitPropagate

SATSolverVerification: theory Initialization

SATSolverVerification: theory SolveLoop

SATSolverVerification: theory FunctionalImplementation

Multirelations: theory Multirelations

Timing Multirelations (4 threads, 93.431s elapsed time, 144.960s cpu time, 4.508s GC time, factor 1.55)

Finished Multirelations (0:01:37 elapsed time, 0:07:29 cpu time, factor 4.63)

Running Dijkstra_Shortest_Path ...

Dijkstra_Shortest_Path: theory Dijkstra_Misc

Dijkstra_Shortest_Path: theory Graph

Dijkstra_Shortest_Path: theory Introduction

Dijkstra_Shortest_Path: theory Weight

Dijkstra_Shortest_Path: theory GraphSpec

Dijkstra_Shortest_Path: theory Dijkstra

Timing SATSolverVerification (4 threads, 119.915s elapsed time, 355.696s cpu time, 5.716s GC time, factor 2.97)

Finished SATSolverVerification (0:02:06 elapsed time, 0:06:01 cpu time, factor 2.87)

Running Derangements ...

Derangements: theory Permutations

Derangements: theory Code_Abstract_Nat

Derangements: theory Code_Target_Int

Derangements: theory Dense_Linear_Order

Derangements: theory Code_Target_Nat

Derangements: theory Lattice_Algebras

Derangements: theory Code_Target_Numeral

Dijkstra_Shortest_Path: theory GraphGA

Dijkstra_Shortest_Path: theory GraphByMap

Dijkstra_Shortest_Path: theory HashGraphImpl

Derangements: theory Float

Dijkstra_Shortest_Path: theory Dijkstra_Impl

Dijkstra_Shortest_Path: theory Dijkstra_Impl_Adet

Derangements: theory Approximation

Dijkstra_Shortest_Path: theory Test

Timing Dijkstra_Shortest_Path (4 threads, 86.795s elapsed time, 151.904s cpu time, 4.112s GC time, factor 1.75)

Finished Dijkstra_Shortest_Path (0:01:37 elapsed time, 0:05:05 cpu time, factor 3.15)


Running Rep_Fin_Groups ...

Rep_Fin_Groups: theory Infinite_Set

Rep_Fin_Groups: theory Function_Algebras

Rep_Fin_Groups: theory More_List

Rep_Fin_Groups: theory Set_Algebras

Rep_Fin_Groups: theory Polynomial

Derangements: theory Derangements

Timing Derangements (4 threads, 85.473s elapsed time, 223.304s cpu time, 5.372s GC time, factor 2.61)

Finished Derangements (0:01:27 elapsed time, 0:03:45 cpu time, factor 2.57)

Running Knot_Theory ...

Rep_Fin_Groups: theory Rep_Fin_Groups

Knot_Theory: theory More_List

Knot_Theory: theory Fraction_Field

Knot_Theory: theory Polynomial

Knot_Theory: theory Preliminaries

Knot_Theory: theory Tangle_Relation

Knot_Theory: theory Tangles

Knot_Theory: theory Tangle_Algebra

Knot_Theory: theory Tangle_Moves

Knot_Theory: theory Link_Algebra

Knot_Theory: theory Example

Knot_Theory: theory Kauffman_Matrix

Knot_Theory: theory Computations

Knot_Theory: theory Linkrel_Kauffman

Knot_Theory: theory Kauffman_Invariance

Knot_Theory: theory Knot_Theory

Timing Rep_Fin_Groups (4 threads, 80.213s elapsed time, 289.128s cpu time, 5.204s GC time, factor 3.60)

Finished Rep_Fin_Groups (0:01:22 elapsed time, 0:04:51 cpu time, factor 3.52)

Running LinearQuantifierElim ...

Timing Knot_Theory (4 threads, 68.290s elapsed time, 247.896s cpu time, 4.344s GC time, factor 3.63)

Finished Knot_Theory (0:01:15 elapsed time, 0:04:11 cpu time, factor 3.32)

Running LightweightJava ...

LightweightJava: theory Multiset

LightweightJava: theory Infinite_Set

LinearQuantifierElim: theory Logic

LinearQuantifierElim: theory QE

LightweightJava: theory Lightweight_Java_Definition

LinearQuantifierElim: theory PresArith

LinearQuantifierElim: theory DLO

LinearQuantifierElim: theory LinArith

LinearQuantifierElim: theory Cooper

LinearQuantifierElim: theory QEpres

LinearQuantifierElim: theory QEdlo

LinearQuantifierElim: theory QEdlo_fr

LinearQuantifierElim: theory QEdlo_inf

LinearQuantifierElim: theory FRE

LinearQuantifierElim: theory QEdlo_ex

LinearQuantifierElim: theory QElin

LinearQuantifierElim: theory QElin_inf

LinearQuantifierElim: theory QElin_opt

LightweightJava: theory Lightweight_Java_Equivalence

LightweightJava: theory Lightweight_Java_Proof

Timing LightweightJava (4 threads, 62.322s elapsed time, 139.840s cpu time, 3.888s GC time, factor 2.24)

Finished LightweightJava (0:01:04 elapsed time, 0:02:22 cpu time, factor 2.19)

Running ComponentDependencies ...

ComponentDependencies: theory DataDependenciesConcreteValues

LinearQuantifierElim: theory CertLin

LinearQuantifierElim: theory CertDlo

Timing LinearQuantifierElim (4 threads, 73.089s elapsed time, 224.604s cpu time, 15.184s GC time, factor 3.07)

Finished LinearQuantifierElim (0:01:19 elapsed time, 0:03:50 cpu time, factor 2.92)

Running Koenigsberg_Friendship ...

Koenigsberg_Friendship: theory MoreGraph

Koenigsberg_Friendship: theory FriendshipTheory

Koenigsberg_Friendship: theory KoenigsbergBridge

ComponentDependencies: theory DataDependencies

ComponentDependencies: theory DataDependenciesCaseStudy

Timing ComponentDependencies (4 threads, 60.799s elapsed time, 184.860s cpu time, 6.232s GC time, factor 3.04)

Finished ComponentDependencies (0:01:03 elapsed time, 0:03:07 cpu time, factor 2.96)

Running Tree-Automata ...

Timing Koenigsberg_Friendship (4 threads, 51.397s elapsed time, 187.348s cpu time, 3.952s GC time, factor 3.65)

Finished Koenigsberg_Friendship (0:00:56 elapsed time, 0:03:10 cpu time, factor 3.37)

Running DPT-SAT-Solver ...

DPT-SAT-Solver: theory DPT_SAT_Solver

DPT-SAT-Solver: theory DPT_SAT_Tests

Tree-Automata: theory Tree

Tree-Automata: theory Exploration

Timing DPT-SAT-Solver (4 threads, 3.630s elapsed time, 8.404s cpu time, 0.032s GC time, factor 2.32)

Finished DPT-SAT-Solver (0:00:05 elapsed time, 0:00:10 cpu time, factor 1.80)

Running DataRefinementIBP ...

Tree-Automata: theory Ta

DataRefinementIBP: theory Conj_Disj

DataRefinementIBP: theory WellFoundedTransitive

DataRefinementIBP: theory Complete_Lattice_Prop

DataRefinementIBP: theory Preliminaries

DataRefinementIBP: theory Statements

DataRefinementIBP: theory Hoare

DataRefinementIBP: theory Diagram

DataRefinementIBP: theory DataRefinement

Timing DataRefinementIBP (4 threads, 4.913s elapsed time, 12.336s cpu time, 0.124s GC time, factor 2.51)

Finished DataRefinementIBP (0:00:07 elapsed time, 0:00:14 cpu time, factor 2.02)

Running Decreasing-Diagrams-II ...

Tree-Automata: theory AbsAlgo

Decreasing-Diagrams-II: theory Order_Union

Decreasing-Diagrams-II: theory Infinite_Sequences

Decreasing-Diagrams-II: theory Least_Enum

Decreasing-Diagrams-II: theory Multiset

Decreasing-Diagrams-II: theory Ramsey

Decreasing-Diagrams-II: theory Restricted_Predicates

Decreasing-Diagrams-II: theory Sublist

Decreasing-Diagrams-II: theory Wellorder_Extension

Decreasing-Diagrams-II: theory Minimal_Elements

Decreasing-Diagrams-II: theory Almost_Full

Decreasing-Diagrams-II: theory Minimal_Bad_Sequences

Decreasing-Diagrams-II: theory Almost_Full_Relations

Decreasing-Diagrams-II: theory Well_Quasi_Orders

Decreasing-Diagrams-II: theory Multiset_Extension

Tree-Automata: theory Ta_impl

Decreasing-Diagrams-II: theory Decreasing_Diagrams_II_Aux

Decreasing-Diagrams-II: theory Decreasing_Diagrams_II

Tree-Automata: theory Ta_impl_codegen

Timing Decreasing-Diagrams-II (4 threads, 31.216s elapsed time, 108.284s cpu time, 2.616s GC time, factor 3.47)

Finished Decreasing-Diagrams-II (0:00:34 elapsed time, 0:01:51 cpu time, factor 3.26)

Running Depth-First-Search ...

Depth-First-Search: theory DFS

Timing Tree-Automata (4 threads, 43.871s elapsed time, 120.504s cpu time, 2.952s GC time, factor 2.75)

Finished Tree-Automata (0:00:54 elapsed time, 0:02:10 cpu time, factor 2.41)

Running Descartes_Sign_Rule ...

Timing Depth-First-Search (4 threads, 1.544s elapsed time, 4.180s cpu time, 0.000s GC time, factor 2.71)

Finished Depth-First-Search (0:00:03 elapsed time, 0:00:06 cpu time, factor 1.70)

Running DiskPaxos ...

DiskPaxos: theory DiskPaxos_Model

Descartes_Sign_Rule: theory Descartes_Sign_Rule

DiskPaxos: theory DiskPaxos_Inv1

DiskPaxos: theory DiskPaxos_Inv2

DiskPaxos: theory DiskPaxos_Inv3

DiskPaxos: theory DiskPaxos_Inv4

DiskPaxos: theory DiskPaxos_Inv5

DiskPaxos: theory DiskPaxos_Chosen

DiskPaxos: theory DiskPaxos_Inv6

DiskPaxos: theory DiskPaxos_Invariant

DiskPaxos: theory DiskPaxos

Timing Descartes_Sign_Rule (4 threads, 5.069s elapsed time, 15.656s cpu time, 0.164s GC time, factor 3.09)

Finished Descartes_Sign_Rule (0:00:10 elapsed time, 0:00:21 cpu time, factor 2.00)

Running Dynamic_Tables ...

Dynamic_Tables: theory Amor

Dynamic_Tables: theory Tables_real

Dynamic_Tables: theory Tables_nat

Timing Dynamic_Tables (4 threads, 21.134s elapsed time, 63.548s cpu time, 1.152s GC time, factor 3.01)

Finished Dynamic_Tables (0:00:23 elapsed time, 0:01:05 cpu time, factor 2.80)

Running Efficient-Mergesort ...

Efficient-Mergesort: theory Efficient_Sort

Timing DiskPaxos (4 threads, 36.757s elapsed time, 135.872s cpu time, 1.096s GC time, factor 3.70)

Finished DiskPaxos (0:00:39 elapsed time, 0:02:18 cpu time, factor 3.52)

Running Euler_Partition ...

Euler_Partition: theory Additions_to_Main

Euler_Partition: theory Number_Partition

Euler_Partition: theory Euler_Partition

Timing Euler_Partition (4 threads, 4.901s elapsed time, 19.000s cpu time, 0.148s GC time, factor 3.88)

Finished Euler_Partition (0:00:07 elapsed time, 0:00:21 cpu time, factor 2.97)

Running Example-Submission ...

Example-Submission: theory Submission

Timing Example-Submission (4 threads, 1.260s elapsed time, 1.380s cpu time, 0.000s GC time, factor 1.10)

Finished Example-Submission (0:00:03 elapsed time, 0:00:03 cpu time, factor 1.02)

Running FFT ...

FFT: theory FFT

Timing Efficient-Mergesort (4 threads, 15.021s elapsed time, 28.528s cpu time, 0.648s GC time, factor 1.90)

Finished Efficient-Mergesort (0:00:20 elapsed time, 0:00:34 cpu time, factor 1.64)

Running FOL-Fitting ...

