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Console Output

Started by upstream project "isabelle-repo" build number 125

originally caused by:

Started by an SCM change

[EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables.

Building remotely on worker2 (lrz-cloud) in workspace /media/data/jenkins/workspace/isabelle-repo-afp

[isabelle-repo-afp] $ hg showconfig paths.default

[isabelle-repo-afp] $ hg pull --rev default

pulling from

searching for changes

adding changesets

adding manifests

adding file changes

added 10 changesets with 77 changes to 60 files

(run 'hg update' to get a working copy)

[isabelle-repo-afp] $ hg update --clean --rev default

60 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved

[isabelle-repo-afp] $ hg log --rev . --template {node}

[isabelle-repo-afp] $ hg log --rev . --template {rev}

[afp] $ hg showconfig paths.default

[afp] $ hg pull --rev default

pulling from

no changes found

[afp] $ hg update --clean --rev default

0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved

[afp] $ hg --config extensions.purge= clean --all

[afp] $ hg log --rev . --template {node}

[afp] $ hg log --rev . --template {rev}

[isabelle-repo-afp] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/

+ bin/isabelle components -a

+ bin/isabelle ci_build afp

+ uname -a

Linux vm-10-155-208-87 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt20-1+deb8u3 (2016-01-17) x86_64 GNU/Linux

+ hg id

eb94e570c1a4 tip

+ date

Sat 2 Apr 23:56:27 CEST 2016

+ show_settings

+ set +x




ML_OPTIONS="-H 8000"

+ export ISABELLE_CI_TYPE=afp


+ /media/data/jenkins/workspace/isabelle-repo-afp/bin/isabelle jedit -bf

### Building Isabelle/Scala ...

### Building Isabelle/jEdit ...

+ /media/data/jenkins/workspace/isabelle-repo-afp/bin/isabelle scala -J-Xmx4G -howtorun:script -nocompdaemon /media/data/jenkins/.isabelle/ci/ci_build.scala

Session Pure/Pure

Session HOL/HOL (main)

Session AFP/AVL-Trees (AFP)

Session AFP/AWN (AFP)

Session AFP/Abortable_Linearizable_Modules (AFP)

Session AFP/Abstract-Hoare-Logics (AFP)

Session AFP/Abstract-Rewriting (AFP)

Session AFP/Decreasing-Diagrams (AFP)

Session AFP/Decreasing-Diagrams-II (AFP)

Session AFP/Matrix (AFP)

Session AFP/Matrix_Tensor (AFP)

Session AFP/Knot_Theory (AFP)

Session AFP/Polynomials (AFP)

Session AFP/Abstract_Completeness (AFP)

Session AFP/Automatic_Refinement (AFP)

Session AFP/Refine_Monadic (AFP)

Session AFP/Collections (AFP)

Session AFP/CAVA_Base (AFP)

Session AFP/CAVA_Automata (AFP)

Session AFP/Gabow_SCC (AFP)

Session AFP/LTL_to_GBA (AFP)

Session AFP/CAVA_buildchain1

Session AFP/CAVA_buildchain3

Session AFP/CAVA_LTL_Modelchecker (AFP)

Session AFP/Promela (AFP)

Session AFP/Collections_Examples (AFP)

Session AFP/Dijkstra_Shortest_Path (AFP)

Session AFP/Formal_SSA (AFP)

Session AFP/Network_Security_Policy_Verification (AFP)

Session AFP/Transitive-Closure (AFP)

Session AFP/Tree-Automata (AFP)

Session AFP/BinarySearchTree (AFP)

Session AFP/Binomial-Queues (AFP)

Session AFP/Bondy (AFP)

Session AFP/Bounded_Deducibility_Security (AFP)

Session AFP/BytecodeLogicJmlTypes (AFP)

Session AFP/CISC-Kernel (AFP)

Session AFP/Card_Number_Partitions (AFP)

Session AFP/Case_Labeling (AFP)

Session AFP/Cauchy (AFP)

Session AFP/Sqrt_Babylonian (AFP)

Session AFP/Real_Impl (AFP)

Session AFP/Certification_Monads (AFP)

Session AFP/ClockSynchInst (AFP)

Session AFP/Coinductive_Languages (AFP)

Session AFP/Compiling-Exceptions-Correctly (AFP)

Session AFP/Completeness (AFP)

Session AFP/ComponentDependencies (AFP)

Session AFP/Consensus_Refined (AFP)

Session AFP/CryptoBasedCompositionalProperties (AFP)

Session AFP/DPT-SAT-Solver (AFP)

Session AFP/DataRefinementIBP (AFP)

Session AFP/Depth-First-Search (AFP)

Session AFP/Derangements (AFP)

Session AFP/Discrete_Summation (AFP)

Session AFP/Card_Partitions (AFP)

Session AFP/DiskPaxos (AFP)

Session AFP/Dynamic_Tables (AFP)

Session AFP/Encodability_Process_Calculi (AFP)

Session AFP/Euler_Partition (AFP)

Session AFP/Example-Submission (AFP)

Session AFP/FFT (AFP)

Session AFP/FeatherweightJava (AFP)

Session AFP/Featherweight_OCL (AFP)

Session AFP/FileRefinement (AFP)

Session AFP/FinFun (AFP)

Session AFP/Finite_Automata_HF (AFP)

Session AFP/FocusStreamsCaseStudies (AFP)

Session AFP/Free-Groups (AFP)

Session AFP/FunWithFunctions (AFP)

Session AFP/FunWithTilings (AFP)

Session AFP/GPU_Kernel_PL (AFP)

Session AFP/Gauss-Jordan-Elim-Fun (AFP)

Session AFP/GenClock (AFP)

Session AFP/General-Triangle (AFP)

Session AFP/GoedelGod (AFP)

Session AFP/GraphMarkingIBP (AFP)

Session AFP/Graph_Theory (AFP)

Session AFP/ShortestPath (AFP)

Session HOL/HOL-Algebra (main)

Session AFP/JNF-HOL-Lib (AFP)

Session AFP/JNF-AFP-Lib (AFP)

Session AFP/Jordan_Normal_Form (AFP)

Session AFP/Pre_Polynomial_Factorization (AFP)

Session AFP/Polynomial_Factorization (AFP)

Session AFP/Pre_Algebraic_Numbers (AFP)

Session AFP/Algebraic_Numbers (AFP)

Session AFP/Jordan_Hoelder (AFP)

Session AFP/Secondary_Sylow (AFP)

Session AFP/VectorSpace (AFP)

Session HOL/HOL-Cardinals

Session AFP/Ordinals_and_Cardinals (AFP)

Session AFP/Sort_Encodings (AFP)

Session HOL/HOL-Imperative_HOL

Session AFP/Imperative_Insertion_Sort (AFP)

Session HOL/HOL-Library (main)

Session AFP/ArrowImpossibilityGS (AFP)

Session AFP/Binomial-Heaps (AFP)

Session AFP/Boolean_Expression_Checkers (AFP)

Session AFP/Category (AFP)

Session AFP/Category2 (AFP)

Session AFP/CofGroups (AFP)

Session AFP/Coinductive (AFP)

Session AFP/Lazy-Lists-II (AFP)

Session AFP/Topology (AFP)

Session AFP/Parity_Game (AFP)

Session AFP/Stream_Fusion_Code (AFP)

Session AFP/ConcurrentIMP (AFP)

Session AFP/CoreC++ (AFP)

Session AFP/Datatype_Order_Generator (AFP)

Session AFP/Old_Datatype_Show (AFP)

Session AFP/Deriving (AFP)

Session AFP/Containers (AFP)

Session AFP/Containers-Benchmarks (AFP)

Session AFP/Show (AFP)

Session AFP/Descartes_Sign_Rule (AFP)

Session AFP/Efficient-Mergesort (AFP)

Session AFP/FOL-Fitting (AFP)

Session AFP/Finger-Trees (AFP)

Session AFP/Flyspeck-Tame (AFP)

Session AFP/Formula_Derivatives (AFP)

Session AFP/Formula_Derivatives-Examples (AFP)

Session AFP/Free-Boolean-Algebra (AFP)

Session AFP/Functional-Automata (AFP)

Session AFP/Group-Ring-Module (AFP)

Session AFP/Valuation (AFP)

Session AFP/Isabelle_Meta_Model (AFP)

Session AFP/KBPs (AFP)

Session AFP/LTL (AFP)

Session AFP/LTL_to_DRA (AFP)

Session AFP/Stuttering_Equivalence (AFP)

Session AFP/Landau_Symbols (AFP)

Session AFP/LinearQuantifierElim (AFP)

Session AFP/List-Infinite (AFP)

Session AFP/Nat-Interval-Logic (AFP)

Session AFP/AutoFocus-Stream (AFP)

Session AFP/MSO_Regex_Equivalence (AFP)

Session AFP/MSO_Examples (AFP)

Session AFP/MuchAdoAboutTwo (AFP)

Session AFP/Myhill-Nerode (AFP)

Session AFP/POPLmark-deBruijn (AFP)

Session AFP/Presburger-Automata (AFP)

Session AFP/Program-Conflict-Analysis (AFP)

Session AFP/Regex_Equivalence (AFP)

Session AFP/Regex_Equivalence_Examples (AFP)

Session AFP/Regular-Sets (AFP)

Session AFP/Ribbon_Proofs (AFP)

Session AFP/SATSolverVerification (AFP)

Session AFP/Selection_Heap_Sort (AFP)

Session AFP/Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL (AFP)

Session AFP/Sturm_Sequences (AFP)

Session AFP/Special_Function_Bounds (AFP)

Session AFP/Tail_Recursive_Functions (AFP)

Session AFP/Vickrey_Clarke_Groves (AFP)

Session AFP/Well_Quasi_Orders (AFP)

Session HOL/HOL-Multivariate_Analysis (main)

Session AFP/Affine_Arithmetic (AFP)

Session AFP/Akra_Bazzi (AFP)

Session AFP/Cartan_FP (AFP)

Session AFP/Cayley_Hamilton (AFP)

Session AFP/Echelon_Form (AFP)

Session AFP/Hermite (AFP)

Session AFP/Gauss_Jordan (AFP)

Session HOL/HOL-Probability

Session AFP/Amortized_Complexity (AFP)

Session AFP/Applicative_Lifting (AFP)

Session AFP/Stern_Brocot (AFP)

Session AFP/Density_Compiler (AFP)

Session AFP/Ergodic_Theory (AFP)

Session AFP/Girth_Chromatic (AFP)

Session AFP/List_Update (AFP)

Session AFP/Markov_Models (AFP)

Session AFP/Probabilistic_Noninterference (AFP)

Session AFP/Probabilistic_System_Zoo (AFP)

Session AFP/Probabilistic_System_Zoo-Non_BNFs (AFP)

Session AFP/Random_Graph_Subgraph_Threshold (AFP)

Session AFP/UpDown_Scheme (AFP)

Session AFP/Lower_Semicontinuous (AFP)

Session AFP/Ordinary_Differential_Equations (AFP)

Session AFP/Prime_Harmonic_Series (AFP)

Session AFP/Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs (AFP)

Session AFP/QR_Decomposition (AFP)

Session AFP/Rank_Nullity_Theorem (AFP)

Session AFP/Tarskis_Geometry (AFP)

Session AFP/Triangle (AFP)

Session AFP/pGCL (AFP)

Session HOL/HOL-Nominal

Session AFP/CCS (AFP)

Session AFP/Lam-ml-Normalization (AFP)

Session AFP/Pi_Calculus (AFP)

Session AFP/Psi_Calculi (AFP)

Session AFP/SequentInvertibility (AFP)

Session HOL/HOL-Number_Theory

Session AFP/Lehmer (AFP)

Session AFP/Pratt_Certificate (AFP)

Session HOL/HOL-Old_Number_Theory

Session AFP/Fermat3_4 (AFP)

Session HOL/HOL-Word (main)

Session HOL/HOL-SPARK (main)

Session HOL/HOL-SPARK-Examples


Session AFP/Kleene_Algebra (AFP)

Session AFP/KAT_and_DRA (AFP)

Session AFP/Multirelations (AFP)

Session AFP/Regular_Algebras (AFP)

Session AFP/Relation_Algebra (AFP)

Session AFP/Residuated_Lattices (AFP)

Session AFP/Native_Word (AFP)

Session AFP/Separation_Algebra (AFP)

Session HOL/HOLCF (main)

Session AFP/Circus (AFP)

Session AFP/HOLCF-HOL-Library

Session AFP/HOLCF-Nominal2

Session AFP/Launchbury (AFP)

Session AFP/Call_Arity (AFP)

Session AFP/PCF (AFP)

Session AFP/Shivers-CFA (AFP)

Session AFP/Stream-Fusion (AFP)

Session AFP/Tycon (AFP)

Session AFP/WorkerWrapper (AFP)

Session AFP/Heard_Of (AFP)

Session AFP/HereditarilyFinite (AFP)

Session AFP/HotelKeyCards (AFP)

Session AFP/Huffman (AFP)

Session AFP/HyperCTL (AFP)

Session AFP/IEEE_Floating_Point (AFP)

Session AFP/Impossible_Geometry (AFP)

Session AFP/Incompleteness (AFP)

Session AFP/Inductive_Confidentiality (AFP)

Session AFP/Integration (AFP)

Session AFP/Jinja (AFP)

Session AFP/HRB-Slicing (AFP)

Session AFP/InformationFlowSlicing_Inter (AFP)

Session AFP/InformationFlowSlicing (AFP)

Session AFP/Slicing (AFP)

Session AFP/InformationFlowSlicing_Intra (AFP)

Session AFP/JiveDataStoreModel (AFP)

Session AFP/Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base

Session AFP/Koenigsberg_Friendship (AFP)

Session AFP/LatticeProperties (AFP)

Session AFP/MonoBoolTranAlgebra (AFP)

Session AFP/PseudoHoops (AFP)

Session AFP/Lifting_Definition_Option (AFP)

Session AFP/LightweightJava (AFP)

Session AFP/Liouville_Numbers (AFP)

Session AFP/List-Index (AFP)

Session AFP/List_Interleaving (AFP)

Session AFP/Locally-Nameless-Sigma (AFP)

Session AFP/Marriage (AFP)

