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Started 6 yr 9 mo ago
Took 1 hr 21 min on workermta3

#418 (Sep 9, 2017, 12:50:09 AM)

Build Artifacts
  1. back to post-release mode -- after fork point; (detail / hgweb)
  2. tuned; (detail / hgweb)
  3. Added tag Isabelle2017-RC2 for changeset e9d8ff531700 (detail / hgweb)
  4. tuned; (detail / hgweb)
  5. updated for release; (detail / hgweb)
  6. tuned headers; (detail / hgweb)
  7. Lawrence Paulson's contributions (detail / hgweb)
  8. merged (detail / hgweb)
  9. Correction of typos and a bit of streamlining (detail / hgweb)
  10. listed contribution (detail / hgweb)
  11. Simplicial complexes and triangulations; Baire Category Theorem (detail / hgweb)
  12. updated for release; (detail / hgweb)
  13. removed obsolete session (detail / hgweb)
  14. more robust backend identification (detail / hgweb)
  15. correctly locate SMBC from Nunchaku (detail / hgweb)
  16. added/updated components (detail / hgweb)
  17. tuned whitespace in Nunchaku output (detail / hgweb)
  18. eliminate artifact of translation in printed Nunchaku model (detail / hgweb)
  19. nicer numeral output for nats and ints in Nunchaku (detail / hgweb)
  20. rephrased error (detail / hgweb)
  21. tweaked Nunchaku bounds (detail / hgweb)
  22. speed up proofs slightly (detail / hgweb)
  23. use right attribute separator in Nunchaku (detail / hgweb)
  24. parse length-0 enums as well in Nunchaku (detail / hgweb)
  25. extended and renamed Nunchaku's Kodkod bounds (detail / hgweb)
  26. repaired Nunchaku cache handing (detail / hgweb)
  27. added Kodkod-specific options to Nunchaku (detail / hgweb)
  28. tuning (detail / hgweb)
  29. better model parsing and display in Nunchaku (detail / hgweb)
  30. properly parenthesize copy types in Nunchaku (detail / hgweb)
  31. proper Bash escaping (detail / hgweb)
  32. more precise output for Nunchaku (detail / hgweb)
  33. added singular 'solver' option to Nunchaku (detail / hgweb)
  34. got rid of unsound and needless beta-reduction in Nunchaku frontend (detail / hgweb)
  35. tuned Nunchaku's output (detail / hgweb)
  36. updated parser for Nunchaku irrelevant output (detail / hgweb)
  37. use proper syntax with nunchaku tool (detail / hgweb)
  38. moved Nunchaku to Main; the goal is to move Nitpick out in the next 1-2 years (detail / hgweb)

Started by an SCM change

This run spent:

  • 7.9 sec waiting;
  • 1 hr 21 min build duration;
  • 1 hr 21 min total from scheduled to completion.
Revision: 435cb8d69e272e83423ee360db6ac316762290fd