Timing FFT (4 threads, 2.464s elapsed time, 8.036s cpu time, 0.000s GC time, factor 3.26)

Finished FFT (0:00:04 elapsed time, 0:00:10 cpu time, factor 2.19)

Running FeatherweightJava ...

FeatherweightJava: theory FJDefs

FOL-Fitting: theory FOL_Fitting

FeatherweightJava: theory FJAux

FeatherweightJava: theory FJSound

FeatherweightJava: theory Execute

FeatherweightJava: theory Featherweight_Java

Timing FeatherweightJava (4 threads, 16.586s elapsed time, 48.124s cpu time, 1.120s GC time, factor 2.90)

Finished FeatherweightJava (0:00:19 elapsed time, 0:00:50 cpu time, factor 2.65)

Running Fermat3_4 ...

Fermat3_4: theory IntNatAux

Fermat3_4: theory Fermat4

Fermat3_4: theory QuadForm

Fermat3_4: theory Fermat3

Timing FOL-Fitting (4 threads, 21.097s elapsed time, 39.760s cpu time, 2.056s GC time, factor 1.88)

Finished FOL-Fitting (0:00:26 elapsed time, 0:00:45 cpu time, factor 1.69)

Running FileRefinement ...

FileRefinement: theory ResizableArrays

FileRefinement: theory CArrays

FileRefinement: theory FileRefinement

Timing FileRefinement (4 threads, 10.586s elapsed time, 26.512s cpu time, 0.096s GC time, factor 2.50)

Finished FileRefinement (0:00:12 elapsed time, 0:00:28 cpu time, factor 2.22)

Running FinFun ...

FinFun: theory Card_Univ

FinFun: theory FinFun

FinFun: theory FinFunPred

Timing Fermat3_4 (4 threads, 23.334s elapsed time, 89.424s cpu time, 1.048s GC time, factor 3.83)

Finished Fermat3_4 (0:00:26 elapsed time, 0:01:32 cpu time, factor 3.42)

Timing FinFun (4 threads, 5.994s elapsed time, 20.120s cpu time, 0.388s GC time, factor 3.36)

Finished FinFun (0:00:08 elapsed time, 0:00:22 cpu time, factor 2.68)

Running Finger-Trees ...

Running Finite_Automata_HF ...

Finite_Automata_HF: theory Nat_Bijection

Finite_Automata_HF: theory Regular_Set

Finite_Automata_HF: theory HF

Finger-Trees: theory FingerTree

Finite_Automata_HF: theory Ordinal

Finite_Automata_HF: theory Regular_Exp

Finite_Automata_HF: theory Finite_Automata_HF

Timing Finite_Automata_HF (4 threads, 17.102s elapsed time, 54.216s cpu time, 1.484s GC time, factor 3.17)

Finished Finite_Automata_HF (0:00:19 elapsed time, 0:01:01 cpu time, factor 3.11)

Running Free-Boolean-Algebra ...

Finger-Trees: theory Test

Free-Boolean-Algebra: theory Free_Boolean_Algebra

Timing Finger-Trees (4 threads, 21.622s elapsed time, 44.012s cpu time, 2.168s GC time, factor 2.04)

Finished Finger-Trees (0:00:27 elapsed time, 0:00:49 cpu time, factor 1.81)

Timing Free-Boolean-Algebra (4 threads, 1.576s elapsed time, 4.892s cpu time, 0.000s GC time, factor 3.10)

Finished Free-Boolean-Algebra (0:00:07 elapsed time, 0:00:10 cpu time, factor 1.45)

Running Free-Groups ...

Running FunWithFunctions ...

FunWithFunctions: theory FunWithFunctions

Free-Groups: theory Order_Union

Free-Groups: theory Commutation

Free-Groups: theory Cardinal_Notations

Free-Groups: theory Congruence

Free-Groups: theory Fun_More

Free-Groups: theory FuncSet

Free-Groups: theory Primes

Free-Groups: theory Order_Relation_More

Free-Groups: theory Wellfounded_More

Free-Groups: theory Wellorder_Relation

Free-Groups: theory Wellorder_Embedding

Free-Groups: theory Lattice

Free-Groups: theory Wellorder_Constructions

Timing FunWithFunctions (4 threads, 2.915s elapsed time, 8.544s cpu time, 0.000s GC time, factor 2.93)

Finished FunWithFunctions (0:00:05 elapsed time, 0:00:10 cpu time, factor 2.10)

Running FunWithTilings ...

Free-Groups: theory Cardinal_Order_Relation

FunWithTilings: theory Tilings

Free-Groups: theory Group

Free-Groups: theory Bij

Free-Groups: theory Coset

Free-Groups: theory FiniteProduct

Free-Groups: theory Ring

Free-Groups: theory AbelCoset

Free-Groups: theory Ideal

Timing FunWithTilings (4 threads, 21.822s elapsed time, 65.896s cpu time, 0.116s GC time, factor 3.02)

Finished FunWithTilings (0:00:24 elapsed time, 0:01:08 cpu time, factor 2.81)

Running Functional-Automata ...

Functional-Automata: theory Regular_Set

Free-Groups: theory RingHom

Functional-Automata: theory Regular_Exp

Free-Groups: theory QuotRing

Free-Groups: theory IntRing

Functional-Automata: theory AutoProj

Functional-Automata: theory MaxPrefix

Functional-Automata: theory DA

Functional-Automata: theory NA

Functional-Automata: theory MaxChop

Functional-Automata: theory RegSet_of_nat_DA

Functional-Automata: theory NAe

Functional-Automata: theory Automata

Functional-Automata: theory RegExp2NA

Functional-Automata: theory RegExp2NAe

Functional-Automata: theory AutoMaxChop

Free-Groups: theory Cancelation

Free-Groups: theory Generators

Free-Groups: theory C2

Functional-Automata: theory AutoRegExp

Free-Groups: theory FreeGroups

Free-Groups: theory UnitGroup

Functional-Automata: theory Execute

Functional-Automata: theory Functional_Automata

Free-Groups: theory PingPongLemma

Free-Groups: theory Isomorphisms

Timing Functional-Automata (4 threads, 19.863s elapsed time, 40.740s cpu time, 0.984s GC time, factor 2.05)

Finished Functional-Automata (0:00:25 elapsed time, 0:00:51 cpu time, factor 2.00)

Running GPU_Kernel_PL ...

GPU_Kernel_PL: theory Misc

GPU_Kernel_PL: theory KPL_syntax

Timing Free-Groups (4 threads, 57.042s elapsed time, 196.020s cpu time, 6.556s GC time, factor 3.44)

Finished Free-Groups (0:00:59 elapsed time, 0:03:18 cpu time, factor 3.33)

Running Gauss-Jordan-Elim-Fun ...

Gauss-Jordan-Elim-Fun: theory Gauss_Jordan_Elim_Fun

GPU_Kernel_PL: theory KPL_state

GPU_Kernel_PL: theory KPL_wellformedness

GPU_Kernel_PL: theory KPL_execution_thread

GPU_Kernel_PL: theory KPL_execution_group

GPU_Kernel_PL: theory KPL_execution_kernel

Timing Gauss-Jordan-Elim-Fun (4 threads, 4.049s elapsed time, 12.152s cpu time, 0.088s GC time, factor 3.00)

Finished Gauss-Jordan-Elim-Fun (0:00:06 elapsed time, 0:00:14 cpu time, factor 2.28)

Running GenClock ...

GPU_Kernel_PL: theory Kernel_programming_language

GenClock: theory GenClock

Timing GPU_Kernel_PL (4 threads, 10.709s elapsed time, 19.304s cpu time, 0.464s GC time, factor 1.80)

Finished GPU_Kernel_PL (0:00:13 elapsed time, 0:00:21 cpu time, factor 1.65)

Running General-Triangle ...

General-Triangle: theory GeneralTriangle

Timing General-Triangle (4 threads, 2.235s elapsed time, 4.268s cpu time, 0.000s GC time, factor 1.91)

Finished General-Triangle (0:00:04 elapsed time, 0:00:06 cpu time, factor 1.45)

Running GraphMarkingIBP ...

Timing GenClock (4 threads, 5.383s elapsed time, 19.984s cpu time, 0.164s GC time, factor 3.71)

Finished GenClock (0:00:07 elapsed time, 0:00:22 cpu time, factor 2.90)

Running Heard_Of ...

GraphMarkingIBP: theory WellFoundedTransitive

GraphMarkingIBP: theory Conj_Disj

Heard_Of: theory Infinite_Set

GraphMarkingIBP: theory Complete_Lattice_Prop

GraphMarkingIBP: theory Preliminaries

Heard_Of: theory Omega_Words_Fun

GraphMarkingIBP: theory Statements

GraphMarkingIBP: theory Hoare

GraphMarkingIBP: theory Diagram

Heard_Of: theory Samplers

Heard_Of: theory StutterEquivalence

GraphMarkingIBP: theory DataRefinement

GraphMarkingIBP: theory Graph

GraphMarkingIBP: theory SetMark

Heard_Of: theory Majorities

Heard_Of: theory HOModel

GraphMarkingIBP: theory StackMark

GraphMarkingIBP: theory LinkMark

GraphMarkingIBP: theory DSWMark

Heard_Of: theory EigbyzDefs

Heard_Of: theory LastVotingDefs

Heard_Of: theory OneThirdRuleDefs

Heard_Of: theory AteDefs

Heard_Of: theory UteDefs

Heard_Of: theory UvDefs

Heard_Of: theory Reduction

Heard_Of: theory AteProof

Heard_Of: theory EigbyzProof

Heard_Of: theory LastVotingProof

Heard_Of: theory OneThirdRuleProof

Heard_Of: theory UteProof

Heard_Of: theory UvProof

Timing GraphMarkingIBP (4 threads, 26.268s elapsed time, 73.308s cpu time, 0.768s GC time, factor 2.79)

Finished GraphMarkingIBP (0:00:28 elapsed time, 0:01:15 cpu time, factor 2.64)

Running HereditarilyFinite ...

HereditarilyFinite: theory Nat_Bijection

HereditarilyFinite: theory HF

HereditarilyFinite: theory Ordinal

HereditarilyFinite: theory Finitary

HereditarilyFinite: theory Finite_Automata

HereditarilyFinite: theory Rank

Timing Heard_Of (4 threads, 38.658s elapsed time, 134.924s cpu time, 3.076s GC time, factor 3.49)

Finished Heard_Of (0:00:41 elapsed time, 0:02:17 cpu time, factor 3.34)

Running Hermite ...

Timing HereditarilyFinite (4 threads, 11.449s elapsed time, 36.904s cpu time, 0.544s GC time, factor 3.22)

Finished HereditarilyFinite (0:00:13 elapsed time, 0:00:39 cpu time, factor 2.81)

Running HotelKeyCards ...

HotelKeyCards: theory LaTeXsugar

HotelKeyCards: theory Notation

HotelKeyCards: theory Basis

HotelKeyCards: theory State

HotelKeyCards: theory Trace

HotelKeyCards: theory NewCard

HotelKeyCards: theory Equivalence

Hermite: theory Hermite

Timing HotelKeyCards (4 threads, 10.097s elapsed time, 27.124s cpu time, 0.392s GC time, factor 2.69)

Finished HotelKeyCards (0:00:12 elapsed time, 0:00:29 cpu time, factor 2.36)

Running Huffman ...

Huffman: theory Huffman

Hermite: theory Hermite_IArrays

Timing Huffman (4 threads, 13.755s elapsed time, 41.076s cpu time, 0.532s GC time, factor 2.99)

Finished Huffman (0:00:16 elapsed time, 0:00:43 cpu time, factor 2.68)

Running HyperCTL ...

HyperCTL: theory Nat_Bijection

HyperCTL: theory Stream

HyperCTL: theory Infinite_Set

HyperCTL: theory Prelim

HyperCTL: theory Shallow

HyperCTL: theory Deep

HyperCTL: theory Noninterference

Timing Hermite (4 threads, 36.768s elapsed time, 112.184s cpu time, 1.488s GC time, factor 3.05)

Finished Hermite (0:00:43 elapsed time, 0:01:57 cpu time, factor 2.73)

Running Impossible_Geometry ...