Session AFP/Latin_Square (AFP)

Session AFP/Max-Card-Matching (AFP)

Session AFP/MiniML (AFP)

Session AFP/Nominal2 (AFP)

Session AFP/Noninterference_CSP (AFP)

Session AFP/Noninterference_Ipurge_Unwinding (AFP)

Session AFP/Noninterference_Generic_Unwinding (AFP)

Session AFP/Noninterference_Inductive_Unwinding (AFP)

Session AFP/NormByEval (AFP)

Session AFP/Open_Induction (AFP)

Session AFP/Ordinal (AFP)

Session AFP/Partial_Function_MR (AFP)

Session AFP/Perfect-Number-Thm (AFP)

Session AFP/Polynomial_Interpolation (AFP)

Session AFP/Pop_Refinement (AFP)

Session AFP/Possibilistic_Noninterference (AFP)

Session AFP/Priority_Queue_Braun (AFP)

Session AFP/PropResPI (AFP)


Session AFP/Ramsey-Infinite (AFP)

Session AFP/Recursion-Theory-I (AFP)

Session AFP/RefinementReactive (AFP)

Session AFP/Rep_Fin_Groups (AFP)

Session AFP/Robbins-Conjecture (AFP)

Session AFP/Roy_Floyd_Warshall (AFP)


Session AFP/SIFUM_Type_Systems (AFP)

Session AFP/SenSocialChoice (AFP)

Session AFP/Simpl (AFP)

Session AFP/BDD (AFP)

Session AFP/Planarity_Certificates (AFP)

Session AFP/Skew_Heap (AFP)

Session AFP/Splay_Tree (AFP)

Session AFP/Statecharts (AFP)

Session AFP/Strong_Security (AFP)

Session AFP/Sturm_Tarski (AFP)

Session AFP/SumSquares (AFP)

Session AFP/TLA (AFP)

Session AFP/Timed_Automata (AFP)

Session AFP/TortoiseHare (AFP)

Session AFP/Transitive-Closure-II (AFP)

Session AFP/Trie (AFP)

Session AFP/UPF (AFP)

Session AFP/Verified-Prover (AFP)

Session AFP/VolpanoSmith (AFP)

Session AFP/WHATandWHERE_Security (AFP)

Session AFP/XML (AFP)

Cleaning pGCL ...

Cleaning XML ...

Cleaning WorkerWrapper ...

Cleaning Well_Quasi_Orders ...

Cleaning WHATandWHERE_Security ...

Cleaning VolpanoSmith ...

Cleaning Vickrey_Clarke_Groves ...

Cleaning Verified-Prover ...

Cleaning VectorSpace ...

Cleaning UpDown_Scheme ...

Cleaning UPF ...

Cleaning Tycon ...

Cleaning Trie ...

Cleaning Triangle ...

Cleaning Transitive-Closure-II ...

Cleaning TortoiseHare ...

Cleaning Timed_Automata ...

Cleaning Tarskis_Geometry ...

Cleaning Tail_Recursive_Functions ...

Cleaning TLA ...

Cleaning SumSquares ...

Cleaning Sturm_Tarski ...

Cleaning Sturm_Sequences ...

Cleaning Strong_Security ...

Cleaning Stream-Fusion ...

Cleaning Statecharts ...

Cleaning Splay_Tree ...

Cleaning Special_Function_Bounds ...

Cleaning Sort_Encodings ...

Cleaning Skew_Heap ...

Cleaning Simpl ...

Cleaning Shivers-CFA ...

Cleaning SequentInvertibility ...

Cleaning Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL ...

Cleaning Separation_Algebra ...

Cleaning SenSocialChoice ...

Cleaning Selection_Heap_Sort ...

Cleaning Secondary_Sylow ...

Cleaning SIFUM_Type_Systems ...

Cleaning SIFPL ...

Cleaning SATSolverVerification ...

Cleaning Roy_Floyd_Warshall ...

Cleaning Robbins-Conjecture ...

Cleaning Ribbon_Proofs ...

Cleaning Rep_Fin_Groups ...

Cleaning Regular-Sets ...

Cleaning Regex_Equivalence ...

Cleaning Regex_Equivalence_Examples ...

Cleaning RefinementReactive ...

Cleaning Recursion-Theory-I ...

Cleaning Rank_Nullity_Theorem ...

Cleaning Random_Graph_Subgraph_Threshold ...

Cleaning Ramsey-Infinite ...

Cleaning RSAPSS ...

Cleaning RIPEMD-160-SPARK ...

Cleaning QR_Decomposition ...

Cleaning Psi_Calculi ...

Cleaning PropResPI ...

Cleaning Program-Conflict-Analysis ...

Cleaning Probabilistic_System_Zoo-Non_BNFs ...

Cleaning Probabilistic_System_Zoo-BNFs ...

Cleaning Probabilistic_System_Zoo ...

Cleaning Probabilistic_Noninterference ...

Cleaning Priority_Queue_Braun ...

Cleaning Prime_Harmonic_Series ...

Cleaning Presburger-Automata ...

Cleaning Possibilistic_Noninterference ...

Cleaning Pop_Refinement ...

Cleaning Polynomial_Interpolation ...

Cleaning Planarity_Certificates ...

Cleaning Pi_Calculus ...

Cleaning Perfect-Number-Thm ...

Cleaning Partial_Function_MR ...

Cleaning POPLmark-deBruijn ...

Cleaning PCF ...

Cleaning Ordinary_Differential_Equations ...

Cleaning Ordinals_and_Cardinals ...

Cleaning Ordinal ...

Cleaning Open_Induction ...

Cleaning NormByEval ...

Cleaning Noninterference_Inductive_Unwinding ...

Cleaning Noninterference_CSP ...

Cleaning Noninterference_Ipurge_Unwinding ...

Cleaning Noninterference_Generic_Unwinding ...

Cleaning Nominal2 ...

Cleaning Native_Word ...

Cleaning Myhill-Nerode ...

Cleaning MuchAdoAboutTwo ...

Cleaning MiniML ...

Cleaning Max-Card-Matching ...

Cleaning Marriage ...

Cleaning Markov_Models ...

Cleaning MSO_Regex_Equivalence ...

Cleaning MSO_Examples ...

Cleaning Lower_Semicontinuous ...

Cleaning Locally-Nameless-Sigma ...

Cleaning List_Update ...

Cleaning List_Interleaving ...

Cleaning List-Infinite ...

Cleaning Nat-Interval-Logic ...

Cleaning List-Index ...

Cleaning Liouville_Numbers ...

Cleaning LinearQuantifierElim ...

Cleaning LightweightJava ...

Cleaning Lifting_Definition_Option ...

Cleaning Lehmer ...

Cleaning Pratt_Certificate ...

Cleaning Launchbury ...

Cleaning LatticeProperties ...

Cleaning MonoBoolTranAlgebra ...

Cleaning PseudoHoops ...

Cleaning Latin_Square ...

Cleaning Landau_Symbols ...

Cleaning Lam-ml-Normalization ...

Cleaning LTL ...

Cleaning LTL_to_DRA ...

Cleaning Stuttering_Equivalence ...

Cleaning Koenigsberg_Friendship ...

Cleaning Kleene_Algebra ...

Cleaning Multirelations ...

Cleaning Regular_Algebras ...

Cleaning Relation_Algebra ...

Cleaning Residuated_Lattices ...

Cleaning KBPs ...

Cleaning KAT_and_DRA ...

Cleaning Jordan_Hoelder ...

Cleaning JiveDataStoreModel ...

Cleaning Jinja ...

Cleaning Slicing ...

Cleaning JNF-HOL-Lib ...

Cleaning JNF-AFP-Lib ...

Cleaning Jordan_Normal_Form ...

Cleaning Pre_Polynomial_Factorization ...

Cleaning Polynomial_Factorization ...

Cleaning Pre_Algebraic_Numbers ...

Cleaning Isabelle_Meta_Model ...

Cleaning Integration ...

Cleaning InformationFlowSlicing_Intra ...

Cleaning Inductive_Confidentiality ...

Cleaning Incompleteness ...

Cleaning Impossible_Geometry ...

Cleaning Imperative_Insertion_Sort ...

Cleaning IEEE_Floating_Point ...

Cleaning HyperCTL ...

Cleaning Huffman ...

Cleaning HotelKeyCards ...

Cleaning HereditarilyFinite ...

Cleaning Heard_Of ...

Cleaning HRB-Slicing ...

Cleaning InformationFlowSlicing_Inter ...

Cleaning InformationFlowSlicing ...

Cleaning Group-Ring-Module ...

Cleaning Valuation ...

Cleaning Graph_Theory ...

Cleaning ShortestPath ...

Cleaning GraphMarkingIBP ...

Cleaning GoedelGod ...

Cleaning Girth_Chromatic ...

Cleaning General-Triangle ...

Cleaning GenClock ...

Cleaning Gauss_Jordan ...

Cleaning Gauss-Jordan-Elim-Fun ...

Cleaning GPU_Kernel_PL ...

Cleaning Functional-Automata ...

Cleaning FunWithTilings ...

Cleaning FunWithFunctions ...

Cleaning Free-Groups ...

Cleaning Free-Boolean-Algebra ...

Cleaning Formula_Derivatives ...

Cleaning Formula_Derivatives-Examples ...

Cleaning FocusStreamsCaseStudies ...

Cleaning Flyspeck-Tame ...

Cleaning Finite_Automata_HF ...

Cleaning Finger-Trees ...

Cleaning FinFun ...

Cleaning FileRefinement ...

Cleaning Fermat3_4 ...

Cleaning Featherweight_OCL ...

Cleaning FeatherweightJava ...

Cleaning FOL-Fitting ...

Cleaning FFT ...

Cleaning Example-Submission ...

Cleaning Euler_Partition ...

Cleaning Ergodic_Theory ...

Cleaning Encodability_Process_Calculi ...

Cleaning Efficient-Mergesort ...

Cleaning Echelon_Form ...

Cleaning Hermite ...

Cleaning Dynamic_Tables ...

Cleaning DiskPaxos ...

Cleaning Discrete_Summation ...

Cleaning Descartes_Sign_Rule ...

Cleaning Deriving ...

Cleaning Show ...

Cleaning Derangements ...

Cleaning Depth-First-Search ...

Cleaning Density_Compiler ...

Cleaning Datatype_Order_Generator ...

Cleaning Old_Datatype_Show ...

Cleaning DataRefinementIBP ...

Cleaning DPT-SAT-Solver ...

Cleaning CryptoBasedCompositionalProperties ...

Cleaning CoreC++ ...

Cleaning Containers ...

Cleaning Containers-Benchmarks ...

Cleaning Consensus_Refined ...

Cleaning ConcurrentIMP ...

Cleaning ComponentDependencies ...

Cleaning Completeness ...

Cleaning Compiling-Exceptions-Correctly ...

Cleaning Coinductive_Languages ...

Cleaning Coinductive ...

Cleaning Lazy-Lists-II ...

Cleaning Topology ...

Cleaning Parity_Game ...

Cleaning Stream_Fusion_Code ...

Cleaning CofGroups ...

Cleaning ClockSynchInst ...

Cleaning Circus ...

Cleaning Certification_Monads ...

Cleaning Cayley_Hamilton ...

Cleaning Cauchy ...

Cleaning Sqrt_Babylonian ...

Cleaning Real_Impl ...

Cleaning Category2 ...

Cleaning Category ...

Cleaning Case_Labeling ...

Cleaning Cartan_FP ...

Cleaning Card_Partitions ...

Cleaning Card_Number_Partitions ...

Cleaning Call_Arity ...

Cleaning CISC-Kernel ...

Cleaning CCS ...

Cleaning BytecodeLogicJmlTypes ...

Cleaning Bounded_Deducibility_Security ...

Cleaning Boolean_Expression_Checkers ...

Cleaning Bondy ...

Cleaning Binomial-Queues ...

Cleaning Binomial-Heaps ...

Cleaning BinarySearchTree ...

Cleaning BDD ...

Cleaning Automatic_Refinement ...

Cleaning Refine_Monadic ...

Cleaning Collections ...

Cleaning CAVA_Base ...

Cleaning CAVA_Automata ...

Cleaning Gabow_SCC ...

Cleaning LTL_to_GBA ...

Cleaning CAVA_buildchain1 ...

Cleaning CAVA_buildchain3 ...

Cleaning Promela ...

Cleaning Collections_Examples ...

Cleaning Dijkstra_Shortest_Path ...

Cleaning Formal_SSA ...

Cleaning Network_Security_Policy_Verification ...

Cleaning Transitive-Closure ...

Cleaning Tree-Automata ...

Cleaning AutoFocus-Stream ...

Cleaning ArrowImpossibilityGS ...

Cleaning Applicative_Lifting ...

Cleaning Stern_Brocot ...

Cleaning Amortized_Complexity ...

Cleaning Algebraic_Numbers ...

Cleaning Akra_Bazzi ...

Cleaning Affine_Arithmetic ...

Cleaning Abstract_Completeness ...

Cleaning Abstract-Rewriting ...

Cleaning Decreasing-Diagrams ...

Cleaning Decreasing-Diagrams-II ...

Cleaning Matrix ...

Cleaning Matrix_Tensor ...

Cleaning Knot_Theory ...

Cleaning Polynomials ...

Cleaning Abstract-Hoare-Logics ...

Cleaning Abortable_Linearizable_Modules ...

Cleaning AWN ...

Cleaning AVL-Trees ...

Building Pure ...

Finished Pure (0:00:23 elapsed time, 0:00:23 cpu time, factor 1.00)

Building HOL ...

