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  1. New theory ex/Radix_Sort.thy
  2. records based on datatypes/BNF infrastructure
Changeset 67612:e4e57da0583a by nipkow:
New theory ex/Radix_Sort.thy
The file was addedsrc/HOL/ex/Radix_Sort.thy
The file was modified src/HOL/Library/Sublist.thy (diff)
The file was modified src/HOL/ROOT (diff)
Changeset 67611:7929240e44d4 by lars hupel _lars.hupel@mytum.de_:
records based on datatypes/BNF infrastructure
The file was addedsrc/HOL/Library/Datatype_Records.thy
The file was addedsrc/HOL/Library/datatype_records.ML
The file was addedsrc/HOL/ex/Datatype_Record_Examples.thy
The file was modified src/HOL/ROOT (diff)