Referring to AFP Entries


Once you have downloaded the AFP, you can include its articles and theories in your own developments. If you would like to make your work available to others without having to include the AFP articles you depend on, here is how to do it.

If you are using Isabelle2021, and have downloaded your AFP directory to /home/myself/afp, for Linux/Mac you can run the following command to make the AFP session ROOTS available to Isabelle:

    echo "/home/myself/afp/thys" >> ~/.isabelle/Isabelle2021/ROOTS
This adds the path /home/myself/afp/thys/ to the ROOTS file, which Isabelle will scan by default. You can also manually edit and/or create that ROOTS file. There are many other ways to achieve the same outcome, this is just one option.

For Windows, the idea is the same just the path is slightly different. If the AFP is in C:\afp, you should be able to run the following in a Cygwin terminal.

    echo "/cygdrive/c/afp/thys" >> ~/.isabelle/Isabelle2021/ROOTS

You can now refer to article ABC from the AFP in some theory of yours via

    imports "ABC.Some_ABC_Theory"

This allows you to distribute your material separately from any AFP theories. Users of your distribution also need to install the AFP in the above manner.