HOL: theory Code_Generator

HOL: theory HOL

HOL: theory Ctr_Sugar

HOL: theory Orderings

HOL: theory SAT

HOL: theory Coinduction

HOL: theory Groups

HOL: theory Lattices

HOL: theory Set

HOL: theory Fun

HOL: theory Rings

HOL: theory Typedef

HOL: theory Complete_Lattices

HOL: theory Inductive

HOL: theory Sum_Type

HOL: theory Product_Type

HOL: theory Complete_Partial_Order

HOL: theory Nat

HOL: theory Fields

HOL: theory Meson

HOL: theory ATP

HOL: theory Metis

HOL: theory Finite_Set

HOL: theory Relation

HOL: theory Transitive_Closure

HOL: theory Wellfounded

HOL: theory Fun_Def_Base

HOL: theory Hilbert_Choice

HOL: theory Wfrec

HOL: theory Order_Relation

HOL: theory BNF_Wellorder_Relation

HOL: theory Zorn

HOL: theory BNF_Wellorder_Embedding

HOL: theory BNF_Wellorder_Constructions

HOL: theory BNF_Cardinal_Order_Relation

HOL: theory BNF_Cardinal_Arithmetic

HOL: theory BNF_Def

HOL: theory BNF_Composition

HOL: theory Basic_BNFs

HOL: theory BNF_Fixpoint_Base

HOL: theory BNF_Least_Fixpoint

HOL: theory Basic_BNF_LFPs

HOL: theory Num

HOL: theory Transfer

HOL: theory Power

HOL: theory Groups_Big

HOL: theory Equiv_Relations

HOL: theory Lifting

HOL: theory Lifting_Set

HOL: theory Quotient

HOL: theory Option

HOL: theory Extraction

HOL: theory Lattices_Big

HOL: theory Partial_Function

HOL: theory Fun_Def

HOL: theory Int

HOL: theory Nat_Transfer

HOL: theory Parity

HOL: theory Set_Interval

HOL: theory Divides

HOL: theory Filter

HOL: theory Code_Numeral

HOL: theory Numeral_Simprocs

HOL: theory SMT

HOL: theory Semiring_Normalization

HOL: theory Groebner_Basis

HOL: theory Presburger

HOL: theory Sledgehammer

HOL: theory List

HOL: theory Groups_List

HOL: theory Map

HOL: theory Enum

HOL: theory Random

HOL: theory String

HOL: theory BNF_Greatest_Fixpoint

HOL: theory Predicate

HOL: theory Typerep

HOL: theory Lazy_Sequence

HOL: theory Limited_Sequence

HOL: theory Code_Evaluation

HOL: theory Quickcheck_Random

HOL: theory Quickcheck_Exhaustive

HOL: theory Quickcheck_Narrowing

HOL: theory Random_Pred

HOL: theory Record

HOL: theory Random_Sequence

HOL: theory Predicate_Compile

HOL: theory Nitpick

HOL: theory Main

HOL: theory Archimedean_Field

HOL: theory Binomial

HOL: theory Conditionally_Complete_Lattices

HOL: theory GCD

HOL: theory Topological_Spaces

HOL: theory Rat

HOL: theory Real

HOL: theory Real_Vector_Spaces

HOL: theory Inequalities

HOL: theory Limits

HOL: theory Deriv

HOL: theory Series

HOL: theory NthRoot

HOL: theory Transcendental

HOL: theory Complex

HOL: theory MacLaurin

HOL: theory Taylor

HOL: theory Complex_Main

Timing HOL (4 threads, 233.339s elapsed time, 720.776s cpu time, 27.468s GC time, factor 3.09)

Finished HOL (0:05:47 elapsed time, 0:13:54 cpu time, factor 2.40)

Building HOL-Library ...

Building HOL-Multivariate_Analysis ...

HOL-Library: theory Adhoc_Overloading

HOL-Library: theory Lattice_Syntax

HOL-Library: theory Preorder

HOL-Library: theory AList

HOL-Library: theory BNF_Axiomatization

HOL-Library: theory BNF_Corec

HOL-Library: theory Permutations

HOL-Library: theory Bit

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Permutations

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Infinite_Set

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Nat_Bijection

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory FuncSet

HOL-Library: theory Bits

HOL-Library: theory Boolean_Algebra

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Old_Datatype

HOL-Library: theory Bits_Bit

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Phantom_Type

HOL-Library: theory Bourbaki_Witt_Fixpoint

HOL-Library: theory Cardinal_Notations

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Product_plus

HOL-Library: theory Char_ord

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Set_Algebras

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Product_Order

HOL-Library: theory Code_Abstract_Nat

HOL-Library: theory Code_Char

HOL-Library: theory Code_Binary_Nat

HOL-Library: theory Code_Target_Nat

HOL-Library: theory Code_Prolog

HOL-Library: theory DAList

HOL-Library: theory Code_Test

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory L2_Norm

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Indicator_Function

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Inner_Product

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Cardinality

HOL-Library: theory Complete_Partial_Order2

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Liminf_Limsup

HOL-Library: theory FSet

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Countable

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Numeral_Type

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Nonpos_Ints

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Product_Vector

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Operator_Norm

HOL-Library: theory Debug

HOL-Library: theory Discrete

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Periodic_Fun

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Convex

HOL-Library: theory Disjoint_Sets

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Euclidean_Space

HOL-Library: theory Dlist

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory PolyRoots

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Countable_Set

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Sum_of_Squares

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Countable_Complete_Lattices

HOL-Library: theory Fraction_Field

HOL-Library: theory Fun_Lexorder

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Finite_Cartesian_Product

HOL-Library: theory FuncSet

HOL-Library: theory Function_Algebras

HOL-Library: theory Function_Growth

HOL-Library: theory Function_Division

HOL-Library: theory Code_Target_Int

HOL-Library: theory Groups_Big_Fun

HOL-Library: theory IArray

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Linear_Algebra

HOL-Library: theory Code_Target_Numeral

HOL-Library: theory Infinite_Set

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Norm_Arith

HOL-Library: theory LaTeXsugar

HOL-Library: theory Lattice_Constructions

HOL-Library: theory ListVector

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Order_Continuity

HOL-Library: theory Omega_Words_Fun

HOL-Library: theory List_lexord

HOL-Library: theory Mapping

HOL-Library: theory Misc_Numeric

HOL-Library: theory Bit_Representation

HOL-Library: theory Misc_Typedef

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Extended_Nat

HOL-Library: theory Monad_Syntax

HOL-Library: theory More_List

HOL-Library: theory AList_Mapping

HOL-Library: theory Bits_Int

HOL-Library: theory Multiset

HOL-Library: theory Nat_Bijection

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Topology_Euclidean_Space

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Extended_Real

HOL-Library: theory Stream

HOL-Library: theory Old_Datatype

HOL-Library: theory Bool_List_Representation

HOL-Library: theory Old_Recdef

HOL-Library: theory Option_ord

HOL-Library: theory Countable

HOL-Library: theory Parallel

HOL-Library: theory Phantom_Type

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Extended_Nonnegative_Real

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Summation

HOL-Library: theory Product_Lexorder

HOL-Library: theory Product_plus

HOL-Library: theory Cardinality

HOL-Library: theory DAList_Multiset

HOL-Library: theory Multiset_Order

HOL-Library: theory Permutation

HOL-Library: theory Countable_Set

HOL-Library: theory Product_Order

HOL-Library: theory Quotient_Syntax

HOL-Library: theory Quotient_Option

HOL-Library: theory Quotient_Product

HOL-Library: theory FinFun

HOL-Library: theory Numeral_Type

HOL-Library: theory Finite_Lattice

HOL-Library: theory Countable_Complete_Lattices

HOL-Library: theory Countable_Set_Type

HOL-Library: theory Type_Length

HOL-Library: theory Saturated

HOL-Library: theory Quotient_Set

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Bounded_Linear_Function

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Convex_Euclidean_Space

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Extended_Real_Limits

HOL-Library: theory Quotient_List

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Uniform_Limit

HOL-Library: theory Quotient_Sum

HOL-Library: theory Quotient_Type

HOL-Library: theory RBT_Impl

HOL-Library: theory Ramsey

HOL-Library: theory Reflection

HOL-Library: theory Refute

HOL-Library: theory Rewrite

HOL-Library: theory Set_Algebras

HOL-Library: theory Simps_Case_Conv

HOL-Library: theory Extended

HOL-Library: theory State_Monad

HOL-Library: theory Sublist

HOL-Library: theory Polynomial

HOL-Library: theory Sublist_Order

HOL-Library: theory BigO

HOL-Library: theory Code_Real_Approx_By_Float

HOL-Library: theory ContNotDenum

HOL-Library: theory Diagonal_Subsequence

HOL-Library: theory Indicator_Function

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Brouwer_Fixpoint

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Path_Connected

HOL-Library: theory Inner_Product

HOL-Library: theory Lattice_Algebras

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Derivative

HOL-Library: theory Euclidean_Algorithm

HOL-Library: theory Polynomial_GCD_euclidean

HOL-Library: theory Fundamental_Theorem_Algebra

HOL-Library: theory Product_Vector

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Weierstrass

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Integration

HOL-Library: theory Convex

HOL-Library: theory Liminf_Limsup

HOL-Library: theory Lub_Glb

HOL-Library: theory OptionalSugar

HOL-Library: theory Order_Continuity

HOL-Library: theory Extended_Nat

HOL-Library: theory Float

HOL-Library: theory Extended_Real

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Bounded_Continuous_Function

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Cartesian_Euclidean_Space

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Integral_Test

HOL-Library: theory Linear_Temporal_Logic_on_Streams

HOL-Library: theory Formal_Power_Series

HOL-Library: theory Quadratic_Discriminant

HOL-Library: theory Sum_of_Squares

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Complex_Analysis_Basics

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Determinants

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Fashoda

HOL-Library: theory Extended_Nonnegative_Real

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Ordered_Euclidean_Space

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Complex_Transcendental

HOL-Library: theory Transitive_Closure_Table

HOL-Library: theory Tree

HOL-Library: theory While_Combinator

HOL-Library: theory Word_Miscellaneous

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Generalised_Binomial_Theorem

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Harmonic_Numbers

HOL-Library: theory Word

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Gamma

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Cauchy_Integral_Thm

HOL-Library: theory Tree_Multiset

HOL-Library: theory Library

HOL-Library: theory Old_SMT

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Conformal_Mappings

HOL-Multivariate_Analysis: theory Multivariate_Analysis

HOL-Library: theory RBT

HOL-Library: theory RBT_Mapping

HOL-Library: theory RBT_Set

Timing HOL-Library (4 threads, 210.028s elapsed time, 752.264s cpu time, 23.876s GC time, factor 3.58)

Finished HOL-Library (0:05:57 elapsed time, 0:14:59 cpu time, factor 2.52)

Building HOLCF ...

HOLCF: theory Nat_Bijection

HOLCF: theory Old_Datatype

HOLCF: theory Countable

HOLCF: theory Porder

HOLCF: theory Pcpo

HOLCF: theory Cont

HOLCF: theory Adm

HOLCF: theory Discrete

HOLCF: theory Cpodef

HOLCF: theory Fun_Cpo

HOLCF: theory Product_Cpo

HOLCF: theory Cfun

HOLCF: theory Cprod

HOLCF: theory Fix

HOLCF: theory Sfun

HOLCF: theory Sprod

HOLCF: theory Up

HOLCF: theory Lift

HOLCF: theory One

HOLCF: theory Tr

HOLCF: theory Ssum

HOLCF: theory Plain_HOLCF

HOLCF: theory Completion

HOLCF: theory Fixrec

HOLCF: theory Deflation

HOLCF: theory Map_Functions

HOLCF: theory Bifinite

HOLCF: theory Domain_Aux

HOLCF: theory Universal

HOLCF: theory Algebraic

HOLCF: theory Compact_Basis

HOLCF: theory LowerPD

HOLCF: theory UpperPD

HOLCF: theory Representable

HOLCF: theory ConvexPD

HOLCF: theory Domain

HOLCF: theory Powerdomains


Timing HOL-Multivariate_Analysis (4 threads, 328.268s elapsed time, 1232.020s cpu time, 21.780s GC time, factor 3.75)

Finished HOL-Multivariate_Analysis (0:06:47 elapsed time, 0:21:51 cpu time, factor 3.22)

Building HOL-Probability ...

HOL-Probability: theory Multiset

HOL-Probability: theory Diagonal_Subsequence

Timing HOLCF (4 threads, 25.093s elapsed time, 60.168s cpu time, 2.136s GC time, factor 2.40)

Finished HOLCF (0:00:55 elapsed time, 0:01:29 cpu time, factor 1.63)

Building HOL-Nominal ...

HOL-Nominal: theory Infinite_Set

HOL-Nominal: theory Old_Datatype

HOL-Probability: theory Permutation

HOL-Nominal: theory Nominal

HOL-Probability: theory Adhoc_Overloading

HOL-Probability: theory Disjoint_Sets

HOL-Probability: theory Stream

HOL-Probability: theory Sublist

HOL-Probability: theory Monad_Syntax

HOL-Probability: theory ContNotDenum

HOL-Probability: theory Sigma_Algebra

HOL-Probability: theory Discrete_Topology

HOL-Probability: theory Linear_Temporal_Logic_on_Streams

HOL-Probability: theory Measurable

HOL-Probability: theory Borel_Space

HOL-Probability: theory Measure_Space

HOL-Probability: theory Caratheodory

HOL-Probability: theory Nonnegative_Lebesgue_Integration

HOL-Probability: theory Regularity

HOL-Probability: theory Binary_Product_Measure

HOL-Probability: theory Embed_Measure

HOL-Probability: theory Finite_Product_Measure

HOL-Probability: theory Bochner_Integration

HOL-Probability: theory Fin_Map

HOL-Probability: theory Radon_Nikodym

HOL-Probability: theory Lebesgue_Measure

HOL-Probability: theory Probability_Measure

HOL-Probability: theory Set_Integral

HOL-Probability: theory Interval_Integral

HOL-Probability: theory Lebesgue_Integral_Substitution

HOL-Probability: theory Complete_Measure

HOL-Probability: theory Distribution_Functions

HOL-Probability: theory Giry_Monad

HOL-Probability: theory Weak_Convergence

HOL-Probability: theory Helly_Selection

HOL-Probability: theory Probability_Mass_Function

HOL-Probability: theory Projective_Family

Timing HOL-Nominal (4 threads, 13.755s elapsed time, 33.024s cpu time, 0.956s GC time, factor 2.40)

Finished HOL-Nominal (0:00:37 elapsed time, 0:00:56 cpu time, factor 1.51)

Building HOL-Algebra ...

