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  1. merged
  2. merged
  3. Two biconditional simprules for summable
  4. updated to sqlite-jdbc-3.34.0, with support for native arm64-darwin;
  5. support ISABELLE_APPLE_PLATFORM64 (Apple Silicon);
  6. more robust: clarified error when merging Hoare_Logic + Hoare_Logic_Abort;
  7. more robust components_base: avoid fragile directory links on Windows (or Cygwin);
Changeset 73003:ea0108cefc86 by paulson:
Changeset 73002:fc6597d50b4f by paulson:
Changeset 73001:21c919addd8c by paulson
Two biconditional simprules for summable
The file was modified src/HOL/Series.thy (diff)
Changeset 73000:a4efee8f8842 by wenzelm:
updated to sqlite-jdbc-3.34.0, with support for native arm64-darwin;
The file was modified Admin/components/components.sha1 (diff)
The file was modified Admin/components/main (diff)
The file was modified src/Pure/Admin/build_sqlite.scala (diff)
Changeset 72999:f6051c13bffa by wenzelm:
support ISABELLE_APPLE_PLATFORM64 (Apple Silicon);
The file was modified lib/scripts/isabelle-platform (diff)
Changeset 72998:7ea253f93606 by wenzelm:
more robust: clarified error when merging Hoare_Logic + Hoare_Logic_Abort;
The file was modified src/HOL/Hoare/hoare_syntax.ML (diff)
Changeset 72997:a562a0f656e8 by wenzelm:
more robust components_base: avoid fragile directory links on Windows (or Cygwin);
The file was modified src/Pure/Admin/isabelle_cronjob.scala (diff)