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Changes from Mercurial (hg default)


  1. re-instate devel changeset 6edffc003761
  2. reset version to devel after release fork
  3. version -> 2019
  4. update docs
  5. update entry release list
  6. HOL-CSP: update to Isabelle2019-RC2
  7. Multi_Party_Computation update for Isabelle2019-RC2
  8. merged from afp-2018
  9. sitegen for LambdaAuth
  10. new entry LambdaAuth
  11. website for Multi_Party_Computation
  12. new entry Multi_Party_Computation
  13. HOL-CSP website; new topic Computer Science/Semantics; email address for Wolff
  14. HOL-CSP (new)
  15. Backed out changeset a56916696df0 (already past Isabelle2019-RC2)
Changeset 10433:72f2f7d150d6 by kleing:
re-instate devel changeset 6edffc003761
The file was modified thys/Constructive_Cryptography/Examples/Secure_Channel/Message_Authentication_Code.thy
The file was modified thys/Constructive_Cryptography/Examples/Secure_Channel/Secure_Channel.thy
Changeset 10432:753dc504efaf by kleing:
reset version to devel after release fork
The file was modified etc/version
Changeset 10431:354953ba1fcb by kleing:
version -> 2019
The file was modified etc/version
Changeset 10430:21f70f865254 by kleing:
update docs
The file was modified doc/
Changeset 10429:e81f34166b1d by kleing:
update entry release list
The file was modified metadata/releases
Changeset 10428:89bce631c84e by kleing:
HOL-CSP: update to Isabelle2019-RC2
The file was modified thys/HOL-CSP/CSP.thy
Changeset 10427:d3c0d31dbdd3 by kleing:
Multi_Party_Computation update for Isabelle2019-RC2
The file was modified thys/Multi_Party_Computation/Cyclic_Group_Ext.thy
The file was modified thys/Multi_Party_Computation/DH_Ext.thy
The file was modified thys/Multi_Party_Computation/ETP.thy
The file was modified thys/Multi_Party_Computation/ETP_OT.thy
The file was modified thys/Multi_Party_Computation/ETP_RSA_OT.thy
The file was modified thys/Multi_Party_Computation/GMW.thy
The file was modified thys/Multi_Party_Computation/Malicious_Defs.thy
The file was modified thys/Multi_Party_Computation/Malicious_OT.thy
The file was modified thys/Multi_Party_Computation/Noar_Pinkas_OT.thy
The file was modified thys/Multi_Party_Computation/Number_Theory_Aux.thy
The file was modified thys/Multi_Party_Computation/OT14.thy
The file was modified thys/Multi_Party_Computation/OT_Functionalities.thy
The file was modified thys/Multi_Party_Computation/Secure_Multiplication.thy
The file was modified thys/Multi_Party_Computation/Semi_Honest_Def.thy
The file was modified thys/Multi_Party_Computation/Uniform_Sampling.thy
Changeset 10426:f8e418b29aca by kleing:
merged from afp-2018
Changeset 10425:c5e13c665654 by rene thiemann
sitegen for LambdaAuth
The file was addedweb/entries/LambdaAuth.html
The file was modified metadata/metadata
The file was modified web/entries/Abstract_Completeness.html
The file was modified web/entries/Abstract_Soundness.html
The file was modified web/entries/BNF_Operations.html
The file was modified web/entries/Coinductive_Languages.html
The file was modified web/entries/Formula_Derivatives.html
The file was modified web/entries/Functional_Ordered_Resolution_Prover.html
The file was modified web/entries/MSO_Regex_Equivalence.html
The file was modified web/entries/Nested_Multisets_Ordinals.html
The file was modified web/entries/Nominal2.html
The file was modified web/entries/Ordered_Resolution_Prover.html
The file was modified web/entries/Probabilistic_System_Zoo.html
The file was modified web/entries/Regex_Equivalence.html
The file was modified web/index.html
The file was modified web/rss.xml
The file was modified web/statistics.html
The file was modified web/topics.html
The file was addedthys/LambdaAuth/Agreement.thy
The file was addedthys/LambdaAuth/FMap_Lemmas.thy
The file was addedthys/LambdaAuth/Nominal2_Lemmas.thy
The file was addedthys/LambdaAuth/ROOT
The file was addedthys/LambdaAuth/Results.thy
The file was addedthys/LambdaAuth/Semantics.thy
The file was addedthys/LambdaAuth/Syntax.thy
The file was addedthys/LambdaAuth/document/root.bib
The file was addedthys/LambdaAuth/document/root.tex
The file was modified thys/ROOTS
Changeset 10423:e44f59209cff by paulson
website for Multi_Party_Computation
The file was addedweb/entries/Multi_Party_Computation.html
The file was modified metadata/metadata
The file was modified web/entries/Game_Based_Crypto.html
The file was modified web/index.html
The file was modified web/rss.xml
The file was modified web/statistics.html
The file was modified web/topics.html
The file was removedthys/Multi_Party_Computation/.sitegen-ignore
Changeset 10422:274587f28ffb by paulson
new entry Multi_Party_Computation
The file was addedthys/Multi_Party_Computation/.sitegen-ignore
The file was addedthys/Multi_Party_Computation/Cyclic_Group_Ext.thy
The file was addedthys/Multi_Party_Computation/DH_Ext.thy
The file was addedthys/Multi_Party_Computation/ETP.thy
The file was addedthys/Multi_Party_Computation/ETP_OT.thy
The file was addedthys/Multi_Party_Computation/ETP_RSA_OT.thy
The file was addedthys/Multi_Party_Computation/GMW.thy
The file was addedthys/Multi_Party_Computation/Malicious_Defs.thy
The file was addedthys/Multi_Party_Computation/Malicious_OT.thy
The file was addedthys/Multi_Party_Computation/Noar_Pinkas_OT.thy
The file was addedthys/Multi_Party_Computation/Number_Theory_Aux.thy
The file was addedthys/Multi_Party_Computation/OT14.thy
The file was addedthys/Multi_Party_Computation/OT_Functionalities.thy
The file was addedthys/Multi_Party_Computation/ROOT
The file was addedthys/Multi_Party_Computation/Secure_Multiplication.thy
The file was addedthys/Multi_Party_Computation/Semi_Honest_Def.thy
The file was addedthys/Multi_Party_Computation/Uniform_Sampling.thy
The file was addedthys/Multi_Party_Computation/document/root.bib
The file was addedthys/Multi_Party_Computation/document/root.tex
The file was modified thys/ROOTS
Changeset 10421:4575430fd1c4 by paulson
HOL-CSP website; new topic Computer Science/Semantics; email address for Wolff
The file was addedweb/entries/HOL-CSP.html
The file was modified metadata/metadata
The file was modified metadata/topics
The file was modified web/entries/CISC-Kernel.html
The file was modified web/entries/Circus.html
The file was modified web/entries/Featherweight_OCL.html
The file was modified web/entries/InfPathElimination.html
The file was modified web/entries/Isabelle_Meta_Model.html
The file was modified web/entries/UPF.html
The file was modified web/entries/UPF_Firewall.html
The file was modified web/entries/UTP.html
The file was modified web/index.html
The file was modified web/rss.xml
The file was modified web/statistics.html
The file was modified web/topics.html
Changeset 10420:c4427cfc58cb by paulson
HOL-CSP (new)
The file was addedthys/HOL-CSP/Assertions.thy
The file was addedthys/HOL-CSP/Bot.thy
The file was addedthys/HOL-CSP/CSP.thy
The file was addedthys/HOL-CSP/Conclusion.thy
The file was addedthys/HOL-CSP/CopyBuffer.thy
The file was addedthys/HOL-CSP/Det.thy
The file was addedthys/HOL-CSP/Hide.thy
The file was addedthys/HOL-CSP/Introduction.thy
The file was addedthys/HOL-CSP/Mndet.thy
The file was addedthys/HOL-CSP/Mprefix.thy
The file was addedthys/HOL-CSP/Ndet.thy
The file was addedthys/HOL-CSP/Process.thy
The file was addedthys/HOL-CSP/ROOT
The file was addedthys/HOL-CSP/Seq.thy
The file was addedthys/HOL-CSP/Skip.thy
The file was addedthys/HOL-CSP/Stop.thy
The file was addedthys/HOL-CSP/Sync.thy
The file was addedthys/HOL-CSP/document/adb-long.bib
The file was addedthys/HOL-CSP/document/root.bib
The file was addedthys/HOL-CSP/document/root.tex
The file was modified thys/ROOTS
Changeset 10419:6edffc003761 by kleing:
Backed out changeset a56916696df0 (already past Isabelle2019-RC2)
The file was modified thys/Constructive_Cryptography/Examples/Secure_Channel/Message_Authentication_Code.thy
The file was modified thys/Constructive_Cryptography/Examples/Secure_Channel/Secure_Channel.thy