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  1. rerun sitegen to fix merge conflicts
  2. run afp_check_roots in sitegen
  3. timeout divisible by 300
  4. Pell: add timeout
  5. merged
  6. legacy names
Changeset 9465:8c141e1a6521 by lars hupel _lars.hupel@mytum.de_:
rerun sitegen to fix merge conflicts
The file was modified web/index.html (diff)
The file was modified web/rss.xml (diff)
The file was modified web/statistics.html (diff)
The file was modified web/topics.html (diff)
Changeset 9464:55ba376dfa7a by lars hupel _lars.hupel@mytum.de_:
run afp_check_roots in sitegen
The file was modified admin/sitegen (diff)
Changeset 9463:990f5e863263 by lars hupel _lars.hupel@mytum.de_:
timeout divisible by 300
The file was modified thys/Localization_Ring/ROOT (diff)
Changeset 9462:a996a8e93d9e by kleing:
Pell: add timeout
The file was modified thys/Pell/ROOT (diff)
Changeset 9461:8f1cb70880a0 by paulson:
Changeset 9460:3f9c72c696e2 by paulson
legacy names
The file was modified thys/Algebraic_Numbers/Compare_Complex.thy (diff)
The file was modified thys/Count_Complex_Roots/Count_Complex_Roots.thy (diff)
The file was modified thys/LLL_Basis_Reduction/Norms.thy (diff)
The file was modified thys/Polynomial_Interpolation/Is_Rat_To_Rat.thy (diff)
The file was modified thys/Winding_Number_Eval/Cauchy_Index_Theorem.thy (diff)
The file was modified thys/Winding_Number_Eval/Winding_Number_Eval.thy (diff)