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Started 1 yr 7 mo ago
Took 10 hr on workerlrz5

#2060 (Sep 10, 2022, 1:33:13 AM)

Build Artifacts

Mercurial (hg default)

  1. clarified directory names (e.g. for multi-platform remote execution): avoid being deleted via isabelle.Components.purge; (detail)
  2. unused; (detail)
  3. update for release; (detail)
  4. tuned: prefer Scala Regex operations; (detail)
  5. tuning and updates for release; (detail)
  6. NEWS; (detail)
  7. discontinued somewhat pointless option: Proof_Display.pretty_goal_inst should always work smoothly (and not crash unexpectedly); (detail)
  8. give up show_main_goal (despite 922e3f9251ac): show_goal_inst is sufficient, even for final results; (detail)
  9. merged (detail)
  10. discontinue fragile operations; (detail)
  11. proper context option: change of underlying Options.default will not survive PIDE "Prover.options" (e.g. change of Isabelle/jEdit plugin options); (detail)
  12. enable show_goal_inst by default: match failure is merely a warning (see 730638d4e37a); (detail)
  13. updated documentation; (detail)
  14. support multiple sessions, with cumulative errors;
    tuned command usage; (detail)
  15. support regex patterns on messages; (detail)
  16. support Pretty.unformatted, similar to ML version; (detail)
  17. removed odd TODO item (see 3391a493f39a); (detail)
  18. tuned signature; (detail)
  19. tuned output: more Pretty.item; (detail)
  20. tuned signature; (detail)
  21. clarified failure: warning for logical error, exception for program breakdown; (detail)
  22. print goal instantiation for global qed (and variations); (detail)
  23. clarified output; (detail)
  24. more robust: capture corner case seen in line 631 of "$AFP/Automatic_Refinement/Autoref_Bindings_HOL.thy" (AFP/6c87f24bb773); (detail)
  25. clarified message channel for 'print_state' (NB: the command was originally for TTY or Proof General); (detail)
  26. updated to postgresql-42.5.0; (detail)
  27. tool to build Isabelle component for PostgreSQL JDBC; (detail)
  28. clarified goal structure with proper instantiation of main goal, to support "show_goal_inst"; (detail)
  29. option "show_states" for more verbosity of batch-builds; (detail)
  30. tuned --- avoid warnings; (detail)
  31. proper antiquotations; (detail)
  32. inline markup for Output.state (in contrast to c94bba7906d2): make messages available via Rendering.text_messages and thus "isabelle log" (see cb0c407fbc6e), while Rendering.output_messages of Isabelle/jEdit/VSCode is unaffected; (detail)
  33. proper antiquotations; (detail)
  34. clarified options, following e.g. "show_consts"; (detail)
  35. proper Envir.subst operations: env is already normalized, using Envir.norm may lead to non-termination; (detail)
  36. unused (see 15758fced053); (detail)
  37. clarified modules; (detail)
  38. show goal instantiation, notably for 'schematic_goal' command (inactive by default); (detail)
  39. proper umlauts; (detail)
  40. tuned signature; (detail)
  41. tuned signature; (detail)
  42. tuned; (detail)
  43. tuned; (detail)
  44. tuned error message; (detail)

Mercurial (hg default)

  1. tuned proofs (manually or with sledgehammer): avoid "smt" due to spurious failures under heavy load; (detail)
  2. tuned whitespace; (detail)
  3. merged (detail)
  4. some slight polishing in the UTM entry (detail)
  5. added congruence rule for forallM of Error-Monad (detail)
  6. updated to devel (detail)
  7. merged (detail)
  8. tuned proofs (manually or with sledgehammer): avoid "smt" due to spurious failures under heavy load; (detail)
  9. removed obsolete workaround (see Isabelle/91ee232b4211); (detail)

Started by an SCM change

This run spent:

  • 9.2 sec waiting;
  • 10 hr build duration;
  • 10 hr total from scheduled to completion.
Revision: e59d7d6fe1bde1f42dc7f590cae85f9f83bd805a
Revision: 88472837e52457aa0540336bbb4de22cdf14bf5a