HyperCTL: theory Finite_Noninterference

Impossible_Geometry: theory Impossible_Geometry

HyperCTL: theory HyperCTL

Timing HyperCTL (4 threads, 18.093s elapsed time, 56.956s cpu time, 1.872s GC time, factor 3.15)

Finished HyperCTL (0:00:20 elapsed time, 0:00:59 cpu time, factor 2.88)

Running Inductive_Confidentiality ...

Inductive_Confidentiality: theory Message

Inductive_Confidentiality: theory MessageGA

Inductive_Confidentiality: theory EventGA

Inductive_Confidentiality: theory Event

Timing Impossible_Geometry (4 threads, 13.581s elapsed time, 32.708s cpu time, 0.532s GC time, factor 2.41)

Finished Impossible_Geometry (0:00:16 elapsed time, 0:00:35 cpu time, factor 2.17)

InformationFlowSlicing CANCELLED

InformationFlowSlicing_Intra CANCELLED

Running Integration ...

Inductive_Confidentiality: theory PublicGA

Inductive_Confidentiality: theory Public

Integration: theory Nat_Bijection

Integration: theory Old_Datatype

Integration: theory Sigma_Algebra

Integration: theory MonConv

Integration: theory Measure

Inductive_Confidentiality: theory NS_Public_Bad_GA

Inductive_Confidentiality: theory NS_Public_Bad

Inductive_Confidentiality: theory ConfidentialityGA

Inductive_Confidentiality: theory Knowledge

Inductive_Confidentiality: theory ConfidentialityDY

Integration: theory Countable

Integration: theory RealRandVar

Integration: theory Failure

Integration: theory Integral

Timing Inductive_Confidentiality (4 threads, 16.916s elapsed time, 44.220s cpu time, 1.640s GC time, factor 2.61)

Finished Inductive_Confidentiality (0:00:19 elapsed time, 0:00:46 cpu time, factor 2.39)

Running Isabelle_Meta_Model ...

Isabelle_Meta_Model: theory Isabelle_code_target

Isabelle_Meta_Model: theory Isabelle_code_runtime

Isabelle_Meta_Model: theory Isabelle_Cartouche_Examples

Isabelle_Meta_Model: theory Isabelle_parse_spec

Isabelle_Meta_Model: theory Isabelle_function_common

Isabelle_Meta_Model: theory Isabelle_isar_syn

Isabelle_Meta_Model: theory Isabelle_fun

Isabelle_Meta_Model: theory Isabelle_typedecl

Isabelle_Meta_Model: theory Isabelle_Main0

Isabelle_Meta_Model: theory Isabelle_Main2

Isabelle_Meta_Model FAILED

(see also /media/data/jenkins/.isabelle/heaps/polyml-5.6_x86_64-linux/log/Isabelle_Meta_Model)

structure Data_code: THEORY_DATA

val apply_code_printing: theory -> theory

val apply_code_printing_reflect: theory -> theory

val code_empty: string

datatype code_printing


Code_printing of

(string * (bstring * Code_Printer.raw_const_syntax option) list


string * (bstring * Code_Printer.tyco_syntax option) list,

string * (bstring * string option) list,

(string * string) * (bstring * unit option) list,

(xstring * string) * (bstring * unit option) list,

bstring * (bstring * (string * string list) option) list)



val reflect_ml: Input.source -> theory -> theory


### theory "Isabelle_code_target"

### 0.346s elapsed time, 1.208s cpu time, 0.000s GC time

structure Isabelle_Function_Fun: sig end

### theory "Isabelle_fun"

### 0.108s elapsed time, 0.376s cpu time, 0.000s GC time

structure Isabelle_Isar_Syn: sig end

### theory "Isabelle_isar_syn"

### 0.145s elapsed time, 0.492s cpu time, 0.000s GC time

Loading theory "Isabelle_Main0"

structure Isabelle_Typedecl:

sig val abbrev_cmd0: binding option -> theory -> string -> typ end

### theory "Isabelle_typedecl"

### 0.115s elapsed time, 0.376s cpu time, 0.000s GC time

Loading theory "Isabelle_Main2"

### theory "Isabelle_Main2"

### 0.086s elapsed time, 0.252s cpu time, 0.000s GC time

### theory "Isabelle_Main0"

### 0.150s elapsed time, 0.396s cpu time, 0.000s GC time

*** Failed to load theory "Isabelle_Main1" (unresolved "Isabelle_code_runtime")

*** ML error (line 70 of "~~/afp/thys/Isabelle_Meta_Model/isabelle_home/src/Tools/Code/Isabelle_code_runtime.thy"):

*** Value or constructor (use_text) has not been declared in structure ML_Compiler0

*** At command "ML" (line 48 of "~~/afp/thys/Isabelle_Meta_Model/isabelle_home/src/Tools/Code/Isabelle_code_runtime.thy")

Running JiveDataStoreModel ...

JiveDataStoreModel: theory TypeIds

Timing Integration (4 threads, 19.693s elapsed time, 70.496s cpu time, 1.204s GC time, factor 3.58)

Finished Integration (0:00:22 elapsed time, 0:01:12 cpu time, factor 3.29)

Running Jordan_Hoelder ...

JiveDataStoreModel: theory JavaType

Jordan_Hoelder: theory GroupAction

Jordan_Hoelder: theory SubgroupConjugation

Jordan_Hoelder: theory SndSylow

JiveDataStoreModel: theory DirectSubtypes

JiveDataStoreModel: theory Subtype

JiveDataStoreModel: theory Attributes

JiveDataStoreModel: theory Value

JiveDataStoreModel: theory AttributesIndep

JiveDataStoreModel: theory Location

Jordan_Hoelder: theory GroupIsoClasses

Jordan_Hoelder: theory SndIsomorphismGrp

Jordan_Hoelder: theory SubgroupsAndNormalSubgroups

JiveDataStoreModel: theory Store

Jordan_Hoelder: theory SimpleGroups

JiveDataStoreModel: theory StoreProperties

JiveDataStoreModel: theory JML

JiveDataStoreModel: theory UnivSpec

Jordan_Hoelder: theory MaximalNormalSubgroups

Jordan_Hoelder: theory CompositionSeries

Jordan_Hoelder: theory JordanHolder

Timing JiveDataStoreModel (4 threads, 17.777s elapsed time, 46.924s cpu time, 1.088s GC time, factor 2.64)

Finished JiveDataStoreModel (0:00:20 elapsed time, 0:00:49 cpu time, factor 2.43)

Running KAT_and_DRA ...

KAT_and_DRA: theory KAT2

KAT_and_DRA: theory DRAT2

KAT_and_DRA: theory Test_Dioid

Timing Jordan_Hoelder (4 threads, 23.861s elapsed time, 84.568s cpu time, 1.584s GC time, factor 3.54)

Finished Jordan_Hoelder (0:00:27 elapsed time, 0:01:27 cpu time, factor 3.24)

Running Lam-ml-Normalization ...

Lam-ml-Normalization: theory LaTeXsugar

Lam-ml-Normalization: theory Lam_ml

KAT_and_DRA: theory Conway_Tests

KAT_and_DRA: theory KAT

KAT_and_DRA: theory DRAT

KAT_and_DRA: theory PHL_KAT

KAT_and_DRA: theory KAT_Models

KAT_and_DRA: theory DRA_Models

KAT_and_DRA: theory FolkTheorem

KAT_and_DRA: theory PHL_DRAT

Timing Lam-ml-Normalization (4 threads, 15.520s elapsed time, 35.296s cpu time, 0.972s GC time, factor 2.27)

Finished Lam-ml-Normalization (0:00:18 elapsed time, 0:00:37 cpu time, factor 2.08)

Running Landau_Symbols ...

Landau_Symbols: theory Group_Sort

Landau_Symbols: theory Landau_Library

Landau_Symbols: theory Landau_Symbols_Definition

Timing KAT_and_DRA (4 threads, 33.205s elapsed time, 108.976s cpu time, 2.476s GC time, factor 3.28)

Finished KAT_and_DRA (0:00:37 elapsed time, 0:01:56 cpu time, factor 3.14)

Running Latin_Square ...

Landau_Symbols: theory Landau_Real_Products

Latin_Square: theory Latin_Square

Landau_Symbols: theory Landau_Simprocs

Landau_Symbols: theory Landau_Symbols

Timing Latin_Square (4 threads, 8.067s elapsed time, 27.148s cpu time, 0.172s GC time, factor 3.37)

Finished Latin_Square (0:00:10 elapsed time, 0:00:29 cpu time, factor 2.71)

Running Liouville_Numbers ...

Liouville_Numbers: theory Infinite_Set

Liouville_Numbers: theory More_List

Timing Landau_Symbols (4 threads, 15.547s elapsed time, 54.692s cpu time, 1.352s GC time, factor 3.52)

Finished Landau_Symbols (0:00:21 elapsed time, 0:01:00 cpu time, factor 2.83)

Running List-Index ...

Liouville_Numbers: theory Polynomial

List-Index: theory List_Index

List-Index FAILED

(see also /media/data/jenkins/.isabelle/heaps/polyml-5.6_x86_64-linux/log/List-Index)

Loading theory "List_Index"

### theory "List_Index"

### 1.214s elapsed time, 3.780s cpu time, 0.000s GC time

*** Undefined fact: "bij_betw_imageE" (line 241 of "~~/afp/thys/List-Index/List_Index.thy")

*** At command "by" (line 241 of "~~/afp/thys/List-Index/List_Index.thy")

*** Undefined fact: "bij_betw_imageE" (line 241 of "~~/afp/thys/List-Index/List_Index.thy")

*** At command "by" (line 241 of "~~/afp/thys/List-Index/List_Index.thy")

Running List_Interleaving ...

Liouville_Numbers: theory Liouville_Numbers_Misc

List_Interleaving: theory ListInterleaving

Liouville_Numbers: theory Liouville_Numbers

Timing Liouville_Numbers (4 threads, 11.762s elapsed time, 39.632s cpu time, 0.756s GC time, factor 3.37)

Finished Liouville_Numbers (0:00:14 elapsed time, 0:00:42 cpu time, factor 2.95)

Running Locally-Nameless-Sigma ...

Timing List_Interleaving (4 threads, 5.555s elapsed time, 17.280s cpu time, 0.344s GC time, factor 3.11)

Finished List_Interleaving (0:00:07 elapsed time, 0:00:19 cpu time, factor 2.49)

Running Lower_Semicontinuous ...

Locally-Nameless-Sigma: theory Commutation

Locally-Nameless-Sigma: theory Environments

Locally-Nameless-Sigma: theory ListPre

Locally-Nameless-Sigma: theory FMap

Locally-Nameless-Sigma: theory Sigma

Lower_Semicontinuous: theory Lower_Semicontinuous

Locally-Nameless-Sigma: theory ParRed

Locally-Nameless-Sigma: theory TypedSigma

Locally-Nameless-Sigma: theory Locally_Nameless_Sigma

Timing Lower_Semicontinuous (4 threads, 13.118s elapsed time, 50.808s cpu time, 0.420s GC time, factor 3.87)

Finished Lower_Semicontinuous (0:00:17 elapsed time, 0:00:54 cpu time, factor 3.19)

Running Max-Card-Matching ...

Max-Card-Matching: theory Matching

Timing Max-Card-Matching (4 threads, 2.529s elapsed time, 8.216s cpu time, 0.000s GC time, factor 3.25)

Finished Max-Card-Matching (0:00:04 elapsed time, 0:00:10 cpu time, factor 2.18)

Running MiniML ...

MiniML: theory Maybe

MiniML: theory Type

MiniML: theory Instance

MiniML: theory Generalize

MiniML: theory MiniML

MiniML: theory W

Timing Locally-Nameless-Sigma (4 threads, 37.164s elapsed time, 129.140s cpu time, 3.256s GC time, factor 3.47)

Finished Locally-Nameless-Sigma (0:00:39 elapsed time, 0:02:11 cpu time, factor 3.31)

Running MonoBoolTranAlgebra ...

Timing MiniML (4 threads, 13.462s elapsed time, 28.680s cpu time, 0.684s GC time, factor 2.13)

Finished MiniML (0:00:15 elapsed time, 0:00:31 cpu time, factor 1.95)

Running MuchAdoAboutTwo ...

