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  1. clarified and unified executable names;
  2. tuned;
  3. tuned;
  4. merged
  5. suppress OCaml icons: avoid conflict of .ml and .ML, due to case-insensitive file-names in VSCode;
  6. fix handling of lambdas in reconstruction of eq_congruent
  7. more robust: avoid breakdown of Search dialog;
  8. tuned;
  9. always use Isabelle encoding, as in Isabelle/jEdit;
  10. tuned signature;
  11. clarified signature: more uniform ts vs. Scala;
  12. discontinued isabelle_filesystem (superseded by isabelle_encoding), see also da1108a6d249; discontinued special treatment of workspace_dir as session directory;
  13. actually decode/encode symbols;
  14. merged
  15. prefer yarn over npm;
  16. more accurate .hgignore;
  17. clarified startup of "isabelle vscode": vscodium component is required, with patches for Isabelle/VSCode;
  18. tuned messages;
  19. proper init_resources for macos;
  20. clarified names;
  21. clarified modules: vscode vs. extension; clarified signature;
  22. inline Isabelle symbols into source text, so that "isabelle vscode" can start up properly without access to process.env or fs;
  23. more operations;
  24. tuned comments; tuned messages;
  25. patch VSCode source tree to support isabelle_encoding.ts;
  26. more robust, pass "yarn valid-layers-check";
  27. clarified directories;
  28. patch for vscode encoding "UTF-8-Isabelle": clone of "utf8", no symbols yet;
  29. fit into vscode source conventions;
  30. A tiny further cleanup
  31. Tidied some messy proofs
  32. merged
  33. more count_list lemmas
  34. towards UTF-8-Isabelle symbol encoding;
  35. updated to VSCode 1.65.0;
  36. clarified char symbols: cover most European languages;
  37. more elementary Symbol.Matcher without detour via Regex (see also Pure/General/symbol_explode.ML);
  38. tuned comments; tuned imports;
  39. more robust dependencies: avoid implicit update, escpecially of underlying vscode engine;
  40. proper file headers;
  41. added count_list lemmas
  42. tuned message;
  43. more compact result;
  44. prepare patched version more thoroughly, with explicit patches;
  45. tuned signature;
Changeset 75273:f1c6e778e412 by wenzelm:
clarified and unified executable names;
The file was modified lib/Tools/vscode
The file was modified src/Pure/General/path.scala
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/src/build_vscodium.scala
Changeset 75272:3ee89eaa0b55 by wenzelm:
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/src/build_vscodium.scala
Changeset 75271:0f0e226fc3fa by wenzelm:
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/src/build_vscodium.scala
Changeset 75270:0db7ed23c9c7 by wenzelm:
Changeset 75269:70837c079b20 by wenzelm:
suppress OCaml icons: avoid conflict of .ml and .ML, due to case-insensitive file-names in VSCode;
The file was addedsrc/Tools/VSCode/patches/no_ocaml_icons.patch
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/src/build_vscodium.scala
Changeset 75268:73650a19591d by mathias fleury _mathias.fleury@mpi-inf.mpg.de_:
fix handling of lambdas in reconstruction of eq_congruent
The file was modified src/HOL/SMT_Examples/SMT_Examples_Verit.thy
The file was modified src/HOL/Tools/SMT/verit_replay_methods.ML
Changeset 75267:6369151119ee by wenzelm:
more robust: avoid breakdown of Search dialog;
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/extension/package.json
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/src/vscode_setup.scala
Changeset 75266:72112cf37bf7 by wenzelm:
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/output_view.ts
Changeset 75265:481665cc17e6 by wenzelm:
always use Isabelle encoding, as in Isabelle/jEdit;
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/src/vscode_setup.scala
Changeset 75264:5cae3e486cec by wenzelm:
tuned signature;
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/extension.ts
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/vscode_lib.ts
Changeset 75263:0a440e255a64 by wenzelm:
clarified signature: more uniform ts vs. Scala;
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/lsp.ts
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/src/lsp.scala
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/src/vscode_rendering.scala
Changeset 75262:ec62c5401522 by wenzelm:
discontinued isabelle_filesystem (superseded by isabelle_encoding), see also da1108a6d249;<br>discontinued special treatment of workspace_dir as session directory;
The file was addedsrc/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/prefix_tree.ts
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/extension/package.json
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/abbreviations.ts
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/decorations.ts
