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Started 2 yr 11 mo ago
Took 15 hr

Build #60 (Jul 11, 2021, 12:14:00 AM)

  1. merged (detail)
  2. added documentation for changes to Sledgehammer option "lam_trans" (detail)
  3. jenkins: pre/post-hook results (detail)
  4. merged (detail)
  5. added opaque_combs and renamed hide_lams to opaque_lifting (detail)
  6. more robust treatment of empty string; (detail)
  7. invoke Scala compiler from Java, without external process;
    tuned messages; (detail)
  8. clarified version: Apple now counts like 11, 12, ...; (detail)
  9. Imported lots of material from Stirling_Formula/Gamma_Asymptotics (detail)
  1. T1 fontenc for new entries (detail)
  2. sitegen (detail)
  3. update hide_lams -> opaque_lifting (detail)
  4. merged from afp2021 (detail)
  5. website for SpecCheck (detail)
  6. new entry SpecCheck (detail)
  7. metadata and sitegen for MiniSail (detail)
  8. new entry: MiniSail (detail)
  9. sitegen for Public Announcement Logic (detail)
  10. new entry "Public Announcement Logic"
    (and sorted ROOTS + removed duplicate entries in ROOTS) (detail)
  11. fixed a messy reference (detail)
  12. Van_der_Waerden website (detail)
  13. new entry Van_der_Waerden (detail)
  14. New entry IMP_Compiler (detail)
  15. Removal of unintended files (detail)
  16. Hidden.thy to Isar (detail)
  17. merged (detail)
  18. renamed hide_lams opaque_lifting (detail)
  19. merged (detail)
  20. jenkins: pre/post-hook results (detail)
  21. changed to opaque_lifiting as suggested by Isabelle/Jenkins (detail)
  22. changed hide_lams for opaque_lifting as suggested by Isabelle/Jenkins (detail)
  23. Added missing Public_Announcement_Logic to ROOTS file (detail)
  24. More Support on Clean Syntax, Basic Lens Support, New Examples. (detail)
  25. finishing arg -> Arg and moving some material out of Stirling_Formula/Gamma_Asymptotics (detail)

Started by timer

This run spent:

  • 72 ms waiting;
  • 15 hr build duration;
  • 15 hr total from scheduled to completion.
Revision: d593d18a7a9250843b4d1988f22c1814795d5359
Revision: a8a03d5e5117a87f4e62cb432002b41bed86694f