MonoBoolTranAlgebra: theory Mono_Bool_Tran

MonoBoolTranAlgebra: theory Mono_Bool_Tran_Algebra

MuchAdoAboutTwo: theory MuchAdoAboutTwo

MonoBoolTranAlgebra: theory Assertion_Algebra

MonoBoolTranAlgebra: theory Statements

Timing MonoBoolTranAlgebra (4 threads, 10.854s elapsed time, 22.572s cpu time, 0.272s GC time, factor 2.08)

Finished MonoBoolTranAlgebra (0:00:13 elapsed time, 0:00:24 cpu time, factor 1.87)

Running Myhill-Nerode ...

Timing MuchAdoAboutTwo (4 threads, 7.634s elapsed time, 21.656s cpu time, 0.412s GC time, factor 2.84)

Finished MuchAdoAboutTwo (0:00:13 elapsed time, 0:00:27 cpu time, factor 2.07)

Running Noninterference_Generic_Unwinding ...

Noninterference_Generic_Unwinding: theory GenericUnwinding

Myhill-Nerode: theory Regular_Set

Myhill-Nerode: theory Regular_Exp

Myhill-Nerode: theory Derivatives

Myhill-Nerode: theory Infinite_Sequences

Myhill-Nerode: theory Least_Enum

Myhill-Nerode: theory NDerivative

Myhill-Nerode: theory Folds

Myhill-Nerode: theory Relation_Interpretation

Myhill-Nerode: theory Restricted_Predicates

Myhill-Nerode: theory Seq

Myhill-Nerode: theory Myhill_1

Myhill-Nerode: theory Minimal_Elements

Myhill-Nerode: theory Myhill_2

Myhill-Nerode: theory Myhill

Myhill-Nerode: theory Closures

Myhill-Nerode: theory Equivalence_Checking

Myhill-Nerode: theory Regexp_Method

Myhill-Nerode: theory Almost_Full

Myhill-Nerode: theory Minimal_Bad_Sequences

Myhill-Nerode: theory Almost_Full_Relations

Myhill-Nerode: theory Well_Quasi_Orders

Myhill-Nerode: theory Closures2

Timing Noninterference_Generic_Unwinding (4 threads, 32.286s elapsed time, 42.664s cpu time, 0.364s GC time, factor 1.32)

Finished Noninterference_Generic_Unwinding (0:00:36 elapsed time, 0:00:45 cpu time, factor 1.25)

Running Noninterference_Inductive_Unwinding ...

Noninterference_Inductive_Unwinding: theory ListInterleaving

Noninterference_Inductive_Unwinding: theory CSPNoninterference

Timing Myhill-Nerode (4 threads, 34.166s elapsed time, 97.052s cpu time, 2.692s GC time, factor 2.84)

Finished Myhill-Nerode (0:00:39 elapsed time, 0:01:47 cpu time, factor 2.69)

Running NormByEval ...

NormByEval: theory NBE

Noninterference_Inductive_Unwinding: theory IpurgeUnwinding

Noninterference_Inductive_Unwinding: theory DeterministicProcesses

Noninterference_Inductive_Unwinding: theory InductiveUnwinding

Timing Noninterference_Inductive_Unwinding (4 threads, 17.396s elapsed time, 55.004s cpu time, 1.152s GC time, factor 3.16)

Finished Noninterference_Inductive_Unwinding (0:00:19 elapsed time, 0:00:57 cpu time, factor 2.90)

Running Old_Datatype_Show ...

Old_Datatype_Show: theory Old_Show

Old_Datatype_Show: theory Old_Show_Generator

Old_Datatype_Show: theory Old_Show_Instances

Timing NormByEval (4 threads, 26.350s elapsed time, 74.888s cpu time, 1.536s GC time, factor 2.84)

Finished NormByEval (0:00:28 elapsed time, 0:01:17 cpu time, factor 2.68)

Running Open_Induction ...

Old_Datatype_Show: theory Old_Show_Examples

Open_Induction: theory Restricted_Predicates

Open_Induction: theory Open_Induction

Timing Open_Induction (4 threads, 4.723s elapsed time, 12.852s cpu time, 0.164s GC time, factor 2.72)

Finished Open_Induction (0:00:06 elapsed time, 0:00:14 cpu time, factor 2.17)

Running Ordinal ...

Ordinal: theory OrdinalDef

Ordinal: theory OrdinalInduct

Ordinal: theory OrdinalCont

Ordinal: theory OrdinalRec

Ordinal: theory OrdinalArith

Ordinal: theory OrdinalInverse

Timing Old_Datatype_Show (4 threads, 14.670s elapsed time, 19.160s cpu time, 0.224s GC time, factor 1.31)

Finished Old_Datatype_Show (0:00:24 elapsed time, 0:00:26 cpu time, factor 1.12)

Running Ordinals_and_Cardinals ...

Ordinal: theory OrdinalFix

Ordinal: theory OrdinalOmega

Ordinal: theory OrdinalVeblen

Ordinal: theory Ordinal

Ordinals_and_Cardinals: theory Cardinal_Order_Relation_discontinued

Timing Ordinal (4 threads, 5.203s elapsed time, 10.516s cpu time, 0.400s GC time, factor 2.02)

Finished Ordinal (0:00:07 elapsed time, 0:00:12 cpu time, factor 1.71)

Running Timed_Automata ...

Timing Ordinals_and_Cardinals (4 threads, 1.345s elapsed time, 1.416s cpu time, 0.000s GC time, factor 1.05)

Finished Ordinals_and_Cardinals (0:00:03 elapsed time, 0:00:03 cpu time, factor 1.00)

Running SequentInvertibility ...

Timed_Automata: theory Timed_Automata

Timed_Automata: theory Floyd_Warshall

Timed_Automata: theory Misc

SequentInvertibility: theory Multiset

Timed_Automata: theory DBM

Timed_Automata: theory Paths_Cycles

Timed_Automata: theory Regions

SequentInvertibility: theory SRCTransforms

SequentInvertibility: theory ModalSequents

SequentInvertibility: theory MultiSequents

SequentInvertibility: theory SingleSuccedent

Timed_Automata: theory Closure

Timed_Automata: theory DBM_Basics

Timed_Automata: theory DBM_Normalization

Timed_Automata: theory DBM_Operations

Timed_Automata: theory DBM_Zone_Semantics

Timed_Automata: theory Regions_Beta

SequentInvertibility: theory NominalSequents

Timed_Automata: theory Approx_Beta

Timed_Automata: theory Normalized_Zone_Semantics

SequentInvertibility: theory SequentInvertibility

Timing SequentInvertibility (4 threads, 78.114s elapsed time, 262.932s cpu time, 10.704s GC time, factor 3.37)

Finished SequentInvertibility (0:01:20 elapsed time, 0:04:25 cpu time, factor 3.29)

Running Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL ...

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory More_Bits_Int

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory List_More

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory Quicksort

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory Heap

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory Syntax_Match

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory Misc

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory Heap_Monad

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory Bits_Integer

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory Word_Misc

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory Array

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory Ref

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory Imperative_HOL

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory Imperative_HOL_Add

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory Sep_Misc

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory Code_Target_Bits_Int

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory Uint32

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory Code_Target_ICF

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory HashCode

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory Run

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory Partial_Equivalence_Relation

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory Assertions

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory Hoare_Triple

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory Automation

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory Sep_Main

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory Imp_List_Spec

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory List_Seg

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory Imp_Map_Spec

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory Imp_Set_Spec

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory Union_Find

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory Hash_Table

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory Circ_List

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory Open_List

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory Hash_Map

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory Hash_Map_Impl

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory Hash_Set_Impl

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory Idioms

Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL: theory To_List_GA

Timing Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL (4 threads, 71.262s elapsed time, 183.852s cpu time, 6.132s GC time, factor 2.58)

Finished Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL (0:01:17 elapsed time, 0:04:41 cpu time, factor 3.66)

Running Tarskis_Geometry ...

Tarskis_Geometry: theory Congruence

Tarskis_Geometry: theory Lattice

Tarskis_Geometry: theory Group

Tarskis_Geometry: theory Action

Tarskis_Geometry: theory Quadratic_Discriminant

Tarskis_Geometry: theory Metric

Tarskis_Geometry: theory Miscellany

Tarskis_Geometry: theory Linear_Algebra2

Tarskis_Geometry: theory Tarski

Tarskis_Geometry: theory Euclid_Tarski

Tarskis_Geometry: theory Projective

Tarskis_Geometry: theory Hyperbolic_Tarski

Timing Timed_Automata (4 threads, 201.684s elapsed time, 720.168s cpu time, 12.816s GC time, factor 3.57)

Finished Timed_Automata (0:03:24 elapsed time, 0:12:02 cpu time, factor 3.54)

Running Vickrey_Clarke_Groves ...

Vickrey_Clarke_Groves: theory SetUtils

Vickrey_Clarke_Groves: theory Argmax

Vickrey_Clarke_Groves: theory Partitions

Vickrey_Clarke_Groves: theory RelationOperators

Vickrey_Clarke_Groves: theory RelationProperties

Vickrey_Clarke_Groves: theory MiscTools

Vickrey_Clarke_Groves: theory StrictCombinatorialAuction

Vickrey_Clarke_Groves: theory Universes

Vickrey_Clarke_Groves: theory UniformTieBreaking

Vickrey_Clarke_Groves: theory CombinatorialAuction

Vickrey_Clarke_Groves: theory CombinatorialAuctionCodeExtraction

Timing Tarskis_Geometry (4 threads, 59.733s elapsed time, 222.048s cpu time, 3.160s GC time, factor 3.72)

Finished Tarskis_Geometry (0:01:03 elapsed time, 0:03:46 cpu time, factor 3.54)

Running Regular-Sets ...

Regular-Sets: theory Regular_Set

Regular-Sets: theory Regular_Exp

Regular-Sets: theory Regular_Exp2

Regular-Sets: theory Equivalence_Checking2

Regular-Sets: theory Derivatives

Regular-Sets: theory NDerivative

Regular-Sets: theory Relation_Interpretation

Regular-Sets: theory Equivalence_Checking

Regular-Sets: theory Regexp_Method

Regular-Sets: theory pEquivalence_Checking

Timing Vickrey_Clarke_Groves (4 threads, 58.649s elapsed time, 197.792s cpu time, 3.740s GC time, factor 3.37)

Finished Vickrey_Clarke_Groves (0:01:04 elapsed time, 0:03:23 cpu time, factor 3.16)

Running Probabilistic_System_Zoo ...

Probabilistic_System_Zoo: theory Eisbach

Probabilistic_System_Zoo: theory Order_Union

Probabilistic_System_Zoo: theory Cardinal_Notations

Probabilistic_System_Zoo: theory Fun_More

Probabilistic_System_Zoo: theory Order_Relation_More

Probabilistic_System_Zoo: theory Wellorder_Extension

Probabilistic_System_Zoo: theory Wellfounded_More

Probabilistic_System_Zoo: theory Wellorder_Relation

Probabilistic_System_Zoo: theory Wellorder_Embedding

Probabilistic_System_Zoo: theory Wellorder_Constructions

Probabilistic_System_Zoo: theory Cardinal_Order_Relation

Probabilistic_System_Zoo: theory Ordinal_Arithmetic

Probabilistic_System_Zoo: theory Cardinal_Arithmetic

Probabilistic_System_Zoo: theory Cardinals

Probabilistic_System_Zoo: theory Bounded_Set

Probabilistic_System_Zoo: theory Nonempty_Bounded_Set

Timing Regular-Sets (4 threads, 58.112s elapsed time, 126.000s cpu time, 3.480s GC time, factor 2.17)

Finished Regular-Sets (0:01:04 elapsed time, 0:02:16 cpu time, factor 2.13)

Running UpDown_Scheme ...

