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Started 1 yr 8 mo ago
Took 3 hr 33 min on workermtahpc

#3826 (Aug 7, 2022, 9:23:04 AM)


Mercurial (hg default)

  1. merged (detail / hgweb)
  2. tuned; (detail / hgweb)
  3. clarified message; (detail / hgweb)
  4. clarified signature: prefer Export.Session_Context over Sessions.Database_Context;
    discontinued obsolete operations; (detail / hgweb)
  5. clarified signature: prefer Export.Context; (detail / hgweb)
  6. clarified signature: find session_database within Session_Context.db_hierarchy; (detail / hgweb)
  7. clarified signature: prefer Export.Session_Context; (detail / hgweb)
  8. prefer Export.Context/Session_Context/Theory_Context over Sessions.Database_Context; (detail / hgweb)
  9. clarified signature; (detail / hgweb)
  10. tuned signature, following hints by IntelliJ IDEA; (detail / hgweb)
  11. clarified signature: more robust treatment of server; (detail / hgweb)
  12. discontinued Export.Provider in favour of Export.Context and its derivatives;
    uniform treatment of all sessions, including Pure; (detail / hgweb)
  13. clarified signature: less redundant -- Sessions.Base_Info already specifies the main session; (detail / hgweb)
  14. tuned signature: more operations; (detail / hgweb)
  15. misc tuning and clarification; (detail / hgweb)
  16. clarified Document.Snapshot.all_exports: refer to material from this (virtual) session;
    clarified treatment of Session_Context.theory_names, added export_names;
    clarified treatment of document_snapshot: sites on top of the session_stack; (detail / hgweb)
  17. clarified database query: refer to semantic theories; (detail / hgweb)
  18. clarified signature: more operations; (detail / hgweb)
  19. clarified signature: persistent theory_names in lexical order; (detail / hgweb)
  20. proper session_databases for database_server: need to follow precise session_hierarchy; (detail / hgweb)
  21. redundant; (detail / hgweb)
  22. clarified signature: more robust close operation; (detail / hgweb)
  23. more uniform exports: proper encoding of empty parents for Pure; (detail / hgweb)
  24. clarified signature: more uniform treatment of empty exports; (detail / hgweb)
  25. clarified session name: treat PIDE session as Sessions.DRAFT with imports from other sessions; (detail / hgweb)
  26. more robust build_hierarchy: support Resources.empty / Sessions.Structure.empty (required for Build_Job.print_log);
    removed unused imports_hierarchy; (detail / hgweb)
  27. clarified context for retrieval: more explicit types, with optional close() operation; (detail / hgweb)
  28. tuned; (detail / hgweb)
  29. unused; (detail / hgweb)
  30. retrieve information about used files; (detail / hgweb)
  31. tuned signature -- more robust; (detail / hgweb)
  32. tuned signature; (detail / hgweb)
  33. clarified signature: Export.Provider knows its (accidental) theory_names; (detail / hgweb)
  34. clarified signature; (detail / hgweb)
  35. tuned, following hints by IntelliJ IDEA; (detail / hgweb)
  36. clarified signature: proper session_name for Sessions.Base (like Sessions.Info); (detail / hgweb)
  37. tuned signature; (detail / hgweb)
  38. clarified signature; (detail / hgweb)
  39. clarified signature; (detail / hgweb)
  40. clarified signature; (detail / hgweb)
  41. avoid multiple load_commands; (detail / hgweb)
  42. avoid redundant dependencies.load_commands with potential errors (amending ea4f86914cb2); (detail / hgweb)
  43. tuned signature -- avoid redundant arguments; (detail / hgweb)
  44. tuned -- following hints by IntelliJ IDEA; (detail / hgweb)
  45. tuned signature; (detail / hgweb)
  46. tuned comments; (detail / hgweb)
  47. removed somewhat pointless transaction: db is meant to be finished (or updated monotonically); (detail / hgweb)
  48. tuned signature; (detail / hgweb)
  49. clarified signature; (detail / hgweb)
  50. clarified signature: avoid repeated db_context.input_database; (detail / hgweb)
  51. clarified signature: more robust; (detail / hgweb)
  52. removed somewhat pointless operations (see a6c69599ab99); (detail / hgweb)
  53. clarified signature; (detail / hgweb)
  54. tuned; (detail / hgweb)
  55. tuned; (detail / hgweb)
  56. clarified signature; (detail / hgweb)
  57. clarified names; (detail / hgweb)
  58. clarified signature; (detail / hgweb)
  59. clarified names; (detail / hgweb)
  60. clarified signature; (detail / hgweb)
  61. clarified signature: more explicit types; (detail / hgweb)
  62. unused (see 0d30ea76756c); (detail / hgweb)
  63. tuned; (detail / hgweb)
  64. clarified signature; (detail / hgweb)
  65. tuned; (detail / hgweb)
  66. unused (see 3064e165c660); (detail / hgweb)

Mercurial (hg default)

  1. merged (detail)
  2. more complete theorem_commands; (detail)
  3. clarified signature, following Isabelle/b6d74c90b588; (detail)

Started by an SCM change

This run spent:

  • 2 min 2 sec waiting;
  • 3 hr 33 min build duration;
  • 3 hr 35 min total from scheduled to completion.
Revision: 16135603d9c772663c21e2a43f42c6e5e9048599
Revision: 41e13807223424810ad0ce94599fea503f4f311c