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/extension.ts
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/lsp.ts
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/output_view.ts
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/vscode_lib.ts
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/src/language_server.scala
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/src/lsp.scala
The file was removedsrc/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/isabelle_filesystem/isabelle_workspace.ts
The file was removedsrc/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/isabelle_filesystem/mapping_fsp.ts
The file was removedsrc/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/isabelle_filesystem/prefix_tree.ts
The file was removedsrc/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/isabelle_filesystem/symbol_encoder.ts
The file was removedsrc/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/isabelle_filesystem/uri_map.ts
The file was removedsrc/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/isabelle_filesystem/workspace_state.ts
Changeset 75261:ed83c58c612a by wenzelm:
actually decode/encode symbols;
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/patches/isabelle_encoding.ts
Changeset 75260:5a15a2ceafdf by wenzelm:
Changeset 75259:fd44e4559adb by wenzelm:
prefer yarn over npm;
The file was addedsrc/Tools/VSCode/extension/.yarnrc
The file was addedsrc/Tools/VSCode/extension/yarn.lock
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/extension/package.json
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/src/build_vscode_extension.scala
The file was removedsrc/Tools/VSCode/extension/package-lock.json
Changeset 75258:8d09013d8c68 by wenzelm:
more accurate .hgignore;
The file was modified .hgignore
Changeset 75257:d1e5f9dbf885 by wenzelm:
clarified startup of &quot;isabelle vscode&quot;: vscodium component is required, with patches for Isabelle/VSCode;
The file was modified lib/Tools/vscode
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/src/vscode_setup.scala
Changeset 75256:5055c0cdabc9 by wenzelm:
tuned messages;
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/src/build_vscodium.scala
Changeset 75255:d192b0a8b620 by wenzelm:
proper init_resources for macos;
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/src/build_vscodium.scala
Changeset 75254:0c9752726e9d by wenzelm:
clarified names;
The file was addedsrc/Tools/VSCode/src/build_vscode_extension.scala
The file was modified etc/build.props
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/
The file was removedsrc/Tools/VSCode/src/build_vscode.scala
Changeset 75253:1b1b60db9dda by wenzelm:
clarified modules: vscode vs. extension;<br>clarified signature;
The file was addedsrc/Tools/VSCode/patches/isabelle_encoding.ts
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/symbol.ts
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/src/build_vscodium.scala
The file was removedsrc/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/isabelle_encoding.ts
Changeset 75252:41dfe941c3da by wenzelm:
inline Isabelle symbols into source text, so that &quot;isabelle vscode&quot; can start up properly without access to process.env or fs;
The file was modified lib/Tools/vscode
The file was modified src/Pure/General/json.scala
The file was modified src/Pure/General/symbol.scala
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/etc/settings
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/isabelle_encoding.ts
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/symbol.ts
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/src/build_vscodium.scala
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/src/vscode_setup.scala
Changeset 75251:598b4a1f61dc by wenzelm:
more operations;
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/file.ts
Changeset 75250:e1dd62dd5540 by wenzelm:
tuned comments;<br>tuned messages;
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/src/build_vscode.scala
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/src/build_vscodium.scala
Changeset 75249:8142e75320f6 by wenzelm:
patch VSCode source tree to support isabelle_encoding.ts;
The file was modified src/Pure/System/isabelle_tool.scala
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/src/build_vscodium.scala
Changeset 75248:b57efe7fe1d3 by wenzelm:
more robust, pass &quot;yarn valid-layers-check&quot;;
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/isabelle_encoding.ts
Changeset 75247:4a9809ee1a85 by wenzelm:
clarified directories;
The file was addedsrc/Tools/VSCode/src/build_vscodium.scala
The file was modified etc/build.props
The file was modified src/Pure/System/isabelle_tool.scala