UpDown_Scheme: theory List_More

UpDown_Scheme: theory Quicksort

UpDown_Scheme: theory Heap

UpDown_Scheme: theory Option_ord

UpDown_Scheme: theory Product_Lexorder

UpDown_Scheme: theory Syntax_Match

UpDown_Scheme: theory Misc

UpDown_Scheme: theory Heap_Monad

Probabilistic_System_Zoo: theory Probabilistic_Hierarchy

UpDown_Scheme: theory Array

UpDown_Scheme: theory Ref

UpDown_Scheme: theory Imperative_HOL

UpDown_Scheme: theory Imperative_HOL_Add

UpDown_Scheme: theory Run

UpDown_Scheme: theory Sep_Misc

UpDown_Scheme: theory Assertions

UpDown_Scheme: theory Hoare_Triple

UpDown_Scheme: theory Automation

UpDown_Scheme: theory Sep_Main

UpDown_Scheme: theory Grid_Point

Probabilistic_System_Zoo: theory Vardi

UpDown_Scheme: theory Grid

UpDown_Scheme: theory UpDown_Scheme

UpDown_Scheme: theory Triangular_Function

UpDown_Scheme: theory Imperative

UpDown_Scheme: theory Down

UpDown_Scheme: theory Up

UpDown_Scheme: theory Up_Down

Timing Probabilistic_System_Zoo (4 threads, 55.969s elapsed time, 149.260s cpu time, 4.492s GC time, factor 2.67)

Finished Probabilistic_System_Zoo (0:01:01 elapsed time, 0:02:34 cpu time, factor 2.52)

Running SIFUM_Type_Systems ...

SIFUM_Type_Systems: theory Lattice_Syntax

SIFUM_Type_Systems: theory Preliminaries

SIFUM_Type_Systems: theory Language

SIFUM_Type_Systems: theory Security

SIFUM_Type_Systems: theory Compositionality

SIFUM_Type_Systems: theory LocallySoundModeUse

SIFUM_Type_Systems: theory TypeSystem

Timing UpDown_Scheme (4 threads, 56.932s elapsed time, 192.964s cpu time, 4.296s GC time, factor 3.39)

Finished UpDown_Scheme (0:01:02 elapsed time, 0:03:20 cpu time, factor 3.19)

Running SumSquares ...

SumSquares: theory BijectionRel

SumSquares: theory Infinite_Set

SumSquares: theory Legacy_GCD

SumSquares: theory Multiset

SumSquares: theory Primes

SumSquares: theory IntPrimes

SumSquares: theory IntFact

SumSquares: theory EulerFermat

SumSquares: theory Finite2

SumSquares: theory WilsonRuss

SumSquares: theory Int2

SumSquares: theory Permutation

SumSquares: theory EvenOdd

SumSquares: theory Residues

SumSquares: theory Factorization

SumSquares: theory Euler

SumSquares: theory IntNatAux

SumSquares: theory Gauss

SumSquares: theory Quadratic_Reciprocity

SumSquares: theory FourSquares

SumSquares: theory TwoSquares

Timing SIFUM_Type_Systems (4 threads, 57.520s elapsed time, 182.604s cpu time, 4.996s GC time, factor 3.17)

Finished SIFUM_Type_Systems (0:00:59 elapsed time, 0:03:04 cpu time, factor 3.08)

Running RSAPSS ...

RSAPSS: theory Code_Abstract_Nat

RSAPSS: theory Code_Target_Int

RSAPSS: theory Primes

RSAPSS: theory Word

RSAPSS: theory Code_Target_Nat

RSAPSS: theory Code_Target_Numeral

Timing SumSquares (4 threads, 40.064s elapsed time, 147.548s cpu time, 2.512s GC time, factor 3.68)

Finished SumSquares (0:00:42 elapsed time, 0:02:30 cpu time, factor 3.52)

Running Prime_Harmonic_Series ...

Prime_Harmonic_Series: theory Fib

Prime_Harmonic_Series: theory Congruence

Prime_Harmonic_Series: theory Multiset

Prime_Harmonic_Series: theory Primes

Prime_Harmonic_Series: theory Cong

Prime_Harmonic_Series: theory Eratosthenes

Prime_Harmonic_Series: theory Lattice

RSAPSS: theory Congruence

RSAPSS: theory FuncSet

RSAPSS: theory Cong

RSAPSS: theory Mod

RSAPSS: theory Crypt

RSAPSS: theory Pdifference

RSAPSS: theory Productdivides

RSAPSS: theory Multiset

RSAPSS: theory WordOperations

RSAPSS: theory Lattice

Prime_Harmonic_Series: theory Group

Prime_Harmonic_Series: theory UniqueFactorization

RSAPSS: theory Group

RSAPSS: theory SHA1Padding

RSAPSS: theory SHA1

RSAPSS: theory Wordarith

Prime_Harmonic_Series: theory FiniteProduct


RSAPSS: theory UniqueFactorization

Prime_Harmonic_Series: theory Ring

RSAPSS: theory FiniteProduct

RSAPSS: theory Ring

Prime_Harmonic_Series: theory MiscAlgebra

Prime_Harmonic_Series: theory Residues

RSAPSS: theory MiscAlgebra

RSAPSS: theory Residues

Prime_Harmonic_Series: theory Number_Theory

RSAPSS: theory Cryptinverts


Prime_Harmonic_Series: theory Prime_Harmonic_Misc

Prime_Harmonic_Series: theory Squarefree_Nat

Prime_Harmonic_Series: theory Prime_Harmonic

Timing Prime_Harmonic_Series (4 threads, 43.238s elapsed time, 154.364s cpu time, 3.684s GC time, factor 3.57)

Finished Prime_Harmonic_Series (0:00:47 elapsed time, 0:02:38 cpu time, factor 3.35)

Running Statecharts ...

Statecharts: theory Contrib

Statecharts: theory Kripke

Statecharts: theory DataSpace

Statecharts: theory Data

Statecharts: theory Update

Statecharts: theory Expr

Timing RSAPSS (4 threads, 55.343s elapsed time, 198.672s cpu time, 5.044s GC time, factor 3.59)

Finished RSAPSS (0:00:57 elapsed time, 0:03:21 cpu time, factor 3.48)

Running Splay_Tree ...

Splay_Tree: theory Tree

Statecharts: theory SA

Statecharts: theory HA

Splay_Tree: theory Splay_Tree

Statecharts: theory HAOps

Statecharts: theory HASem

Statecharts: theory HAKripke

Statecharts: theory CarAudioSystem

Timing Splay_Tree (4 threads, 41.531s elapsed time, 85.348s cpu time, 0.668s GC time, factor 2.06)

Finished Splay_Tree (0:00:44 elapsed time, 0:01:27 cpu time, factor 1.99)

Running Probabilistic_System_Zoo-Non_BNFs ...

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-Non_BNFs: theory Eisbach

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-Non_BNFs: theory Order_Union

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-Non_BNFs: theory Cardinal_Notations

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-Non_BNFs: theory Fun_More

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-Non_BNFs: theory Order_Relation_More

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-Non_BNFs: theory Wellorder_Extension

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-Non_BNFs: theory Wellfounded_More

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-Non_BNFs: theory Wellorder_Relation

Timing Statecharts (4 threads, 53.674s elapsed time, 187.900s cpu time, 2.828s GC time, factor 3.50)

Finished Statecharts (0:00:56 elapsed time, 0:03:10 cpu time, factor 3.39)

Running VectorSpace ...

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-Non_BNFs: theory Wellorder_Embedding

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-Non_BNFs: theory Wellorder_Constructions

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-Non_BNFs: theory Cardinal_Order_Relation

VectorSpace: theory RingModuleFacts

VectorSpace: theory FunctionLemmas

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-Non_BNFs: theory Ordinal_Arithmetic

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-Non_BNFs: theory Cardinal_Arithmetic

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-Non_BNFs: theory Cardinals

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-Non_BNFs: theory Bounded_Set

VectorSpace: theory MonoidSums

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-Non_BNFs: theory Nonempty_Bounded_Set

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-Non_BNFs: theory Probabilistic_Hierarchy

VectorSpace: theory LinearCombinations

VectorSpace: theory SumSpaces

VectorSpace: theory VectorSpace

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-Non_BNFs: theory Vardi

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-Non_BNFs: theory Vardi_Counterexample

Probabilistic_System_Zoo-Non_BNFs: theory Finitely_Bounded_Set_Counterexample

Timing Probabilistic_System_Zoo-Non_BNFs (4 threads, 51.724s elapsed time, 168.124s cpu time, 5.968s GC time, factor 3.25)

Finished Probabilistic_System_Zoo-Non_BNFs (0:00:57 elapsed time, 0:02:53 cpu time, factor 3.03)

Running pGCL ...

Timing VectorSpace (4 threads, 49.983s elapsed time, 148.168s cpu time, 3.536s GC time, factor 2.96)

Finished VectorSpace (0:00:53 elapsed time, 0:02:31 cpu time, factor 2.84)

Running PCF ...

pGCL: theory Misc

pGCL: theory Expectations

PCF: theory Dual_Lattice

PCF: theory Nat_Discrete

PCF: theory Product_plus

PCF: theory Product_Order

pGCL: theory Transformers

PCF: theory Basis

pGCL: theory Induction

PCF: theory Logical_Relations

pGCL: theory Embedding

pGCL: theory Healthiness

PCF: theory PCF

pGCL: theory Continuity

pGCL: theory LoopInduction

pGCL: theory Sublinearity

pGCL: theory WellDefined

pGCL: theory Algebra

pGCL: theory Determinism

pGCL: theory Loops

pGCL: theory StructuredReasoning

pGCL: theory Automation

pGCL: theory Termination

pGCL: theory pGCL

PCF: theory Continuations

pGCL: theory LoopExamples

pGCL: theory Monty

pGCL: theory Primitives

PCF: theory OpSem

Timing pGCL (4 threads, 49.119s elapsed time, 187.480s cpu time, 2.528s GC time, factor 3.82)

Finished pGCL (0:00:53 elapsed time, 0:03:11 cpu time, factor 3.60)

Timing PCF (4 threads, 48.240s elapsed time, 144.492s cpu time, 3.088s GC time, factor 3.00)

Finished PCF (0:00:51 elapsed time, 0:02:27 cpu time, factor 2.88)

Running POPLmark-deBruijn ...

Running Parity_Game ...

POPLmark-deBruijn: theory Basis

POPLmark-deBruijn: theory POPLmark

POPLmark-deBruijn: theory POPLmarkRecord

Parity_Game: theory MoreCoinductiveList

Parity_Game: theory ParityGame

Parity_Game: theory Strategy

Parity_Game: theory AttractingStrategy

Parity_Game: theory WellOrderedStrategy

Parity_Game: theory WinningStrategy

Parity_Game: theory WinningRegion

Parity_Game: theory Attractor

Parity_Game: theory UniformStrategy

Parity_Game: theory AttractorInductive

Parity_Game: theory AttractorStrategy

Parity_Game: theory PositionalDeterminacy

POPLmark-deBruijn: theory POPLmarkRecordCtxt

POPLmark-deBruijn: theory Execute

Timing POPLmark-deBruijn (4 threads, 22.966s elapsed time, 74.248s cpu time, 2.624s GC time, factor 3.23)

Finished POPLmark-deBruijn (0:00:28 elapsed time, 0:01:19 cpu time, factor 2.78)

Running Perfect-Number-Thm ...

Timing Parity_Game (4 threads, 23.352s elapsed time, 75.780s cpu time, 1.388s GC time, factor 3.25)

Finished Parity_Game (0:00:30 elapsed time, 0:01:22 cpu time, factor 2.72)

Running Polynomial_Interpolation ...

Perfect-Number-Thm: theory Primes

Perfect-Number-Thm: theory Infinite_Set

Perfect-Number-Thm: theory Exponent

Perfect-Number-Thm: theory PerfectBasics

Perfect-Number-Thm: theory Sigma

Polynomial_Interpolation: theory Adhoc_Overloading

Polynomial_Interpolation: theory Infinite_Set

Polynomial_Interpolation: theory More_List

Polynomial_Interpolation: theory Sqrt_Babylonian_Auxiliary

Polynomial_Interpolation: theory Monad_Syntax

Perfect-Number-Thm: theory Perfect

Polynomial_Interpolation: theory Polynomial

Timing Perfect-Number-Thm (4 threads, 7.859s elapsed time, 28.208s cpu time, 0.216s GC time, factor 3.59)

Finished Perfect-Number-Thm (0:00:10 elapsed time, 0:00:30 cpu time, factor 2.98)

Running Polynomials ...