HOL-Probability: theory Infinite_Product_Measure

HOL-Algebra: theory Primes

HOL-Algebra: theory FuncSet

HOL-Algebra: theory Multiset

HOL-Probability: theory Independent_Family

HOL-Probability: theory Stream_Space

HOL-Probability: theory Projective_Limit

HOL-Probability: theory Convolution

HOL-Probability: theory Information

HOL-Probability: theory Distributions

HOL-Algebra: theory Permutation

HOL-Probability: theory Characteristic_Functions

HOL-Probability: theory Sinc_Integral

HOL-Probability: theory Levy

HOL-Probability: theory Central_Limit_Theorem

HOL-Probability: theory Probability

HOL-Algebra: theory Congruence

HOL-Algebra: theory Exponent

HOL-Algebra: theory Lattice

HOL-Algebra: theory Group

HOL-Algebra: theory Bij

HOL-Algebra: theory Coset

HOL-Algebra: theory FiniteProduct

HOL-Algebra: theory Ring

HOL-Algebra: theory Sylow

HOL-Algebra: theory Divisibility

HOL-Algebra: theory AbelCoset

HOL-Algebra: theory Module

HOL-Algebra: theory Ideal

HOL-Algebra: theory RingHom

HOL-Algebra: theory QuotRing

HOL-Algebra: theory UnivPoly

HOL-Algebra: theory IntRing

Timing HOL-Algebra (4 threads, 76.388s elapsed time, 254.784s cpu time, 9.856s GC time, factor 3.34)

Finished HOL-Algebra (0:02:09 elapsed time, 0:05:07 cpu time, factor 2.38)

Building Abstract-Rewriting ...

Abstract-Rewriting: theory While_Combinator

Abstract-Rewriting: theory Regular_Set

Abstract-Rewriting: theory Regular_Exp

Abstract-Rewriting: theory NDerivative

Abstract-Rewriting: theory Relation_Interpretation

Abstract-Rewriting: theory Equivalence_Checking

Abstract-Rewriting: theory Regexp_Method

Abstract-Rewriting: theory Infinite_Set

Abstract-Rewriting: theory Seq

Abstract-Rewriting: theory Abstract_Rewriting

Abstract-Rewriting: theory Relative_Rewriting

Abstract-Rewriting: theory SN_Orders

Abstract-Rewriting: theory SN_Order_Carrier

Timing Abstract-Rewriting (4 threads, 46.269s elapsed time, 135.388s cpu time, 3.828s GC time, factor 2.93)

Finished Abstract-Rewriting (0:01:28 elapsed time, 0:03:02 cpu time, factor 2.06)

Building HOL-Word ...

HOL-Word: theory Bits

HOL-Word: theory Bit

HOL-Word: theory Boolean_Algebra

HOL-Word: theory Misc_Numeric

HOL-Word: theory Bit_Representation

HOL-Word: theory Misc_Typedef

HOL-Word: theory Phantom_Type

HOL-Word: theory Bits_Bit

HOL-Word: theory Word_Miscellaneous

HOL-Word: theory Bits_Int

HOL-Word: theory Cardinality

HOL-Word: theory Bool_List_Representation

HOL-Word: theory Numeral_Type

HOL-Word: theory Type_Length

HOL-Word: theory Word

Timing HOL-Word (4 threads, 17.496s elapsed time, 60.904s cpu time, 1.888s GC time, factor 3.48)

Finished HOL-Word (0:00:43 elapsed time, 0:01:27 cpu time, factor 1.99)

Building Kleene_Algebra ...

Kleene_Algebra: theory Signatures

Kleene_Algebra: theory Dioid

Kleene_Algebra: theory Conway

Kleene_Algebra: theory Matrix

Kleene_Algebra: theory Dioid_Models

Kleene_Algebra: theory Finite_Suprema

Kleene_Algebra: theory Inf_Matrix

Timing HOL-Probability (4 threads, 263.393s elapsed time, 982.200s cpu time, 15.104s GC time, factor 3.73)

Finished HOL-Probability (0:05:32 elapsed time, 0:17:31 cpu time, factor 3.16)

Building Coinductive ...

Coinductive: theory Primes

Coinductive: theory Prefix_Order

Coinductive: theory L2_Norm

Coinductive: theory Norm_Arith

Coinductive: theory Euclidean_Space

Kleene_Algebra: theory Kleene_Algebra

Coinductive: theory Linear_Algebra

Coinductive: theory Topology_Euclidean_Space

Kleene_Algebra: theory DRA

Kleene_Algebra: theory Omega_Algebra

Kleene_Algebra: theory PHL_KA

Kleene_Algebra: theory Kleene_Algebra_Models

Kleene_Algebra: theory Formal_Power_Series

Kleene_Algebra: theory PHL_DRA

Kleene_Algebra: theory Omega_Algebra_Models

Coinductive: theory Extended_Real_Limits

Coinductive: theory Coinductive_Nat

Coinductive: theory Resumption

Coinductive: theory Coinductive_List

Coinductive: theory CCPO_Topology

Coinductive: theory Coinductive_List_Prefix

Coinductive: theory Hamming_Stream

Coinductive: theory Koenigslemma

Coinductive: theory LMirror

Coinductive: theory Lazy_LList

Coinductive: theory Quotient_Coinductive_List

Coinductive: theory TLList

Coinductive: theory Coinductive_Stream

Coinductive: theory LList_CCPO_Topology

Coinductive: theory Lazy_TLList

Coinductive: theory Quotient_TLList

Coinductive: theory TLList_CCPO

Coinductive: theory TLList_CCPO_Examples

Coinductive: theory Coinductive

Coinductive: theory Coinductive_Examples

Timing Kleene_Algebra (4 threads, 53.471s elapsed time, 125.896s cpu time, 4.036s GC time, factor 2.35)

Finished Kleene_Algebra (0:01:41 elapsed time, 0:02:53 cpu time, factor 1.71)

Building Jinja ...

Jinja: theory Code_Abstract_Nat

Jinja: theory Code_Target_Int

Jinja: theory Sublist

Jinja: theory While_Combinator

Jinja: theory Code_Target_Nat

Jinja: theory Code_Target_Numeral

Jinja: theory Auxiliary

Jinja: theory List_Index

Jinja: theory Transitive_Closure_Table

Jinja: theory Semilat

Jinja: theory Type

Jinja: theory Hidden

Jinja: theory Err

Jinja: theory Decl

Jinja: theory TypeRel

Jinja: theory Listn

Jinja: theory Opt

Jinja: theory Product

Jinja: theory Semilattices

Jinja: theory Typing_Framework

Jinja: theory SemilatAlg

Jinja: theory Kildall

Jinja: theory LBVSpec

Jinja: theory Value

Jinja: theory Typing_Framework_err

Jinja: theory LBVComplete

Jinja: theory LBVCorrect

Jinja: theory Objects

Jinja: theory Exceptions

Jinja: theory JVMState

Jinja: theory Abstract_BV

Jinja: theory JVMInstructions

Jinja: theory Conform

Jinja: theory Expr

Jinja: theory State

Jinja: theory SystemClasses

Jinja: theory WellForm

Jinja: theory PCompiler

Jinja: theory SemiType

Jinja: theory JVM_SemiType

Jinja: theory JVMExceptions

Jinja: theory JVMExecInstr

Jinja: theory Effect

Jinja: theory JVMExec

Jinja: theory JVMDefensive

Jinja: theory JVMListExample

Jinja: theory Examples

Jinja: theory BigStep

Jinja: theory SmallStep

Jinja: theory WellType

Jinja: theory Annotate

Jinja: theory WellTypeRT

Jinja: theory DefAss

Jinja: theory J1

Jinja: theory execute_Bigstep

Jinja: theory execute_WellType

Jinja: theory Compiler1

Jinja: theory Compiler2

Jinja: theory Correctness2

Jinja: theory WWellForm

Jinja: theory Equivalence

Jinja: theory Progress

Jinja: theory JWellForm

Jinja: theory BVSpec

Jinja: theory BVConform

Jinja: theory J1WellForm

Jinja: theory BVSpecTypeSafe

Jinja: theory TypeSafe

Jinja: theory Correctness1

Jinja: theory EffectMono

Jinja: theory TF_JVM

Jinja: theory Compiler

Jinja: theory BVNoTypeError

Jinja: theory TypeComp

Jinja: theory BVExec

Jinja: theory BVExample

Jinja: theory LBVJVM

Jinja: theory Jinja

Timing Coinductive (4 threads, 95.477s elapsed time, 312.600s cpu time, 6.792s GC time, factor 3.27)

Finished Coinductive (0:02:44 elapsed time, 0:06:43 cpu time, factor 2.45)

Building Simpl ...

Simpl: theory LaTeXsugar

Simpl: theory DistinctTreeProver

Simpl: theory Multiset

Simpl: theory Old_Recdef

Simpl: theory Simpl_Heap

Simpl: theory HeapList

Simpl: theory Language

Simpl: theory Generalise

Simpl: theory StateFun

Simpl: theory StateSpaceLocale

Simpl: theory StateSpaceSyntax

Simpl: theory Permutation

Simpl: theory Semantic

Simpl: theory HoarePartialDef

Simpl: theory Termination

Simpl: theory HoarePartialProps

Simpl: theory HoareTotalDef

Simpl: theory SmallStep

Simpl: theory AlternativeSmallStep

Simpl: theory HoarePartial

Simpl: theory HoareTotalProps

Simpl: theory Compose

Simpl: theory HoareTotal

Simpl: theory Hoare

Simpl: theory Closure

Simpl: theory StateSpace

Simpl: theory Vcg

Simpl: theory ProcParEx

Simpl: theory ProcParExSP

Simpl: theory XVcg

Simpl: theory XVcgEx

Simpl: theory ClosureEx

Simpl: theory ComposeEx

Simpl: theory Quicksort

Simpl: theory SyntaxTest

Simpl: theory UserGuide

Simpl: theory VcgEx

Simpl: theory VcgExSP

Simpl: theory VcgExTotal

Simpl: theory Simpl

Timing Simpl (4 threads, 121.149s elapsed time, 420.380s cpu time, 16.352s GC time, factor 3.47)

Finished Simpl (0:03:38 elapsed time, 0:08:37 cpu time, factor 2.37)

Building Deriving ...

Deriving: theory More_Bits_Int

Deriving: theory Bits_Integer

Deriving: theory Word_Misc

Deriving: theory Code_Target_Bits_Int

Deriving: theory Code_Target_ICF

Deriving: theory Uint32

Deriving: theory HashCode

Deriving: theory Derive_Manager

Deriving: theory Generator_Aux

Deriving: theory Comparator

Deriving: theory Countable_Generator

Deriving: theory Equality_Generator

Deriving: theory Hash_Generator

Deriving: theory Equality_Instances

Deriving: theory Compare

Deriving: theory Comparator_Generator

Deriving: theory RBT_Comparator_Impl

Deriving: theory Hash_Instances

Deriving: theory RBT_Compare_Order_Impl

Deriving: theory Compare_Generator

Deriving: theory Compare_Instances

Deriving: theory Compare_Rat

Deriving: theory Compare_Real

Deriving: theory Compare_Order_Instances

Deriving: theory Derive

Deriving: theory Derive_Examples

Timing Deriving (4 threads, 46.816s elapsed time, 90.024s cpu time, 3.784s GC time, factor 1.92)

Finished Deriving (0:01:54 elapsed time, 0:03:14 cpu time, factor 1.71)

Building LTL ...

Timing Jinja (4 threads, 296.150s elapsed time, 1098.440s cpu time, 19.564s GC time, factor 3.71)

Finished Jinja (0:07:07 elapsed time, 0:20:29 cpu time, factor 2.88)

LTL: theory LTL

Building HOL-Cardinals ...

HOL-Cardinals: theory Order_Union

HOL-Cardinals: theory Cardinal_Notations

HOL-Cardinals: theory Fun_More

HOL-Cardinals: theory Order_Relation_More

HOL-Cardinals: theory Wellorder_Extension

HOL-Cardinals: theory Wellfounded_More

HOL-Cardinals: theory Wellorder_Relation

HOL-Cardinals: theory Wellorder_Embedding

HOL-Cardinals: theory Wellorder_Constructions

HOL-Cardinals: theory Cardinal_Order_Relation

HOL-Cardinals: theory Ordinal_Arithmetic

HOL-Cardinals: theory Cardinal_Arithmetic

HOL-Cardinals: theory Cardinals

HOL-Cardinals: theory Bounded_Set

LTL: theory LTL_Rewrite

LTL: theory LTL_Example

Timing HOL-Cardinals (4 threads, 24.416s elapsed time, 87.824s cpu time, 2.088s GC time, factor 3.60)

Finished HOL-Cardinals (0:00:49 elapsed time, 0:01:52 cpu time, factor 2.29)

Building LatticeProperties ...

LatticeProperties: theory Lattice_Prop

LatticeProperties: theory Conj_Disj

LatticeProperties: theory WellFoundedTransitive

LatticeProperties: theory Modular_Distrib_Lattice

LatticeProperties: theory Complete_Lattice_Prop

LatticeProperties: theory Lattice_Ordered_Group

Timing LatticeProperties (4 threads, 5.172s elapsed time, 12.920s cpu time, 0.220s GC time, factor 2.50)

Finished LatticeProperties (0:00:24 elapsed time, 0:00:32 cpu time, factor 1.31)

Building MSO_Regex_Equivalence ...

MSO_Regex_Equivalence: theory Comparator

MSO_Regex_Equivalence: theory Derive_Manager

MSO_Regex_Equivalence: theory Generator_Aux

MSO_Regex_Equivalence: theory List_Index

MSO_Regex_Equivalence: theory List_More

Timing LTL (4 threads, 31.877s elapsed time, 80.740s cpu time, 2.576s GC time, factor 2.53)

Finished LTL (0:01:27 elapsed time, 0:02:16 cpu time, factor 1.56)

MSO_Regex_Equivalence: theory Compare

MSO_Regex_Equivalence: theory Comparator_Generator

Building HRB-Slicing ...