The file was removedsrc/Pure/Admin/build_vscodium.scala
Changeset 75246:f32e5d4cf1a3 by wenzelm:
patch for vscode encoding &quot;UTF-8-Isabelle&quot;: clone of &quot;utf8&quot;, no symbols yet;
The file was addedsrc/Tools/VSCode/patches/isabelle_encoding.patch
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/isabelle_encoding.ts
Changeset 75245:0fc0ed9a3ad7 by wenzelm:
fit into vscode source conventions;
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/isabelle_encoding.ts
Changeset 75244:f70b1a2c2783 by paulson
A tiny further cleanup
The file was modified src/HOL/Library/Lexord.thy
Changeset 75243:a2b8394ce1f1 by paulson
Tidied some messy proofs
The file was modified src/HOL/Deriv.thy
The file was modified src/HOL/Topological_Spaces.thy
Changeset 75242:810d16927cdc by nipkow:
Changeset 75241:21b2e37e0300 by nipkow:
more count_list lemmas
The file was modified src/HOL/List.thy
Changeset 75240:83197a0ac6df by wenzelm:
towards UTF-8-Isabelle symbol encoding;
The file was addedsrc/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/isabelle_encoding.ts
The file was modified lib/Tools/vscode
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/extension.ts
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/symbol.ts
Changeset 75239:ef9f9d43b867 by wenzelm:
updated to VSCode 1.65.0;
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/etc/settings
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/extension/package-lock.json
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/extension/package.json
Changeset 75238:e74d162ddf9f by wenzelm:
clarified char symbols: cover most European languages;
The file was modified src/Pure/General/symbol.scala
Changeset 75237:90eaac98b3fa by wenzelm:
more elementary Symbol.Matcher without detour via Regex (see also Pure/General/symbol_explode.ML);
The file was modified src/Pure/General/scan.scala
The file was modified src/Pure/General/symbol.scala
Changeset 75236:240cb0cfba5c by wenzelm:
tuned comments;<br>tuned imports;
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/symbol.ts
Changeset 75235:d647f6b74744 by wenzelm:
more robust dependencies: avoid implicit update, escpecially of underlying vscode engine;
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/extension/package-lock.json
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/extension/package.json
Changeset 75234:57de0062dc1c by wenzelm:
proper file headers;
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/completion.ts
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/decorations.ts
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/extension.ts
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/preview_panel.ts
The file was modified src/Tools/VSCode/extension/src/state_panel.ts
Changeset 75233:99b83e701c8e by nipkow:
added count_list lemmas
The file was modified src/HOL/List.thy
Changeset 75232:6c4ec2a27ad6 by wenzelm:
tuned message;
The file was modified src/Pure/Admin/build_vscodium.scala
Changeset 75231:8945d691ecf2 by wenzelm:
more compact result;
The file was modified src/Pure/Admin/build_vscodium.scala
Changeset 75230:bbbee54b1198 by wenzelm:
prepare patched version more thoroughly, with explicit patches;
The file was modified src/Pure/Admin/build_vscodium.scala
The file was modified src/Pure/General/path.scala
The file was modified src/Pure/System/isabelle_system.scala
Changeset 75229:075467e070ba by wenzelm:
tuned signature;
The file was modified src/Pure/Admin/build_jedit.scala
The file was modified src/Pure/System/isabelle_system.scala


  1. more count_list lemmas
  2. more count_list
  3. merged
  4. moved some count_list lemmas
  5. synchronize with
  6. synchronize with
  7. synchronize with
  8. synchronize with
  9. continue 98838b260ed4
  10. continue ee01bce2ecca
  11. cancel some part of 11d4567f1b99
  12. cancel some part of 98838b260ed4
  13. cancel some part of ada85c62541d
  14. synchronize with
Changeset 12469:15c9153d3107 by nipkow:
more count_list lemmas
The file was modified thys/Groebner_Macaulay/Dube_Prelims.thy
The file was modified thys/List_Update/TS.thy
Changeset 12468:c829c6696724 by nipkow:
more count_list
The file was modified thys/Groebner_Macaulay/Dube_Bound.thy
Changeset 12467:debcde79d6d9 by nipkow:
Changeset 12466:d6d816594bee by nipkow:
moved some count_list lemmas
The file was modified thys/Buildings/Algebra.thy
The file was modified thys/Buildings/Coxeter.thy
The file was modified thys/Buildings/Prelim.thy
The file was modified thys/Completeness/PermutationLemmas.thy
The file was modified thys/Completeness/Sequents.thy
The file was modified thys/Groebner_Macaulay/Cone_Decomposition.thy
The file was modified thys/Groebner_Macaulay/Dube_Prelims.thy
The file was modified thys/List_Update/OPT2.thy