Polynomial_Interpolation: theory Divmod_Int

Polynomial_Interpolation: theory Improved_Code_Equations

Polynomial_Interpolation: theory Neville_Aitken_Interpolation

Polynomial_Interpolation: theory Euclidean_Algorithm

Polynomial_Interpolation: theory Missing_Unsorted

Polynomials: theory Utility

Polynomial_Interpolation: theory Is_Rat_To_Rat

Polynomial_Interpolation: theory Ring_Hom

Polynomials: theory Polynomials

Polynomial_Interpolation: theory Missing_Polynomial

Polynomials: theory NZM

Polynomial_Interpolation: theory Lagrange_Interpolation

Polynomial_Interpolation: theory Ring_Hom_Poly

Polynomial_Interpolation: theory Newton_Interpolation

Polynomial_Interpolation: theory Polynomial_Interpolation

Timing Polynomials (4 threads, 19.696s elapsed time, 47.280s cpu time, 1.296s GC time, factor 2.40)

Finished Polynomials (0:00:22 elapsed time, 0:00:50 cpu time, factor 2.22)

Running Pop_Refinement ...

Pop_Refinement: theory Definition

Pop_Refinement: theory First_Example

Pop_Refinement: theory Future_Work

Pop_Refinement: theory General_Remarks

Pop_Refinement: theory Related_Work

Pop_Refinement: theory Second_Example

Timing Polynomial_Interpolation (4 threads, 33.842s elapsed time, 111.684s cpu time, 2.584s GC time, factor 3.30)

Finished Polynomial_Interpolation (0:00:36 elapsed time, 0:01:54 cpu time, factor 3.14)

Running Possibilistic_Noninterference ...

Possibilistic_Noninterference: theory MyTactics

Possibilistic_Noninterference: theory Interface

Possibilistic_Noninterference: theory Bisim

Possibilistic_Noninterference: theory Language_Semantics

Possibilistic_Noninterference: theory During_Execution

Timing Pop_Refinement (4 threads, 11.266s elapsed time, 32.044s cpu time, 0.752s GC time, factor 2.84)

Finished Pop_Refinement (0:00:13 elapsed time, 0:00:34 cpu time, factor 2.50)

Running Presburger-Automata ...

Possibilistic_Noninterference: theory After_Execution

Possibilistic_Noninterference: theory Compositionality

Presburger-Automata: theory DFS

Presburger-Automata: theory Presburger_Automata

Possibilistic_Noninterference: theory Syntactic_Criteria

Possibilistic_Noninterference: theory Concrete

Timing Possibilistic_Noninterference (4 threads, 34.979s elapsed time, 110.932s cpu time, 3.180s GC time, factor 3.17)

Finished Possibilistic_Noninterference (0:00:37 elapsed time, 0:01:53 cpu time, factor 3.02)

Running Priority_Queue_Braun ...

Priority_Queue_Braun: theory Tree

Priority_Queue_Braun: theory Multiset

Presburger-Automata: theory Exec

Timing Presburger-Automata (4 threads, 31.908s elapsed time, 108.432s cpu time, 2.476s GC time, factor 3.40)

Finished Presburger-Automata (0:00:37 elapsed time, 0:01:54 cpu time, factor 3.03)

Running Program-Conflict-Analysis ...

Priority_Queue_Braun: theory Tree_Multiset

Priority_Queue_Braun: theory Priority_Queue_Braun

Program-Conflict-Analysis: theory Misc

Program-Conflict-Analysis: theory Interleave

Timing Priority_Queue_Braun (4 threads, 16.795s elapsed time, 50.704s cpu time, 1.412s GC time, factor 3.02)

Finished Priority_Queue_Braun (0:00:19 elapsed time, 0:00:53 cpu time, factor 2.75)

Running RIPEMD-160-SPARK ...

Program-Conflict-Analysis: theory LTS

Program-Conflict-Analysis: theory ConsInterleave

Program-Conflict-Analysis: theory Flowgraph

Program-Conflict-Analysis: theory ThreadTracking

Program-Conflict-Analysis: theory AcquisitionHistory


Timing RIPEMD-160-SPARK (4 threads, 2.001s elapsed time, 3.424s cpu time, 0.000s GC time, factor 1.71)

Finished RIPEMD-160-SPARK (0:00:10 elapsed time, 0:00:06 cpu time, factor 0.59)

Running Ramsey-Infinite ...

Program-Conflict-Analysis: theory Semantics

Ramsey-Infinite: theory Infinite_Set

Ramsey-Infinite: theory Ramsey

Program-Conflict-Analysis: theory Normalization

Program-Conflict-Analysis: theory ConstraintSystems

Timing Ramsey-Infinite (4 threads, 7.377s elapsed time, 11.700s cpu time, 0.156s GC time, factor 1.59)

Finished Ramsey-Infinite (0:00:09 elapsed time, 0:00:13 cpu time, factor 1.43)

Running Rank_Nullity_Theorem ...

Program-Conflict-Analysis: theory MainResult

Rank_Nullity_Theorem: theory Bit

Rank_Nullity_Theorem: theory Dual_Order

Rank_Nullity_Theorem: theory Generalizations

Rank_Nullity_Theorem: theory Mod_Type

Rank_Nullity_Theorem: theory Miscellaneous

Rank_Nullity_Theorem: theory Fundamental_Subspaces

Timing Program-Conflict-Analysis (4 threads, 37.828s elapsed time, 105.576s cpu time, 3.832s GC time, factor 2.79)

Finished Program-Conflict-Analysis (0:00:43 elapsed time, 0:01:58 cpu time, factor 2.73)

Running Recursion-Theory-I ...

Rank_Nullity_Theorem: theory Dim_Formula

Recursion-Theory-I: theory CPair

Recursion-Theory-I: theory PRecFun

Recursion-Theory-I: theory PRecFinSet

Recursion-Theory-I: theory PRecFun2

Recursion-Theory-I: theory PRecList

Recursion-Theory-I: theory PRecUnGr

Timing Rank_Nullity_Theorem (4 threads, 19.651s elapsed time, 69.324s cpu time, 1.360s GC time, factor 3.53)

Finished Rank_Nullity_Theorem (0:00:23 elapsed time, 0:01:13 cpu time, factor 3.08)

Running RefinementReactive ...

Recursion-Theory-I: theory RecEnSet

RefinementReactive: theory Refinement

RefinementReactive: theory Temporal

RefinementReactive: theory Reactive

Timing RefinementReactive (4 threads, 13.637s elapsed time, 37.128s cpu time, 0.460s GC time, factor 2.72)

Finished RefinementReactive (0:00:16 elapsed time, 0:00:39 cpu time, factor 2.45)

Running Residuated_Lattices ...

Timing Recursion-Theory-I (4 threads, 25.905s elapsed time, 94.392s cpu time, 1.708s GC time, factor 3.64)

Finished Recursion-Theory-I (0:00:28 elapsed time, 0:01:36 cpu time, factor 3.40)

Running Ribbon_Proofs ...

Residuated_Lattices: theory Residuated_Lattices

Ribbon_Proofs: theory JHelper

Ribbon_Proofs: theory Finite_Map

Ribbon_Proofs: theory Ribbons_Basic

Ribbon_Proofs: theory Proofchain

Ribbon_Proofs: theory Ribbons_Interfaces

Ribbon_Proofs: theory Ribbons_Graphical

Ribbon_Proofs: theory Ribbons_Stratified

Ribbon_Proofs: theory Ribbons_Graphical_Soundness

Residuated_Lattices: theory Action_Algebra

Residuated_Lattices: theory Involutive_Residuated

Residuated_Lattices: theory Residuated_Boolean_Algebras

Residuated_Lattices: theory Residuated_Relation_Algebra

Residuated_Lattices: theory Action_Algebra_Models

Timing Ribbon_Proofs (4 threads, 20.812s elapsed time, 45.276s cpu time, 1.860s GC time, factor 2.18)

Finished Ribbon_Proofs (0:00:26 elapsed time, 0:00:50 cpu time, factor 1.92)

Running Robbins-Conjecture ...

Robbins-Conjecture: theory Robbins_Conjecture

Timing Residuated_Lattices (4 threads, 32.484s elapsed time, 68.344s cpu time, 1.216s GC time, factor 2.10)

Finished Residuated_Lattices (0:00:37 elapsed time, 0:01:12 cpu time, factor 1.95)

Running Roy_Floyd_Warshall ...

Roy_Floyd_Warshall: theory Roy_Floyd_Warshall

Timing Roy_Floyd_Warshall (4 threads, 1.568s elapsed time, 3.560s cpu time, 0.000s GC time, factor 2.27)

Finished Roy_Floyd_Warshall (0:00:03 elapsed time, 0:00:05 cpu time, factor 1.53)

Running SIFPL ...

Timing Robbins-Conjecture (4 threads, 10.225s elapsed time, 32.780s cpu time, 0.336s GC time, factor 3.21)

Finished Robbins-Conjecture (0:00:12 elapsed time, 0:00:35 cpu time, factor 2.76)

Running Secondary_Sylow ...

SIFPL: theory IMP

SIFPL: theory Lattice

SIFPL: theory OBJ

Secondary_Sylow: theory GroupAction

Secondary_Sylow: theory SubgroupConjugation

Secondary_Sylow: theory SndSylow

SIFPL: theory VDM

SIFPL: theory VS

SIFPL: theory HuntSands

SIFPL: theory PBIJ


Timing Secondary_Sylow (4 threads, 7.619s elapsed time, 26.980s cpu time, 0.332s GC time, factor 3.54)

Finished Secondary_Sylow (0:00:10 elapsed time, 0:00:30 cpu time, factor 2.79)

Running SenSocialChoice ...

SIFPL: theory VS_OBJ

SIFPL: theory ContextVS

SenSocialChoice: theory FSext

SenSocialChoice: theory RPRs

SenSocialChoice: theory SCFs

SenSocialChoice: theory Arrow

SenSocialChoice: theory May

SenSocialChoice: theory Sen

SIFPL: theory ContextOBJ

Timing SenSocialChoice (4 threads, 20.312s elapsed time, 67.624s cpu time, 0.720s GC time, factor 3.33)

Finished SenSocialChoice (0:00:22 elapsed time, 0:01:10 cpu time, factor 3.06)

Running Separation_Algebra ...

Separation_Algebra: theory Hoare_Logic_Abort

Separation_Algebra: theory Map_Extra

Separation_Algebra: theory Separation_Algebra

Separation_Algebra: theory Separation_Algebra_Alt

Separation_Algebra: theory Types_D

Separation_Algebra: theory Sep_Heap_Instance

Separation_Algebra: theory Sep_Tactics

Separation_Algebra: theory Sep_Eq

Separation_Algebra: theory Sep_Tactics_Test

Separation_Algebra: theory Simple_Separation_Example

Separation_Algebra: theory VM_Example

Separation_Algebra: theory Abstract_Separation_D

Timing SIFPL (4 threads, 45.611s elapsed time, 126.740s cpu time, 3.892s GC time, factor 2.78)

Finished SIFPL (0:00:48 elapsed time, 0:02:09 cpu time, factor 2.68)

Running Shivers-CFA ...

Separation_Algebra: theory Separation_D

Shivers-CFA: theory Adhoc_Overloading

Shivers-CFA: theory CPSScheme

Shivers-CFA: theory FixTransform

Shivers-CFA: theory HOLCFUtils

Shivers-CFA: theory SetMap

Shivers-CFA: theory Utils

Shivers-CFA: theory Computability

Shivers-CFA: theory MapSets

Timing Separation_Algebra (4 threads, 19.591s elapsed time, 51.300s cpu time, 1.884s GC time, factor 2.62)

Finished Separation_Algebra (0:00:22 elapsed time, 0:00:54 cpu time, factor 2.40)

Running Show ...

Shivers-CFA: theory CPSUtils

Shivers-CFA: theory Eval

Shivers-CFA: theory AbsCF

Shivers-CFA: theory ExCF

Show: theory Show

Shivers-CFA: theory AbsCFComp

Shivers-CFA: theory AbsCFCorrect

Show: theory Show_Instances

Show: theory Show_Real

Show: theory Show_Complex

Shivers-CFA: theory ExCFSV

Show: theory Show_Real_Impl

Show: theory Show_Poly

Timing Show (4 threads, 6.378s elapsed time, 10.384s cpu time, 0.300s GC time, factor 1.63)

Finished Show (0:00:12 elapsed time, 0:00:16 cpu time, factor 1.30)

Running Skew_Heap ...

