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  1. updated to hugo-0.119.0;
  2. add component build tool for hugo from afp-devel;
  3. removed test failing on some platform
Changeset 78747:d03de7bc2137 by fabian huch _huch@in.tum.de_:
updated to hugo-0.119.0;
The file was modified Admin/components/components.sha1 (diff)
Changeset 78746:a748a244a028 by fabian huch _huch@in.tum.de_:
add component build tool for hugo from afp-devel;
The file was addedsrc/Pure/Admin/component_hugo.scala
The file was modified etc/build.props (diff)
The file was modified src/Pure/System/isabelle_tool.scala (diff)
Changeset 78745:f9c559d33ff3 by desharna:
removed test failing on some platform
The file was modified src/HOL/Metis_Examples/Sledgehammer_Isar_Proofs.thy (diff)