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  1. merged
  2. tuned signature;
  3. clarified signature: ensure that entries are well-formed --- no consecutive separators, no separators at start/end;
  4. clarified signature: only support nameless separator;
  5. tuned signature;
  6. use timeout with MiniSat
  7. merged
  8. added lemma reflp_on_conversp[simp]
  9. added lemma transp_reflclp[simp]
  10. added lemma reflclp_ident_if_reflp[simp]
  11. added lemma reflp_on_reflclp[simp]
  12. strengthened lemma reflp_rtranclp and renamed to reflp_on_rtranclp
Changeset 76506:ac5833ebe6d1 by wenzelm:
Changeset 76505:e0d797283638 by wenzelm:
tuned signature;
The file was modified src/Pure/GUI/gui.scala (diff)
Changeset 76504:15b058bb2416 by wenzelm:
clarified signature: ensure that entries are well-formed --- no consecutive separators, no separators at start/end;
The file was modified src/Pure/GUI/gui.scala (diff)
The file was modified src/Tools/jEdit/src/document_dockable.scala (diff)
The file was modified src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit_sessions.scala (diff)
The file was modified src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit_spell_checker.scala (diff)
Changeset 76503:5944f9e70d98 by wenzelm:
clarified signature: only support nameless separator;
The file was modified src/Pure/GUI/gui.scala (diff)
Changeset 76502:08b950ca0313 by wenzelm:
tuned signature;
The file was modified src/Pure/GUI/gui.scala (diff)
The file was modified src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit_sessions.scala (diff)
The file was modified src/Tools/jEdit/src/jedit_spell_checker.scala (diff)
Changeset 76501:7956b822f239 by blanchet:
use timeout with MiniSat
The file was modified src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/kodkod_sat.ML (diff)
The file was modified src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick.ML (diff)
Changeset 76500:1cebb0ca6d86 by desharna:
Changeset 76499:0fbfb4293ff7 by desharna:
added lemma reflp_on_conversp[simp]
The file was modified NEWS (diff)
The file was modified src/HOL/Relation.thy (diff)
Changeset 76498:11077c158b37 by desharna:
added lemma transp_reflclp[simp]
The file was modified NEWS (diff)
The file was modified src/HOL/Transitive_Closure.thy (diff)
Changeset 76497:ebcfaddd3cb6 by desharna:
added lemma reflclp_ident_if_reflp[simp]
The file was modified NEWS (diff)
The file was modified src/HOL/Transitive_Closure.thy (diff)
Changeset 76496:855b5f0456d8 by desharna:
added lemma reflp_on_reflclp[simp]
The file was modified NEWS (diff)
The file was modified src/HOL/Transitive_Closure.thy (diff)
Changeset 76495:a718547c3493 by desharna:
strengthened lemma reflp_rtranclp and renamed to reflp_on_rtranclp
The file was modified NEWS (diff)
The file was modified src/HOL/Transitive_Closure.thy (diff)