Skew_Heap: theory Multiset

Skew_Heap: theory Tree

Timing Shivers-CFA (4 threads, 27.689s elapsed time, 86.912s cpu time, 2.648s GC time, factor 3.14)

Finished Shivers-CFA (0:00:30 elapsed time, 0:01:29 cpu time, factor 2.93)

Running Special_Function_Bounds ...

Skew_Heap: theory Tree_Multiset

Skew_Heap: theory Skew_Heap

Special_Function_Bounds: theory Bounds_Lemmas

Special_Function_Bounds: theory Log_CF_Bounds

Special_Function_Bounds: theory Sin_Cos_Bounds

Special_Function_Bounds: theory Atan_CF_Bounds

Special_Function_Bounds: theory Exp_Bounds

Special_Function_Bounds: theory Sqrt_Bounds

Timing Skew_Heap (4 threads, 12.746s elapsed time, 40.968s cpu time, 1.076s GC time, factor 3.21)

Finished Skew_Heap (0:00:15 elapsed time, 0:00:43 cpu time, factor 2.83)

Running Stern_Brocot ...

Stern_Brocot: theory Cotree

Stern_Brocot: theory Cotree_Algebra

Stern_Brocot: theory Stern_Brocot_Tree

Stern_Brocot: theory Bird_Tree

Timing Stern_Brocot (4 threads, 10.056s elapsed time, 23.944s cpu time, 0.336s GC time, factor 2.38)

Finished Stern_Brocot (0:00:17 elapsed time, 0:00:30 cpu time, factor 1.75)

Running Stream-Fusion ...

Stream-Fusion: theory Int_Discrete

Stream-Fusion: theory LazyList

Stream-Fusion: theory Stream

Timing Special_Function_Bounds (4 threads, 25.042s elapsed time, 82.564s cpu time, 0.824s GC time, factor 3.30)

Finished Special_Function_Bounds (0:00:31 elapsed time, 0:01:28 cpu time, factor 2.82)

Running Strong_Security ...

Stream-Fusion: theory StreamFusion

Strong_Security: theory Types

Strong_Security: theory Expr

Strong_Security: theory MWLf

Strong_Security: theory Strong_Security

Strong_Security: theory Up_To_Technique

Strong_Security: theory Parallel_Composition

Strong_Security: theory Domain_example

Strong_Security: theory Strongly_Secure_Skip_Assign

Strong_Security: theory Language_Composition

Strong_Security: theory Type_System

Strong_Security: theory Type_System_example

Timing Stream-Fusion (4 threads, 12.373s elapsed time, 20.252s cpu time, 0.240s GC time, factor 1.64)

Finished Stream-Fusion (0:00:15 elapsed time, 0:00:22 cpu time, factor 1.51)

Running Sturm_Tarski ...

Sturm_Tarski: theory More_List

Sturm_Tarski: theory Infinite_Set

Sturm_Tarski: theory Polynomial

Sturm_Tarski: theory Polynomial_GCD_euclidean

Sturm_Tarski: theory PolyMisc

Sturm_Tarski: theory Sturm_Tarski

Timing Strong_Security (4 threads, 21.913s elapsed time, 66.900s cpu time, 1.816s GC time, factor 3.05)

Finished Strong_Security (0:00:24 elapsed time, 0:01:09 cpu time, factor 2.83)

Running Stuttering_Equivalence ...

Stuttering_Equivalence: theory Samplers

Stuttering_Equivalence: theory StutterEquivalence

Stuttering_Equivalence: theory PLTL

Timing Sturm_Tarski (4 threads, 23.909s elapsed time, 77.216s cpu time, 1.136s GC time, factor 3.23)

Finished Sturm_Tarski (0:00:26 elapsed time, 0:01:19 cpu time, factor 3.03)

Running TLA ...

TLA: theory Intensional

TLA: theory Sequence

Timing Stuttering_Equivalence (4 threads, 5.378s elapsed time, 19.348s cpu time, 0.256s GC time, factor 3.60)

Finished Stuttering_Equivalence (0:00:11 elapsed time, 0:00:25 cpu time, factor 2.20)

Running Topology ...

TLA: theory Semantics

TLA: theory PreFormulas

TLA: theory Rules

TLA: theory Liveness

TLA: theory State

TLA: theory Buffer

TLA: theory Even

TLA: theory Inc

Topology: theory Topology

Topology: theory LList_Topology

Timing Topology (4 threads, 8.895s elapsed time, 31.932s cpu time, 0.472s GC time, factor 3.59)

Finished Topology (0:00:16 elapsed time, 0:00:38 cpu time, factor 2.32)

Running TortoiseHare ...

TortoiseHare: theory While_Combinator

Timing TLA (4 threads, 19.968s elapsed time, 67.868s cpu time, 1.364s GC time, factor 3.40)

Finished TLA (0:00:22 elapsed time, 0:01:10 cpu time, factor 3.12)

Running Transitive-Closure ...

TortoiseHare: theory Basis

TortoiseHare: theory Brent

TortoiseHare: theory TortoiseHare

Timing TortoiseHare (4 threads, 7.731s elapsed time, 22.528s cpu time, 0.144s GC time, factor 2.91)

Finished TortoiseHare (0:00:10 elapsed time, 0:00:24 cpu time, factor 2.46)

Running Transitive-Closure-II ...

Transitive-Closure-II: theory While_Combinator

Transitive-Closure-II: theory Regular_Set

Transitive-Closure: theory Transitive_Closure_Impl

Transitive-Closure: theory Utility

Transitive-Closure-II: theory Regular_Exp

Transitive-Closure: theory RBT_Map_Set_Extension

Transitive-Closure: theory Transitive_Closure_List_Impl

Transitive-Closure: theory Finite_Transitive_Closure_Simprocs

Transitive-Closure: theory Transitive_Closure_RBT_Impl

Transitive-Closure-II: theory NDerivative

Transitive-Closure-II: theory Relation_Interpretation

Timing Transitive-Closure (4 threads, 7.584s elapsed time, 20.680s cpu time, 0.232s GC time, factor 2.73)

Finished Transitive-Closure (0:00:17 elapsed time, 0:00:30 cpu time, factor 1.74)

Running Triangle ...

Triangle: theory Angles

Triangle: theory Triangle

Transitive-Closure-II: theory Equivalence_Checking

Transitive-Closure-II: theory Regexp_Method

Transitive-Closure-II: theory RTrancl

Timing Triangle (4 threads, 6.460s elapsed time, 12.256s cpu time, 0.084s GC time, factor 1.90)

Finished Triangle (0:00:10 elapsed time, 0:00:15 cpu time, factor 1.56)

Running Tycon ...

Timing Transitive-Closure-II (4 threads, 19.686s elapsed time, 44.372s cpu time, 1.412s GC time, factor 2.25)

Finished Transitive-Closure-II (0:00:22 elapsed time, 0:00:51 cpu time, factor 2.34)

Running Valuation ...

Tycon: theory Coerce

Tycon: theory TypeApp

Tycon: theory Functor

Tycon: theory Monad

Tycon: theory Binary_Tree_Monad

Tycon: theory Lift_Monad

Tycon: theory Monad_Zero

Tycon: theory Monad_Plus

Tycon: theory Writer_Monad

Tycon: theory Error_Monad

Tycon: theory Resumption_Transformer

Tycon: theory Monad_Zero_Plus

Tycon: theory Lazy_List_Monad

Tycon: theory Maybe_Monad

Tycon: theory Error_Transformer

Tycon: theory State_Transformer

Tycon: theory Writer_Transformer

Valuation: theory Valuation1

Timing Tycon (4 threads, 9.438s elapsed time, 28.656s cpu time, 0.268s GC time, factor 3.04)

Finished Tycon (0:00:12 elapsed time, 0:00:31 cpu time, factor 2.55)

Running Verified-Prover ...

Verified-Prover: theory Prover

Valuation: theory Valuation2

Valuation: theory Valuation3

Timing Verified-Prover (4 threads, 10.034s elapsed time, 20.144s cpu time, 0.324s GC time, factor 2.01)

Finished Verified-Prover (0:00:12 elapsed time, 0:00:22 cpu time, factor 1.81)

Running VolpanoSmith ...

VolpanoSmith: theory Semantics

VolpanoSmith: theory secTypes

VolpanoSmith: theory Execute

Timing VolpanoSmith (4 threads, 13.417s elapsed time, 35.692s cpu time, 0.780s GC time, factor 2.66)

Finished VolpanoSmith (0:00:15 elapsed time, 0:00:38 cpu time, factor 2.40)

Running WHATandWHERE_Security ...

WHATandWHERE_Security: theory Types

WHATandWHERE_Security: theory Expr

WHATandWHERE_Security: theory MWLs

WHATandWHERE_Security: theory WHATWHERE_Security

WHATandWHERE_Security: theory Up_To_Technique

WHATandWHERE_Security: theory Domain_example

WHATandWHERE_Security: theory Parallel_Composition

WHATandWHERE_Security: theory WHATWHERE_Secure_Skip_Assign

WHATandWHERE_Security: theory Language_Composition

Timing Valuation (4 threads, 44.096s elapsed time, 147.780s cpu time, 2.904s GC time, factor 3.35)

Finished Valuation (0:00:51 elapsed time, 0:02:34 cpu time, factor 2.98)

Running Well_Quasi_Orders ...

WHATandWHERE_Security: theory Type_System

WHATandWHERE_Security: theory Type_System_example

Well_Quasi_Orders: theory Regular_Set

Well_Quasi_Orders: theory Restricted_Predicates

Well_Quasi_Orders: theory Seq

Well_Quasi_Orders: theory Open_Induction

Well_Quasi_Orders: theory Regular_Exp

Well_Quasi_Orders: theory NDerivative

Well_Quasi_Orders: theory Relation_Interpretation

Well_Quasi_Orders: theory Equivalence_Checking

Well_Quasi_Orders: theory Regexp_Method

Well_Quasi_Orders: theory Infinite_Sequences

Well_Quasi_Orders: theory Least_Enum

Well_Quasi_Orders: theory Multiset_Extension

Well_Quasi_Orders: theory Minimal_Elements

Well_Quasi_Orders: theory Almost_Full

Well_Quasi_Orders: theory Higman_OI

Well_Quasi_Orders: theory Minimal_Bad_Sequences

Well_Quasi_Orders: theory Almost_Full_Relations

Well_Quasi_Orders: theory Well_Quasi_Orders

Well_Quasi_Orders: theory Kruskal

Well_Quasi_Orders: theory Wqo_Multiset

Well_Quasi_Orders: theory Kruskal_Examples

Well_Quasi_Orders: theory Wqo_Instances

Timing WHATandWHERE_Security (4 threads, 39.861s elapsed time, 137.680s cpu time, 3.300s GC time, factor 3.45)

Finished WHATandWHERE_Security (0:00:42 elapsed time, 0:02:20 cpu time, factor 3.31)

Running WorkerWrapper ...

WorkerWrapper: theory Maybe

WorkerWrapper: theory Nats

WorkerWrapper: theory LList

WorkerWrapper: theory FixedPointTheorems

Timing Well_Quasi_Orders (4 threads, 31.716s elapsed time, 97.144s cpu time, 2.940s GC time, factor 3.06)

Finished Well_Quasi_Orders (0:00:37 elapsed time, 0:01:48 cpu time, factor 2.87)

Running XML ...

WorkerWrapper: theory WorkerWrapper

WorkerWrapper: theory CounterExample

WorkerWrapper: theory Last

WorkerWrapper: theory Streams

WorkerWrapper: theory WorkerWrapperNew

WorkerWrapper: theory Accumulator

WorkerWrapper: theory Backtracking

WorkerWrapper: theory Continuations

WorkerWrapper: theory Nub

WorkerWrapper: theory UnboxedNats

XML: theory Adhoc_Overloading

XML: theory Char_ord

XML: theory Derive_Manager

XML: theory Generator_Aux

XML: theory Partial_Function_MR

XML: theory Error_Syntax

XML: theory Monad_Syntax

XML: theory Show

XML: theory Error_Monad

XML: theory Strict_Sum

XML: theory Parser_Monad

XML: theory Xml

XML: theory Xmlt

Timing WorkerWrapper (4 threads, 23.822s elapsed time, 55.492s cpu time, 1.232s GC time, factor 2.33)

Finished WorkerWrapper (0:00:26 elapsed time, 0:00:58 cpu time, factor 2.18)

Running Cartan_FP ...

