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Started 1 yr 6 mo ago
Took 11 hr on workerlrz5

#2080 (Sep 30, 2022, 1:33:10 AM)

Build Artifacts

Mercurial (hg default)

  1. moved relevant theorems from theory Divides to theory Euclidean_Division (detail)
  2. amend jenkins ci build; (detail)
  3. restructured ci profile into modular ci build system; (detail)

Mercurial (hg default)

  1. adjust Stalnaker_Logic to changes in Epistemic_Logic; (detail)
  2. adjusted to distribution (detail)
  3. remove duplicate code; (detail)
  4. restructure afp ci builds (see Isabelle/3c4e373922ca) (detail)

Started by an SCM change

This run spent:

  • 7.1 sec waiting;
  • 11 hr build duration;
  • 11 hr total from scheduled to completion.
Revision: 64e8d4afcf1075fa2601dda97448c1ee4eb244ae
Revision: 56381425e75988c3f4a0efb0c1094b93148d508f