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Started 3 yr 5 mo ago
Took 11 hr on workerlrz5

#1548 (Nov 26, 2020, 1:33:09 AM)

Build Artifacts

Mercurial (hg default)

  1. merged (detail)
  2. recovered document output from 6bc199a70bf9; (detail)
  3. clarified command_timings protocol; (detail)
  4. more robust: include reports from Thy_Output.present_thy/output_document; (detail)
  5. more complete report positions, notably for command 'back' (amending eca176f773e0); (detail)
  6. tuned signature; (detail)
  7. clarified signature; (detail)
  8. unused; (detail)
  9. unused; (detail)
  10. tuned; (detail)
  11. removed pointless case: messages should always carry proper position; (detail)
  12. clarified names; (detail)
  13. eliminated pointless transaction; (detail)
  14. tuned signature; (detail)
  15. clarified document_output vs. progress; (detail)
  16. clarified: more uniform; (detail)
  17. more robust; (detail)
  18. clarified signature and database layout; (detail)
  19. clarified messages; (detail)
  20. unused (see ac7ae5067783, 1c451e5c145f); (detail)
  21. unused; (detail)
  22. support for PIDE markup in batch build (inactive due to pide_reports=false); (detail)
  23. clarified signature; (detail)
  24. proper output of document sources (cf. d892f6d66402); (detail)

Started by an SCM change

This run spent:

  • 5 sec waiting;
  • 11 hr build duration;
  • 11 hr total from scheduled to completion.
Revision: fabd29c73098bbd91870ca15883fcdf7c9f12858
Revision: a9526e233fe2a54f2789ad44470f81ae2d6f577a