Cartan_FP: theory Cartan

Timing Cartan_FP (4 threads, 4.944s elapsed time, 15.668s cpu time, 0.112s GC time, factor 3.17)

Finished Cartan_FP (0:00:08 elapsed time, 0:00:19 cpu time, factor 2.21)

Running Lifting_Definition_Option ...

Timing XML (4 threads, 26.271s elapsed time, 47.572s cpu time, 2.408s GC time, factor 1.81)

Finished XML (0:00:28 elapsed time, 0:00:50 cpu time, factor 1.74)

Running Partial_Function_MR ...

Lifting_Definition_Option: theory Lifting_Definition_Option_Examples

Partial_Function_MR: theory Adhoc_Overloading

Partial_Function_MR: theory Monad_Syntax

Partial_Function_MR: theory Partial_Function_MR

Partial_Function_MR: theory Partial_Function_MR_Examples

Timing Lifting_Definition_Option (4 threads, 3.741s elapsed time, 5.452s cpu time, 0.000s GC time, factor 1.46)

Finished Lifting_Definition_Option (0:00:06 elapsed time, 0:00:07 cpu time, factor 1.27)

Running PropResPI ...

PropResPI: theory Propositional_Resolution

Timing Partial_Function_MR (4 threads, 9.087s elapsed time, 13.712s cpu time, 0.316s GC time, factor 1.51)

Finished Partial_Function_MR (0:00:11 elapsed time, 0:00:15 cpu time, factor 1.40)

Running Real_Impl ...

PropResPI: theory Prime_Implicates

Real_Impl: theory Primes

Real_Impl: theory Derive_Manager

Real_Impl: theory Generator_Aux

Real_Impl: theory Multiset

Real_Impl: theory Show

Real_Impl: theory Cong

Real_Impl: theory Show_Instances

Real_Impl: theory UniqueFactorization

Timing PropResPI (4 threads, 17.638s elapsed time, 55.180s cpu time, 1.132s GC time, factor 3.13)

Finished PropResPI (0:00:20 elapsed time, 0:00:57 cpu time, factor 2.86)

Running UPF ...

UPF: theory Monads

UPF: theory UPFCore

UPF: theory ElementaryPolicies

Real_Impl: theory Real_Impl_Auxiliary

Real_Impl: theory Real_Impl

Real_Impl: theory Show_Real

Real_Impl: theory Prime_Product

UPF: theory ParallelComposition

UPF: theory SeqComposition

Real_Impl: theory Real_Unique_Impl

UPF: theory Analysis

UPF: theory Normalisation

UPF: theory NormalisationTestSpecification

UPF: theory UPF

UPF: theory Service

UPF: theory ServiceExample

Timing UPF (4 threads, 31.337s elapsed time, 92.656s cpu time, 2.616s GC time, factor 2.96)

Finished UPF (0:00:33 elapsed time, 0:01:35 cpu time, factor 2.80)

Running Case_Labeling ...

Case_Labeling: theory Eisbach

Case_Labeling: theory Hoare_Logic

Timing Real_Impl (4 threads, 47.940s elapsed time, 153.172s cpu time, 2.628s GC time, factor 3.20)

Finished Real_Impl (0:00:51 elapsed time, 0:02:35 cpu time, factor 3.05)

Running Abstract_Completeness ...

Case_Labeling: theory Arith2

Case_Labeling: theory Case_Labeling

Abstract_Completeness: theory ICF_Tools

Abstract_Completeness: theory Code_Abstract_Nat

Abstract_Completeness: theory Infinite_Set

Abstract_Completeness: theory Nat_Bijection

Case_Labeling: theory Labeled_Hoare

Case_Labeling: theory Conditionals

Case_Labeling: theory Monadic_Language

Abstract_Completeness: theory Code_Target_Nat

Abstract_Completeness: theory Old_Datatype

Abstract_Completeness: theory Ord_Code_Preproc

Abstract_Completeness: theory Locale_Code

Case_Labeling: theory Labeled_Hoare_Examples

Abstract_Completeness: theory Sublist

Abstract_Completeness: theory Stream

Case_Labeling: theory Case_Labeling_Examples

Timing Case_Labeling (4 threads, 6.124s elapsed time, 17.004s cpu time, 0.256s GC time, factor 2.78)

Finished Case_Labeling (0:00:08 elapsed time, 0:00:19 cpu time, factor 2.28)

Running Coinductive_Languages ...

Abstract_Completeness: theory Countable

Coinductive_Languages: theory Regular_Set

Abstract_Completeness: theory Countable_Set

Abstract_Completeness: theory Countable_Complete_Lattices

Coinductive_Languages: theory Coinductive_Language

Abstract_Completeness: theory Order_Continuity

Abstract_Completeness: theory Extended_Nat

Coinductive_Languages: theory CFG_Examples

Coinductive_Languages: theory Coinductive_Regular_Set

Abstract_Completeness: theory Linear_Temporal_Logic_on_Streams

Abstract_Completeness: theory FSet

Timing Coinductive_Languages (4 threads, 12.285s elapsed time, 32.724s cpu time, 0.524s GC time, factor 2.66)

Finished Coinductive_Languages (0:00:14 elapsed time, 0:00:39 cpu time, factor 2.69)

Running ConcurrentIMP ...

Abstract_Completeness: theory Abstract_Completeness

ConcurrentIMP: theory CIMP_pred

ConcurrentIMP: theory Prefix_Order

ConcurrentIMP: theory CIMP_lang

Abstract_Completeness: theory Propositional_Logic

Timing Abstract_Completeness (4 threads, 30.220s elapsed time, 88.024s cpu time, 2.316s GC time, factor 2.91)

Finished Abstract_Completeness (0:00:32 elapsed time, 0:01:30 cpu time, factor 2.77)

Running CryptoBasedCompositionalProperties ...

CryptoBasedCompositionalProperties: theory ListExtras

CryptoBasedCompositionalProperties: theory Secrecy_types

CryptoBasedCompositionalProperties: theory inout

ConcurrentIMP: theory CIMP_vcg

CryptoBasedCompositionalProperties: theory Secrecy

CryptoBasedCompositionalProperties: theory CompLocalSecrets

CryptoBasedCompositionalProperties: theory KnowledgeKeysSecrets

ConcurrentIMP: theory CIMP

ConcurrentIMP: theory CIMP_one_place_buffer_ex

ConcurrentIMP: theory CIMP_unbounded_buffer_ex

Timing CryptoBasedCompositionalProperties (4 threads, 15.810s elapsed time, 38.892s cpu time, 0.712s GC time, factor 2.46)

Finished CryptoBasedCompositionalProperties (0:00:18 elapsed time, 0:00:41 cpu time, factor 2.26)

Running FocusStreamsCaseStudies ...

FocusStreamsCaseStudies: theory ArithExtras

FocusStreamsCaseStudies: theory ListExtras

FocusStreamsCaseStudies: theory arith_hints

Timing ConcurrentIMP (4 threads, 26.857s elapsed time, 56.184s cpu time, 2.604s GC time, factor 2.09)

Finished ConcurrentIMP (0:00:32 elapsed time, 0:01:01 cpu time, factor 1.90)

Formula_Derivatives-Examples CANCELLED

Running GoedelGod ...

FocusStreamsCaseStudies: theory stream

GoedelGod: theory GoedelGod

FocusStreamsCaseStudies: theory BitBoolTS

FocusStreamsCaseStudies: theory FR_types

FocusStreamsCaseStudies: theory Gateway_types

FocusStreamsCaseStudies: theory JoinSplitTime

FocusStreamsCaseStudies: theory SteamBoiler

FocusStreamsCaseStudies: theory SteamBoiler_proof

FocusStreamsCaseStudies: theory FR

FocusStreamsCaseStudies: theory FR_proof

FocusStreamsCaseStudies: theory Gateway

FocusStreamsCaseStudies: theory Gateway_proof_aux

FocusStreamsCaseStudies: theory Gateway_proof

Timing GoedelGod (4 threads, 10.870s elapsed time, 12.912s cpu time, 0.076s GC time, factor 1.19)

Finished GoedelGod (0:00:13 elapsed time, 0:00:16 cpu time, factor 1.27)

Running Imperative_Insertion_Sort ...

Imperative_Insertion_Sort: theory Imperative_Loops

Imperative_Insertion_Sort: theory Imperative_Insertion_Sort

Timing Imperative_Insertion_Sort (4 threads, 9.174s elapsed time, 26.052s cpu time, 0.148s GC time, factor 2.84)

Finished Imperative_Insertion_Sort (0:00:13 elapsed time, 0:00:29 cpu time, factor 2.13)

Running Nominal2 ...

Nominal2: theory Multiset

Nominal2: theory Old_Datatype

Nominal2: theory Phantom_Type

Nominal2: theory Infinite_Set

Timing FocusStreamsCaseStudies (4 threads, 28.293s elapsed time, 92.340s cpu time, 2.136s GC time, factor 3.26)

Finished FocusStreamsCaseStudies (0:00:30 elapsed time, 0:01:34 cpu time, factor 3.08)

Running Regex_Equivalence_Examples ...

Nominal2: theory Quotient_Syntax

Nominal2: theory Quotient_Option

Nominal2: theory Quotient_Product

Nominal2: theory Quotient_Set

Nominal2: theory Cardinality

Nominal2: theory Quotient_List

Nominal2: theory FinFun

Regex_Equivalence_Examples: theory Spec_Check

Regex_Equivalence_Examples: theory Examples

Nominal2: theory FSet

Regex_Equivalence_Examples: theory Benchmark

Nominal2: theory Nominal2_Base

Nominal2: theory Atoms

Nominal2: theory Eqvt

Nominal2: theory Nominal2_Abs

Nominal2: theory Nominal2_FCB

Nominal2: theory Nominal2

Timing Regex_Equivalence_Examples (4 threads, 17.510s elapsed time, 46.876s cpu time, 5.940s GC time, factor 2.68)

Finished Regex_Equivalence_Examples (0:00:25 elapsed time, 0:00:53 cpu time, factor 2.14)

Running Selection_Heap_Sort ...

Selection_Heap_Sort: theory Sort

Selection_Heap_Sort: theory RemoveMax

Timing Nominal2 (4 threads, 30.443s elapsed time, 109.084s cpu time, 3.432s GC time, factor 3.58)

Finished Nominal2 (0:00:32 elapsed time, 0:01:51 cpu time, factor 3.38)

Running Trie ...

Selection_Heap_Sort: theory Heap

Selection_Heap_Sort: theory SelectionSort_Functional

Trie: theory AList

Selection_Heap_Sort: theory HeapFunctional

Selection_Heap_Sort: theory HeapImperative

Trie: theory Trie

Trie: theory Tries

Timing Selection_Heap_Sort (4 threads, 15.019s elapsed time, 46.360s cpu time, 0.900s GC time, factor 3.09)

Finished Selection_Heap_Sort (0:00:20 elapsed time, 0:00:52 cpu time, factor 2.49)

Timing Trie (4 threads, 27.180s elapsed time, 41.264s cpu time, 0.792s GC time, factor 1.52)

Finished Trie (0:00:29 elapsed time, 0:00:43 cpu time, factor 1.47)

Unfinished session(s): Amortized_Complexity, Formula_Derivatives, Formula_Derivatives-Examples, HRB-Slicing, InformationFlowSlicing, InformationFlowSlicing_Inter, InformationFlowSlicing_Intra, Isabelle_Meta_Model, Jinja, LTL_to_DRA, List-Index, List_Update, MSO_Examples, MSO_Regex_Equivalence, Planarity_Certificates, Slicing


List-Index: FAILED 2


Formula_Derivatives: FAILED 2


Amortized_Complexity: FAILED 2

InformationFlowSlicing_Inter: CANCELLED

MSO_Regex_Equivalence: FAILED 2

InformationFlowSlicing: CANCELLED

Planarity_Certificates: FAILED 2

InformationFlowSlicing_Intra: CANCELLED

Formula_Derivatives-Examples: CANCELLED


Jinja: FAILED 2


List_Update: FAILED 2

Isabelle_Meta_Model: FAILED 2

Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure

Finished: FAILURE