MSO_Regex_Equivalence: theory Compare_Generator

MSO_Regex_Equivalence: theory Compare_Instances

HRB-Slicing: theory AuxLemmas

HRB-Slicing: theory BasicDefs

MSO_Regex_Equivalence: theory Pi_Regular_Set

MSO_Regex_Equivalence: theory Pi_Regular_Exp

HRB-Slicing: theory CFG

HRB-Slicing: theory Com

HRB-Slicing: theory JVMCFG

HRB-Slicing: theory Labels

HRB-Slicing: theory ProcState

HRB-Slicing: theory PCFG

HRB-Slicing: theory CFGExit

HRB-Slicing: theory CFG_wf

HRB-Slicing: theory Postdomination

HRB-Slicing: theory CFGExit_wf

HRB-Slicing: theory Distance

HRB-Slicing: theory ReturnAndCallNodes

HRB-Slicing: theory SemanticsCFG

HRB-Slicing: theory SDG

HRB-Slicing: theory Observable

HRB-Slicing: theory WellFormProgs

HRB-Slicing: theory Interpretation

HRB-Slicing: theory JVMInterpretation

HRB-Slicing: theory WellFormed

HRB-Slicing: theory ValidPaths

HRB-Slicing: theory JVMCFG_wf

HRB-Slicing: theory JVMPostdomination

HRB-Slicing: theory HRBSlice

HRB-Slicing: theory ProcSDG

HRB-Slicing: theory JVMSDG

HRB-Slicing: theory SCDObservable

HRB-Slicing: theory Slice

HRB-Slicing: theory WeakSimulation

HRB-Slicing: theory FundamentalProperty

HRB-Slicing: theory HRBSlicing

MSO_Regex_Equivalence: theory Pi_Derivatives

MSO_Regex_Equivalence: theory Init_Normalization

MSO_Regex_Equivalence: theory Pi_Equivalence_Checking

MSO_Regex_Equivalence: theory PNormalization

MSO_Regex_Equivalence: theory Pi_Regular_Exp_Dual

MSO_Regex_Equivalence: theory Pi_Regular_Operators

MSO_Regex_Equivalence: theory Formula

MSO_Regex_Equivalence: theory M2L

MSO_Regex_Equivalence: theory M2L_Normalization

MSO_Regex_Equivalence: theory WS1S

MSO_Regex_Equivalence: theory WS1S_Normalization

MSO_Regex_Equivalence: theory M2L_Equivalence_Checking

MSO_Regex_Equivalence: theory WS1S_Equivalence_Checking

Timing HRB-Slicing (4 threads, 409.704s elapsed time, 1521.132s cpu time, 28.940s GC time, factor 3.71)

Finished HRB-Slicing (0:10:05 elapsed time, 0:28:36 cpu time, factor 2.84)

Building Slicing ...

Slicing: theory AuxLemmas

Slicing: theory BitVector

Slicing: theory Com

Slicing: theory BasicDefs

Slicing: theory CFG

Slicing: theory JVMCFG

Slicing: theory CFGExit

Slicing: theory Postdomination

Slicing: theory CFG_wf

Slicing: theory CFGExit_wf

Slicing: theory DynDataDependence

Slicing: theory DynStandardControlDependence

Slicing: theory DynWeakControlDependence

Slicing: theory StandardControlDependence

Slicing: theory WeakControlDependence

Slicing: theory DataDependence

Slicing: theory DynPDG

Slicing: theory PDG

Slicing: theory Distance

Slicing: theory Observable

Slicing: theory SemanticsCFG

Slicing: theory DependentLiveVariables

Slicing: theory Slice

Slicing: theory WeakOrderDependence

Slicing: theory ControlDependenceRelations

Slicing: theory Labels

Slicing: theory DynSlice

Slicing: theory Semantics

Timing MSO_Regex_Equivalence (4 threads, 486.902s elapsed time, 1567.976s cpu time, 29.188s GC time, factor 3.22)

Finished MSO_Regex_Equivalence (0:10:25 elapsed time, 0:28:26 cpu time, factor 2.73)

Building Formula_Derivatives ...

Slicing: theory WCFG

Slicing: theory CDepInstantiations

Slicing: theory Interpretation

Slicing: theory WEquivalence

Slicing: theory WellFormed

Slicing: theory AdditionalLemmas

Slicing: theory SemanticsWellFormed

Slicing: theory DynamicControlDependences

Slicing: theory StaticControlDependences

Formula_Derivatives: theory Coinductive_Language

Formula_Derivatives: theory Comparator

Formula_Derivatives: theory FSet_More

Formula_Derivatives: theory Derive_Manager

Formula_Derivatives: theory Generator_Aux

Formula_Derivatives: theory List_Index

Formula_Derivatives: theory While_Default

Slicing: theory JVMInterpretation

Formula_Derivatives: theory Compare

Formula_Derivatives: theory Comparator_Generator

Slicing: theory JVMCFG_wf

Slicing: theory JVMPostdomination

Slicing: theory SemanticsWF

Formula_Derivatives: theory Compare_Generator

Formula_Derivatives: theory Compare_Instances

Formula_Derivatives: theory WS1S_Prelim

Formula_Derivatives: theory Automaton

Slicing: theory JVMControlDependences

Formula_Derivatives: theory Abstract_Formula

Slicing: theory Slicing

Formula_Derivatives: theory Presburger_Formula

Formula_Derivatives: theory WS1S_Alt_Formula

Formula_Derivatives: theory WS1S_Formula

Formula_Derivatives: theory WS1S_Nameful

Formula_Derivatives: theory WS1S_Presburger_Equivalence

Timing Slicing (4 threads, 381.374s elapsed time, 1473.560s cpu time, 12.524s GC time, factor 3.86)

Finished Slicing (0:07:44 elapsed time, 0:25:56 cpu time, factor 3.35)

Building Echelon_Form ...

Echelon_Form: theory Code_Abstract_Nat

Echelon_Form: theory Dual_Order

Echelon_Form: theory Bit

Echelon_Form: theory Code_Target_Int

Echelon_Form: theory Code_Target_Nat

Echelon_Form: theory IArray

Echelon_Form: theory More_List

Echelon_Form: theory Code_Target_Numeral

Echelon_Form: theory Code_Set

Echelon_Form: theory Polynomial

Echelon_Form: theory Mod_Type

Echelon_Form: theory Code_Bit

Echelon_Form: theory Generalizations

Echelon_Form: theory IArray_Addenda

Echelon_Form: theory Square_Matrix

Echelon_Form: theory Miscellaneous

Echelon_Form: theory Cayley_Hamilton

Echelon_Form: theory Code_Matrix

Echelon_Form: theory Fundamental_Subspaces

Echelon_Form: theory Rref

Echelon_Form: theory Dim_Formula

Echelon_Form: theory Elementary_Operations

Echelon_Form: theory Rank

Echelon_Form: theory Matrix_To_IArray

Echelon_Form: theory Gauss_Jordan

Echelon_Form: theory Gauss_Jordan_IArrays

Echelon_Form: theory Linear_Maps

Echelon_Form: theory Gauss_Jordan_PA

Echelon_Form: theory Bases_Of_Fundamental_Subspaces

Echelon_Form: theory Determinants2

Echelon_Form: theory Gauss_Jordan_PA_IArrays

Echelon_Form: theory Inverse

Echelon_Form: theory System_Of_Equations

Echelon_Form: theory Inverse_IArrays

Echelon_Form: theory Examples_Gauss_Jordan_Abstract

Timing Formula_Derivatives (4 threads, 366.306s elapsed time, 904.548s cpu time, 126.496s GC time, factor 2.47)

Finished Formula_Derivatives (0:08:35 elapsed time, 0:17:33 cpu time, factor 2.04)

Building Datatype_Order_Generator ...

Datatype_Order_Generator: theory More_Bits_Int

Datatype_Order_Generator: theory Bits_Integer

Datatype_Order_Generator: theory Word_Misc

Echelon_Form: theory Euclidean_Algorithm

Datatype_Order_Generator: theory Code_Target_Bits_Int

Datatype_Order_Generator: theory Code_Target_ICF

Datatype_Order_Generator: theory Uint32

Datatype_Order_Generator: theory HashCode

Datatype_Order_Generator: theory Derive_Manager

Datatype_Order_Generator: theory Derive_Aux

Datatype_Order_Generator: theory Countable_Generator

Datatype_Order_Generator: theory Order_Generator

Datatype_Order_Generator: theory Hash_Generator

Echelon_Form: theory Rings2

Datatype_Order_Generator: theory Derive

Datatype_Order_Generator: theory Derive_Examples

Echelon_Form: theory Cayley_Hamilton_Compatible

Echelon_Form: theory Code_Cayley_Hamilton

Echelon_Form: theory Echelon_Form

Echelon_Form: theory Echelon_Form_Det

Echelon_Form: theory Echelon_Form_IArrays

Echelon_Form: theory Echelon_Form_Inverse

Echelon_Form: theory Echelon_Form_Det_IArrays

Echelon_Form: theory Examples_Echelon_Form_Abstract

Echelon_Form: theory Code_Cayley_Hamilton_IArrays

Echelon_Form: theory Echelon_Form_Inverse_IArrays

Echelon_Form: theory Examples_Echelon_Form_IArrays

Timing Echelon_Form (4 threads, 244.141s elapsed time, 814.712s cpu time, 15.816s GC time, factor 3.34)

Finished Echelon_Form (0:05:15 elapsed time, 0:14:40 cpu time, factor 2.79)

Building Group-Ring-Module ...

Group-Ring-Module: theory Algebra1

Group-Ring-Module: theory Algebra2

Group-Ring-Module: theory Algebra3

Group-Ring-Module: theory Algebra4

Group-Ring-Module: theory Algebra5

Group-Ring-Module: theory Algebra6

Group-Ring-Module: theory Algebra7

Group-Ring-Module: theory Algebra8

Group-Ring-Module: theory Algebra9

Timing Datatype_Order_Generator (4 threads, 187.367s elapsed time, 334.212s cpu time, 21.768s GC time, factor 1.78)

Finished Datatype_Order_Generator (0:06:20 elapsed time, 0:09:17 cpu time, factor 1.47)

Building HOL-Imperative_HOL ...

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Adhoc_Overloading

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory LaTeXsugar

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Nat_Bijection

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Old_Datatype

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Monad_Syntax

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Countable

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Code_Target_Int

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Multiset

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Heap

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Code_Abstract_Nat

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Code_Target_Nat

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory RBT_Impl

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Code_Target_Numeral

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Sorted_List

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Heap_Monad

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Array

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory List_Sublist

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Ref

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Imperative_HOL

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Subarray

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Linked_Lists

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Overview

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Imperative_Quicksort

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Imperative_Reverse

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory SatChecker

HOL-Imperative_HOL: theory Imperative_HOL_ex

Timing Group-Ring-Module (4 threads, 173.931s elapsed time, 595.080s cpu time, 14.592s GC time, factor 3.42)

Finished Group-Ring-Module (0:03:58 elapsed time, 0:10:58 cpu time, factor 2.76)

Building Containers ...

Containers: theory Regular_Set

Containers: theory Regular_Exp

Containers: theory NDerivative

Containers: theory Relation_Interpretation

Containers: theory Equivalence_Checking

Containers: theory Regexp_Method

Containers: theory AssocList

Containers: theory List_Fusion

Containers: theory Extend_Partial_Order

Containers: theory Equal

Containers: theory Closure_Set

Containers: theory Containers_Auxiliary

Containers: theory Card_Datatype

Containers: theory Containers_Generator

Containers: theory Collection_Enum

Containers: theory Collection_Eq

Containers: theory Lexicographic_Order

Containers: theory DList_Set

Containers: theory Set_Linorder

Containers: theory RBT_ext

Containers: theory Collection_Order

Containers: theory List_Proper_Interval

Containers: theory RBT_Mapping2

Containers: theory RBT_Set2

Containers: theory Set_Impl

Containers: theory Mapping_Impl

Containers: theory Map_To_Mapping

Containers: theory Containers

Containers: theory Containers_Userguide

Containers: theory Compatibility_Containers_Regular_Sets

Timing HOL-Imperative_HOL (4 threads, 116.874s elapsed time, 288.108s cpu time, 8.068s GC time, factor 2.47)

Finished HOL-Imperative_HOL (0:03:16 elapsed time, 0:10:34 cpu time, factor 3.22)

Building Graph_Theory ...

Graph_Theory: theory Infinite_Set

Graph_Theory: theory Nat_Bijection

Graph_Theory: theory Old_Datatype

Graph_Theory: theory Liminf_Limsup

Graph_Theory: theory Countable

Graph_Theory: theory Countable_Set

Graph_Theory: theory Countable_Complete_Lattices

Graph_Theory: theory Order_Continuity

Graph_Theory: theory Extended_Nat

Graph_Theory: theory Extended_Real

Containers: theory Card_Datatype_Ex

Containers: theory Map_To_Mapping_Ex

Graph_Theory: theory Permutations

Graph_Theory: theory FuncSet

Graph_Theory: theory Rtrancl_On

Graph_Theory: theory Rewrite

Graph_Theory: theory Stuff

Graph_Theory: theory Digraph

Graph_Theory: theory Funpow

Graph_Theory: theory Arc_Walk

Graph_Theory: theory Bidirected_Digraph

Graph_Theory: theory Vertex_Walk

Graph_Theory: theory Pair_Digraph

Graph_Theory: theory Weighted_Graph

Graph_Theory: theory Shortest_Path

Graph_Theory: theory Digraph_Component

Graph_Theory: theory Digraph_Component_Vwalk

Graph_Theory: theory Digraph_Isomorphism

Graph_Theory: theory Subdivision

Graph_Theory: theory Kuratowski

Graph_Theory: theory Euler

Graph_Theory: theory Graph_Theory

Timing Graph_Theory (4 threads, 78.593s elapsed time, 271.328s cpu time, 8.368s GC time, factor 3.45)

Finished Graph_Theory (0:02:01 elapsed time, 0:05:14 cpu time, factor 2.58)

Building JNF-HOL-Lib ...

