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Changes from Mercurial (hg default)


  1. alternative shortcut, notably for macOS;
  2. action isabelle.toggle-full-screen;
  3. some attempts at multi-platform full-screen mode;
  4. more operations;
Changeset 73040:382309d4b4dc by wenzelm:
alternative shortcut, notably for macOS;
The file was modified src/Tools/jEdit/src/jEdit.props
Changeset 73039:4b1cfbf96e36 by wenzelm:
action isabelle.toggle-full-screen;
The file was modified src/Tools/jEdit/src/actions.xml
The file was modified src/Tools/jEdit/src/isabelle.scala
The file was modified src/Tools/jEdit/src/jEdit.props
Changeset 73038:3b14f7315dd2 by wenzelm:
some attempts at multi-platform full-screen mode;
The file was modified src/Pure/GUI/gui.scala
Changeset 73037:473509b160d9 by wenzelm:
more operations;
The file was modified src/Pure/GUI/gui.scala