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Started 3 yr 4 mo ago
Took 1 day 3 hr

Build #37 (Feb 28, 2021, 12:14:00 AM)

  1. more checks; (detail)
  2. clarified message; (detail)
  3. clarified message; (detail)
  4. clarified comments; (detail)
  5. clarified message; (detail)
  6. improved list_neq simproc (detail)
  7. merged (detail)
  8. repaired document (detail)
  9. merged (detail)
  10. merged (detail)
  11. A couple of basic lemmas about arg (detail)
  12. multiset as equivalence class of permuted lists (detail)
  13. emphasize connection to multisets (detail)
  14. proper "latest" tag, otherwise the default pull command from won't work; (detail)
  15. more on Isabelle_System.bash; (detail)
  16. more specific name (detail)
  17. more lemmas (detail)
  18. dropped obscure FIXME (detail)
  19. proper usage of hypotheses for zipperposition's TPTP generation (detail)
  20. merged (detail)
  21. tuned Mirabelle to parse option check_trivial only once (detail)
  22. merged (detail)
  23. merged (detail)
  24. added stride option to Mirabelle (detail)
  25. proper prover capabilities for zipperposition (detail)
  26. NEWS; (detail)
  27. merged (detail)
  28. clarified uses of Isabelle_System.bash_process: more checks, fewer messages; (detail)
  29. tuned signature; (detail)
  30. more direct timing from bash_process wrapper; (detail)
  31. tuned; (detail)
  32. clarified signature, following Isabelle/Scala; (detail)
  33. tuned; (detail)
  34. clarified signature; (detail)
  35. clarified signature: Isabelle_System.bash_process is strict and thus cannot check for interrupt_return_code; (detail)
  36. clarified signature: always trim_line of Process_Result.out/err, uniformly in ML and Scala; (detail)
  37. tuned; (detail)
  38. clarified signature, following Isabelle/Scala; (detail)
  39. tuned signature; (detail)
  40. clarified signature: process_result timing from Isabelle/Scala; (detail)
  41. NEWS (detail)
  42. dedicated locale for preorder and abstract bdd operation (detail)
  43. get rid of traditional predicate (detail)
  44. proper treatment of process_result; (detail)
  45. more accurate process_result in ML, corresponding to Process_Result in Scala; (detail)
  46. clarified: proper trim_line for error; (detail)
  47. unused; (detail)
  48. clarified lines (again); (detail)
  49. clarified modules; (detail)
  50. more uniform Bash.process: always ask Isabelle/Scala; (detail)
  51. more reactive protocol messages, e.g. for Scala.function (relevant for Bash.process); (detail)
  52. clarified compiler options; (detail)
  53. tuned comments; (detail)
  54. removed obsolete RC tags; (detail)
  1. merge from afp-2021 (detail)
  2. revert accidental change (detail)
  3. merge from afp-2021 (detail)
  4. website update (detail)
  5. fix typo (Bauer -> Bayer) (detail)
  6. new entry BTree (detail)
  7. add Windows example to use-instructions (detail)
  8. Isabelle app layout changed on Mac (detail)
  9. Formal_Puiseux_Series website (detail)
  10. new entry Formal_Puiseux_Series (detail)
  11. 2021 web pages (detail)
  12. update with 2021 release .tar.gz's (detail)
  13. add Isabelle2021 release date (detail)
  14. update .tar.gz releases (detail)
  15. set version to 2021 (detail)
  16. multiset as equivalence class of permuted lists (detail)
  17. emphasize connection to multisets (detail)
  18. more specific name (detail)
  19. merged (detail)
  20. adapted to Isabelle/0110e2e2964c; (detail)
  21. adapted to Isabelle/f0db1e4c89bc; (detail)
  22. dedicated locale for preorder and abstract bdd operation (detail)
  23. get rid of traditional predicate (detail)
  24. more accurate process_result; (detail)
  25. adapted to Isabelle/440546ea20e6; (detail)

Started by timer

This run spent:

  • 0.12 sec waiting;
  • 1 day 3 hr build duration;
  • 1 day 3 hr total from scheduled to completion.
Revision: 736b8853189a96b12980380ad92193c266b415ea
Revision: 59274460849c4d0f957d648cc5b5b3d280f7711d