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Started 6 yr 3 mo ago
Took 1 hr 12 min on workermta3

#575 (Mar 11, 2018, 12:50:12 AM)

Build Artifacts
  1. more balanced AFP partitioning; (detail / hgweb)
  2. workaround for occasional deadlock seen in HOL-Proofs with threads=2; (detail / hgweb)
  3. adapted to 3869b2400e22; (detail / hgweb)
  4. tuned output; (detail / hgweb)
  5. more options: client without implicit server startup; (detail / hgweb)
  6. console interaction with line-editor; (detail / hgweb)
  7. more flexible message formats; (detail / hgweb)
  8. clarified interrupt handling; (detail / hgweb)
  9. clarified signature; (detail / hgweb)
  10. option for console interaction; (detail / hgweb)
  11. more uniform Bytes.read_line/read_block operations; (detail / hgweb)
  12. auto update; (detail / hgweb)
  13. more comments; (detail / hgweb)
  14. more general TTY loop; (detail / hgweb)
  15. added Reply.NOTE for asynchronous notifications; (detail / hgweb)
  16. more operations; (detail / hgweb)
  17. more thorough init: purge inactive entries; (detail / hgweb)
  18. more generous timeout; (detail / hgweb)
  19. Entry.connection: proview password here;
    more robust checks; (detail / hgweb)
  20. clarified initial protocol; (detail / hgweb)
  21. ignore empty lines; (detail / hgweb)
  22. tuned; (detail / hgweb)
  23. more robust read_line after shutdown; (detail / hgweb)
  24. more implicit wire protocol; (detail / hgweb)
  25. tuned signature; (detail / hgweb)
  26. clarified server start, notably for invocation within regular Isabelle/Scala process; (detail / hgweb)
  27. tuned signature; (detail / hgweb)
  28. tuned signature; (detail / hgweb)
  29. clarified toString operations; (detail / hgweb)
  30. clarified socket connection; (detail / hgweb)
  31. server commands may access Server;
    Server.stop: proper shutdown;
    clarified signature; (detail / hgweb)
  32. tuned -- avoid regex matching on potentially large string;
    clarified message: command name could be malformed; (detail / hgweb)

Started by an SCM change

This run spent:

  • 8.9 sec waiting;
  • 1 hr 12 min build duration;
  • 1 hr 12 min total from scheduled to completion.
Revision: 8b3d9a91706ea3512ad24939c395972c9543af76