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Adhoc_Overloading

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Lattice_Syntax

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Order_Union

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory AList

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Permutations

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Char_ord

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Code_Abstract_Nat

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Code_Char

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Code_Binary_Nat

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Code_Target_Nat

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Fraction_Field

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Code_Target_Int

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Cong

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Code_Target_Numeral

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory IArray

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Infinite_Set

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory List_lexord

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory DAList

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Mapping

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Monad_Syntax

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory More_List

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory UniqueFactorization

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Phantom_Type

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory RBT_Impl

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Ramsey

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Cardinality

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory DAList_Multiset

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Simps_Case_Conv

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Polynomial

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Wellorder_Extension

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory While_Combinator

JNF-HOL-Lib: theory Fundamental_Theorem_Algebra

Timing Containers (4 threads, 108.561s elapsed time, 299.828s cpu time, 10.536s GC time, factor 2.76)

Finished Containers (0:03:54 elapsed time, 0:07:07 cpu time, factor 1.82)

Building HOL-Number_Theory ...

HOL-Number_Theory: theory Congruence

HOL-Number_Theory: theory FuncSet

HOL-Number_Theory: theory Multiset

HOL-Number_Theory: theory Lattice

HOL-Number_Theory: theory Group

HOL-Number_Theory: theory FiniteProduct

HOL-Number_Theory: theory Ring

HOL-Number_Theory: theory Primes

HOL-Number_Theory: theory MiscAlgebra

HOL-Number_Theory: theory Fib

HOL-Number_Theory: theory Infinite_Set

HOL-Number_Theory: theory More_List

HOL-Number_Theory: theory Cong

HOL-Number_Theory: theory Eratosthenes

HOL-Number_Theory: theory Factorial_Ring

HOL-Number_Theory: theory Polynomial

HOL-Number_Theory: theory UniqueFactorization

HOL-Number_Theory: theory Residues

HOL-Number_Theory: theory Gauss

HOL-Number_Theory: theory Number_Theory

HOL-Number_Theory: theory Pocklington

HOL-Number_Theory: theory Euclidean_Algorithm

Timing HOL-Number_Theory (4 threads, 67.286s elapsed time, 231.104s cpu time, 5.960s GC time, factor 3.43)

Finished HOL-Number_Theory (0:01:46 elapsed time, 0:04:30 cpu time, factor 2.54)

Building Lehmer ...

Lehmer: theory Module

Lehmer: theory Coset

Lehmer: theory AbelCoset

Timing JNF-HOL-Lib (4 threads, 71.429s elapsed time, 254.836s cpu time, 7.836s GC time, factor 3.57)

Finished JNF-HOL-Lib (0:02:20 elapsed time, 0:05:24 cpu time, factor 2.30)

Building JNF-AFP-Lib ...

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Derive_Manager

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Comparator

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Equal

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Extend_Partial_Order

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Closure_Set

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory FunctionLemmas

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Generator_Aux

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory IArray_Addenda

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory List_Fusion

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Equality_Generator

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory IArray_Haskell

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Containers_Auxiliary

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Equality_Instances

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Containers_Generator

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Regular_Set

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Compare

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Comparator_Generator

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Collection_Enum

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Lexicographic_Order

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Set_Linorder

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Compare_Generator

Lehmer: theory Ideal

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Compare_Instances

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Collection_Eq

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory RBT_Comparator_Impl

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory RBT_ext

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory DList_Set

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Regular_Exp

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory RingModuleFacts

Lehmer: theory RingHom

Lehmer: theory UnivPoly

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory MonoidSums

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory LinearCombinations

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory NDerivative

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Relation_Interpretation

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Seq

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Show

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Show_Instances

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Euclidean_Algorithm

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Missing_Unsorted

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Collection_Order

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Utility

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Equivalence_Checking

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Regexp_Method

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Abstract_Rewriting

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory RBT_Mapping2

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Relative_Rewriting

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory RBT_Set2

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory SumSpaces

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory SN_Orders

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Set_Impl

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory VectorSpace

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Missing_Polynomial

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Ring_Hom

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory Ordered_Semiring

JNF-AFP-Lib: theory SN_Order_Carrier

Lehmer: theory Multiplicative_Group

Lehmer: theory Lehmer

Timing Lehmer (4 threads, 57.803s elapsed time, 134.932s cpu time, 5.100s GC time, factor 2.33)

Finished Lehmer (0:01:37 elapsed time, 0:02:54 cpu time, factor 1.79)

Building Regex_Equivalence ...

Regex_Equivalence: theory Efficient_Sort

Regex_Equivalence: theory Regular_Set

Regex_Equivalence: theory Regular_Exp

Regex_Equivalence: theory Derivatives

Regex_Equivalence: theory NDerivative

Regex_Equivalence: theory Derivatives_Finite

Regex_Equivalence: theory Automaton

Regex_Equivalence: theory Position_Autos

Regex_Equivalence: theory After2

Regex_Equivalence: theory Before2

Regex_Equivalence: theory Deriv_PDeriv

Regex_Equivalence: theory Deriv_Autos

Regex_Equivalence: theory Regex_Equivalence

Timing Regex_Equivalence (4 threads, 50.600s elapsed time, 165.332s cpu time, 6.064s GC time, factor 3.27)

Finished Regex_Equivalence (0:02:08 elapsed time, 0:04:06 cpu time, factor 1.92)

Building Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base ...

Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base: theory AList

Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base: theory Congruence

Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base: theory FuncSet

Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base: theory Fib

Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base: theory Primes

Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base: theory Graph

Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base: theory Cong

Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base: theory Lattice

Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base: theory Eratosthenes

Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base: theory Multiset

Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base: theory DAList

Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base: theory Group

Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base: theory FiniteProduct

Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base: theory UniqueFactorization

Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base: theory Ring

Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base: theory MiscAlgebra

Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base: theory Residues

Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base: theory Number_Theory

Timing JNF-AFP-Lib (4 threads, 141.804s elapsed time, 502.620s cpu time, 16.740s GC time, factor 3.54)

Finished JNF-AFP-Lib (0:04:14 elapsed time, 0:10:20 cpu time, factor 2.43)

Building Pre_Polynomial_Factorization ...

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory Divmod_Int

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory Missing_Ring

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory Partial_Function_MR

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory RBT

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory Improved_Code_Equations

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory Neville_Aitken_Interpolation

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory Show_Poly

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory RBT_Mapping

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory Lagrange_Interpolation

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory CauchysMeanTheorem

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory Sqrt_Babylonian_Auxiliary

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory Missing_Fraction_Field

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory Ring_Hom_Poly

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory Is_Rat_To_Rat

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory NthRoot_Impl

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory Sqrt_Babylonian

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory Newton_Interpolation

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory Matrix

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory Polynomial_Interpolation

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory Gauss_Jordan

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory Matrix_IArray_Impl

Pre_Polynomial_Factorization: theory Gauss_Jordan_IArray_Impl

Timing Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base (4 threads, 40.867s elapsed time, 148.284s cpu time, 3.484s GC time, factor 3.63)

Finished Koenigsberg_Friendship_Base (0:01:20 elapsed time, 0:03:07 cpu time, factor 2.33)

Building HOL-Old_Number_Theory ...

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory Infinite_Set

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory Multiset

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory Permutation

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory BijectionRel

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory Legacy_GCD

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory Primes

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory Factorization

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory Fib

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory IntPrimes

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory Pocklington

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory Chinese

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory IntFact

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory EulerFermat

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory Finite2

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory WilsonBij

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory WilsonRuss

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory Int2

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory EvenOdd

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory Residues

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory Euler

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory Gauss

HOL-Old_Number_Theory: theory Quadratic_Reciprocity

Timing HOL-Old_Number_Theory (4 threads, 38.778s elapsed time, 138.420s cpu time, 2.484s GC time, factor 3.57)

Finished HOL-Old_Number_Theory (0:01:04 elapsed time, 0:02:44 cpu time, factor 2.53)

Building Automatic_Refinement ...

Automatic_Refinement: theory Foldi

Automatic_Refinement: theory Infinite_Set

Automatic_Refinement: theory Multiset

Automatic_Refinement: theory Option_ord

Automatic_Refinement: theory Prio_List

Automatic_Refinement: theory Product_Lexorder

Automatic_Refinement: theory Refine_Util

Automatic_Refinement: theory Omega_Words_Fun

Automatic_Refinement: theory Anti_Unification

Automatic_Refinement: theory Attr_Comb

Automatic_Refinement: theory Named_Sorted_Thms

Automatic_Refinement: theory Mk_Term_Antiquot

Automatic_Refinement: theory Mpat_Antiquot

Automatic_Refinement: theory Tagged_Solver

Automatic_Refinement: theory Select_Solve

Automatic_Refinement: theory Indep_Vars

Automatic_Refinement: theory Mk_Record_Simp

Timing Pre_Polynomial_Factorization (4 threads, 54.532s elapsed time, 190.908s cpu time, 4.408s GC time, factor 3.50)

Finished Pre_Polynomial_Factorization (0:01:55 elapsed time, 0:04:11 cpu time, factor 2.18)

Building Polynomial_Factorization ...

Automatic_Refinement: theory List_More

Automatic_Refinement: theory Quicksort

Automatic_Refinement: theory Misc

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Missing_Multiset

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Precomputation

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Order_Polynomial

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Missing_List

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Explicit_Roots

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Dvd_Int_Poly

Automatic_Refinement: theory Digraph_Basic

Automatic_Refinement: theory Refine_Lib

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Prime_Factorization

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Gauss_Lemma

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Rational_Root_Test

Automatic_Refinement: theory Relators

Automatic_Refinement: theory Param_Chapter

Automatic_Refinement: theory Param_Tool

Automatic_Refinement: theory Param_HOL

Automatic_Refinement: theory Parametricity

Automatic_Refinement: theory Autoref_Tagging

Automatic_Refinement: theory Autoref_Data

Automatic_Refinement: theory Autoref_Phases

Automatic_Refinement: theory Autoref_Id_Ops

Automatic_Refinement: theory Autoref_Fix_Rel

Automatic_Refinement: theory Autoref_Translate

Automatic_Refinement: theory Autoref_Relator_Interface

Automatic_Refinement: theory Autoref_Gen_Algo

Automatic_Refinement: theory Autoref_Chapter

Automatic_Refinement: theory Autoref_Tool

Automatic_Refinement: theory Autoref_Bindings_HOL

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Kronecker_Factorization

Automatic_Refinement: theory Automatic_Refinement

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Unique_Factorization_Domain

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Polynomial_Divisibility

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Square_Free_Factorization

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Prime_Field

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Polynomial_Division

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Polynomial_Field

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Gauss_Jordan_Field

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Berlekamp_Hensel_Factorization

Polynomial_Factorization: theory External_Factorization

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Factorization_Oracle

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Hybrid_Factorization

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Select_Berlekamp_Hensel_Factorization

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Select_External_Factorization

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Select_Hybrid_Factorization

Timing Automatic_Refinement (4 threads, 42.365s elapsed time, 133.324s cpu time, 3.544s GC time, factor 3.15)

Finished Automatic_Refinement (0:01:17 elapsed time, 0:02:49 cpu time, factor 2.18)

Building Refine_Monadic ...

Polynomial_Factorization: theory Rational_Factorization

Refine_Monadic: theory Adhoc_Overloading

Refine_Monadic: theory Lattice_Syntax

Refine_Monadic: theory Bit

Refine_Monadic: theory Bits

Refine_Monadic: theory Boolean_Algebra

Refine_Monadic: theory Misc_Numeric

Refine_Monadic: theory Bit_Representation

Refine_Monadic: theory Misc_Typedef

Refine_Monadic: theory Monad_Syntax

Refine_Monadic: theory Phantom_Type

Refine_Monadic: theory While_Combinator

Refine_Monadic: theory Bits_Bit

Refine_Monadic: theory Bits_Int

Refine_Monadic: theory Word_Miscellaneous

Refine_Monadic: theory Cardinality

Refine_Monadic: theory Bool_List_Representation

Refine_Monadic: theory Numeral_Type

Refine_Monadic: theory Type_Length

Refine_Monadic: theory Word

Refine_Monadic: theory Example_Chapter

Refine_Monadic: theory Refine_Chapter

Refine_Monadic: theory Refine_Mono_Prover

Refine_Monadic: theory Refine_Misc

Refine_Monadic: theory RefineG_Domain

Refine_Monadic: theory RefineG_Transfer

Refine_Monadic: theory RefineG_Assert

Refine_Monadic: theory RefineG_Recursion

Refine_Monadic: theory Refine_Basic

Refine_Monadic: theory RefineG_While

Refine_Monadic: theory Refine_Det

Refine_Monadic: theory Refine_Heuristics

Refine_Monadic: theory Refine_Leof

Refine_Monadic: theory Refine_Pfun

Refine_Monadic: theory Refine_While

Refine_Monadic: theory Refine_Transfer

Refine_Monadic: theory Autoref_Monadic

Refine_Monadic: theory Refine_Automation

Refine_Monadic: theory Refine_Foreach

Refine_Monadic: theory Refine_Monadic

Refine_Monadic: theory Breadth_First_Search

Refine_Monadic: theory WordRefine

Refine_Monadic: theory Examples

Timing Polynomial_Factorization (4 threads, 74.293s elapsed time, 196.212s cpu time, 3.768s GC time, factor 2.64)

Finished Polynomial_Factorization (0:02:24 elapsed time, 0:04:26 cpu time, factor 1.84)

Building Pre_Algebraic_Numbers ...

Pre_Algebraic_Numbers: theory Missing_Permutations

Pre_Algebraic_Numbers: theory Compare_Rat

Pre_Algebraic_Numbers: theory Compare_Real

Pre_Algebraic_Numbers: theory Show_Real

Pre_Algebraic_Numbers: theory Misc_Polynomial

Pre_Algebraic_Numbers: theory Show_Complex

Pre_Algebraic_Numbers: theory Column_Operations

Pre_Algebraic_Numbers: theory Show_Matrix

Pre_Algebraic_Numbers: theory Sturm_Library

Pre_Algebraic_Numbers: theory Sturm_Theorem

Pre_Algebraic_Numbers: theory Determinant

Pre_Algebraic_Numbers: theory Char_Poly

Pre_Algebraic_Numbers: theory Determinant_Impl

Timing Refine_Monadic (4 threads, 45.514s elapsed time, 154.176s cpu time, 4.704s GC time, factor 3.39)

Finished Refine_Monadic (0:01:28 elapsed time, 0:03:17 cpu time, factor 2.22)

Building Collections ...

