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Started 4 yr 7 mo ago
Took 1 hr 41 min on workermta1

#1375 (Sep 17, 2019, 12:11:04 AM)

Build Artifacts

Mercurial (hg default)

  1. merged (detail / hgweb)
  2. more errors; (detail / hgweb)
  3. clarified inversion of file name to theory name, notably for Windows; (detail / hgweb)
  4. clarified import_name: observe directory notation more strictly; (detail / hgweb)
  5. tuned signature; (detail / hgweb)
  6. clarified signature -- removed pointless operations; (detail / hgweb)
  7. clarified signature -- removed unused content; (detail / hgweb)
  8. clarified theory imports completion, based on session directories and current master directory (no support for local session-subdirectories); (detail / hgweb)
  9. find theories via session directories only -- ignore known_theories; (detail / hgweb)
  10. tuned; (detail / hgweb)
  11. tuned message; (detail / hgweb)

Started by an SCM change

This run spent:

  • 2 min 1 sec waiting;
  • 1 hr 41 min build duration;
  • 1 hr 43 min total from scheduled to completion.
Revision: 99e24569cc1f3ac0ef00a04dc5539c179d8724dc
Revision: 90d5a4d124ca34fb0a73acc77463aecf5a5c484a
Failed entries: