Finite Machine Word Library


Title: Finite Machine Word Library
Authors: Joel Beeren, Matthew Fernandez, Xin Gao, Gerwin Klein, Rafal Kolanski, Japheth Lim, Corey Lewis, Daniel Matichuk and Thomas Sewell
Submission date: 2016-06-09
Abstract: This entry contains an extension to the Isabelle library for fixed-width machine words. In particular, the entry adds quickcheck setup for words, printing as hexadecimals, additional operations, reasoning about alignment, signed words, enumerations of words, normalisation of word numerals, and an extensive library of properties about generic fixed-width words, as well as an instantiation of many of these to the commonly used 32 and 64-bit bases.
  author  = {Joel Beeren and Matthew Fernandez and Xin Gao and Gerwin Klein and Rafal Kolanski and Japheth Lim and Corey Lewis and Daniel Matichuk and Thomas Sewell},
  title   = {Finite Machine Word Library},
  journal = {Archive of Formal Proofs},
  month   = jun,
  year    = 2016,
  note    = {\url{},
            Formal proof development},
  ISSN    = {2150-914x},
License: BSD License
Used by: Complx, IEEE_Floating_Point, IP_Addresses