Loading theory "HOL-Library.Cancellation" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Determinants" via "HOL-Library.Permutations" via "HOL-Library.Multiset") Loading theory "HOL-Library.Disjoint_Sets" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Determinants" via "HOL-Library.Permutations") Loading theory "HOL-Library.FuncSet" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Determinants" via "HOL-Analysis.Cartesian_Space" via "HOL-Analysis.Finite_Cartesian_Product") Loading theory "HOL-Library.Infinite_Set" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Convex" via "HOL-Analysis.Affine" via "HOL-Analysis.Linear_Algebra") Loading theory "HOL-Library.Nat_Bijection" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Determinants" via "HOL-Analysis.Cartesian_Space" via "HOL-Analysis.Finite_Cartesian_Product" via "HOL-Library.Countable_Set" via "HOL-Library.Countable") Loading theory "HOL-Library.Old_Datatype" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Determinants" via "HOL-Analysis.Cartesian_Space" via "HOL-Analysis.Finite_Cartesian_Product" via "HOL-Library.Countable_Set" via "HOL-Library.Countable") Found termination order: "(\p. size (snd p)) <*mlex*> {}" ### theory "HOL-Library.Disjoint_Sets" ### 0.313s elapsed time, 1.908s cpu time, 0.000s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Library.Phantom_Type" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Determinants" via "HOL-Analysis.Cartesian_Space" via "HOL-Analysis.Finite_Cartesian_Product" via "HOL-Library.Numeral_Type" via "HOL-Library.Cardinality") consts enumerate :: "'a set \ nat \ 'a" Found termination order: "size_list size <*mlex*> {}" ### theory "HOL-Library.Infinite_Set" ### 0.443s elapsed time, 2.672s cpu time, 0.000s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Library.Product_Plus" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Convex" via "HOL-Analysis.Affine" via "HOL-Analysis.Linear_Algebra" via "HOL-Analysis.Euclidean_Space" via "HOL-Analysis.Product_Vector") signature CANCEL = sig val proc: Proof.context -> cterm -> thm option end functor Cancel_Fun (Data: CANCEL_NUMERALS_DATA): CANCEL instantiation prod :: (zero, zero) zero zero_prod == zero_class.zero :: 'a \ 'b instantiation prod :: (plus, plus) plus plus_prod == plus :: 'a \ 'b \ 'a \ 'b \ 'a \ 'b instantiation prod :: (minus, minus) minus minus_prod == minus :: 'a \ 'b \ 'a \ 'b \ 'a \ 'b instantiation prod :: (uminus, uminus) uminus uminus_prod == uminus :: 'a \ 'b \ 'a \ 'b ### theory "HOL-Library.Nat_Bijection" ### 0.514s elapsed time, 3.104s cpu time, 0.000s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Library.Set_Algebras" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Convex") signature CANCEL_DATA = sig val dest_coeff: term -> int * term val dest_sum: term -> term list val find_first_coeff: term -> term list -> int * term list val mk_coeff: int * term -> term val mk_sum: typ -> term list -> term val norm_ss1: simpset val norm_ss2: simpset val norm_tac: Proof.context -> tactic val numeral_simp_tac: Proof.context -> tactic val prove_conv: tactic list -> Proof.context -> thm list -> term * term -> thm option val simplify_meta_eq: Proof.context -> thm -> thm val trans_tac: Proof.context -> thm option -> tactic end structure Cancel_Data: CANCEL_DATA instantiation set :: (plus) plus plus_set == plus :: 'a set \ 'a set \ 'a set instantiation set :: (times) times times_set == times :: 'a set \ 'a set \ 'a set instantiation set :: (zero) zero zero_set == zero_class.zero :: 'a set ### theory "HOL-Library.Product_Plus" ### 0.126s elapsed time, 0.740s cpu time, 0.000s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Library.Product_Order" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Ball_Volume" via "HOL-Analysis.Gamma_Function" via "HOL-Analysis.Equivalence_Lebesgue_Henstock_Integration" via "HOL-Analysis.Lebesgue_Measure" via "HOL-Analysis.Finite_Product_Measure" via "HOL-Analysis.Binary_Product_Measure" via "HOL-Analysis.Nonnegative_Lebesgue_Integration" via "HOL-Analysis.Borel_Space" via "HOL-Analysis.Ordered_Euclidean_Space") instantiation set :: (one) one one_set == one_class.one :: 'a set instantiation prod :: (ord, ord) ord less_eq_prod == less_eq :: 'a \ 'b \ 'a \ 'b \ bool less_prod == less :: 'a \ 'b \ 'a \ 'b \ bool ### theory "HOL-Library.FuncSet" ### 0.614s elapsed time, 3.688s cpu time, 0.000s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.Metric_Arith" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Elementary_Normed_Spaces" via "HOL-Analysis.Elementary_Metric_Spaces") instantiation prod :: (inf, inf) inf inf_prod == inf :: 'a \ 'b \ 'a \ 'b \ 'a \ 'b signature OLD_DATATYPE = sig val check_specs: spec list -> theory -> spec list * Proof.context type config = {quiet: bool, strict: bool} val default_config: config type descr = (int * (string * dtyp list * (string * dtyp list) list)) list val distinct_lemma: thm datatype dtyp = DtRec of int | DtTFree of string * sort | DtType of string * dtyp list type info = {case_cong: thm, case_cong_weak: thm, case_name: string, case_rewrites: thm list, descr: descr, distinct: thm list, exhaust: thm, index: int, induct: thm, inducts: thm list, inject: thm list, nchotomy: thm, rec_names: string list, rec_rewrites: thm list, split: thm, split_asm: thm} val read_specs: spec_cmd list -> theory -> spec list * Proof.context type spec = (binding * (string * sort) list * mixfix) * (binding * typ list * mixfix) list type spec_cmd = (binding * (string * string option) list * mixfix) * (binding * string list * mixfix) list end structure Old_Datatype: OLD_DATATYPE ### theory "HOL-Library.Old_Datatype" ### 0.743s elapsed time, 4.396s cpu time, 0.452s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Library.Countable" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Determinants" via "HOL-Analysis.Cartesian_Space" via "HOL-Analysis.Finite_Cartesian_Product" via "HOL-Library.Countable_Set") instantiation prod :: (sup, sup) sup sup_prod == sup :: 'a \ 'b \ 'a \ 'b \ 'a \ 'b signature CANCEL_SIMPROCS = sig val diff_cancel: Proof.context -> cterm -> thm option val eq_cancel: Proof.context -> cterm -> thm option val less_cancel: Proof.context -> cterm -> thm option val less_eq_cancel: Proof.context -> cterm -> thm option end structure Cancel_Simprocs: CANCEL_SIMPROCS ### theory "HOL-Library.Cancellation" ### 0.787s elapsed time, 4.676s cpu time, 0.452s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Library.Multiset" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Determinants" via "HOL-Library.Permutations") instantiation prod :: (top, top) top top_prod == top :: 'a \ 'b instantiation prod :: (bot, bot) bot bot_prod == bot :: 'a \ 'b instantiation prod :: (Inf, Inf) Inf Inf_prod == Inf :: ('a \ 'b) set \ 'a \ 'b instantiation prod :: (Sup, Sup) Sup Sup_prod == Sup :: ('a \ 'b) set \ 'a \ 'b ### theory "HOL-Library.Set_Algebras" ### 0.333s elapsed time, 1.932s cpu time, 0.452s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.Inner_Product" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Convex" via "HOL-Analysis.Affine" via "HOL-Analysis.Linear_Algebra" via "HOL-Analysis.Euclidean_Space") ### theory "HOL-Library.Product_Order" ### 0.335s elapsed time, 1.952s cpu time, 0.452s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.L2_Norm" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Convex" via "HOL-Analysis.Affine" via "HOL-Analysis.Linear_Algebra" via "HOL-Analysis.Euclidean_Space") instantiation multiset :: (type) cancel_comm_monoid_add zero_multiset == zero_class.zero :: 'a multiset minus_multiset == minus :: 'a multiset \ 'a multiset \ 'a multiset plus_multiset == plus :: 'a multiset \ 'a multiset \ 'a multiset ### theory "HOL-Analysis.L2_Norm" ### 0.081s elapsed time, 0.488s cpu time, 0.000s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.Operator_Norm" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis") ### theory "HOL-Library.Phantom_Type" ### 0.754s elapsed time, 4.444s cpu time, 0.452s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Library.Cardinality" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Determinants" via "HOL-Analysis.Cartesian_Space" via "HOL-Analysis.Finite_Cartesian_Product" via "HOL-Library.Numeral_Type") ### theory "HOL-Analysis.Operator_Norm" ### 0.089s elapsed time, 0.536s cpu time, 0.000s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.Poly_Roots" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis") ### Additional type variable(s) in locale specification "CARD_1": 'a ### Additional type variable(s) in locale specification "countable": 'a class CARD_1 = type + assumes "CARD_1": "CARD('a) = 1" ### theory "HOL-Analysis.Poly_Roots" ### 0.096s elapsed time, 0.572s cpu time, 0.000s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.Product_Vector" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Convex" via "HOL-Analysis.Affine" via "HOL-Analysis.Linear_Algebra" via "HOL-Analysis.Euclidean_Space") class countable = type + assumes "ex_inj": "\to_nat. inj to_nat" ### Additional type variable(s) in locale specification "card2": 'a signature METRIC_ARITH = sig val metric_arith_tac: Proof.context -> int -> tactic val trace: bool Config.T end structure MetricArith: METRIC_ARITH ### theory "HOL-Analysis.Metric_Arith" ### 0.735s elapsed time, 4.360s cpu time, 0.452s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Library.Discrete" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Derivative" via "HOL-Analysis.Bounded_Linear_Function" via "HOL-Analysis.Uniform_Limit" via "HOL-Analysis.Summation_Tests") class card2 = finite + assumes "two_le_card": "2 \ CARD('a)" Proofs for inductive predicate(s) "finite_item" class finite_UNIV = type + fixes finite_UNIV :: "('a, bool) phantom" assumes "finite_UNIV": "finite_UNIV = Phantom('a) (finite UNIV)" Proving monotonicity ... Proving the introduction rules ... Proving the elimination rules ... Proving the induction rule ... Proving the simplification rules ... ### Partially applied constant "Multiset.inf_subset_mset" on left hand side of equation, in theorem: ### semilattice_inf.Inf_fin (\#) (set (?x # ?xs)) \ ### fold (\#) ?xs ?x ### Rewrite rule not in simpset: ### Wellfounded.accp log_rel ?n1 \ ### log ?n1 \ if ?n1 < 2 then 0 else Suc (log (?n1 div 2)) class real_inner = dist_norm + real_vector + sgn_div_norm + uniformity_dist + open_uniformity + fixes inner :: "'a \ 'a \ real" assumes "inner_commute": "\x y. inner x y = inner y x" and "inner_add_left": "\x y z. inner (x + y) z = inner x z + inner y z" and "inner_scaleR_left": "\r x y. inner (r *\<^sub>R x) y = r * inner x y" and "inner_ge_zero": "\x. 0 \ inner x x" and "inner_eq_zero_iff": "\x. (inner x x = 0) = (x = (0::'a))" and "norm_eq_sqrt_inner": "\x. norm x = sqrt (inner x x)" Found termination order: "size <*mlex*> {}" ### Partially applied constant "Multiset.sup_subset_mset" on left hand side of equation, in theorem: ### semilattice_sup.Sup_fin (\#) (set (?x # ?xs)) \ ### fold (\#) ?xs ?x class card_UNIV = finite_UNIV + fixes card_UNIV :: "('a, nat) phantom" assumes "card_UNIV": "card_UNIV_class.card_UNIV = Phantom('a) CARD('a)" instantiation nat :: card_UNIV card_UNIV_nat == card_UNIV_class.card_UNIV :: (nat, nat) phantom finite_UNIV_nat == finite_UNIV :: (nat, bool) phantom instantiation int :: card_UNIV card_UNIV_int == card_UNIV_class.card_UNIV :: (int, nat) phantom finite_UNIV_int == finite_UNIV :: (int, bool) phantom locale module_prod fixes s1 :: "'a \ 'b \ 'b" and s2 :: "'a \ 'c \ 'c" assumes "module_prod s1 s2" instantiation natural :: card_UNIV card_UNIV_natural == card_UNIV_class.card_UNIV :: (natural, nat) phantom finite_UNIV_natural == finite_UNIV :: (natural, bool) phantom instantiation integer :: card_UNIV card_UNIV_integer == card_UNIV_class.card_UNIV :: (integer, nat) phantom finite_UNIV_integer == finite_UNIV :: (integer, bool) phantom instantiation list :: (type) card_UNIV card_UNIV_list == card_UNIV_class.card_UNIV :: ('a list, nat) phantom finite_UNIV_list == finite_UNIV :: ('a list, bool) phantom ### theory "HOL-Library.Discrete" ### 0.196s elapsed time, 1.144s cpu time, 0.000s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Library.Indicator_Function" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Connected" via "HOL-Analysis.Abstract_Topology_2") instantiation unit :: card_UNIV card_UNIV_unit == card_UNIV_class.card_UNIV :: (unit, nat) phantom finite_UNIV_unit == finite_UNIV :: (unit, bool) phantom instantiation bool :: card_UNIV card_UNIV_bool == card_UNIV_class.card_UNIV :: (bool, nat) phantom finite_UNIV_bool == finite_UNIV :: (bool, bool) phantom instantiation char :: card_UNIV card_UNIV_char == card_UNIV_class.card_UNIV :: (char, nat) phantom finite_UNIV_char == finite_UNIV :: (char, bool) phantom instantiation prod :: (finite_UNIV, finite_UNIV) finite_UNIV finite_UNIV_prod == finite_UNIV :: ('a \ 'b, bool) phantom val old_countable_datatype_tac = fn: Proof.context -> int -> tactic instantiation prod :: (card_UNIV, card_UNIV) card_UNIV card_UNIV_prod == card_UNIV_class.card_UNIV :: ('a \ 'b, nat) phantom instantiation sum :: (finite_UNIV, finite_UNIV) finite_UNIV finite_UNIV_sum == finite_UNIV :: ('a + 'b, bool) phantom locale vector_space_prod fixes s1 :: "'a \ 'b \ 'b" (infixr \*a\ 75) and s2 :: "'a \ 'c \ 'c" (infixr \*b\ 75) assumes "vector_space_prod (*a) (*b)" instantiation sum :: (card_UNIV, card_UNIV) card_UNIV card_UNIV_sum == card_UNIV_class.card_UNIV :: ('a + 'b, nat) phantom instantiation fun :: (finite_UNIV, card_UNIV) finite_UNIV finite_UNIV_fun == finite_UNIV :: ('a \ 'b, bool) phantom instantiation fun :: (card_UNIV, card_UNIV) card_UNIV card_UNIV_fun == card_UNIV_class.card_UNIV :: ('a \ 'b, nat) phantom instantiation prod :: (real_vector, real_vector) real_vector scaleR_prod == scaleR :: real \ 'a \ 'b \ 'a \ 'b Found termination order: "(\p. size (fst p)) <*mlex*> {}" instantiation option :: (finite_UNIV) finite_UNIV finite_UNIV_option == finite_UNIV :: ('a option, bool) phantom instantiation option :: (card_UNIV) card_UNIV card_UNIV_option == card_UNIV_class.card_UNIV :: ('a option, nat) phantom instantiation String.literal :: card_UNIV card_UNIV_literal == card_UNIV_class.card_UNIV :: (String.literal, nat) phantom finite_UNIV_literal == finite_UNIV :: (String.literal, bool) phantom instantiation set :: (finite_UNIV) finite_UNIV finite_UNIV_set == finite_UNIV :: ('a set, bool) phantom ### ML warning (line 93 of "~~/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_lfp_countable.ML"): ### Pattern is not exhaustive. ### ML warning (line 139 of "~~/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_lfp_countable.ML"): ### Pattern is not exhaustive. ### ML warning (line 143 of "~~/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_lfp_countable.ML"): ### Matches are not exhaustive. ### ML warning (line 145 of "~~/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_lfp_countable.ML"): ### Matches are not exhaustive. ### ML warning (line 156 of "~~/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_lfp_countable.ML"): ### Pattern is not exhaustive. signature BNF_LFP_COUNTABLE = sig val countable_datatype_tac: Proof.context -> tactic val derive_encode_injectives_thms: Proof.context -> string list -> thm list end structure BNF_LFP_Countable: BNF_LFP_COUNTABLE val countable_datatype_tac = fn: Proof.context -> thm -> thm Seq.seq val countable_tac = fn: Proof.context -> int -> tactic instantiation set :: (card_UNIV) card_UNIV card_UNIV_set == card_UNIV_class.card_UNIV :: ('a set, nat) phantom instantiation prod :: (metric_space, metric_space) dist dist_prod == dist :: 'a \ 'b \ 'a \ 'b \ real instantiation Enum.finite_1 :: card_UNIV card_UNIV_finite_1 == card_UNIV_class.card_UNIV :: (Enum.finite_1, nat) phantom finite_UNIV_finite_1 == finite_UNIV :: (Enum.finite_1, bool) phantom instantiation prod :: (metric_space, metric_space) uniformity_dist uniformity_prod == uniformity :: (('a \ 'b) \ 'a \ 'b) filter instantiation Enum.finite_2 :: card_UNIV card_UNIV_finite_2 == card_UNIV_class.card_UNIV :: (Enum.finite_2, nat) phantom finite_UNIV_finite_2 == finite_UNIV :: (Enum.finite_2, bool) phantom instantiation prod :: (metric_space, metric_space) metric_space instantiation Enum.finite_3 :: card_UNIV card_UNIV_finite_3 == card_UNIV_class.card_UNIV :: (Enum.finite_3, nat) phantom finite_UNIV_finite_3 == finite_UNIV :: (Enum.finite_3, bool) phantom instantiation prod :: (real_normed_vector, real_normed_vector) real_normed_vector sgn_prod == sgn :: 'a \ 'b \ 'a \ 'b norm_prod == norm :: 'a \ 'b \ real signature MULTISET_SIMPROCS = sig val subset_cancel_msets: Proof.context -> cterm -> thm option val subseteq_cancel_msets: Proof.context -> cterm -> thm option end structure Multiset_Simprocs: MULTISET_SIMPROCS instantiation Enum.finite_4 :: card_UNIV card_UNIV_finite_4 == card_UNIV_class.card_UNIV :: (Enum.finite_4, nat) phantom finite_UNIV_finite_4 == finite_UNIV :: (Enum.finite_4, bool) phantom instantiation Enum.finite_5 :: card_UNIV card_UNIV_finite_5 == card_UNIV_class.card_UNIV :: (Enum.finite_5, nat) phantom finite_UNIV_finite_5 == finite_UNIV :: (Enum.finite_5, bool) phantom instantiation multiset :: (type) Inf Inf_multiset == Inf :: 'a multiset set \ 'a multiset instantiation real :: real_inner inner_real == inner :: real \ real \ real instantiation multiset :: (type) Sup Sup_multiset == Sup :: 'a multiset set \ 'a multiset instantiation complex :: real_inner inner_complex == inner :: complex \ complex \ real ### theory "HOL-Library.Indicator_Function" ### 0.463s elapsed time, 2.656s cpu time, 0.000s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Library.Liminf_Limsup" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Derivative" via "HOL-Analysis.Bounded_Linear_Function" via "HOL-Analysis.Uniform_Limit" via "HOL-Analysis.Summation_Tests" via "HOL-Library.Extended_Real") ### Code generator: dropping subsumed code equation ### List.coset [] \ set [] \ False bundle inner_syntax bundle no_inner_syntax ### theory "HOL-Analysis.Inner_Product" ### 1.230s elapsed time, 7.204s cpu time, 0.000s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Library.Nonpos_Ints" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Ball_Volume" via "HOL-Analysis.Gamma_Function" via "HOL-Analysis.Harmonic_Numbers" via "HOL-Analysis.Complex_Transcendental" via "HOL-Analysis.Complex_Analysis_Basics") instantiation multiset :: (type) size size_multiset == size :: 'a multiset \ nat ### theory "HOL-Library.Countable" ### 1.629s elapsed time, 9.400s cpu time, 0.812s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Library.Countable_Set" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Determinants" via "HOL-Analysis.Cartesian_Space" via "HOL-Analysis.Finite_Cartesian_Product") ### theory "HOL-Library.Cardinality" ### 1.344s elapsed time, 7.684s cpu time, 0.812s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Library.Numeral_Type" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Determinants" via "HOL-Analysis.Cartesian_Space" via "HOL-Analysis.Finite_Cartesian_Product") locale finite_dimensional_vector_space_prod fixes s1 :: "'a \ 'b \ 'b" (infixr \*a\ 75) and s2 :: "'a \ 'c \ 'c" (infixr \*b\ 75) and B1 :: "'b set" and B2 :: "'c set" assumes "finite_dimensional_vector_space_prod (*a) (*b) B1 B2" locale comp_fun_commute fixes f :: "'a \ 'b \ 'b" assumes "comp_fun_commute f" ### theory "HOL-Library.Nonpos_Ints" ### 0.380s elapsed time, 2.088s cpu time, 0.812s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Library.Periodic_Fun" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Ball_Volume" via "HOL-Analysis.Gamma_Function" via "HOL-Analysis.Harmonic_Numbers" via "HOL-Analysis.Complex_Transcendental") ### theory "HOL-Analysis.Product_Vector" ### 1.291s elapsed time, 7.372s cpu time, 0.812s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.Euclidean_Space" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Convex" via "HOL-Analysis.Affine" via "HOL-Analysis.Linear_Algebra") locale periodic_fun fixes f :: "'a \ 'b" and g :: "'a \ 'a \ 'a" and gm :: "'a \ 'a \ 'a" and g1 :: "'a \ 'a" and gn1 :: "'a \ 'a" assumes "periodic_fun f g gm g1 gn1" locale periodic_fun_simple fixes f :: "'a \ 'b" and period :: "'a" assumes "periodic_fun_simple f period" consts mset :: "'a list \ 'a multiset" locale periodic_fun_simple' fixes f :: "'a \ 'b" assumes "periodic_fun_simple' f" instantiation num1 :: CARD_1 instantiation num1 :: {comm_monoid_mult,numeral,comm_ring} uminus_num1 == uminus :: num1 \ num1 zero_num1 == zero_class.zero :: num1 minus_num1 == minus :: num1 \ num1 \ num1 plus_num1 == plus :: num1 \ num1 \ num1 one_num1 == one_class.one :: num1 times_num1 == times :: num1 \ num1 \ num1 instantiation num1 :: linorder less_eq_num1 == less_eq :: num1 \ num1 \ bool less_num1 == less :: num1 \ num1 \ bool ### theory "HOL-Library.Periodic_Fun" ### 0.138s elapsed time, 0.836s cpu time, 0.000s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Library.Sum_of_Squares" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Norm_Arith") locale mod_type fixes n :: "int" and Rep :: "'a \ int" and Abs :: "int \ 'a" assumes "mod_type n Rep Abs" locale mod_ring fixes n :: "int" and Rep :: "'a \ int" and Abs :: "int \ 'a" assumes "mod_ring n Rep Abs" instantiation bit0 :: (finite) {minus,one,plus,times,uminus,zero} bit1 :: (finite) {minus,one,plus,times,uminus,zero} zero_bit0 == zero_class.zero :: 'a bit0 uminus_bit0 == uminus :: 'a bit0 \ 'a bit0 times_bit0 == times :: 'a bit0 \ 'a bit0 \ 'a bit0 plus_bit0 == plus :: 'a bit0 \ 'a bit0 \ 'a bit0 one_bit0 == one_class.one :: 'a bit0 minus_bit0 == minus :: 'a bit0 \ 'a bit0 \ 'a bit0 zero_bit1 == zero_class.zero :: 'a bit1 uminus_bit1 == uminus :: 'a bit1 \ 'a bit1 times_bit1 == times :: 'a bit1 \ 'a bit1 \ 'a bit1 plus_bit1 == plus :: 'a bit1 \ 'a bit1 \ 'a bit1 one_bit1 == one_class.one :: 'a bit1 minus_bit1 == minus :: 'a bit1 \ 'a bit1 \ 'a bit1 ### Rule already declared as safe introduction (intro!) ### True ### Ignoring duplicate introduction (intro) ### True class linorder = order + assumes "linear": "\x y. x \ y \ y \ x" ### theory "HOL-Library.Liminf_Limsup" ### 0.780s elapsed time, 4.472s cpu time, 0.812s GC time instantiation bit0 :: (finite) linorder bit1 :: (finite) linorder less_eq_bit0 == less_eq :: 'a bit0 \ 'a bit0 \ bool less_bit0 == less :: 'a bit0 \ 'a bit0 \ bool less_eq_bit1 == less_eq :: 'a bit1 \ 'a bit1 \ bool less_bit1 == less :: 'a bit1 \ 'a bit1 \ bool locale comm_monoid_mset fixes f :: "'a \ 'a \ 'a" (infixl \\<^bold>*\ 70) and z :: "'a" (\\<^bold>1\) assumes "comm_monoid_mset (\<^bold>*) \<^bold>1" ### theory "HOL-Library.Countable_Set" ### 0.463s elapsed time, 2.796s cpu time, 0.000s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Library.Countable_Complete_Lattices" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Derivative" via "HOL-Analysis.Bounded_Linear_Function" via "HOL-Analysis.Uniform_Limit" via "HOL-Analysis.Summation_Tests" via "HOL-Library.Extended_Real" via "HOL-Library.Extended_Nat" via "HOL-Library.Order_Continuity") Loading theory "HOL-Library.Set_Idioms" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Connected" via "HOL-Analysis.Abstract_Topology_2" via "HOL-Analysis.Elementary_Topology") instantiation num0 :: equal equal_num0 == equal_class.equal :: num0 \ num0 \ bool class comm_monoid_add = ab_semigroup_add + monoid_add + assumes "add_0": "\a. (0::'a) + a = a" instantiation num1 :: equal equal_num1 == equal_class.equal :: num1 \ num1 \ bool instantiation num1 :: enum enum_num1 == enum_class.enum :: num1 list enum_all_num1 == enum_class.enum_all :: (num1 \ bool) \ bool enum_ex_num1 == enum_class.enum_ex :: (num1 \ bool) \ bool instantiation num0 :: card_UNIV num1 :: card_UNIV card_UNIV_num0 == card_UNIV_class.card_UNIV :: (num0, nat) phantom finite_UNIV_num0 == finite_UNIV :: (num0, bool) phantom card_UNIV_num1 == card_UNIV_class.card_UNIV :: (num1, nat) phantom finite_UNIV_num1 == finite_UNIV :: (num1, bool) phantom class comm_monoid_add = ab_semigroup_add + monoid_add + assumes "add_0": "\a. (0::'a) + a = a" instantiation bit0 :: (finite) equal bit1 :: (finite) equal equal_bit0 == equal_class.equal :: 'a bit0 \ 'a bit0 \ bool equal_bit1 == equal_class.equal :: 'a bit1 \ 'a bit1 \ bool class canonically_ordered_monoid_add = ordered_comm_monoid_add + assumes "le_iff_add": "\a b. (a \ b) = (\c. b = a + c)" instantiation bit0 :: (finite) enum enum_bit0 == enum_class.enum :: 'a bit0 list enum_all_bit0 == enum_class.enum_all :: ('a bit0 \ bool) \ bool enum_ex_bit0 == enum_class.enum_ex :: ('a bit0 \ bool) \ bool ### theory "HOL-Library.Set_Idioms" ### 0.228s elapsed time, 1.372s cpu time, 0.000s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.Abstract_Topology" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Connected" via "HOL-Analysis.Abstract_Topology_2") instantiation bit1 :: (finite) enum enum_bit1 == enum_class.enum :: 'a bit1 list enum_all_bit1 == enum_class.enum_all :: ('a bit1 \ bool) \ bool enum_ex_bit1 == enum_class.enum_ex :: ('a bit1 \ bool) \ bool instantiation bit0 :: (finite) finite_UNIV bit1 :: (finite) finite_UNIV finite_UNIV_bit0 == finite_UNIV :: ('a bit0, bool) phantom finite_UNIV_bit1 == finite_UNIV :: ('a bit1, bool) phantom instantiation bit0 :: ({card_UNIV,finite}) card_UNIV bit1 :: ({card_UNIV,finite}) card_UNIV card_UNIV_bit0 == card_UNIV_class.card_UNIV :: ('a bit0, nat) phantom card_UNIV_bit1 == card_UNIV_class.card_UNIV :: ('a bit1, nat) phantom ### theory "HOL-Library.Numeral_Type" ### 0.754s elapsed time, 4.552s cpu time, 0.000s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.Continuum_Not_Denumerable" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Ball_Volume" via "HOL-Analysis.Gamma_Function" via "HOL-Analysis.Equivalence_Lebesgue_Henstock_Integration" via "HOL-Analysis.Homeomorphism" via "HOL-Analysis.Homotopy") class euclidean_space = real_inner + fixes Basis :: "'a set" assumes "nonempty_Basis": "Basis \ {}" assumes "finite_Basis": "finite Basis" assumes "inner_Basis": "\u v. \u \ Basis; v \ Basis\ \ inner u v = (if u = v then 1 else 0)" assumes "euclidean_all_zero_iff": "\x. (\u\Basis. inner x u = 0) = (x = (0::'a))" class countable_complete_lattice = Inf + Sup + lattice + bot + top + assumes "ccInf_lower": "\A x. \countable A; x \ A\ \ Inf A \ x" assumes "ccInf_greatest": "\A z. \countable A; \x. x \ A \ z \ x\ \ z \ Inf A" assumes "ccSup_upper": "\A x. \countable A; x \ A\ \ x \ Sup A" assumes "ccSup_least": "\A z. \countable A; \x. x \ A \ x \ z\ \ Sup A \ z" assumes "ccInf_empty": "Inf {} = top" assumes "ccSup_empty": "Sup {} = bot" class comm_monoid_mult = ab_semigroup_mult + monoid_mult + dvd + assumes "mult_1": "\a. (1::'a) * a = a" ### theory "HOL-Analysis.Continuum_Not_Denumerable" ### 0.270s elapsed time, 1.620s cpu time, 0.000s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.Elementary_Topology" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Connected" via "HOL-Analysis.Abstract_Topology_2") class topological_space = open + assumes "open_UNIV": "open UNIV" assumes "open_Int": "\S T. \open S; open T\ \ open (S \ T)" assumes "open_Union": "\K. Ball K open \ open (\ K)" class linorder = order + assumes "linear": "\x y. x \ y \ y \ x" class countable_complete_distrib_lattice = countable_complete_lattice + assumes "sup_ccInf": "\B a. countable B \ sup a (Inf B) = Inf (sup a ` B)" assumes "inf_ccSup": "\B a. countable B \ inf a (Sup B) = Sup (inf a ` B)" locale countable_basis fixes p :: "'a set \ bool" and B :: "'a set set" assumes "countable_basis p B" instantiation real :: euclidean_space Basis_real == Basis :: real set instantiation complex :: euclidean_space Basis_complex == Basis :: complex set instantiation prod :: (real_inner, real_inner) real_inner inner_prod == inner :: 'a \ 'b \ 'a \ 'b \ real instantiation prod :: (euclidean_space, euclidean_space) euclidean_space Basis_prod == Basis :: ('a \ 'b) set class second_countable_topology = topological_space + assumes "ex_countable_subbasis": "\B. countable B \ open = generate_topology B" instantiation multiset :: (preorder) order less_eq_multiset == less_eq :: 'a multiset \ 'a multiset \ bool less_multiset == less :: 'a multiset \ 'a multiset \ bool ### theory "HOL-Analysis.Euclidean_Space" ### 2.088s elapsed time, 12.436s cpu time, 0.600s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.Finite_Cartesian_Product" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Determinants" via "HOL-Analysis.Cartesian_Space") instantiation multiset :: (preorder) ordered_ab_semigroup_add Proofs for inductive predicate(s) "pw_leq" Proving monotonicity ... Proving the introduction rules ... Proving the elimination rules ... Proving the induction rule ... Proving the simplification rules ... Found termination order: "(\p. length (fst p)) <*mlex*> {}" ### ML warning (line 379 of "~~/src/HOL/Library/Sum_of_Squares/positivstellensatz.ML"): ### Pattern is not exhaustive. signature FUNC = sig exception DUP of key exception SAME exception UNDEF of key val apply: 'a table -> key -> 'a val applyd: 'a table -> (key -> 'a) -> key -> 'a val choose: 'a table -> key * 'a val combine: ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> ('a -> bool) -> 'a table -> 'a table -> 'a table val cons_list: key * 'a -> 'a list table -> 'a list table val default: key * 'a -> 'a table -> 'a table val defined: 'a table -> key -> bool val delete: key -> 'a table -> 'a table val delete_safe: key -> 'a table -> 'a table val dest: 'a table -> (key * 'a) list val dest_list: 'a list table -> (key * 'a) list val dom: 'a table -> key list val empty: 'a table val exists: (key * 'a -> bool) -> 'a table -> bool val fold: (key * 'a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a table -> 'b -> 'b val fold_rev: (key * 'a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a table -> 'b -> 'b val forall: (key * 'a -> bool) -> 'a table -> bool val get_first: (key * 'a -> 'b option) -> 'a table -> 'b option val insert: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> key * 'a -> 'a table -> 'a table val insert_list: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> key * 'a -> 'a list table -> 'a list table val insert_set: key -> set -> set val is_empty: 'a table -> bool val is_single: 'a table -> bool val join: (key -> 'a * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a table * 'a table -> 'a table type key val keys: 'a table -> key list val lookup: 'a table -> key -> 'a option val lookup_key: 'a table -> key -> (key * 'a) option val lookup_list: 'a list table -> key -> 'a list val make: (key * 'a) list -> 'a table val make_list: (key * 'a) list -> 'a list table val make_set: key list -> set val map: (key -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a table -> 'b table val map_default: key * 'a -> ('a -> 'a) -> 'a table -> 'a table val map_entry: key -> ('a -> 'a) -> 'a table -> 'a table val max: 'a table -> (key * 'a) option val member: ('a * 'b -> bool) -> 'b table -> key * 'a -> bool val merge: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a table * 'a table -> 'a table val merge_list: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a list table * 'a list table -> 'a list table val min: 'a table -> (key * 'a) option val onefunc: key * 'a -> 'a table val remove: ('a * 'b -> bool) -> key * 'a -> 'b table -> 'b table val remove_list: ('a * 'b -> bool) -> key * 'a -> 'b list table -> 'b list table val remove_set: key -> set -> set type set = unit table type 'a table val tryapplyd: 'a table -> key -> 'a -> 'a val update: key * 'a -> 'a table -> 'a table val update_list: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> key * 'a -> 'a list table -> 'a list table val update_new: key * 'a -> 'a table -> 'a table val updatep: (key * 'a -> bool) -> key * 'a -> 'a table -> 'a table end functor FuncFun (Key: KEY): FUNC signature REAL_ARITH = sig type cert_conv = cterm -> thm * pss_tree val cterm_of_rat: Rat.rat -> cterm val dest_ratconst: cterm -> Rat.rat val gen_gen_real_arith: Proof.context -> (Rat.rat -> cterm) * conv * conv * conv * conv * conv * conv * conv * conv * conv * prover -> cert_conv val gen_prover_real_arith: Proof.context -> prover -> cert_conv val gen_real_arith: Proof.context -> (Rat.rat -> cterm) * conv * conv * conv * conv * conv * conv * conv * prover -> cert_conv val is_ratconst: cterm -> bool datatype positivstellensatz = Axiom_eq of int | Axiom_le of int | Axiom_lt of int | Eqmul of FuncUtil.poly * positivstellensatz | Product of positivstellensatz * positivstellensatz | Rational_eq of Rat.rat | Rational_le of Rat.rat | Rational_lt of Rat.rat | Square of FuncUtil.poly | Sum of positivstellensatz * positivstellensatz type prover = tree_choice list -> (thm list * thm list * thm list -> positivstellensatz -> thm) -> thm list * thm list * thm list -> thm * pss_tree datatype pss_tree = Branch of pss_tree * pss_tree | Cert of positivstellensatz | Trivial val real_linear_prover: (thm list * thm list * thm list -> positivstellensatz -> thm) -> thm list * thm list * thm list -> thm * pss_tree datatype tree_choice = Left | Right end structure FuncUtil: sig structure Ctermfunc: FUNC structure Intfunc: FUNC structure Intpairfunc: FUNC structure Monomialfunc: FUNC structure Ratfunc: FUNC structure Symfunc: FUNC structure Termfunc: FUNC val dest_monomial: 'a Ctermfunc.table -> (cterm * 'a) list type monomial = int Ctermfunc.table val monomial_ord: int Ctermfunc.table * int Ctermfunc.table -> order val monomial_order: int Ctermfunc.table * int Ctermfunc.table -> order type poly = Rat.rat Monomialfunc.table end structure RealArith: REAL_ARITH instantiation multiset :: (equal) equal equal_multiset == equal_class.equal :: 'a multiset \ 'a multiset \ bool instantiation multiset :: (random) random random_multiset == random_class.random :: natural \ natural \ natural \ ('a multiset \ (unit \ term)) \ natural \ natural signature POSITIVSTELLENSATZ_TOOLS = sig val print_cert: RealArith.pss_tree -> string val read_cert: Proof.context -> string -> RealArith.pss_tree end structure Positivstellensatz_Tools: POSITIVSTELLENSATZ_TOOLS ### theory "HOL-Library.Countable_Complete_Lattices" ### 2.377s elapsed time, 14.056s cpu time, 1.212s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.Linear_Algebra" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Convex" via "HOL-Analysis.Affine") instantiation multiset :: (full_exhaustive) full_exhaustive full_exhaustive_multiset == full_exhaustive_class.full_exhaustive :: ('a multiset \ (unit \ term) \ (bool \ term list) option) \ natural \ (bool \ term list) option Proofs for inductive predicate(s) "pred_mset" Proving monotonicity ... Proving the introduction rules ... Proving the elimination rules ... Proving the induction rule ... Proving the simplification rules ... Proofs for inductive predicate(s) "rel_mset'" Proving monotonicity ... Proving the introduction rules ... Proving the elimination rules ... Proving the induction rule ... Proving the simplification rules ... ### theory "HOL-Library.Multiset" ### 4.845s elapsed time, 28.504s cpu time, 2.024s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Computational_Algebra.Factorial_Ring" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Jordan_Curve" via "HOL-Analysis.Arcwise_Connected" via "HOL-Computational_Algebra.Primes" via "HOL-Computational_Algebra.Euclidean_Algorithm") signature SUM_OF_SQUARES = sig exception Failure of string val debug: bool Config.T val debug_message: Proof.context -> (unit -> string) -> unit datatype proof_method = Certificate of RealArith.pss_tree | Prover of string -> string val sos_tac: (RealArith.pss_tree -> unit) -> proof_method -> Proof.context -> int -> tactic val trace: bool Config.T val trace_message: Proof.context -> (unit -> string) -> unit end structure Sum_of_Squares: SUM_OF_SQUARES signature SOS_WRAPPER = sig val sos_tac: Proof.context -> string option -> int -> tactic end structure SOS_Wrapper: SOS_WRAPPER ### theory "HOL-Library.Sum_of_Squares" ### 3.092s elapsed time, 18.360s cpu time, 1.212s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Library.Permutations" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Determinants") class real_inner = real_normed_vector + fixes inner :: "'a \ 'a \ real" assumes "inner_commute": "\x y. x \ y = y \ x" and "inner_add_left": "\x y z. (x + y) \ z = x \ z + y \ z" and "inner_scaleR_left": "\r x y. r *\<^sub>R x \ y = r * (x \ y)" and "inner_ge_zero": "\x. 0 \ x \ x" and "inner_eq_zero_iff": "\x. (x \ x = 0) = (x = (0::'a))" and "norm_eq_sqrt_inner": "\x. norm x = sqrt (x \ x)" bundle vec_syntax bundle no_vec_syntax instantiation vec :: (zero, finite) zero zero_vec == zero_class.zero :: ('a, 'b) vec instantiation vec :: (plus, finite) plus plus_vec == plus :: ('a, 'b) vec \ ('a, 'b) vec \ ('a, 'b) vec instantiation vec :: (minus, finite) minus minus_vec == minus :: ('a, 'b) vec \ ('a, 'b) vec \ ('a, 'b) vec instantiation vec :: (uminus, finite) uminus uminus_vec == uminus :: ('a, 'b) vec \ ('a, 'b) vec ### theory "HOL-Analysis.Elementary_Topology" ### 2.406s elapsed time, 14.212s cpu time, 1.176s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Library.Order_Continuity" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Derivative" via "HOL-Analysis.Bounded_Linear_Function" via "HOL-Analysis.Uniform_Limit" via "HOL-Analysis.Summation_Tests" via "HOL-Library.Extended_Real" via "HOL-Library.Extended_Nat") instantiation vec :: (times, finite) times times_vec == times :: ('a, 'b) vec \ ('a, 'b) vec \ ('a, 'b) vec instantiation vec :: (one, finite) one one_vec == one_class.one :: ('a, 'b) vec instantiation vec :: (ord, finite) ord less_eq_vec == less_eq :: ('a, 'b) vec \ ('a, 'b) vec \ bool less_vec == less :: ('a, 'b) vec \ ('a, 'b) vec \ bool instantiation vec :: (real_vector, finite) real_vector scaleR_vec == scaleR :: real \ ('a, 'b) vec \ ('a, 'b) vec instantiation vec :: (topological_space, finite) topological_space open_vec == open :: ('a, 'b) vec set \ bool Proofs for inductive predicate(s) "swapidseq" Proving monotonicity ... Proving the introduction rules ... Proving the elimination rules ... Proving the induction rule ... Proving the simplification rules ... instantiation vec :: (metric_space, finite) dist dist_vec == dist :: ('a, 'b) vec \ ('a, 'b) vec \ real instantiation vec :: (metric_space, finite) uniformity_dist uniformity_vec == uniformity :: (('a, 'b) vec \ ('a, 'b) vec) filter instantiation vec :: (metric_space, finite) metric_space instantiation vec :: (real_normed_vector, finite) real_normed_vector sgn_vec == sgn :: ('a, 'b) vec \ ('a, 'b) vec norm_vec == norm :: ('a, 'b) vec \ real Proofs for inductive predicate(s) "generate_topology_on" Proving monotonicity ... Proving the introduction rules ... Proving the elimination rules ... Proving the induction rule ... Proving the simplification rules ... instantiation vec :: (real_inner, finite) real_inner inner_vec == inner :: ('a, 'b) vec \ ('a, 'b) vec \ real instantiation vec :: (euclidean_space, finite) euclidean_space Basis_vec == Basis :: ('a, 'b) vec set ### theory "HOL-Analysis.Linear_Algebra" ### 1.176s elapsed time, 6.968s cpu time, 0.564s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.Affine" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Convex") ### theory "HOL-Analysis.Abstract_Topology" ### 3.348s elapsed time, 19.792s cpu time, 1.776s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.Abstract_Limits" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis") Found termination order: "(\p. size_list size (fst p)) <*mlex*> {}" ### theory "HOL-Library.Permutations" ### 0.859s elapsed time, 5.072s cpu time, 0.564s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.Abstract_Topology_2" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Connected") ### theory "HOL-Library.Order_Continuity" ### 0.635s elapsed time, 3.840s cpu time, 0.000s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Library.Extended_Nat" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Derivative" via "HOL-Analysis.Bounded_Linear_Function" via "HOL-Analysis.Uniform_Limit" via "HOL-Analysis.Summation_Tests" via "HOL-Library.Extended_Real") ### theory "HOL-Analysis.Abstract_Limits" ### 0.248s elapsed time, 1.496s cpu time, 0.000s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.Norm_Arith" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis") class infinity = type + fixes infinity :: "'a" instantiation enat :: infinity infinity_enat == infinity :: enat Proofs for inductive predicate(s) "rec_set_enat" Proving monotonicity ... Proving the introduction rules ... Proving the elimination rules ... Proving the simplification rules ... ### theory "HOL-Analysis.Finite_Cartesian_Product" ### 2.241s elapsed time, 13.280s cpu time, 1.176s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.Cartesian_Space" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Determinants") ### theory "HOL-Analysis.Affine" ### 0.613s elapsed time, 3.576s cpu time, 0.696s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.Convex" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis") ### ML warning (line 103 of "~~/src/HOL/Analysis/normarith.ML"): ### Matches are not exhaustive. ### ML warning (line 347 of "~~/src/HOL/Analysis/normarith.ML"): ### Value identifier (instantiate_cterm') has not been referenced. signature NORM_ARITH = sig val norm_arith: Proof.context -> conv val norm_arith_tac: Proof.context -> int -> tactic end structure NormArith: NORM_ARITH ### theory "HOL-Analysis.Norm_Arith" ### 0.432s elapsed time, 2.484s cpu time, 0.696s GC time ### No equation for constructor "Extended_Nat.infinity_class.infinity" ### in definition of function "the_enat" consts the_enat :: "enat \ nat" instantiation enat :: zero_neq_one one_enat == one_class.one :: enat zero_enat == zero_class.zero :: enat instantiation enat :: comm_monoid_add plus_enat == plus :: enat \ enat \ enat class normalization_semidom = algebraic_semidom + semidom_divide_unit_factor + fixes normalize :: "'a \ 'a" assumes "unit_factor_mult_normalize": "\a. unit_factor a * normalize a = a" and "normalize_0": "normalize (0::'a) = (0::'a)" instantiation enat :: {comm_semiring_1,semiring_no_zero_divisors} times_enat == times :: enat \ enat \ enat instantiation enat :: minus minus_enat == minus :: enat \ enat \ enat instantiation enat :: linordered_ab_semigroup_add less_eq_enat == less_eq :: enat \ enat \ bool less_enat == less :: enat \ enat \ bool instantiation enat :: {order_bot,order_top} top_enat == top :: enat bot_enat == bot :: enat structure Cancel_Enat_Common: sig val dest_sum: term -> term list val dest_summing: term * term list -> term list val find_first: term -> term list -> term list val find_first_t: term list -> term -> term list -> term list val mk_eq: term * term -> term val mk_sum: typ -> term list -> term val norm_ss: simpset val norm_tac: Proof.context -> tactic val simplify_meta_eq: Proof.context -> thm -> thm -> thm val trans_tac: Proof.context -> thm option -> tactic end structure Eq_Enat_Cancel: sig val proc: Proof.context -> term -> thm option end structure Le_Enat_Cancel: sig val proc: Proof.context -> term -> thm option end structure Less_Enat_Cancel: sig val proc: Proof.context -> term -> thm option end instantiation enat :: complete_lattice Inf_enat == Inf :: enat set \ enat Sup_enat == Sup :: enat set \ enat sup_enat == sup :: enat \ enat \ enat inf_enat == inf :: enat \ enat \ enat ### theory "HOL-Library.Extended_Nat" ### 0.908s elapsed time, 5.356s cpu time, 0.696s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Library.Extended_Real" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Derivative" via "HOL-Analysis.Bounded_Linear_Function" via "HOL-Analysis.Uniform_Limit" via "HOL-Analysis.Summation_Tests") locale linear_first_finite_dimensional_vector_space fixes scaleB :: "'a \ 'b \ 'b" (infixr \*b\ 75) and scaleC :: "'a \ 'c \ 'c" (infixr \*c\ 75) and BasisB :: "'b set" and f :: "'b \ 'c" assumes "linear_first_finite_dimensional_vector_space (*b) (*c) BasisB f" class semiring_gcd = gcd + normalization_semidom + assumes "gcd_dvd1": "\a b. gcd a b dvd a" and "gcd_dvd2": "\a b. gcd a b dvd b" and "gcd_greatest": "\c a b. \c dvd a; c dvd b\ \ c dvd gcd a b" and "normalize_gcd": "\a b. normalize (gcd a b) = gcd a b" and "lcm_gcd": "\a b. lcm a b = normalize (a * b div gcd a b)" instantiation enat :: linorder_topology open_enat == open :: enat set \ bool ### theory "HOL-Analysis.Convex" ### 2.198s elapsed time, 11.420s cpu time, 5.116s GC time ### theory "HOL-Analysis.Cartesian_Space" ### 2.447s elapsed time, 12.800s cpu time, 5.812s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.Determinants" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis") ### theory "HOL-Analysis.Abstract_Topology_2" ### 2.768s elapsed time, 14.736s cpu time, 5.812s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.Connected" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis") Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.Elementary_Metric_Spaces" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Elementary_Normed_Spaces") class factorial_semiring = normalization_semidom + assumes "prime_factorization_exists": "\x. x \ (0::'a) \ \A. (\x. x \# A \ prime_elem x) \ normalize (prod_mset A) = normalize x" instantiation ereal :: uminus uminus_ereal == uminus :: ereal \ ereal ### theory "HOL-Analysis.Connected" ### 0.413s elapsed time, 2.456s cpu time, 0.360s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.Function_Topology" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Derivative" via "HOL-Analysis.Bounded_Linear_Function") Found termination order: "{}" instantiation ereal :: infinity infinity_ereal == infinity :: ereal instantiation ereal :: abs abs_ereal == abs :: ereal \ ereal class factorial_semiring = normalization_semidom + assumes "prime_factorization_exists": "\x. x \ (0::'a) \ \A. (\x. x \# A \ prime_elem x) \ normalize (prod_mset A) = normalize x" instantiation ereal :: {comm_monoid_add,zero_neq_one} one_ereal == one_class.one :: ereal zero_ereal == zero_class.zero :: ereal plus_ereal == plus :: ereal \ ereal \ ereal instantiation ereal :: linorder less_eq_ereal == less_eq :: ereal \ ereal \ bool less_ereal == less :: ereal \ ereal \ bool ### theory "HOL-Analysis.Determinants" ### 1.011s elapsed time, 5.964s cpu time, 0.360s GC time instantiation fun :: (type, topological_space) topological_space open_fun == open :: ('a \ 'b) set \ bool instantiation ereal :: {comm_monoid_mult,sgn} sgn_ereal == sgn :: ereal \ ereal times_ereal == times :: ereal \ ereal \ ereal ### theory "HOL-Analysis.Function_Topology" ### 0.910s elapsed time, 5.268s cpu time, 0.000s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.Product_Topology" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Weierstrass_Theorems" via "HOL-Analysis.Path_Connected" via "HOL-Analysis.T1_Spaces") class heine_borel = metric_space + assumes "bounded_imp_convergent_subsequence": "\f. bounded (range f) \ \l r. strict_mono r \ (f \ r) \ l" instantiation ereal :: minus minus_ereal == minus :: ereal \ ereal \ ereal ### theory "HOL-Analysis.Product_Topology" ### 0.432s elapsed time, 2.600s cpu time, 0.684s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.T1_Spaces" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Weierstrass_Theorems" via "HOL-Analysis.Path_Connected") instantiation ereal :: inverse inverse_ereal == inverse :: ereal \ ereal divide_ereal == divide :: ereal \ ereal \ ereal instantiation ereal :: lattice inf_ereal == inf :: ereal \ ereal \ ereal sup_ereal == sup :: ereal \ ereal \ ereal instantiation ereal :: complete_lattice Inf_ereal == Inf :: ereal set \ ereal Sup_ereal == Sup :: ereal set \ ereal bot_ereal == bot :: ereal top_ereal == top :: ereal ### theory "HOL-Analysis.T1_Spaces" ### 0.300s elapsed time, 1.812s cpu time, 0.000s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.Lindelof_Spaces" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis") instantiation ereal :: linear_continuum_topology open_ereal == open :: ereal set \ bool ### theory "HOL-Analysis.Lindelof_Spaces" ### 0.106s elapsed time, 0.644s cpu time, 0.000s GC time ### theory "HOL-Analysis.Elementary_Metric_Spaces" ### 2.505s elapsed time, 14.860s cpu time, 1.044s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.Elementary_Normed_Spaces" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis") Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.Function_Metric" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis") instantiation fun :: (countable, metric_space) metric_space dist_fun == dist :: ('a \ 'b) \ ('a \ 'b) \ real uniformity_fun == uniformity :: (('a \ 'b) \ ('a \ 'b)) filter ### theory "HOL-Analysis.Function_Metric" ### 0.339s elapsed time, 2.044s cpu time, 0.000s GC time ### theory "HOL-Library.Extended_Real" ### 4.873s elapsed time, 27.260s cpu time, 6.684s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Library.Extended_Nonnegative_Real" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Derivative" via "HOL-Analysis.Bounded_Linear_Function" via "HOL-Analysis.Uniform_Limit" via "HOL-Analysis.Summation_Tests" via "HOL-Analysis.Extended_Real_Limits") class factorial_semiring_gcd = factorial_semiring + Gcd + assumes "gcd_eq_gcd_factorial": "\a b. gcd a b = gcd_factorial a b" and "lcm_eq_lcm_factorial": "\a b. lcm a b = lcm_factorial a b" and "Gcd_eq_Gcd_factorial": "\A. Gcd A = Gcd_factorial A" and "Lcm_eq_Lcm_factorial": "\A. Lcm A = Lcm_factorial A" instantiation ennreal :: complete_linorder Inf_ennreal == Inf :: ennreal set \ ennreal Sup_ennreal == Sup :: ennreal set \ ennreal bot_ennreal == bot :: ennreal sup_ennreal == sup :: ennreal \ ennreal \ ennreal top_ennreal == top :: ennreal inf_ennreal == inf :: ennreal \ ennreal \ ennreal less_eq_ennreal == less_eq :: ennreal \ ennreal \ bool less_ennreal == less :: ennreal \ ennreal \ bool instantiation ennreal :: infinity infinity_ennreal == infinity :: ennreal instantiation ennreal :: {comm_semiring_1,semiring_1_no_zero_divisors} zero_ennreal == zero_class.zero :: ennreal plus_ennreal == plus :: ennreal \ ennreal \ ennreal one_ennreal == one_class.one :: ennreal times_ennreal == times :: ennreal \ ennreal \ ennreal instantiation ennreal :: minus minus_ennreal == minus :: ennreal \ ennreal \ ennreal instantiation ennreal :: inverse inverse_ennreal == inverse :: ennreal \ ennreal divide_ennreal == divide :: ennreal \ ennreal \ ennreal ### Rule already declared as introduction (intro) ### (\x. ?f x = ?g x) \ ?f = ?g structure Cancel_Ennreal_Common: sig val dest_sum: term -> term list val dest_summing: term * term list -> term list val find_first: term -> term