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Started 2 yr 11 mo ago
Took 10 hr on workerlrz5

#1679 (May 8, 2021, 1:33:11 AM)

Build Artifacts

Mercurial (hg default)

  1. tuned comments; (detail)
  2. misc updates and clarification; (detail)
  3. clarified file name; (detail)
  4. merged (detail)
  5. updated to polyml-5.8.2 (official release); (detail)
  6. clarified default_platform_families (again); (detail)
  7. proper option for linux_arm; (detail)
  8. proper "$?"; (detail)

Mercurial (hg default)

  1. merged (detail)
  2. slight tidying of 1.19 (detail)

Started by an SCM change

This run spent:

  • 5.4 sec waiting;
  • 10 hr build duration;
  • 10 hr total from scheduled to completion.
Revision: a037f01aedabbaaf54002213a93b2e785fdb495f
Revision: 3e3ac2ce98731293a4c9f860ccc704da65e2b37f