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Started 3 mo 21 days ago
Took 10 hr on workerlrz5

#2487 (Mar 9, 2024, 1:33:12 AM)

Build Artifacts

Mercurial (hg default)

  1. clarified signature; (detail)
  2. tuned; (detail)
  3. more operations for Build_Log.Meta_Info: prefer explicit types; (detail)
  4. more operations for Date and Time; (detail)
  5. more accurate patterns --- reverting unused fc3ba0a1c82f; (detail)
  6. remove unused/fragile option (amending db37cae970a6) --- universal_table requires pull_date tables; (detail)
  7. prefer explicit option "build_log_verbose"; (detail)
  8. tuned whitespace; (detail)
  9. additional build_log column "session_start", with implicit upgrade of database schema; (detail)
  10. more robust build_start for master and workers (via database); (detail)
  11. more accurate, notably for Database_Progress; (detail)
  12. update NEWS; (detail)
  13. activate E 3.0 after testing by Martin Desharnais, see also db72d9920186 and 788f11af9822; (detail)

Mercurial (hg default)

  1. merge (detail)
  2. adjusting HOL-CSP_OpSem from 2023 to devel (detail)
  3. merge from AFP 2023 (detail)
  4. metadata for HOL-CSP OpSem and sitegen (detail)
  5. new entry: HOL-CSP OpSem (detail)

Started by an SCM change

This run spent:

  • 8.5 sec waiting;
  • 10 hr build duration;
  • 10 hr total from scheduled to completion.
Revision: e7940d49fe744bca598c5aafda1f1e11a670749e
Revision: 8152a97232cbf2e1d9ef103c4b1c80dfaee9dad4