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Started 3 yr 4 mo ago
Took 13 hr

Build #36 (Feb 21, 2021, 12:14:00 AM)

  1. more hints; (detail)
  2. merged (detail)
  3. Added tag Isabelle2021 for changeset 7e2a9a8c2b85 (detail)
  4. provide naproche-755224402e36; (detail)
  5. provide naproche-4ad61140062f; (detail)
  6. HOL-Analysis/Probability: Hoeffding's inequality, negative binomial distribution, etc. (detail)
  7. tidied up a few ugly proofs (detail)
  8. merged (detail)
  9. provide naproche-6d0d76ce2f2a; (detail)
  10. Added tag Isabelle2021-RC6 for changeset ed36e33a2e4b (detail)
  11. updated to flatlaf-1.0; (detail)
  12. tuned NEWS; (detail)
  13. tuned comments; (detail)
  14. more robust interrupt handling as in Future.forked_results (amending 64df1e514005); (detail)
  15. more parallelism: avoid exhaustion of standard thread pool; (detail)
  1. follow_on changes from Complex_Geometry (detail)
  2. merged (detail)
  3. a massive simplification, thanks to sledgehammer, etc. (detail)
  4. adapted to isabelle-dev/73253:f6bb31879698 (detail)
  5. Buffons_Needle: tuned presentation (detail)
  6. Ergodic_Theory: removed 'pullback_algebra'. Turns out it already exists and is called 'vimage_algebra'. (detail)

Started by timer

This run spent:

  • 52 ms waiting;
  • 13 hr build duration;
  • 13 hr total from scheduled to completion.
Revision: fdc76c10bb61cbe2cd4777d10980839312e9b266
Revision: 4b87cdc4baaf98450b75409c25aa8474d96758c3