The file was modified thys/List_Update/TS.thy
The file was modified thys/Signature_Groebner/Prelims.thy
Changeset 12465:4ddb773baa59 by Frédéric Tuong:
synchronize with
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/examples/C1.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/examples/C2.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/examples/C_paper.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/generated/c_grammar_fun.grm.sig
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/src/C_Command.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/src/C_Document.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/src/C_Eval.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/src/C_Lexer_Annotation.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/src/C_Parser_Annotation.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/src/C_Parser_Language.thy
Changeset 12464:be2210394896 by Frédéric Tuong:
synchronize with
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/examples/C2.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/src/C_Environment.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/src/C_Eval.thy
Changeset 12463:c40690cbcb95 by Frédéric Tuong:
synchronize with
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/examples/C1.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/examples/C2.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/src/C_Command.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/src/C_Environment.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/src/C_Eval.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/src/C_Lexer_Annotation.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/src/C_Lexer_Language.thy
Changeset 12462:4ddfa4b48c29 by Frédéric Tuong:
synchronize with
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/appendices/C_Appendices.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/examples/C1.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/examples/C2.thy
Changeset 12461:097f3b420da8 by Frédéric Tuong:
continue 98838b260ed4
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/appendices/C_Appendices.thy
Changeset 12460:5b9b4cf1e4e5 by Frédéric Tuong:
continue ee01bce2ecca
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/examples/C2.thy
Changeset 12459:57848b558e4c by Frédéric Tuong:
cancel some part of 11d4567f1b99
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/document/root.tex
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/ROOT
The file was removedthys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/examples/C4.thy
Changeset 12458:2dfd9e8da0f1 by Frédéric Tuong:
cancel some part of 98838b260ed4
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/document/root.tex
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/ROOT
The file was removedthys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/examples/C3.thy
Changeset 12457:8ddca08d2ffd by Frédéric Tuong:
cancel some part of ada85c62541d
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/src/C_Ast.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/src/C_Command.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/src/C_Parser_Language.thy
Changeset 12456:2ba913975c92 by Frédéric Tuong:
synchronize with
The file was addedthys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/appendices/C_Appendices.thy
The file was addedthys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/main/C_Main.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/examples/C0.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/examples/C1.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/examples/C2.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/examples/C3.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/examples/C4.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/examples/C_paper.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/src/C_Ast.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/src/C_Command.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/src/C_Document.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/src/C_Environment.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/src/C_Eval.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/src/C_Lexer_Annotation.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/src/C_Lexer_Language.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/src/C_Parser_Annotation.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/src/C_Parser_Language.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/README.thy
The file was modified thys/Isabelle_C/ROOT
The file was removedthys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/C_Appendices.thy
The file was removedthys/Isabelle_C/C11-FrontEnd/C_Main.thy