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  1. Tagged some more files in HOL-Analysis
  2. Made simproc for sqrt/root of numeral more robust
  3. merged
  4. merged
  5. more examples for Code_Lazy
Changeset 68643:3db6c9338ec1 by manuel eberl _eberlm@in.tum.de_:
Tagged some more files in HOL-Analysis
The file was modified src/HOL/Analysis/FPS_Convergence.thy (diff)
The file was modified src/HOL/Analysis/Generalised_Binomial_Theorem.thy (diff)
The file was modified src/HOL/Analysis/Harmonic_Numbers.thy (diff)
The file was modified src/HOL/Analysis/Integral_Test.thy (diff)
The file was modified src/HOL/Analysis/Summation_Tests.thy (diff)
Changeset 68642:d812b6ee711b by manuel eberl _eberlm@in.tum.de_:
Made simproc for sqrt/root of numeral more robust
The file was modified src/HOL/Transcendental.thy (diff)
Changeset 68641:4a2b72b082dc by Andreas Lochbihler:
Changeset 68640:f15daa73ee32 by Andreas Lochbihler:
Changeset 68639:357fca99a65a by Andreas Lochbihler:
more examples for Code_Lazy
The file was addedsrc/HOL/ex/Code_Lazy_Demo.thy
The file was modified NEWS (diff)
The file was modified src/HOL/ROOT (diff)