Collections: theory Code_Target_Int

Collections: theory FingerTree

Collections: theory BinomialHeap

Collections: theory Code_Abstract_Nat

Collections: theory Code_Target_Nat

Collections: theory SkewBinomialHeap

Collections: theory Code_Target_Numeral

Collections: theory AList

Collections: theory More_Bits_Int

Collections: theory ICF_Tools

Collections: theory Dlist

Collections: theory Ord_Code_Preproc

Collections: theory Locale_Code

Collections: theory Partial_Equivalence_Relation

Collections: theory SetIterator

Collections: theory RBT_Impl

Collections: theory Record_Intf

Collections: theory Sorted_List_Operations

Collections: theory Bits_Integer

Collections: theory Idx_Iterator

Collections: theory SetIteratorOperations

Collections: theory Word_Misc

Collections: theory Assoc_List

Collections: theory Dlist_add

Collections: theory Proper_Iterator

Collections: theory Diff_Array

Collections: theory It_to_It

Collections: theory SetIteratorGA

Collections: theory Gen_Iterator

Collections: theory Iterator

Collections: theory ICF_Spec_Base

Collections: theory MapSpec

Collections: theory Robdd

Collections: theory Code_Target_Bits_Int

Collections: theory Uint32

Collections: theory Code_Target_ICF

Collections: theory Locale_Code_Ex

Collections: theory HashCode

Timing Pre_Algebraic_Numbers (4 threads, 41.651s elapsed time, 155.352s cpu time, 2.120s GC time, factor 3.73)

Finished Pre_Algebraic_Numbers (0:01:38 elapsed time, 0:03:32 cpu time, factor 2.15)

Building Matrix ...

Matrix: theory FuncSet

Matrix: theory Congruence

Matrix: theory Lattice

Matrix: theory Group

Collections: theory RBT_add

Matrix: theory FiniteProduct

Matrix: theory Ring

Matrix: theory Ordered_Semiring

Matrix: theory Utility

Matrix: theory Matrix_Arith

Matrix: theory Matrix_Comparison

Matrix: theory Matrix

Collections: theory DatRef

Collections: theory SetAbstractionIterator

Collections: theory GenCF_Chapter

Collections: theory GenCF_Gen_Chapter

Collections: theory GenCF_Impl_Chapter

Collections: theory GenCF_Intf_Chapter

Collections: theory Intf_Comp

Collections: theory Impl_Array_Stack

Collections: theory Array_Iterator

Collections: theory Intf_Map

Collections: theory Intf_Set

Collections: theory Gen_Map

Collections: theory Intf_Hash

Collections: theory Gen_Set

Collections: theory Impl_Cfun_Set

Collections: theory Impl_List_Set

Collections: theory Gen_Comp

Collections: theory Impl_Array_Map

Collections: theory Impl_List_Map

Collections: theory Impl_RBT_Map

Collections: theory Gen_Map2Set

Collections: theory Impl_Array_Hash_Map

Collections: theory Impl_Bit_Set

Collections: theory Uint

Collections: theory Gen_Hash

Collections: theory Impl_Uv_Set

Timing Matrix (4 threads, 40.442s elapsed time, 137.328s cpu time, 3.396s GC time, factor 3.40)

Finished Matrix (0:01:18 elapsed time, 0:02:55 cpu time, factor 2.23)

Building Matrix_Tensor ...

Matrix_Tensor: theory Matrix_Tensor

Collections: theory GenCF

Collections: theory ICF_Gen_Algo_Chapter

Collections: theory Trie

Collections: theory ICF_Chapter

Collections: theory ICF_Impl_Chapter

Collections: theory ICF_Spec_Chapter

Collections: theory RBT

Collections: theory AnnotatedListSpec

Collections: theory ListSpec

Collections: theory PrioSpec

Collections: theory Trie_Impl

Collections: theory ListGA

Collections: theory BinoPrioImpl

Collections: theory Trie2

Collections: theory FTAnnotatedListImpl

Collections: theory PrioByAnnotatedList

Collections: theory Fifo

Collections: theory SkewPrioImpl

Collections: theory PrioUniqueSpec

Collections: theory SetSpec

Collections: theory FTPrioImpl

Collections: theory PrioUniqueByAnnotatedList

Collections: theory FTPrioUniqueImpl

Collections: theory Algos

Collections: theory SetIndex

Collections: theory SetIteratorCollectionsGA

Collections: theory MapGA

Collections: theory SetGA

Collections: theory ArrayMapImpl

Collections: theory ListMapImpl

Collections: theory ListMapImpl_Invar

Collections: theory TrieMapImpl

Collections: theory RBTMapImpl

Collections: theory ListSetImpl

Collections: theory ListSetImpl_Invar

Collections: theory ListSetImpl_NotDist

Collections: theory ListSetImpl_Sorted

Collections: theory SetByMap

Collections: theory ArrayHashMap_Impl

Collections: theory HashMap_Impl

Collections: theory ArraySetImpl

Collections: theory TrieSetImpl

Collections: theory RBTSetImpl

Collections: theory ArrayHashMap

Collections: theory HashMap

Collections: theory ArrayHashSet

Collections: theory HashSet

Collections: theory MapStdImpl

Collections: theory SetStdImpl

Timing Matrix_Tensor (4 threads, 45.565s elapsed time, 101.656s cpu time, 2.228s GC time, factor 2.23)

Finished Matrix_Tensor (0:01:11 elapsed time, 0:02:07 cpu time, factor 1.78)

Building Applicative_Lifting ...

Collections: theory ICF_Impl

Applicative_Lifting: theory Commutation

Applicative_Lifting: theory Function_Algebras

Applicative_Lifting: theory Free_Ultrafilter

Applicative_Lifting: theory Lambda

Applicative_Lifting: theory StarDef

Applicative_Lifting: theory Function_Division

Applicative_Lifting: theory ParRed

Applicative_Lifting: theory Eta

Collections: theory ICF_Refine_Monadic

Collections: theory ICF_Autoref

Applicative_Lifting: theory Applicative

Applicative_Lifting: theory Dlist

Applicative_Lifting: theory Joinable

Applicative_Lifting: theory Beta_Eta

Collections: theory ICF_Entrypoints_Chapter

Collections: theory Collections

Applicative_Lifting: theory Combinators

Collections: theory CollectionsV1

Applicative_Lifting: theory Idiomatic_Terms

Applicative_Lifting: theory Applicative_Environment

Applicative_Lifting: theory Applicative_List

Applicative_Lifting: theory Applicative_Monoid

Applicative_Lifting: theory Applicative_Option

Applicative_Lifting: theory Applicative_Set

Applicative_Lifting: theory Applicative_State

Applicative_Lifting: theory Applicative_Sum

Applicative_Lifting: theory Applicative_DNEList

Applicative_Lifting: theory Applicative_Environment_Algebra

Applicative_Lifting: theory Applicative_Star

Applicative_Lifting: theory Applicative_Stream

Applicative_Lifting: theory Tree_Relabelling

Applicative_Lifting: theory Applicative_PMF

Applicative_Lifting: theory Stream_Algebra

Applicative_Lifting: theory Applicative_Functor

Applicative_Lifting: theory Applicative_Examples

Collections: theory Collections_Entrypoints_Chapter

Collections: theory Refine_Dflt_Only_ICF

Collections: theory Refine_Dflt

Collections: theory Refine_Dflt_ICF

Collections: theory Userguides_Chapter

Collections: theory Refine_Monadic_Userguide

Collections: theory ICF_Userguide

Applicative_Lifting: theory Abstract_AF

Applicative_Lifting: theory Applicative_Test

Timing Applicative_Lifting (4 threads, 36.042s elapsed time, 81.608s cpu time, 2.804s GC time, factor 2.26)

Finished Applicative_Lifting (0:01:24 elapsed time, 0:02:10 cpu time, factor 1.54)

Building InformationFlowSlicing_Inter ...

InformationFlowSlicing_Inter: theory NonInterferenceInter

InformationFlowSlicing_Inter: theory LiftingInter

Timing InformationFlowSlicing_Inter (4 threads, 31.773s elapsed time, 99.196s cpu time, 4.140s GC time, factor 3.12)

Finished InformationFlowSlicing_Inter (0:01:14 elapsed time, 0:02:21 cpu time, factor 1.90)

Building Sturm_Sequences ...

Sturm_Sequences: theory Sturm_Library_Document

Sturm_Sequences: theory Misc_Polynomial

Sturm_Sequences: theory Sturm_Library

Sturm_Sequences: theory Sturm_Theorem

Sturm_Sequences: theory Sturm_Method

Sturm_Sequences: theory Sturm

Sturm_Sequences: theory Sturm_Ex

Timing Sturm_Sequences (4 threads, 29.484s elapsed time, 104.460s cpu time, 0.852s GC time, factor 3.54)

Finished Sturm_Sequences (0:01:07 elapsed time, 0:02:22 cpu time, factor 2.10)

Building Relation_Algebra ...

Relation_Algebra: theory More_Boolean_Algebra

Relation_Algebra: theory Relation_Algebra

Relation_Algebra: theory Relation_Algebra_RTC

Relation_Algebra: theory Relation_Algebra_Tests

Relation_Algebra: theory Relation_Algebra_Vectors

Relation_Algebra: theory Relation_Algebra_Models

Relation_Algebra: theory Relation_Algebra_Functions

Relation_Algebra: theory Relation_Algebra_Direct_Products

Timing Relation_Algebra (4 threads, 18.905s elapsed time, 62.964s cpu time, 1.632s GC time, factor 3.33)

Finished Relation_Algebra (0:00:52 elapsed time, 0:01:35 cpu time, factor 1.84)

Building List-Infinite ...

List-Infinite: theory Util_MinMax

List-Infinite: theory Util_NatInf

List-Infinite: theory Util_Nat

List-Infinite: theory Util_Set

List-Infinite: theory Util_Div

List-Infinite: theory SetInterval2

List-Infinite: theory InfiniteSet2

List-Infinite: theory SetIntervalCut

List-Infinite: theory List2

List-Infinite: theory SetIntervalStep

List-Infinite: theory ListInf

List-Infinite: theory ListInf_Prefix

List-Infinite: theory ListInfinite

Timing List-Infinite (4 threads, 18.287s elapsed time, 66.564s cpu time, 2.240s GC time, factor 3.64)

Finished List-Infinite (0:01:02 elapsed time, 0:01:48 cpu time, factor 1.73)

Building Nat-Interval-Logic ...

Nat-Interval-Logic: theory IL_Interval

Nat-Interval-Logic: theory IL_IntervalOperators

Timing Collections (4 threads, 278.947s elapsed time, 786.276s cpu time, 35.072s GC time, factor 2.82)

Finished Collections (0:09:47 elapsed time, 0:19:29 cpu time, factor 1.99)

Building HOLCF-HOL-Library ...

Nat-Interval-Logic: theory IL_TemporalOperators

HOLCF-HOL-Library: theory AList

HOLCF-HOL-Library: theory FuncSet

HOLCF-HOL-Library: theory Infinite_Set

HOLCF-HOL-Library: theory LaTeXsugar

HOLCF-HOL-Library: theory Multiset

HOLCF-HOL-Library: theory Quotient_Syntax

HOLCF-HOL-Library: theory Quotient_Option

HOLCF-HOL-Library: theory Permutation

Timing HOLCF-HOL-Library (4 threads, 14.998s elapsed time, 51.608s cpu time, 1.360s GC time, factor 3.44)

Finished HOLCF-HOL-Library (0:00:41 elapsed time, 0:01:17 cpu time, factor 1.89)

Building HOLCF-Nominal2 ...

HOLCF-Nominal2: theory Phantom_Type

HOLCF-Nominal2: theory Quotient_Product

HOLCF-Nominal2: theory Quotient_Set

HOLCF-Nominal2: theory Quotient_List

HOLCF-Nominal2: theory FSet

HOLCF-Nominal2: theory Cardinality

HOLCF-Nominal2: theory FinFun

HOLCF-Nominal2: theory Nominal2_Base

HOLCF-Nominal2: theory Atoms

HOLCF-Nominal2: theory Eqvt

HOLCF-Nominal2: theory Nominal2_Abs

Timing Nat-Interval-Logic (4 threads, 31.832s elapsed time, 88.312s cpu time, 1.252s GC time, factor 2.77)

Finished Nat-Interval-Logic (0:01:11 elapsed time, 0:02:07 cpu time, factor 1.79)

Building CAVA_Base ...

HOLCF-Nominal2: theory Nominal2_FCB

HOLCF-Nominal2: theory Nominal2

CAVA_Base: theory Comparator

CAVA_Base: theory Derive_Manager

CAVA_Base: theory Generator_Aux

CAVA_Base: theory Char_ord

CAVA_Base: theory Nat_Bijection

CAVA_Base: theory Code_Char

CAVA_Base: theory Equality_Generator

CAVA_Base: theory Old_Datatype

CAVA_Base: theory Equality_Instances

CAVA_Base: theory Statistics

CAVA_Base: theory Hash_Generator

CAVA_Base: theory Code_String

CAVA_Base: theory Compare

CAVA_Base: theory Comparator_Generator

CAVA_Base: theory Countable

CAVA_Base: theory Hash_Instances

CAVA_Base: theory CAVA_Code_Target

CAVA_Base: theory CAVA_Base

CAVA_Base: theory Compare_Generator

CAVA_Base: theory Compare_Instances

CAVA_Base: theory Countable_Generator

CAVA_Base: theory All_Of_CAVA_Base

CAVA_Base: theory Derive

Timing HOLCF-Nominal2 (4 threads, 21.336s elapsed time, 76.316s cpu time, 2.120s GC time, factor 3.58)

Finished HOLCF-Nominal2 (0:00:55 elapsed time, 0:01:49 cpu time, factor 2.00)

Building Launchbury ...