list -> term list val find_first_t: term list -> term -> term list -> term list val mk_eq: term * term -> term val mk_sum: typ -> term list -> term val norm_ss: simpset val norm_tac: Proof.context -> tactic val simplify_meta_eq: Proof.context -> thm -> thm -> thm val trans_tac: Proof.context -> thm option -> tactic end structure Eq_Ennreal_Cancel: sig val proc: Proof.context -> term -> thm option end structure Le_Ennreal_Cancel: sig val proc: Proof.context -> term -> thm option end structure Less_Ennreal_Cancel: sig val proc: Proof.context -> term -> thm option end ### theory "HOL-Analysis.Elementary_Normed_Spaces" ### 1.560s elapsed time, 9.380s cpu time, 0.484s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.Topology_Euclidean_Space" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Convex_Euclidean_Space") instantiation ennreal :: linear_continuum_topology open_ennreal == open :: ennreal set \ bool ### theory "HOL-Library.Extended_Nonnegative_Real" ### 1.851s elapsed time, 11.108s cpu time, 1.004s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.Sigma_Algebra" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Ball_Volume" via "HOL-Analysis.Gamma_Function" via "HOL-Analysis.Equivalence_Lebesgue_Henstock_Integration" via "HOL-Analysis.Lebesgue_Measure" via "HOL-Analysis.Finite_Product_Measure" via "HOL-Analysis.Binary_Product_Measure" via "HOL-Analysis.Nonnegative_Lebesgue_Integration" via "HOL-Analysis.Measure_Space" via "HOL-Analysis.Measurable") ### Ignoring duplicate rewrite rule: ### f (0::'a) \ 0::'b ### Ignoring duplicate rewrite rule: ### f (0::'a) \ 0::'b locale subset_class fixes \ :: "'a set" and M :: "'a set set" assumes "subset_class \ M" locale semiring_of_sets fixes \ :: "'a set" and M :: "'a set set" assumes "semiring_of_sets \ M" locale ring_of_sets fixes \ :: "'a set" and M :: "'a set set" assumes "ring_of_sets \ M" locale algebra fixes \ :: "'a set" and M :: "'a set set" assumes "algebra \ M" locale sigma_algebra fixes \ :: "'a set" and M :: "'a set set" assumes "sigma_algebra \ M" Proofs for inductive predicate(s) "sigma_setsp" Proving monotonicity ... Proving the introduction rules ... Proving the elimination rules ... Proving the induction rule ... Proving the simplification rules ... Proofs for inductive predicate(s) "smallest_ccdi_setsp" Proving monotonicity ... Proving the introduction rules ... Proving the elimination rules ... Proving the induction rule ... Proving the simplification rules ... ### theory "HOL-Computational_Algebra.Factorial_Ring" ### 10.183s elapsed time, 58.984s cpu time, 9.488s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Computational_Algebra.Euclidean_Algorithm" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Jordan_Curve" via "HOL-Analysis.Arcwise_Connected" via "HOL-Computational_Algebra.Primes") locale Dynkin_system fixes \ :: "'a set" and M :: "'a set set" assumes "Dynkin_system \ M" ### theory "HOL-Analysis.Topology_Euclidean_Space" ### 2.470s elapsed time, 14.860s cpu time, 1.060s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.Convex_Euclidean_Space" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis") Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.Extended_Real_Limits" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Derivative" via "HOL-Analysis.Bounded_Linear_Function" via "HOL-Analysis.Uniform_Limit" via "HOL-Analysis.Summation_Tests") Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.Line_Segment" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis") Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.Tagged_Division" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Ball_Volume" via "HOL-Analysis.Gamma_Function" via "HOL-Analysis.Equivalence_Lebesgue_Henstock_Integration" via "HOL-Analysis.Henstock_Kurzweil_Integration") ### theory "HOL-Analysis.Sigma_Algebra" ### 2.544s elapsed time, 15.272s cpu time, 1.264s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.Measurable" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Ball_Volume" via "HOL-Analysis.Gamma_Function" via "HOL-Analysis.Equivalence_Lebesgue_Henstock_Integration" via "HOL-Analysis.Lebesgue_Measure" via "HOL-Analysis.Finite_Product_Measure" via "HOL-Analysis.Binary_Product_Measure" via "HOL-Analysis.Nonnegative_Lebesgue_Integration" via "HOL-Analysis.Measure_Space") signature MEASURABLE = sig val add_del_cong_thm: bool -> thm -> Context.generic -> Context.generic val add_local_cong: thm -> Proof.context -> Proof.context val add_preprocessor: string -> preprocessor -> Context.generic -> Context.generic val cong_thm_attr: attribute context_parser val del_preprocessor: string -> Context.generic -> Context.generic val dest_thm_attr: attribute context_parser val get_all: Context.generic -> thm list val get_cong: Context.generic -> thm list val get_dest: Context.generic -> thm list datatype level = Concrete | Generic val measurable_tac: Proof.context -> thm list -> tactic val measurable_thm_attr: bool * (bool * level) -> attribute val prepare_facts: Proof.context -> thm list -> thm list * Proof.context type preprocessor = thm -> Proof.context -> thm list * Proof.context val simproc: Proof.context -> cterm -> thm option end structure Measurable: MEASURABLE ### theory "HOL-Analysis.Convex_Euclidean_Space" ### 1.263s elapsed time, 7.560s cpu time, 0.724s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.Ordered_Euclidean_Space" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Ball_Volume" via "HOL-Analysis.Gamma_Function" via "HOL-Analysis.Equivalence_Lebesgue_Henstock_Integration" via "HOL-Analysis.Lebesgue_Measure" via "HOL-Analysis.Finite_Product_Measure" via "HOL-Analysis.Binary_Product_Measure" via "HOL-Analysis.Nonnegative_Lebesgue_Integration" via "HOL-Analysis.Borel_Space") ### theory "HOL-Analysis.Extended_Real_Limits" ### 1.245s elapsed time, 7.452s cpu time, 0.724s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.Summation_Tests" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Derivative" via "HOL-Analysis.Bounded_Linear_Function" via "HOL-Analysis.Uniform_Limit") ### theory "HOL-Analysis.Line_Segment" ### 1.217s elapsed time, 7.288s cpu time, 0.724s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.Starlike" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Weierstrass_Theorems" via "HOL-Analysis.Path_Connected") ### theory "HOL-Analysis.Measurable" ### 0.602s elapsed time, 3.632s cpu time, 0.000s GC time Loading theory "HOL-Analysis.Measure_Space" (required by "HOL-Analysis.Analysis" via "HOL-Analysis.Ball_Volume" via "HOL-Analysis.Gamma_Function" via "HOL-Analysis.Equivalence_Lebesgue_Henstock_Integration" via "HOL-Analysis.Lebesgue_Measure" via "HOL-Analysis.Finite_Product_Measure" via "HOL-Analysis.Binary_Product_Measure" via "HOL-Analysis.Nonnegative_Lebesgue_Integration") locale operative fixes f :: "'a \ 'a \ 'a" (infixl \\<^bold>*\ 70) and z :: "'a" (\\<^bold>1\) and g :: "'b set \ 'a" assumes "operative (\<^bold>*) \<^bold>1 g" locale operative_real fixes f :: "'a \ 'a \ 'a" (infixl \\<^bold>*\ 70) and z :: "'a" (\\<^bold>1\) and g :: "real set \ 'a" assumes "operative_real (\<^bold>*) \<^bold>1 g" ### theory "HOL-Analysis.Tagged_Division" ### 2.705s elapsed time, 14.088s cpu time, 7.548s GC time *** Interrupt