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Started 2 yr 7 mo ago
Took 15 hr

Build #81 (Dec 5, 2021, 12:14:00 AM)

  1. provide component naproche-2d99afe5c349; (detail)
  2. merged (detail)
  3. Added tag Isabelle2021-1-RC5 for changeset 8baf2e8b16e2 (detail)
  4. more documentation about Type/Const antiquotations; (detail)
  5. more documentation about document build options; (detail)
  6. address problems with launch4j and jdk-17 (see also 41d009462d3c, copy of 41d009462d3c); (detail)
  7. tuned --- fewer IDE warnings; (detail)
  8. more robust physical timeout (despite 1bea05713dde), especially relevant for quickcheck where large unary numerals may cause excessive heap allocations and resulting GC is better included in the timing; (detail)
  9. added definitions multp{DM,HO} and corresponding lemmas (detail)
  10. added wfP_less to wellorder and wfP_less_multiset (detail)
  11. restored lemmas less_multiset{DM,HO} inadvertently changed by c256bba593f3 (detail)
  12. merged (detail)
  13. added lemmas irreflp_{less,greater} to preorder and {trans,irrefl}_mult{,p} to Multiset (detail)
  14. redefined less_multiset to be based on multp (detail)
  15. added lemmas multp_code_eq_multp and multeqp_code_eq_reflclp_multp (detail)
  16. added lemmas multp_cancel, multp_cancel_add_mset, and multp_cancel_max (detail)
  17. added lemmas multp_implies_one_step, one_step_implies_multp, and subset_implies_multp (detail)
  18. added lemma wfP_multp (detail)
  19. added lemma mono_multp (detail)
  20. added Multiset.multp as predicate equivalent of Multiset.mult (detail)
  21. address problems with launch4j and jdk-17 (see also 41d009462d3c); (detail)
  22. more robust build on midrange hardware; (detail)
  23. clarified tests: omit somewhat pointless (unstable) results; (detail)
  24. proper fields for gnuplot (amending b614e3e4146a); (detail)
  25. tuned output; (detail)
  26. tuned; (detail)
  27. merged (detail)
  28. more robust build on midrange hardware (despite 67d6f1708ea4); (detail)
  29. Added tag Isabelle2021-1-RC4 for changeset 2336356d4180 (detail)
  30. updated to polyml-5.9; (detail)
  31. NEWS on "isabelle mirabelle"; (detail)
  32. tuned; (detail)
  33. clarified default for kodkod_scala;
    NEWS for proper release; (detail)
  34. maintain option kodkod_scala within theory context, to allow local modification; (detail)
  35. NEWS for proper release; (detail)
  36. updated to flatlaf-1.6.4; (detail)
  37. avoid broken links: auxiliary files are not yet supported; (detail)
  38. option document_comment_latex supports e.g. Dagstuhl LIPIcs; (detail)
  39. more explicit type Latex.Tags;
    generate isabelletags.sty from Isabelle/Scala, including comment.sty setup; (detail)
  40. more uniform treatment of optional_argument for Latex elements;
    discontinued somewhat pointless element position in Isabelle/Scala: semantic add-ons are better provided in Isabelle/ML;
    clarified signature of class Latex: overridable unknown_elem allows to extend the markup language; (detail)
  41. removed pointless 'text_cartouche' command: regular 'text' already supports cartouches; (detail)
  42. example: alternative document headings, based on more general document output markup; (detail)
  43. more general document output: enclosing markup is defined in user-space; (detail)
  44. clarified modules (see c299abcf7081); (detail)
  45. output for document commands like 'section', 'text' is defined in user-space, as part of the command transaction; (detail)
  46. clarified modules; (detail)
  47. tuned signature: more explicit types for presentation; (detail)
  48. more robust support for Windows line-endings; (detail)
  49. source positions for document markup commands, e.g. to retrieve PIDE markup in presentation; (detail)
  50. more compact data during presentation: Entity_Context.Theory_Export instead of full Export_Theory.Theory; (detail)
  51. clarified system option standard values: avoid oddities like "isabelle build -o document_output" producing directories named "true"; (detail)
  52. more symbolic latex_output via XML (using YXML within text); (detail)
  53. proper enclose_name (amending e77c5bfca9aa); (detail)
  54. Latex.Output.latex_heading depends on option document_heading_prefix, e.g. relevant for Dagstuhl LIPIcs which prefers unaliased \section etc.; (detail)
  55. more symbolic latex_output via XML; (detail)
  56. clarified hook for Mirabelle (again): cover all 'theories' sections within ROOT (see also 9ead8d9be3ab); (detail)
  57. tuned; (detail)
  58. tuned; (detail)
  59. updated to verit-2021.06.2-rmx; (detail)
  60. clarified HTML_Context.theory_exports: prefer value-oriented parallelism; (detail)
  61. generate problems with correct logic for veriT (detail)
  62. more parallelism, at the cost of potential duplicates of make_thy; (detail)
  63. afford more parallelism for sessions (instead of theories in 5eac4b13d1f1): depend on disjoint data areas (notably base.session_theories in 2ad892ac749a); (detail)
  64. more interrupts; (detail)
  65. present only selected session theories (as in Isabelle2021), in contrast to 2bc24136bdeb, eb89b3a37826;
    eliminated implicit state: these theories are globally unique; (detail)
  66. tuned; (detail)
  67. clarified modules; (detail)
  68. tuned (see also e0d1d9203275); (detail)
  69. clarified signature; (detail)
  70. tuned; (detail)
  71. spelling; (detail)
  1. feat(Auto2_HOL) fix setup such that auto2 can be used by other object logics and multiple times (detail)
  2. Tuned: use a star in witness. (detail)
  3. merge from afp-2021-1 (detail)
  4. adjust for new tags in Isabelle2021-1-RC4 (detail)
  5. fix dangerous context management (detail)
  6. In the definition of regular pair, switched from strict to non-strict (detail)
  7. Rename H to S in maximal_exactly_one. (detail)
  8. Get rid of the sat abbreviation. (detail)
  9. Add missing spaces in semantics_tm. (detail)
  10. No space in front of object-logic forall. (detail)
  11. Non-conflicting name for boolean denotation. (detail)
  12. Simpler Hintikka definition. (detail)
  13. Add syntactic abbreviation for constants. (detail)
  14. fixed lemma following Isabelle/c256bba593f3 (detail)
  15. fix dangerous context management (detail)

Started by timer

This run spent:

  • 0.11 sec waiting;
  • 15 hr build duration;
  • 15 hr total from scheduled to completion.
Revision: 1a5d4586b6b087b81ede759a4fd468f4a74a03b1
Revision: 5a8b07a912c138637127e637355e79b71cea0b1f