Launchbury: theory Mono-Nat-Fun

Launchbury: theory AList-Utils

Launchbury: theory Pointwise

Launchbury: theory HOLCF-Join

Launchbury: theory HOLCF-Meet

Launchbury: theory C

Launchbury: theory HOLCF-Join-Classes

Launchbury: theory HOLCF-Utils

Launchbury: theory Value

Launchbury: theory CValue

Launchbury: theory C-Meet

Launchbury: theory Env

Launchbury: theory C-restr

Launchbury: theory Nominal-Utils

Launchbury: theory Env-HOLCF

Launchbury: theory ValueSimilarity

Launchbury: theory EvalHeap

Launchbury: theory Iterative

Launchbury: theory AList-Utils-Nominal

Launchbury: theory Nominal-HOLCF

Launchbury: theory Vars

Launchbury: theory Terms

Launchbury: theory CValue-Nominal

Launchbury: theory Env-Nominal

Launchbury: theory HasESem

Launchbury: theory Value-Nominal

Launchbury: theory HeapSemantics

Launchbury: theory AbstractDenotational

Launchbury: theory Substitution

Launchbury: theory Abstract-Denotational-Props

Launchbury: theory Launchbury

Launchbury: theory Denotational

Launchbury: theory ResourcedDenotational

Launchbury: theory CorrectnessOriginal

Launchbury: theory Denotational-Related

Launchbury: theory CorrectnessResourced

Launchbury: theory ResourcedAdequacy

Launchbury: theory Adequacy

Launchbury: theory EverythingAdequacy

Timing CAVA_Base (4 threads, 12.374s elapsed time, 33.276s cpu time, 1.156s GC time, factor 2.69)

Finished CAVA_Base (0:01:15 elapsed time, 0:01:36 cpu time, factor 1.28)

Building CAVA_Automata ...

CAVA_Automata: theory Digraph

CAVA_Automata: theory Step_Conv

CAVA_Automata: theory Automata

CAVA_Automata: theory Digraph_Impl

CAVA_Automata: theory Lasso

CAVA_Automata: theory Simulation

CAVA_Automata: theory Stuttering_Extension

CAVA_Automata: theory Automata_Impl

Timing Launchbury (4 threads, 39.780s elapsed time, 144.952s cpu time, 3.648s GC time, factor 3.64)

Finished Launchbury (0:01:29 elapsed time, 0:03:14 cpu time, factor 2.17)

Building Noninterference_CSP ...

Noninterference_CSP: theory CSPNoninterference

Noninterference_CSP: theory ClassicalNoninterference

Noninterference_CSP: theory GeneralizedNoninterference

Timing Noninterference_CSP (4 threads, 8.838s elapsed time, 30.428s cpu time, 0.352s GC time, factor 3.44)

Finished Noninterference_CSP (0:00:33 elapsed time, 0:00:55 cpu time, factor 1.64)

Building Noninterference_Ipurge_Unwinding ...

Noninterference_Ipurge_Unwinding: theory ListInterleaving

Noninterference_Ipurge_Unwinding: theory IpurgeUnwinding

Noninterference_Ipurge_Unwinding: theory DeterministicProcesses

CAVA_Automata: theory All_Of_CAVA_Automata

Timing Noninterference_Ipurge_Unwinding (4 threads, 14.233s elapsed time, 43.012s cpu time, 1.004s GC time, factor 3.02)

Finished Noninterference_Ipurge_Unwinding (0:00:37 elapsed time, 0:01:05 cpu time, factor 1.77)

Building Discrete_Summation ...

Discrete_Summation: theory Stirling

Discrete_Summation: theory Summation

Discrete_Summation: theory Factorials

Discrete_Summation: theory Summation_Conversion

Discrete_Summation: theory Examples

Timing Discrete_Summation (4 threads, 4.234s elapsed time, 14.824s cpu time, 0.148s GC time, factor 3.50)

Finished Discrete_Summation (0:00:22 elapsed time, 0:00:33 cpu time, factor 1.46)

Building Cauchy ...

Cauchy: theory CauchySchwarz

Cauchy: theory CauchysMeanTheorem

Timing Cauchy (4 threads, 4.430s elapsed time, 17.688s cpu time, 0.188s GC time, factor 3.99)

Finished Cauchy (0:00:22 elapsed time, 0:00:35 cpu time, factor 1.58)

Building Sqrt_Babylonian ...

Sqrt_Babylonian: theory Sqrt_Babylonian_Auxiliary

Timing CAVA_Automata (4 threads, 103.187s elapsed time, 170.908s cpu time, 5.976s GC time, factor 1.66)

Finished CAVA_Automata (0:02:53 elapsed time, 0:04:05 cpu time, factor 1.42)

Building LTL_to_GBA ...

Sqrt_Babylonian: theory NthRoot_Impl

Sqrt_Babylonian: theory Sqrt_Babylonian

LTL_to_GBA: theory Samplers

LTL_to_GBA: theory LTL

LTL_to_GBA: theory StutterEquivalence

LTL_to_GBA: theory PLTL

LTL_to_GBA: theory Countable_Set

LTL_to_GBA: theory LTL_Stutter

LTL_to_GBA: theory Countable_Complete_Lattices

LTL_to_GBA: theory Order_Continuity

LTL_to_GBA: theory Extended_Nat

LTL_to_GBA: theory LTL_Rewrite

Timing Sqrt_Babylonian (4 threads, 15.531s elapsed time, 43.140s cpu time, 0.532s GC time, factor 2.78)

Finished Sqrt_Babylonian (0:00:36 elapsed time, 0:01:04 cpu time, factor 1.74)

Building Marriage ...

Marriage: theory Marriage

LTL_to_GBA: theory LTL_to_GBA

LTL_to_GBA: theory LTL_to_GBA_impl

Timing Marriage (4 threads, 5.403s elapsed time, 12.968s cpu time, 0.096s GC time, factor 2.40)

Finished Marriage (0:00:24 elapsed time, 0:00:32 cpu time, factor 1.30)

Building Lazy-Lists-II ...

Lazy-Lists-II: theory LList2

Timing Lazy-Lists-II (4 threads, 4.572s elapsed time, 14.184s cpu time, 0.260s GC time, factor 3.10)

Finished Lazy-Lists-II (0:00:47 elapsed time, 0:00:56 cpu time, factor 1.20)

Building HOL-SPARK ...

HOL-SPARK: theory Bit_Comparison

HOL-SPARK: theory SPARK_Setup


Timing HOL-SPARK (4 threads, 4.124s elapsed time, 9.208s cpu time, 0.000s GC time, factor 2.23)

Finished HOL-SPARK (0:00:26 elapsed time, 0:00:31 cpu time, factor 1.19)

Building HOL-SPARK-Examples ...

HOL-SPARK-Examples: theory RMD_Lemmas

HOL-SPARK-Examples: theory RMD

HOL-SPARK-Examples: theory Greatest_Common_Divisor

HOL-SPARK-Examples: theory Longest_Increasing_Subsequence

HOL-SPARK-Examples: theory Sqrt

HOL-SPARK-Examples: theory RMD_Specification

HOL-SPARK-Examples: theory F

HOL-SPARK-Examples: theory Hash

HOL-SPARK-Examples: theory K_L

HOL-SPARK-Examples: theory K_R

HOL-SPARK-Examples: theory R_L

HOL-SPARK-Examples: theory R_R

HOL-SPARK-Examples: theory Round

HOL-SPARK-Examples: theory S_L

HOL-SPARK-Examples: theory S_R

Timing HOL-SPARK-Examples (4 threads, 21.455s elapsed time, 57.840s cpu time, 1.116s GC time, factor 2.70)

Finished HOL-SPARK-Examples (0:00:53 elapsed time, 0:01:29 cpu time, factor 1.68)

Running Incompleteness ...

Incompleteness: theory Infinite_Set

Incompleteness: theory Multiset

Incompleteness: theory Nat_Bijection

Incompleteness: theory Old_Datatype

Incompleteness: theory Phantom_Type

Incompleteness: theory HF

Incompleteness: theory Cardinality

Incompleteness: theory Quotient_Syntax

Incompleteness: theory Quotient_Option

Incompleteness: theory Quotient_Product

Incompleteness: theory Quotient_Set

Incompleteness: theory Ordinal

Incompleteness: theory Quotient_List

Incompleteness: theory FinFun

Incompleteness: theory Rank

Incompleteness: theory OrdArith

Incompleteness: theory FSet

Incompleteness: theory Nominal2_Base

Incompleteness: theory Nominal2_Abs

Incompleteness: theory Nominal2_FCB

Incompleteness: theory Nominal2

LTL_to_GBA: theory All_Of_LTL_to_GBA

Incompleteness: theory SyntaxN

Incompleteness: theory Coding

Incompleteness: theory Predicates

Incompleteness: theory Sigma

Incompleteness: theory Coding_Predicates

Incompleteness: theory Functions

Incompleteness: theory Pf_Predicates

Incompleteness: theory Goedel_I

Incompleteness: theory II_Prelims

Incompleteness: theory Pseudo_Coding

Incompleteness: theory Quote

Incompleteness: theory Goedel_II

Timing LTL_to_GBA (4 threads, 216.745s elapsed time, 755.192s cpu time, 14.884s GC time, factor 3.48)

Finished LTL_to_GBA (0:05:42 elapsed time, 0:14:46 cpu time, factor 2.59)

Building CAVA_buildchain1 ...

CAVA_buildchain1: theory Gabow_Skeleton

CAVA_buildchain1: theory Find_Path

CAVA_buildchain1: theory Find_Path_Impl

CAVA_buildchain1: theory Gabow_SCC

CAVA_buildchain1: theory Gabow_GBG

CAVA_buildchain1: theory Gabow_Skeleton_Code

CAVA_buildchain1: theory Gabow_GBG_Code

CAVA_buildchain1: theory Gabow_SCC_Code

CAVA_buildchain1: theory All_Of_Gabow_SCC

Timing CAVA_buildchain1 (4 threads, 162.423s elapsed time, 418.444s cpu time, 8.892s GC time, factor 2.58)

Finished CAVA_buildchain1 (0:04:38 elapsed time, 0:09:14 cpu time, factor 1.99)

Building CAVA_buildchain3 ...

CAVA_buildchain3: theory Lexord_List

CAVA_buildchain3: theory PromelaAST

CAVA_buildchain3: theory PromelaStatistics

CAVA_buildchain3: theory IArray

CAVA_buildchain3: theory PromelaDatastructures

CAVA_buildchain3: theory PromelaInvariants

CAVA_buildchain3: theory Promela

Timing Incompleteness (4 threads, 597.953s elapsed time, 1929.652s cpu time, 13.772s GC time, factor 3.23)

Finished Incompleteness (0:10:00 elapsed time, 0:32:12 cpu time, factor 3.22)

Running Algebraic_Numbers ...

Algebraic_Numbers: theory Bivariate_Polynomials

Algebraic_Numbers: theory Complex_Roots_Real_Poly

Algebraic_Numbers: theory Compare_Complex

Algebraic_Numbers: theory Binary_Exponentiation

Algebraic_Numbers: theory Algebraic_Numbers_Prelim

Algebraic_Numbers: theory Unique_Factorization_Poly

Algebraic_Numbers: theory Sturm_Rat

Algebraic_Numbers: theory Resultant

Algebraic_Numbers: theory Algebraic_Numbers

Algebraic_Numbers: theory Real_Algebraic_Numbers

Algebraic_Numbers: theory Real_Roots

Algebraic_Numbers: theory Show_Real_Alg

Algebraic_Numbers: theory Show_Real_Approx

Algebraic_Numbers: theory Complex_Algebraic_Numbers

Algebraic_Numbers: theory Real_Factorization

CAVA_buildchain3: theory PromelaLTLConv

CAVA_buildchain3: theory PromelaLTL

CAVA_buildchain3: theory All_Of_Promela

Algebraic_Numbers: theory Show_Real_Precise

Algebraic_Numbers: theory Algebraic_Number_Tests

Timing CAVA_buildchain3 (4 threads, 235.806s elapsed time, 416.024s cpu time, 14.792s GC time, factor 1.76)

Finished CAVA_buildchain3 (0:07:55 elapsed time, 0:11:07 cpu time, factor 1.41)

Running Psi_Calculi ...

Psi_Calculi: theory Chain

Psi_Calculi: theory Subst_Term

Psi_Calculi: theory Agent

Psi_Calculi: theory Close_Subst

Psi_Calculi: theory Frame

Psi_Calculi: theory Structural_Congruence

Psi_Calculi: theory Semantics

Psi_Calculi: theory Simulation

Psi_Calculi: theory Bisimulation

Psi_Calculi: theory Sim_Pres

Psi_Calculi: theory Sim_Struct_Cong

Psi_Calculi: theory Sum

Psi_Calculi: theory Bisim_Pres

Psi_Calculi: theory Tau_Chain

Psi_Calculi: theory Bisim_Struct_Cong

Psi_Calculi: theory Bisim_Subst

Psi_Calculi: theory Weak_Simulation

Psi_Calculi: theory Weak_Stat_Imp

Psi_Calculi: theory Weak_Stat_Imp_Pres

Psi_Calculi: theory Weak_Cong_Simulation

Psi_Calculi: theory Weak_Sim_Pres

Psi_Calculi: theory Weak_Bisimulation

Psi_Calculi: theory Weak_Cong_Sim_Pres

Psi_Calculi: theory Weak_Bisim_Pres

Psi_Calculi: theory Weak_Psi_Congruence

Psi_Calculi: theory Weakening

Psi_Calculi: theory Weak_Bisim_Struct_Cong

Psi_Calculi: theory Weak_Cong_Pres

Psi_Calculi: theory Weaken_Transition

Psi_Calculi: theory Weaken_Stat_Imp

Psi_Calculi: theory Weak_Cong_Struct_Cong

Psi_Calculi: theory Weaken_Simulation

Psi_Calculi: theory Weak_Congruence

Psi_Calculi: theory Weaken_Bisimulation

Psi_Calculi: theory Tau

Psi_Calculi: theory Tau_Sim

Psi_Calculi: theory Tau_Stat_Imp

Psi_Calculi: theory Tau_Laws_No_Weak

Psi_Calculi: theory Tau_Laws_Weak

Slave went offline during the build

ERROR: Connection was broken: Unexpected termination of the channel

at hudson.remoting.SynchronousCommandTransport$

Caused by:





at hudson.remoting.ObjectInputStreamEx.<init>(


at hudson.remoting.SynchronousCommandTransport$

Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure

Finished: FAILURE