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Started 4 yr 10 mo ago
Took 1 hr 20 min on workermta1

#1207 (Jun 14, 2019, 10:44:12 AM)

Build Artifacts

Mercurial (hg default)

  1. repaired proofs (detail)
  2. moved some theorems into HOL main corpus (detail)
  3. official fact collection sign_simps (detail)
  4. dropped unused session references (detail)
  5. clear separation of types for bits (False / True) and Z2 (0 / 1) (detail)
  6. dropped weaker legacy alias;
    modernized syntax (detail)
  7. dropped former legacy input abbreviations (detail)

Mercurial (hg default)

  1. moved some theorems into HOL main corpus (detail / hgweb)
  2. misc tuning and modernization (detail / hgweb)
  3. more theorems for proof of concept for word type (detail / hgweb)
  4. official fact collection sign_simps (detail / hgweb)
  5. tuned proofs (detail / hgweb)
  6. avoid pseudo-collection to be used in generated proofs (detail / hgweb)
  7. moved comment to approproiate place (detail / hgweb)
  8. removed outcommented example which seems not to work as advertized (detail / hgweb)
  9. clear separation of types for bits (False / True) and Z2 (0 / 1) (detail / hgweb)
  10. generalized type classes for parity to cover word types also, which contain zero divisors (detail / hgweb)
  11. slightly more specialized name for type class (detail / hgweb)
  12. dropped weaker legacy alias (detail / hgweb)
  13. slightly more stringent ordering of theorems (detail / hgweb)
  14. removed relics of ASCII syntax for indexed big operators (detail / hgweb)
  15. dropped former legacy input abbreviations (detail / hgweb)
  16. using (*)-syntax for partially applied infix is fine, contrary to ancient op-syntax (detail / hgweb)
  17. prefer fixed simpset for proof procedure (detail / hgweb)
  18. tuned file system structure (detail / hgweb)
  19. avoid spammed sledgehammer proofs (detail / hgweb)

Started by an SCM change

This run spent:

  • 2 min 3 sec waiting;
  • 1 hr 20 min build duration;
  • 1 hr 23 min total from scheduled to completion.
Revision: 571ae57313a494bc280ea8278385d52426b7656f
Revision: c293c479d6b65f44cca7955f6a4568efdfe36537
Failed entries:
  • Distribution