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Started 2 yr 5 mo ago
Took 19 hr

Build #86 (Jan 9, 2022, 12:14:00 AM)

  1. merged (detail)
  2. added lemmas wf_imp_asym, wfP_imp_asymp, and wfP_imp_irreflp (detail)
  3. removed $ite from E 2.6 in THF format (detail)
  4. New and simplified theorems (detail)
  5. merged (detail)
  6. prefixed all mirabelle_sledgehammer output lines with sledgehammer output (detail)
  1. CS: possibility to disable backtracking; CZH: auxiliary results; ETTS: minor amendments (detail)
  2. used wfP_imp_asymp from HOL (detail)
  3. simplified proof some more (detail)
  4. simplified proof (detail)
  5. Extended protocol model to support composition of more than two protocols without
    the need of re-labeling them, additional automated checks, tighter integration
    of the stateful protocol model and the automated verification (PSPSP) tool. (detail)

Started by timer

This run spent:

  • 52 ms waiting;
  • 19 hr build duration;
  • 19 hr total from scheduled to completion.
Revision: e578640c787a16fd540d69c7adda196dd5207132
Revision: 241da1cdeabf269e113c0200a681bcd2d304c8fd