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Started 3 yr 4 mo ago
Took 16 hr

Build #34 (Feb 7, 2021, 12:14:00 AM)

  1. merged (detail)
  2. updated for release; (detail)
  3. Added tag Isabelle2021-RC4 for changeset 2ab14dbc6feb (detail)
  4. provide naproche-20210201; (detail)
  5. clarified messages; (detail)
  6. more parallel; (detail)
  7. more parallel; (detail)
  8. contributors (detail)
  9. hide the internal abbreviations MR and MB (detail)
  10. optimize RBT_Impl (detail)
  11. merged (detail)
  12. more robust HTML output: non-balanced bsub/esub are shown verbatim, e.g. within mixfix declarations (due to extra markup); (detail)
  13. tuned signature: more types; (detail)
  14. clarified signature: proper order; (detail)
  15. clarified signature: more explicit types; (detail)
  16. tuned; (detail)
  17. clarified signature: no symbol markup within XML attributes; (detail)
  18. clarified signature; (detail)
  19. tuned signature; (detail)
  20. bundle more libraries from scala-2.12.x, notably for Isabelle/MMT; (detail)
  21. provide naproche-20210129; (detail)
  22. more robust type signatures, notably for the sake of haskell-stack-trace-plugin-; (detail)
  23. tuned signature (e.g. see HTML.control_block in Isabelle/Scala); (detail)
  24. proper Isabelle environment (amending 31fbde3baa97); (detail)
  25. updated to jdk-15.0.2+7; (detail)
  26. follow Phabricator update 2021 Week 4; (detail)
  27. more NEWS; (detail)
  28. more uniform directory layout for macOS;
    uniform Isabelle_app executable + lib/scripts/Isabelle_app for Linux and macOS;
    proper support for Apple "Files and Folders" security via x86_64-darwin executable (which is still able to launch arm64-darwin Java); (detail)
  29. more generic Isabelle_app; (detail)
  30. prefer dynamic linking: platform is always x86_64 (see 373dcdd363dc); (detail)
  31. more robust; (detail)
  32. tuned; (detail)
  33. tuned; (detail)
  34. provide jdk-11.0.10+9.tar.gz LTS for testing (inactive); (detail)
  1. merge from afp-2021 (detail)
  2. merge from afp-2020 (detail)
  3. fixed category for Blue_Eyes (detail)
  4. Backed out changeset 4450302adc70 (detail)
  5. fixed category for Blue_Eyes (detail)
  6. sitegen for Blue_Eyes (detail)
  7. New entry: Blue_Eyes (detail)
  8. paragraph tags in the abstract of IsaGeoCoq (detail)
  9. tidying of IsaGeoCoq including a shorter abstract and revised title (detail)
  10. website for IsaGeoCoq (detail)
  11. new entry IsaGeoCoq (detail)
  12. hide MB abbreviation (detail)
  13. integrate RBT_Impl optimizations (detail)

Started by timer

This run spent:

  • 88 ms waiting;
  • 16 hr build duration;
  • 16 hr total from scheduled to completion.
Revision: 6974bca47856ff64581b244ab710592ab4949ebd
Revision: f9be8b09e21b1dee3b3cd108f44f319c8931a97f